
Page 40 Business Review | December 2018


AI poised to reshape our apps – and our societies Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the word on every techie’s lips these days. Experts say there are no apps in the making that are not likely to use AI in one way or another. It is a broad use of the term meant to show that we are giving more control to machines to do what humans are not equipped to.


By Aurel Dragan

AI will still be part of companies’ recruitment process


evolution 4.0 is developing before

machines to become intelligent is knowledge,

rating candidates for software developer jobs

our eyes. And we are getting used to

which means that that we must provide this

and other technical posts in a gender-neutral

it without really noticing. If we look

to the program. Of course, what we feed the

way. That was because the computer model

back we can see how we got used to terms like

machine with is very important. “If we put

was based on observing patterns in resumes

cloud, software-as-a-services, platform-as-a-

garbage in, then we get garbage out. If we put

submitted over a 10-year period, most of

service, big data, internet of things. It is now

intelligence in, then we will get intelligence

which came from men, so the system taught

time to accept AI as a normal thing even if the

out,” says Marian Popa, CEO of DB Global

itself that male candidates were preferable

way we use it might not be the right one.

Technologies Romania.

and penalized resumes that included words

AI covers a whole area of computer science

A good example of the limitations of AI

like “women”, including colleges with women in the name.

that emphasizes the creation of intelligent

is Amazon’s automatization of its recruit-

machines. Among the first uses of AI were in

ment process. Officials at the online retailer, a

speech recognition, learning, planning and

company whose success is based on automa-

banded the team, but it shows the limitations

problem solving. It went on to perception,

tization, wanted to find the perfect machine

of the machine’s learning process. AI will still

reasoning and the ability to manipulate and

to review 100 resumes and pick out the top

be part of companies’ recruitment process,

move objects. The most important thing for

five. But they found that the software was not

and, in the future, it will become more and

Amazon closed the program and dis-

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