Navigating in a World of Imbalance: Business for Peace Summit 2019 Report

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Navigating in a World of Imbalance Business for Peace Summit Report 2019


14 ­­­—— 15 MAY

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Zainab Hussain Siddiqui, Director of Sustainability, Telenor Group at the 2019 Summit  


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Introduction The global challenges that the world faces today require collaborative solutions from all members of society. At Business for Peace, we support businessworthy leaders who ethically and responsibly create value for both business and society, in line with the Sustainable Development Goal agenda. The world needs these bold leaders, who are redefining the purpose of the private sector and seeking to improve society. We live in an imbalanced world. New challenges are arising at an unprecedented pace. The Business for Peace Summit 2019 explored different dimensions of global imbalances, including the roles that technology and investment can play, all with the objective to identify tangible actions for business leaders to find pathways for more inclusive and sustainable growth. The Summit brought together experts from finance, technology, human rights, media,

futurism, diplomacy, the United Nations and more to have cross-sector conversations. The result was a deeper understanding of the challenges involved in driving an inclusive and prosperous future for all, as well as what actions business leaders, investors and consumers can take. This report summarises key findings, insights and suggestions for action. We hope you will see that while we face unprecedented challenges, we also face a world of opportunities. The Sustainable Development Goals provide a remarkable global consensus and framework to transition to a better future. Not only is achieving these goals the right thing to do ethically, it also has an economic upside of at least USD 12 trillion by 2030 for the private sector. This report aims to increase understanding about our current situation and the opportunities and challenges in the path forward.

The Business for Peace Foundation Team

About us The Business for Peace Foundation is an international foundation based in Oslo that aims to support, inspire and recognise global business leaders who are positively changing the face of business. At the centre of the Foundation’s activities is the annual Oslo Business for Peace Award, conferred to exceptional individuals who exemplify the Foundation’s concept of being businessworthy: ethically and responsibly creating value both for business and society. @businessworthy #BfPSummit


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Per L Saxegaard, Founder and Executive Chair, Business for Peace Foundation, at the 2019 Business for Peace Award Ceremony 

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

A new balance between values and profit

“Business creates value, but what we want to do now is to change the norm so that in the process of value creation, business leaders think: what is the value that we can create for society and for the environment?� Ilian Mihov, Professor of Economics and Dean, INSEAD


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Sustainability used to be the responsibility of Corporate Social Responsibility departments only, but that is no longer the case. Today, an increasing number of companies are integrating sustainability into their values, missions, operations and strategy. Both businesses and societies win by making sustainability an integral aspect of corporate DNA. While some companies have become champions of sustainability, most businesses have yet to recognise the potential to prosper by doing good.

Redefining value One of the most important actions businesses and investors can take to reduce imbalances is to shift their priorities to focus on broader value creation, not just for shareholders, but also for society. With growing inequalities, the pending climate crisis and new technological frontiers, creating societal value must drive decision-making in finance, business and politics. By optimising societal value instead of only financial returns, businesses deliver on their responsibility to society and also profit.

“We need to shift the focus of investors and businesses away from short-term results and towards creating long-term value for society.� Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

“Business engagment to achieve the 2030 Agenda is vital. Promoting inclusive and sustainable business models can also be profitable.” Achim Steiner, Administrator, UNDP

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a framework that exists for working together to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. These goals, which were endorsed by 193 United Nations Member States in 2015, provide a remarkable global consensus and roadmap to transition to a better future. The SDG are made up of 17 goals that address global challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation, prosperity, and peace and justice.

Businesses as catalysts Businesses have an essential role to play in achieving the SDGs, but traditional incentives for businesses and investors are not well aligned with the Goals, making it difficult for organisations to prioritise sustainable practices. However, investors have incredible power to bring about change. By maximising returns for both shareholders and society, investors are able to redefine what valve means to the industry. Wide-scale systemic change is required for this shift to get traction, but it starts when organisations recognise and begin to act on their responsibility to minimise imbalances in today’s world. Another catalyst for change is the establishment of a shared, industry-wide set of standards for sustainable investing, which steers the majority of investments towards companies doing good. The new SDG Impact initative aims to do just that. To learn about the SDG Impact Initiative see pages 27-30.


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Measuring success by putting society first Businesses have often been seen as significant contributors to the imbalances in today’s world. While businesses can be part of the problem, they can also be a prominent part of the solution. Businesses need to play a role in creating a balanced world, but in order to do so there is a need to move away from traditional thinking about success as being purely financial. Conventional benchmarks of success are tied to financial gains, growth and monetary returns for shareholders. However, in order to counter today’s imbalances, businesses need to view success beyond just these measures. Success must be redefined to include assessments of how businesses positively influence their peers, how they are able to bring forth more sustainable practices in their industry and how they benefit the societies in which they operate. Prioritising societal well-being requires a collaborative effort across sectors and key stakeholders. The responsibility also lies with governments, which should favour SDG-aligned measures of success that focus more on humanity.

“Look at your business as a reflection of society. Find the initiatives that suit your business.” Emilie Anker Stordalen, Board Member, Stordalen Foundation, and Project Manager, eberry

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Business Example

Dilmah Tea puts people first

Merrill Joseph Fernando founded Dilmah Tea with the goal of bringing quality, authenticity and ethics back to tea. Seeing how the colonial system impacted countries around the world, he wanted to create his own brand of tea through which the producing country and labourers would receive profits from the industry. Now, Dilmah Tea products are sold in over 100 countries and the company continues to focus on building up its local communities. Dilmah actively seeks out and invests in small entrepreneurs in local markets to help support economic stability. The initiative has supported over 600 entrepreneurs and uplifted the lives of countless plantation workers. The company also has a strong focus on supporting education for employee’s family members, and ten percent of the company’s pre-tax profit is used to fund the work of Fernando’s MJF Charitable Foundation. In addition, Dilmah achieved their goal of being carbon neutral by 2017. Merrill Joseph Fernando is a 2015 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Merrill Joseph Fernando with his two sons, Dilhan (left) and Malik (right) at the Dean’s House, University of Oslo.

Anders Dahlvig, Chairman, Inter IKEA Group and 2009 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Business Example

Ikea’s long-term perspective

Ikea started its journey to becoming a USD 45 billion global company by embracing a simple notion - putting people first. Ikea’s focus on local communities begins with their unique long-term perspective on market strategy and growth: Ikea operates with a 50-year perspective when evaluating returns on investment and they have often chosen to enter underserved markets in developing countries. The vision at the core of the company is to create a better everyday life for normal people. While traditional retailers often look for ways to increase their margins, Ikea’s starting point was different. They developed an enduring business model, focusing on volumes, which aimed to reduce profit margins on furniture prices so they could pass these savings on to the customer. Their focus on people also extends to their market strategy. Ikea has a pattern of entering markets where they can help restore economic stability in the community as well as working closely with citizens to help create better solutions for their everyday lives.

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Diversity as an asset A multitude of new opportunities arise when companies embrace diversity. Innovation often burgeons from seeing things from a new perspective, from letting go of preconceived notions and thinking differently. Thus, it is important for businesses to actively cultivate a diverse working environment. 80% of young people list diversity as an important criteria for a future workplace. Companies need to value diversity in their workforce as an asset and take proactive steps to make their organisations as diverse as the communities around them. With increasing job automation, human creativity will become even more of a workforce differentiator, and companies with diversity of thought and experience will flourish.

Power of the consumer Consumers have extraordinary power to change the behaviour of businesses through their purchasing decisions, and they have a similar obligation to act in an ethical and sustainable manner. Consumers have a responsibility to carry out due diligence on the products they consume and make choices that are viable for long-term sustainability. Companies need to empower consumers to make these informed decisions by providing information about supply chain management and environmental processes. End-users can contribute to reducing imbalances by choosing to support companies and products that help society move towards the SDGs. By creating a surge in the market for sustainable goods, consumers are able to pressure industries to normalise sustainable business practices. These days, 66% of consumers are willing to pay more for socially conscious goods, which is a good business case for prioritising ethical and transparent supply chains and processes.


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“Everyone in this room is a leader. You set the culture, you create the context, you set the environment in which diverse populations can thrive - or not.� Mary Meaney, Senior Partner, Paris, McKinsey & Company

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Business Example

slavefreetrade creates transparency for consumers slavefreetrade are building an app to increase transparency in complex supply chains to help consumers and suppliers make informed purchasing decisions. The platform allows consumers to track a product through the entirety of its supply chain, allowing them to make educated decisions about what they purchase. On the supplier side, the app is able to bring all supply chain parties together in a single programme to stimulate knowledgesharing and reward ethical practices.


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“Today, 14 million people are currently in some form of modern slavery.� Brian Iselin, Founder, slavefreetrade

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Reducing imbalances requires coordinated systemic change To reduce imbalances globally we will require systemic changes across borders and sectors. A key challenge today is bridging the disconnect between leaders who set sustainability goals and line managers who are often obliged to deliver short-term profits. Leaders are in a position to be champions of sustainability and should actively work to ensure that these goals are valued and prioritised at every level of the organisation. Systemic change requires action beyond business, though. Business leaders should engage governments to agree on a set of values which can govern both public and private sectors alike to create a more balanced society. Academics, workers, consumers and NGOs all need to be part of the solution too for systemic change to occur.

“There is a need to focus on the whole system and a need to stimulate many things at once in order to bring about systemic change.� Steve Killea, Founder and Executive Chairman, Institute for Economics and Peace


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“The ability of business to bring together a coalition amongst academia, amongst government, is absolutely irreplaceable.” Merrill Joseph Fernando, Founder, Dilmah Tea and 2015 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree

01/ Collaborating to tackle imbalances No one group can create a balanced society alone. Collaboration within and across stakeholder groups is needed to make large strides towards this goal. Leaders must actively engage their peers in other arenas to develop effective strategies for collaboration towards the SDGs. Businesses need to govern themselves through precompetitive collaboration, but they also need to work with governments to establish incentives for companies to work towards reducing imbalances.

02/ Establishing a new social contract In order to discourage unsustainable practices, the rules of the game need to be updated to reflect current challenges. The social contract — the unofficial agreement shared by everyone in a society that prescribes individuals’ rights and duties to maintain peace and safety — that has governed many societies since the two World Wars is being challenged. There is a need to instigate a new set of shared standards to fight imbalances in trade and business. While policy takes time to settle, companies can take the lead and begin by setting internal standards for sustainable business practices that they abide by, regardless of where they operate. Standardised regulations governing technology should be established globally. The new social contract needs to protect people, businesses and the environment from unjust and unethical actions. Companies and governments alike could leverage the SDG framework as a tool to develop this new policy.

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

03/ Changing cultures The status-quo needs to change in order to tackle imbalances, but changing cultures and deep-seated views or habits is not easy. Business leaders have the opportunity to influence the mindset and perspectives of an organisation. In order for initiatives that support the SDGs to succeed, the whole organisation needs to support the same goals. Leaders need to set concrete goals that can then be broken down into initiatives and actions for every level of the business. Business leaders can influence their peers too, and sometimes setting a good example is enough. They also need to listen; culture changes can also start from the ground-up. For systemic cultural change to occur, many stakeholders need to come together to reinforce sustainable behaviour and values. Governments need to partner with academic institutions, businesses, NGOs and investors to develop a coordinated strategy to educate and change individual actions, and lead by example.

“One thing businesses can do to reduce imbalances is that they can build human rights principles into every level, not only of the supply chain, but of product design, marketing and governance.� Nic Dawes, Managing Director (Acting) and Deputy Executive Director for Media, Human Rights Watch


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

How a businessworthy leader set a path for change “When I was in Gaza for the first time, I met one of our female civil engineers, Salwa Nasser, who said to me: ‘Alice, you’re in a really privileged position. You are working in a lot of conflictaffected countries where women don’t have the same equal rights as men, and you can really make a difference.’ So I went away and in 2017 we launched our Female First initiative, which looks at creating job opportunities for women in conflictaffected countries and has a goal of having 30% of all our project-related roles being represented by women by 2030. This was really the start of our steps towards gender equality. It’s amazing how that’s engaged my team, both in the countries we work in and in our headquarters, to actually create gender equality everywhere that we work. “At CTG we talk a lot about the ripple effect. That was part of our motivation behind our Female First and CTG Giving initiatives and why we are taking the Sustainable Development Goal Agenda as such a priority. We can all contribute to the future, and you can all be part of this ripple effect, you just need to start.” Alice Laugher, CEO, CTG and 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Companies can transform systemic risks into business opportunities  Inequalities hinder business, and businesses should have a keen interest to reduce them. Today’s shortcomings provide businesses with a multitude of alternatives for developing sustainable solutions to fight imbalances and to prosper while doing so. The estimated costs associated with implementing the SDGs are USD 12 trillion. This also means USD 12 trillion worth of new business opportunities. It is up to today’s leaders to determine how their organisations can seize a piece of this pie.

“Inequalities are a risk to both societies and to businesses.” Zainab Hussain Siddiqui, Director of Sustainability, Telenor Group

Countries with greater levels of peace also have higher GDPs Countries high in peace have 2% higher GDP growth rates Countries high in peace have an average currency appreciation of 2% per year, while countries that lack peace are in decline The average inflation is 3% for countries with positive peace, but 20% for countries low in peace As presented by Steve Killelea, Founder and Executive Chairman, Institute for Economics and Peace


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“The world today is three times richer than it was 20 years ago, yet more people are hungry.”

Inaction only exacerbates imbalances Today’s status quo is in need of transformation. Environmental degradation is worse than ever before, income gaps are staggering, governments are turning increasingly inwards and trust in businesses are in steep decline. These and many other imbalances will only intensify in the face of inaction. There is a need for everyone from individuals to corporations to take measures to counter these growing rifts in society.

Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation



of the workforce work in an informal environment

cannot live on their country’s minimum wage

74% of workers have inadequate or no social protection Statistics as presented by Sharan Burrow

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

“We cannot maintain business as usual. The imbalances today are going to intensify in the face of inaction.� Hazami Barmada, Founder and CEO, Humanity Lab Foundation


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

65.5 million refugees globally


8 million metric tonnes of plastic in the ocean

1 in 10

of the natural disasters happening today are due to climate change

young people trust their governments

6% of young people trust corporations

29,000 children under the age of 5 die every day due to preventable causes

Statistics as presented by Hazami Barmada


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Business Example

Chobani Doing more than just yoghurt Hamdi Ulukaya founded Chobani with ethical business practices and care for society at its core. Chobani has over 2,000 employees in the United States, 30 percent of which are legally resettled immigrants and refugees. Ulukaya has created a corporate culture in which everyone is welcome and has an opportunity to thrive, offering innovative profit-sharing and parental leave programmes. The company provides transportation and language classes to employees who need them too. Chobani has all of these communityfocused initiatives and the number one Greek yoghurt in America.

“This new way of doing business – where companies focus on people and not just profits, try to make the world a little bit better – should be at the heart of every modern company.” Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder and CEO, Chobani and 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree

Spotlight SDG Impact Intitiative

Spotlight on: SDG Impact Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 is expected to require USD 5-7 trillion in total annual investment, with private sector investment playing an important role to supplement increased public expenditure. This requires a fundamental rethinking of global financial flows. Up until now there has not been a standardised or consistent approach to defining and measuring impact.

The SDG Impact initiative has been designed to help meet this challenge. It is a United Nations-led initiative launched in 2018 to enable private sector investment by providing investors and businesses with the clarity, insights and tools required to support and authenticate their contribution towards achieving the Goals. SDG Impact works to address investor needs across three broad areas covering the investment process: impact management, impact intelligence and impact facilitation. Business for Peace and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hosted a special Nordic Springboard event as part of the Summit to accelerate the United Nations’ SDG Impact initiative in the region. Achim Steiner, Administrator of UNDP, gathered with leading Nordic investment firms EQT, Summa Equity and LGT at the Business

ď Ś SDG Impact aims to catalyse up to USD 1 trillion annually in private sector investment to achieve the SGDs. These efforts would contribute towards helping create some USD 12 trillion per year in economic opportunities and 380 million new jobs. Estimates from the Business Commission on Sustainable Development based on possible outcomes from investing


Spotlight SDG Impact Intitiative

“Business can be and must be a force for peace, prosperity and opportunity for all.” John Denton, Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce

for Peace Summit to call for all global capital flows to advance the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda.

Nordic institutional investors are widely regarded as world-leading in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and impact investment, with much influence globally. EQT, Summa Equity and LGT have taken a lead in the Nordic region on developing the initiative. CEO Christian Sinding of EQT, Chair Anna Ryott and CEO Reynir Indahl of Summa Equity spoke about why they support the initiative. They were joined by CEO Sverre Thornes of KLP and CEO Jan Erik Saugestad of Storebrand Asset Management in a panel discussion.

“We all know that achieving the SDGs will create a world that is more sustainable, equitable and ultimately more prosperous. In order to get there, investors must adapt and transform their strategies to deliver not only financial results, but social and environmental ones as well.” Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme

Spotlight SDG Impact Intitiative

“Sustainability is, and has always been, a central part of EQT. Through our involvement in this new SDG Impact initiative, EQT will be able to influence the way that SDG-alignment is measured and develop our own impact approach further. For EQT, the initiative is particularly exciting, as we are taking a stronger position on climate change and thematic investing in solutions with positive societal impact,” says Christian Sinding, CEO, EQT.

Fiona Reynolds, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment, Ole Lund Hansen, Chief of Global Operations, United Nations Global Compact, and John Denton, Secretary-General, International Chamber of Commerce, joined Achim Steiner, to launch the Nordic Springboard

“None of us can say that we have solved this problem yet. We’re still in a phase of experimentation and innovation, and we need all the ideas and initiatives that can focus on this.” Ole Lund Hansen, Chief of Global Operations, United Nations Global Compact


Spotlight SDG Impact Intitiative

“Summa Equity was amongst the first private equity firms to commit to the SDGs, aligning our investment and value creation strategy with the SDG framework. We are proud to be part of the SDG Impact initiative and challenge the whole private equity community to invest in the SDGs. It helps companies show stronger growth and returns, while having lower risk,” says Anna Ryott (pictured right), Chair of the Board, Summa Equity. A global SDG Impact event will take place in Stockholm in 2020. Learn more about SDG Impact and how your company can help achieve the Goals at

“It’s about providing our signatories with the tools to be able to create a more sustainable world for all by helping responsible investors work in sustainable markets.” Fiona Reynolds, CEO, Principles for Responsible Investment

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Establishing stronger governance for tech

“We need to actively invest in technology that will help us solve the world’s problems.� Shelley McKinley, General Manager, Technology and Corperate Responsibility, Microsoft

Technology has always been a monumental enabler - one that has immense power to radically change the way we live. The benefits of technology have led society to develop it at such an accelerated pace that we overlooked some of the consequences this innovation could have for society as a whole. As much as technology can create inequality, it can also be a key driver in reducing imbalances. Going forward, a normative framework needs to be implemented to ensure that technology will not infringe on many individual rights. While the majority of tech companies are developing internal principles focused on fairness, accountability and security, there is also a need for policy measures that can ensure a standardised level of protection for both individuals and businesses. There is a need to encourage businesses to go beyond compliance and actively put their users first. Finally, governments need to step up and demand greater transparency from businesses keeping and using personal information.


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“We have very binary thinking, it’s either consent or no consent, but all the interesting questions are in the grey area inbetween. The fundamental question is: is this company using my data for me or against me?” Tim O’Reilly, Founder, CEO and Chairman, O’Reilly Media

Businesses need a way to monitor and measure current imbalances so they are able to track their progress and impact. A key challenge in measuring imbalances is to keep the momentum; businesses need to find a way to keep people energised and focused on these goals. A potential solution is to develop concrete goals for all levels of the organisation, and these need to be broken down into manageable initiatives for individuals and teams.

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Using technology to reduce imbalances



Telenor leverages technology for birth registry

Microsoft supports the SDGs through AI

Telenor partnered with the government in Pakistan to launch a digital birth registration project which leveraged mobile technology to create birth certificates for children in rural areas. Only 33% of children in Pakistan are registered at birth as it is difficult for many families to reach a hospital or a clinic to do so. By leveraging smartphone technology, Telenor was able to actively register more than 74,000 children in rural communities.

Microsoft has launched a suite of programmes called “AI for Good” which uses artificial intelligence to support the SDGs. AI for Earth, a programme in this portfolio, awards grants to projects led by experts in the field using AI in four critical areas that are vital for building a sustainable future: climate, agriculture, biodiversity and water conservation. Another programme in the suite is “AI for Accessibility”, a programme which provides innovative solutions to ensure inclusiveness for people with disabilities in our societies. Through this programme, Microsoft has developed an AI translator that can caption a conference in real time, as well as a “SeeingAI” app which is able to scan a room and tell visually impaired people its contents.

Zainab Hussain Siddiqui, Director of Sustainability, Telenor Group and Ilian Mihov, Professor of Economics and Dean, INSEAD

Shelley McKinley, General Manager, Technology and Corperate Responsibility, Microsoft


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

“The human algorithm is so sophisticated that it could benefit from being enhanced by external algorithms but how do we ensure that these algorithms are going to benefit us instead of harming us?”

03 CTG (Committed to Good) develops internal system to measure impact CTG have developed a very robust measurement strategy with key initiatives and activities to support each initiative. When it comes to measuring impact, everyone in the organisation has an obligation to report on their activities individually, and this helps keep their goals in focus. The decision to invest in and implement the impactmeasuring system was aligned with the company’s strategy, and the reports on their different initiatives allows them to discern which activities were the most impactful.

Carlos Creus Moreira, Co-Founder, CEO and Chariman, WISeKey

Alice Laugher, CEO, CTG and 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

The Oslo Business for Peace Award

Ouided Bouchamoui, Joan Litumbe (representing Agbor Ashumanyi Ako), Alice Laugher and Hamdi Ulukaya at the 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Ceremony


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

The mission of the Business for Peace Foundation is to support, inspire and recognise the global business leaders who are positively changing the face of business. The Summit facilitates timely conversations on the practical actions needed in order for the private sector to make these substantial and sustainable business contributions to society. The cornerstone of the Foundation’s work is recognising the foremost examples of businessworthy leadership through the annual Oslo Business for Peace Award. The Award is presented annually to businesspersons who are applying their business energy ethically and responsibly with the purpose of creating economic value as well as value for society. Their actions, promoting the interdependent relationship between business and peace, serve as a model for the way forward.

“The Honourees’ success shows how businesses can and should be concerned with social matters, and create value not only for shareholders, but for society as a whole.” Ouided Bouchamaoui (pictured left), President of The Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015, and 2014 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honouree @businessworthy #BfPSummit

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Award Committee Award Honourees are selected by an independent Award Committee consisting of Nobel Peace Prize laureates and laureates of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The Award Committee selects the Honourees following a global, bottomup nomination process by the networks of Business for Peace’s global partners: the International Chamber of Commerce, United Nations Global Compact, United Nations Development Programme and Principles for Responsible Investment.

Eric S. Maskin USA

Finn Kydland Norway

The committee evaluates the nominees on the criteria of being a role model to society and their peers, having earned trust by stakeholders, and standing out as an advocate. Leymah Gbowee Liberia

Ouided Bouchamaoui Tunisia


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award Honourees

Agbor Ashumanyi Ako (Cameroon) Medical Director and Co-Founder of GiftedMom

Agbor Ashumanyi Ako is the Medical Director and Co-Founder of GiftedMom, a digital health platform based in Cameroon that gives pregnant women and mothers access to vital health information and care. As a digital-first platform, GiftedMom is able to expand faster than traditional health care systems and the start-up aims to reach 10 million women in Africa in the next 10 years. Started by Alain Nteff and Doctor Tankou Conrad in 2012, the platform now has over 170,000 users. The award-winning app has significantly improved both pregnancy check-up attendance and vaccination turnouts, with an ultimate goal to see a world free of preventable maternal and infant deaths.

“I believe that prevention is key in our health sector - and it is an area that has been well neglected.�

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

Alice Laugher (United Kingdom) CEO of Committed to Good (CTG)

Alice Laugher is the CEO of CTG, which provides employment and logistics services for development and relief programmes in fragile and conflictaffected countries. From running Ebola treatment clinics in Liberia to food distribution in Afghanistan and South Sudan to monitoring and assisting refugees in Libya and rebuilding government constitution in Somalia, the work of CTG is as diverse as our world’s issues. Laugher is a vocal advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, with a particular focus on gender equality. She is passionate about CTG being a force for good.

“Contributing to making the world a better place has to be as important, if not more so, than the bottom line.”


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Hamdi Ulukaya (Turkey) Founder and CEO of Chobani

Hamdi Ulukaya is the founder and CEO of Chobani, the company behind the number one Greek yoghurt in America. Today, Chobani has over 2,000 employees in the United States, 30% of which are legally resettled immigrants and refugees. Ulukaya has created a corporate culture in which everyone is welcome and has an opportunity to thrive, with innovative profitsharing and parental leave programmes. Ulukaya has also taken a leadership role in the global business community to encourage action from the private sector to tackle the global refugee crisis.

“As CEOs we don’t need to have more, we need to do more. When we see an injustice, we need to speak out. When we have tools and resources to solve problems, we have to use them.”

Navigating in a World of Imbalance Oslo, Norway

A look back: 10 years of the Oslo Business for Peace Award

7,000+ Participants at the Summit over the years

49 Honourees

10 years 34 Countries represented by Honourees

of Award Ceremonies at Oslo City Hall

240 + Speakers


Summit Report 2019 Oslo, Norway

Business for Peace Summit 2019

 Number of countries represented


Number of participants at the Conference


Gender distribution at the Conference

50/50 

Number of volunteers



Nationalities represented by volunteers


Countries represented by speakers


Languages spoken by volunteers


Industries represented by speakers


Age range of volunteers


Number of speakers

Nomination Partners

Core Partners

Business for Peace Summit 2019 Partners @businessworthy #businessworthy #BFPSummit All 2019 Summit photos by Johnny Vaet Nordskog This report was produced by Business for Peace Foundation in collaboration with Deloitte

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