Business Fit Magazine May 2021

Page 14

Mindset & Emotion

Calm Yourself

in Stressful Circumstances Instantly Mindfulness coach, Bhupinder Sandhu, provides our readers with a simple, but effective technique giving you instant calmness when faced with a stressful situation, enabling you to take back control over this emotion. “Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In this space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”. Victor Frankl There is a big lie we tell ourselves in times of stress. It makes us feel lost, scared and unloved, as if we are trapped and helplessly swept away by a storm. Our heads can fill with terrifying images, words and stories about the cause and who is to blame for our unwanted pain.


Sounds familiar? If so, you are not alone. You are normal. This is how humans react biologically to stress.

So, what’s the big lie?

The big lie is that we have no control over our response to stress. In fact, we do. Lots of control. I’ve fought harder in my fair share of tough times. I have experienced financial and employment problems, health problems and difficult relationships within family. But that’s not the worst. The worst part is that I grew up as a very sensitive person, internally reacting to almost anything that could be interpreted as negative. For the feelings above, I desperately sat at the bottom of the “feel them

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