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Bionworks Technologies

Bringing A Difference Into The World Of Healthcare Through AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare is projected to grow at an immense rate. AI can potentially improve healthcare by bringing up preventative medicine and new drug discovery. Integrating AI into the healthcare ecosystem has a huge set of advantages, including automating tasks and analyzing big patient data. This, in turn, results in delivering better and faster healthcare solutions, and at a lower cost. Indranil Roy | Business Connect


We bring you a story of Bionworks that’s bringing a difference into the world of healthcare through its digitally advanced systems. Founded in 2016 to help large secondary and tertiary care hospitals tackle efficiency and quality-related challenges and to bring better patient experience by leveraging digital technologies, today Bionworks is a big brand name for its revolutionary services.

UNDERSTANDING BIONWORKS Bionworks focuses on building AI-driven enterprise mobility software for healthcare providers helping them incrementally mobilize their healthcare workforce and improve efficiency and productivity without having to replace existing IT software. Bionworks is a business to an enterprise company that offers cutting edge mobility solutions for large healthcare providers

HEALTHPLUG Bionworks offers a product called Healthplug which is workflow-driven communication, collaboration, and care coordination mobility solution. Through its mobile EMR and patient engagement apps, Healthplug improves staff collaboration, transforms patient engagement and enables process automation in hospitals.

NETWORK OF CLIENTS The organization works for both the public and private sectors. Its solutions have been implemented in many geographies including the Middle East, India, South East Asia and the UK directly or through OEM partners. Some of their direct clients include Medanta Medicity, Artemis Hospitals, Emirates Speciality Hospital.

Chandrashekhar BC Chief Executive Officer

“Our solutions have been implemented in large public and private sector organizations in India and the Middle East through our partners. I subscribe to news feeds as well as make it a point to dedicate time every day to follow websites and key LinkedIn personalities for news articles. We also actively participate in well-known technology and healthcare events and engage leaders in the field of healthcare to understand and debate our next area(s) of R&D focus.”

Chandrashekhar, CEO - Bionworks

FUTURE PROSPECTS. The organization has been actively pursuing a growth strategy via OEM agreements with resellers and system integrators with complementary services and offerings.

We look forward to expanding into the US market in the next financial year as well as establish offices in Dubai and Singapore to service our OEM partners and customers in those regions.

MILESTONES AND ACHIEVEMENTS The solutions have helped customers win numerous awards in innovation and quality excellence in India and the middle east.

We are very proud of remaining bootstrapped yet being able to achieve over a million dollars in revenue by the 4th year of our operation. We owe this to our partners and our customers who have always trusted us to do what is best for them.

COPING WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGY. The team continues to experiment with new technology and advances in cloud computing and machine learning every day to learn and leverage them to solve problems for its clients.

We have always believed that R&D was fundamental to our mission to use digital technologies to solve problems in Healthcare. We have dedicated members of our team evaluating how latest advances such as machine learning, Internet of Things, blockchain storage, smart bots can be solutionized for customers as part of our product offering.

NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION The team of Bionworks found that integrating into a desktop or laptop-based electronic medical records into clinical workflows was a huge barrier for the digitization of healthcare and paper-based records could not be replaced. Bionworks set out to change this by bringing a comprehensive mobile-first enterprise solution to help hospitals leverage the ubiquitous smartphone ecosystem to drive clinical care delivery and their business processes. The CEO Story: Mr. Chandrashekhar BC, Chief Executive Officer talks about his journey

“The focus of my entire career has been healthcare information technology. I started my career as a software developer in 1996 with MEDICOM, one of the earliest trendsetters in this industry. Subsequently, I moved upwards to hold leadership positions with iSOFT as the head of software products, and then to Computer Sciences Corporation (now known as DXC) as the delivery head for healthcare IT solutions for the Asia and the Middle East region.

With the understanding that many more problems could be solved if we used technology in the right way, I founded Bionworks in 2016 to build software products to help healthcare enterprises agile and efficient.

Our challenges have been different at every step of our journey. Overcoming the deep-rooted fear of failure, finding the right team, the right customers, ensuring cash flow to keep the business afloat in times of uncertainties were a few challenges. We have been fortunate to have had the unflinching support of our customers including Medanta and Artemis Hospitals who have been an integral part of our journey in helping us ensure that we are solving the right problems.

Today I work with my partners to make decisions on our strategy daily, I drive business development efforts, I engage our customers to help solve their problems, I work with my delivery team on the ground to guide and streamline their plans, I work with my engineering team on making decisions and finally with potential investors and partners to ensure business and cash flow.”

FEW CENTS TO READERS AND FUTURE ENTREPRENEURS • Be passionate about your pursuit. Only then will you be able to keep yourself and others inspired and motivated especially when times are bleak. • Ensure that you market test your solution early to ensure that you are solving a real problem and be ever ready to change direction. • Relationships matter. Identify the right customers and partners early in your journey and give them the focus. • Avoid the valuation game early in your journey. Focus on building your business around the right set of ideas and valuation will follow. • Finally, take advice including the above but trust your instincts.

Private or public hospitals, startups, and healthcare professionals are learning novel methods to incorporate AI into the healthcare eco-system. This speed will continue to grow as the world dives deeper into digital health. As the world blends into this new age of digitalization, we hope to save many more lives and create happiness around.

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CoronaVirus Epidemic Symptoms, Preventions, and Saftey Precautions

About Coronaviruses (COVID-19) COVID-19 commonly known as Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to more severe respiratory diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV). Some of the diseases transmit easily from direct contact of person to person. COVID-19 is a new virus and an epidemic disease that has not been previously identified in humans and it has no proper vaccine scientifically.

This virus was initially detected in China, that it is a novel coronavirus (referred as a scientific term COVID-19) that is responsible for the outbreak of human pneumonia in Wuhan city in China. The Authorities in China and worldwide WHO team is conducting further investigations to get a better understand of where this disease came from, how it is spread and what are the clinical severity of illness in humans by this disease.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19? People who are targeted by this coronavirus COVID-19 may have little to no symptoms about this. People usually do not aware of the exact symptoms of this Virus because they may not know if they have those symptoms of COVID-19 as they are quite similar to a cold or flu.

These symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after the exposure to COVID-19 and they are spread via coughing and sneezing on direct contact.

Some of the common symptoms included: • Common Fever • Chest Pain • Chills • Rapid Heartbeat

• Headache • Sore Throat • Kidney Failure • Cough and Cold • Difficulty in breathing • Pneumonia in both of the lungs In severe cases of coronavirus, the infection to a person can lead to death because it is incurable but can be vaccinated to lower the cause.

What are the risks of getting corona COVID-19? The public health risk associated with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, is nither low or high for India and for Indians as they are the neighboring country. The estimated cases in India till date are three conformed cases and they are estimated to be lower.

India has not many direct flights from Wuhan city of China (which is the major city of virus) and the volume of travelers arriving indirectly from China is low in India. However, at this time, the Government of India and the Ministry of Health recommends that Indians avoid non-essential travel to China due to an outbreak of COVID-19.

It is also recommended that people avoid traveling to the province of China, including the major cities of: 1. Ezhou 2. Wuhan 3. Huanggang 4. Beijing 5. Shanghai 6. Hubei 7. Zhejiang 8. Guangdong

This recommendation to avoid these cities’ travel is because they have heavy travel restrictions by Chinese authorities to prevent the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.

Prevention and Safty tips for Coronavirus Epidemic Current evidence suggests person-to-person spread is efficient when there is close contact and it is most commonly spread through coughing and sneezing by an infected person. The WHO and other agencies of the world for health are continually reassessed as new information becomes available for the virus.

Right now, there is currently no vaccine available to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The best way to get prevented by this disease is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, it is always recommended that everyday preventive actions such as simple tips can help to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases and virus, including: • Always avoid close contact with people who are sick and part of this disease. • Simply avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth during the day. • Try to stay at home when you feel you are sick. • Do cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue paper and then throw the tissue away in the trash. • Make yourself clean and disinfected if you frequently touch some objects and use a regular household cleaning spray or wipe to get clean. • Do follow the recommendations of how to use a facemask for getting safe.

Facemasks for prevention should be used by people who show some symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others. The use of facemasks is also advisable for people of the city where the cases are crucial. It is also very important for health workers and people who are taking care of someone infected in close settings (at home or in a health care facility at the hospital).

Some precautions Some most basic precautions are to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least more than 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom and before eating. Keep yourself clear after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water condition is not readily available in some places, use a high alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% of alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty or you coughed or sneezed.