March/April 2021

Page 30


Ingredients of Socially Responsible Travel From Bursch Travel come these tips for helping make your next vacation special – not just for you, but for those you encounter. TIP 1 Before leaving home, learn as much as possible about the country you are visiting. While in-country, always keep these things in mind and respect important norms and values.


A Wonderful World Your road to success might be on another continent. By Kelti Lorence


eeing the world with your own eyes may be one of the best ways to change your capacity for impact and success. One could dare to suggest travel is a prerequisite for greatness. This isn’t to say you must expose yourself to foreign territory to reach your full potential. You can replicate the challenges of planning in advance, upholding time deadlines, and communicating across languages right in your


hometown. But there’s no substitute for the intangible rewards of stepping out of a car or airplane into new air, filled with the vibrations of an unknown town or city, as people who look different from you navigate their day. Getting out of your comfort zone and seeing new locations broadens your character and immeasurably impacts your perspective. Humans are designed to connect, which enables us to work cohesively and share the same planet.

BusinessCentral // M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 2 1

“I’ve always felt like travel helps us celebrate other people and cultures,” Lee Hurd said. Hurd is the chief operating officer of Bursch Travel Agency, headquartered in Waite Park. When we visit unfamiliar lands, we increase our own probability for happiness. “Any way to connect with people will make the world better,” Hurd said. This is partly because you become better. When faced with unexpected encounters and scenarios, you learn coping and management skills that

Support locally-owned businesses to ensure that the money you spend remains in the country you visit. This means staying in locally-owned lodging, eating in locally-owned restaurants, and using local guides and tour operators.

TIP 3 Ensure fair tips are paid to your guides and drivers. If tips are not included, ask what people generally give or what is fair.

TIP 4 Please be kind to the environment. Try to refrain from single-use plastic consumption including plastic straws near waterways, plastic cups in rooms and more. Many hotels are supporting the environment by washing sheets less often, turning the A/C off when you leave the room etc. Use reusable water bottles when you can.

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