Business Insight_april

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What Your Customers Want A

Always ask for market feedback. You may believe that your service is the best, but your clients will be happy to tell you honestly if this is not the case.

nticipating exactly what it is that your customers want is vital in business today. Not only will it lead to repeat business, but being one step ahead will ensure your survival, as getting to your customers first means that they will stay loyal to you, and not look elsewhere. So, how can you ensure you meet your customer’s needs? You could note down individual customers likes and needs (in fact, a well known department store’s UK arm records personal purchases so that husbands, partners and family buy the right presents whenever needed), but there are also more fundamental steps to take. Customer service is an integral part of business. They are your most vital asset as without them, your business would not survive. When you satisfy your customers, they’ll help you to grow and recommend you, so you immediately gain loyal customers with whom you already have the trust element. When you’re a start-up with few employees and customers, it’s easy to stay on top of what customers want and what they’re getting. However, as you add more customers and employees, you add links to the customer service chain, which not only creates the potential for growth, but also the potential for poor service. That’s why creating a customer service policy and adhering to it is so important. In order to do this there are a few points that you need to consider. Be the customer Ask yourself what the experience is like for the customer. Their needs might be unusual, recurring, or even just basic. The ‘anticipation’ of a customer’s needs is to ensure that you not only ask the right questions but also take note of all unspoken language; for example, body language and facial cues. This will help you to respond effectively.


April 2013

The best way to anticipate customer needs is to physically experience your products or services. What did you discover about them that you think would help your customers and why? Also, think about your own customer experiences. How do you like to be treated and helped?

“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary”

Sam Walton, Founder of WalMart

Don’t forget that your casual ‘bronze’ customers have a different set of requirements from your ‘gold’ clients. Your gold clients, for example, may be price orientated whereas your bronze clients may need you to fill a gap in their supply chain. Be aware and responsive to these different needs within your service. Listen to the actual request of your customers This is the easiest ‘want’. If an unusual need becomes a recurring need, and your operations are able to accommodate this customer, expect them and this experience to be your best advertisement ever. Be accommodating Always appear like you’re going above and beyond the call of duty for your client, even if you are unsure, reluctant or just feel a bit lazy. Don’t let your customers see this! Find polite and reassuring ways to let the customer know how you’ll meet their needs or, where appropriate, reasons why you can’t in this instance. By taking this approach your client may have a solution for you! Policy and procedure A policy and procedure that all staff can follow is equally important. Your staff should know just how important customer satisfaction is; and that it’s a directive from the top.

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