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BusinessExcellence Weekly ISSUE No. 80 |


More clean

barrels The face of the O&G industry is changing fast, and nowhere more so than in Colombia

bfl canada:

SEADOG Commercial Diving School:




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business excellence

Business John O’Hanlon Editor Will Daynes Editor Matt Johnson Art Director Louise Culling Production Designer Richard Turner Director of Sales

Business Excellence brings you content from leading business influencers and strategic thinkers providing inspiration and guidance to help you and your business grow. We showcase some of the best examples of successful organisations from around the world giving you a unique insight into how they operate.

Vince Kielty Director of Editorial Research Sharon Rooke Administration & Operations Matt Day Head of Technology Andy Turner Chief Executive

Contributors HINT: For the best experience, click the fullscreen icon

Stephen Archer Business Analyst & Director of Spring Partnerships Consultant Julie Shuttleworth General Manager of Fortescue’s Cloudbreak mine

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Infinity Business Media Ltd

The content of this magazine is copyright of Infinity Business Media Ltd. Redistribution or reproduction of any content is prohibited. © Copyright 2014 Infinity Business Media Ltd.

BE Weekly


issue No.80

6 economics

10 lessons from the great 21st century Recession


‘Great Recession’? Of course not greater than the Great War 100 years ago but let us not forget the lessons of this lesser skirmish since it arguably affected so many people.

10 executive insight

Julie Shuttleworth

General Manager of Fortescue’s Cloudbreak mine discusses her proudest achievements, her inspirations and the lessons she has learnt throughout her career.

14 Ecopetrol

More clean barrels

The face of the O&G industry is changing fast, and nowhere more so than in Colombia which is blessed with large resources both conventional and unconventional.

24 SEADOG Commercial Diving School

Reaching new depths of diver safety

14 4 | BE Weekly

Record numbers of students and professional divers are stabilising the company and helping it to focus more on the medical side of the business.


34 bfl canada


ore - and more ore

You don’t go into mining if you want to live a risk free life but effective risk identification and management are essential to survival.

44 Weatherly plc

The making of a copper company


Weatherly plc’s Tschudi open pit project producing pure copper cathodes on site in Namibia is the focus of its next stage of growth.

56 Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML ) Pellet perfection

Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML) is edging closer to the completion of a state-of-the-art open pit mining, concentrating and pelletizing plant within the best known region for iron ore in the United States.

70 DHL

The Logistics company for Africa

DHL is the logistics market leader across Africa supporting businesses large and small in their quest to participate in the continents destiny.

84 Port Everglades All part of the plan

A combination of world-class facilities and innovative leadership has made Port Everglades a powerhouse of international trade, travel and investment.

BE Directory


92 FRUTIGER Company AG worldwide customers

BE Weekly



10 lessons from the great 21st century Recession ‘Great Recession’? Of course not greater than the Great War 100 years ago but let us not forget the lessons of this lesser skirmish since it arguably affected so many people. It was (and still is) the greatest economic crisis since 1929 – the so-called Great Depression. So what are the lessons for businesses? Words by

Stephen Archer

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The seven year economic

1 cycle is a dead concept

It used to be the case and is supported by much evidence that economics tended to go in seven-year cycles: seven years climbing and seven years declining. We are now nearly six years on from Lehman’s collapse though the current recession dates back to a year before that when LIBOR rates spiked suggesting a collapse in confidence in bank debt amongst banks themselves. The interconnectivity of global markets and economies means that each economy is more likely to be affected by a global than domestic issue today. Warning signs may be around the globe, not around London, New York or Tokyo. We disregard warning signs at our peril, but warning signs are now far harder to discern.

The bankers and even the governors of our economies were once seen as heroes. Years of growth seemed unstoppable; a new paradigm of continuous growth became accepted wisdom. More scepticism would have been wise but the words of caution that did exist were shouted down and suppressed. Looking back now at the unfettered free market dogma of Greenspan and even Adair Turner now looks like terrifying folly – because it was. Those that created huge wealth and helped economies grow did so with insufficient rigor and doubt. Yes, doubt, it’s a good thing; the check on hubris.

We should embrace and

Though I may suggest naming recessions they will still be unreliably forecast just as weather forecasters so often fail. Economists of all hues lost huge credibility in the Great Recession. Few saw it coming and few predicted its course even after it started. This is a problem but for businesses the best hope is to focus on the economics and influences for the markets in which their industry operates. Each industry has own response to recessions. However, the global and macro economic factors cannot be forgotten.

2 even name recessions

Like the hurricanes that hit America we should name the recessions and connect better with them. This is not to say that we should wallow in them but this could I think help us avoid denial, increase understanding and reduce ignorance. We all suffer the consequences and can contribute to the recovery so let’s keep recessions top of mind and not allow politicians to exploit them for their own ends.

“We disregard warning signs at our peril, but warning signs are now far harder to discern” 8 |

Beware the heroes – they

3 too often fall like Icarus

BE Weekly

Beware the forecasters –

4 complexity is defeating them

We need to understand

5 the new global order

‘When China sneezes the US catches a cold and the rest of the world feels sniffly’. The global nature of capital flows and political impact is something to be concerned


about. We are not able to vote for people who may determine our economic destiny. Those in business, especially big business need to take greater political and economic responsibility and do so responsibly.

“In the Great Recession we saw debt ruin entire countries and severely damage their social fabric”

When it’s in the news

6 the horse has bolted

The signs of the last recession were clear for many months, even years before it hit home. The speed of such events may be alarming but the lag from cause to effect needs to be better understood and managed. This recession started not with the consumer but with banks. More could have been done to insulate the consumer and business in future. Understand why we

7 are doing well

When it all goes wrong in the economy or business there is always an inquest. Such rigorous examination is rarely to be seen when things are going well. Such are the seeds of complacency and ignorance and yet when things are going well we have the time and funds to really understand why and in so doing understand the risks to sustaining success. Look after the next

8 generation

Humans have the selfish (survival gene) but survival and decadence with decay are not behaviours separated by much. We tend to think of our children, as having to look to for themselves and to some extent this is correct and healthy. But we do not have to make it hard for them by ruining the resources that could

be available to them if we took more care. This applies to business too. Debt can be a bad

9 thing, VERY bad.

Debt for consumers and businesses can lead to ruin. In the Great Recession we saw debt ruin entire countries and severely damage their social fabric. (Iceland, Spain etc.) That debt in sovereign states is now even larger than it was in 2008 with little sign of reducing. Businesses depend on debt finance but have in recent years found it hard to get or undesirable to attain. The reality is that our thinking about debt wisdom needs careful clarification. The global debt model is broken but for businesses it’s repairable. Learn

10 There are some good books on the recession (e.g. Kenneth Rogoff) Read one or two of them. If nothing else you may come away trusting fewer people. That may not be such a bad thing.

About the author Stephen Archer, Business Analyst and director of UK business consultancy, Spring Partnerships

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Executive Insight

Julie Shuttleworth Julie Shuttleworth, General Manager of Fortescue’s Cloudbreak mine discusses her proudest achievements, her inspirations and the lessons she has learnt throughout her career Edited by

Will Daynes

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Nobody’s perfect. What quality or ability do you wish you had?

hiking, canyoning and have travelled to over 90 countries.

I wish I could sing in tune (and I am sure many other people wish that as well!).

Who or what do you think is overrated?

What is the best business book you have ever read, and why?

Beach holidays in Mauritius (especially when compared to Western Australian beaches!).

The Concise Communicator, by Clive Simpkins. It’s a small book, with great practical tips about communicating, presenting and public speaking. I did a training session with Clive when I was working in Africa and he has even stayed in touch since. Someone you would most like to have met, living or dead, and why? I would have most liked to have met my grandfather, who I never met as he passed away before I was born. Many people still talk about him and say how he was such a special person. I also think some of the scientists from a few hundred years ago would have been interesting to meet, whose formulas, findings and inventions we all learn about at school. What do you consider to be your major achievement (in life or business)? For me it’s that I’ve had a great career and a lot of fun at the same time. For example I regularly go scuba diving, mountain

What mistakes have you made (professional or otherwise), and what did you learn from them? Learning how to manage stress has been important for me; whilst on the outside I can appear calm and happy, on the inside I can be a whirlwind… resulting from putting lots of pressure on myself, trying to do too many things at once, going from one meeting to the next with no time to consolidate in between, working late, long hours (12 to 18 hours a day), eating too much cake and chocolate, not putting time aside for exercise, and not getting enough sleep. It’s not good to keep that up for too long! What have I learnt?..... • Delegate to others (don’t try and do everything yourself) – things might not get done as quickly as you want but you have to learn to live with that. • Make time to exercise regularly and eat healthy. I once saw a poster that said “Someone busier than you is running right now”.

“Delegate to others (don’t try and do everything yourself) – things might not get done as quickly as you want but you have to learn to live with that” 12 |

BE Weekly

Executive Insight

“It’s essential to spend time in the field every day with your team, getting to know and understand their jobs, discussing and improving safety, and ensuring you are approachable to the workforce” • W henever possible don’t pile meetings up one on top of each other (make time for myself during the day so I am not still working at 10pm). • I also have to take a step back and remove the self-induced pressure. Why am I stressing about it? Will this thing I am stressing about really matter in two weeks’ time, in two years’ time, in 20 years’ time? Which one piece of wisdom would you pass on to your successor? It’s essential to spend time in the field every day with your team, getting to know and understand their jobs, discussing and improving safety, and ensuring you are approachable to the workforce. Who has been your inspiration professionally? No one person has inspired me professionally. By observing styles of other leaders I learnt what does (and does not) work well. How would you like to be remembered after your retirement? As a positive competent leader in the mining industry, totally committed to safety, who was approachable, achieved

results for the business, who had a positive impact on careers of thousands of people, and who smiled lots. Do you have a quote or motto you live (or work) by? Two mottos: Smile lots! Go for it!

Coming soon: An in-depth look at Fortescue Metals Group and the Cloudbreak mine.

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More clean barrels The face of the O&G industry is changing fast, and nowhere more so than in Colombia which is blessed with large resources both conventional and unconventional

written by: John O’Hanlon research by: David Brogan 14 | be weekly


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he growth of Colombia’s oil in which Ecopetrol wants to lead the world. and gas industries is attention- But it doesn’t lose touch with reality: to be grabbing by any standards. As ‘clean’, the oil has to be viable. “Our aim recently as 2007 the country was is to have a 17 percent return on capital producing around 500 million employed,” says Guzmán. barrels of oil equivalent per day (boed) the And Ecopetrol is investing heavily, with first half of last year that figure topped a $75 billion to be committed in the period billion. Though there is an increasing number 2013 to 2020. 90 percent of this money of outside players involved, the lion’s share will be spent in Colombia itself, with the of this production boom has been achieved remainder being spent on exploration and by the largely government-owned petroleum production in three external territories, the business Ecopetrol, today one of the 25 largest USA’s Gulf of Mexico waters, Brazil and petroleum companies in the world. Peru – reflecting a new policy of expansion Ecopetrol’s figures closely mirror national overseas where appropriate. production, rising from Increased production nearly 400 mboed to around will come from three main 800 in the period from sources. The first of these January to September 2013. will be the existing fields, where there is a lot of scope “We have invested heavily in to increase recovery. “In one our legacy fields,” Ecopetrol’s way it is a blessing that we E&P Development VP Rafael Guzmán told us, “and we have seen a relatively low Boepd production have also developed new rate of recovery in many target for 2020 fields. Our plan for the future of these fields to date, is to continue that production because it presents us with growth. We have set two targets, one is to a big growth factor!” This is low hanging reach one billion barrels of oil equivalent per fruit for Ecopetrol since the reserves in the Llanos fields of the Meta department, as day in 2015 and 1.3 billion in 2020.” We’ll look in a moment at how this will well as the Mid-Magdalena Valley further be achieved, but first of all he stresses that north and Catatumbo near the Venezuelan this is no mad race to find and exploit the border are all amenable to well understood country’s reserves. These are to be ‘clean modern techniques of recovery optimisation barrels’. It’s a key objective of Ecopetrol to and enhancement including infill drilling, develop this concept – barrels that have been water and steam injection and other thermal produced without accident, injury, harm to recovery technologies. the environment or the community and with By revisiting its existing resources the goodwill of all stakeholders. It’s a new Ecopetrol has been able to revise its oil and concept in the industry; an ambitious one gas in place estimates upward by more than



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15 billion barrels of oil equivalent and at the similar type of oil.” Towards the end of same time increase the expected life of these 2013 Ecopetrol confirmed that two of these reserves by as much as 40 percent. And much discoveries, at Cano Sur Este and Acacias of this growth comes in the form of heavy oil, in Meta province were commercially viable. for which demand is growing in the region. The find is significant for the company; The same parts of Colombia are proving the first time for a decade it has declared ideal for further exploration. commercially viable an oil Because the geology is well which it plans to operate. understood, the likelihood of Ecopetrol expects Cano making further discoveries Sur Este to produce 25,000 bpd by 2016, and that it will is high, and some success invest $656 million in the has already been achieved according to Rafael Guzmán. block and drill 135 wells “We made an announcement there. Both discoveries are last year of four discoveries close to roads, pipelines Investment at and in the same heavy oil and surface facilities like Cano Sur Este producing region, with a treatment plants, he adds.

$656 million

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“In one way the relatively low rate of recovery in many of our fields to date presents us with a big growth factor!�

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Ecopetrol “For example the Acacias discover y is already producing, because it is close to the Chichimene field that we operate, and the Cano Sur field is close to a field in which we have an interest although we are not the operator. It is straightforward to start production from those fields.” The same thing applies in the Middle Magdalena Valley, he says. At the same time as maximising the areas it knows, Ecopetrol is looking at parts of Colombia that have high potential but have been neglected so far. One of these is Caguan-Putumayo close to the border with Ecuador. “Most of Ecuador’s oil comes from fields close to the Colombian border,” Guzmán explains. “Caguan-Putumayo lies between there and the heavy oil producing fields that we have in Colombia and we need to explore what is between. We have high expectations and so far we have gathered some geophysical data and drilled some wells though there is still a lot to learn about it.” This activity comes under what he calls ‘frontier’ exploration. Higher risk but promising ever higher rewards. Under this heading are included the offshore projects the company is contemplating along its Caribbean coast. “We have had a field producing gas there for more than 30 years in partnership with Chevron, but we believe

that the potential is a lot higher.” Ecopetrol has blocks that it owns and others where it partners with successful offshore exploration companies like Petrobras, Repsol and Anadarko. “We will start drilling exploration wells offshore this year” Gas could be a very important part of Ecopetrol’s portfolio going forward. However with a growing domestic market for gas the company will have to address the challenge to monetise future production, he admits. It is all part of Ecopetrol’s ‘blue sky’ exploration which now extends well beyond Colombia to Peru, the USA and northern Brazil, where it has acquired blocks both offshore and onshore in the Campos and Santos basins. The final, and in some ways the most exciting, building block of Ecopetrol’s growth

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“We have had a field producing gas for more than 30 years in partnership with Chevron, but we believe that the potential is a lot higher” strategy is unconventional hydrocarbons. Once again the company is focusing on the areas it knows best and where infrastructure is already in place. Colombia’s potential for shale oil and gas is attracting players from all over the world. It’s no secret that shale gas has transformed the USA’s energy landscape: there are similarities and differences. “Basically, the area we have

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to work with is a lot smaller than in the States, but the reservoirs we are working with are much thicker. What we lack in area we make up in thickness!” Ecopetrol will go into partnership with experienced players from abroad, but it will also develop its own resources and has already drilled four exploration wells in the Middle Magdalena Valley and is actively working in greenfield


sites in Cordillera, Catatumbo and the Upper Magdalena Valley. More wells will be sunk this year, he promises. Ecopetrol developed its clean barrels policy in response to the national environmental monitoring agency Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales (ANLA) which imposes very strict standards on the industry. Bring it on says Rafael Guzmán! “Last year Ecopetrol was ratified for the third successive year by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. We are every bit as proud of that as we are of our production growth, and we don’t want to grow production at the cost of society or the environment!” The same standards apply to Ecopetrol’s subsidiary Cenit, spun out just last year with the task of providing a national

hydrocarbon distribution infrastructure for Colombia, available to all players. We have spoken mainly about upstream activities, but Ecopetrol is very much involved in developing the downstream market. It is investing in its Cartagena refinery and elsewhere to make them more adaptable in present day conditions. “These refineries were made for light oil which is what we used to produce most, but now we have are producing much more heavy oil the refineries need to adapt.” For more information about Ecopetrol visit:

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SEADOG Commercial Diving School

Reaching new depths of diver safety South Africa’s SEADOG Commercial Diving School is attracting record numbers of students and professional divers. As Managing Director Bridget Thomson discusses, this is stabilising the company and helping it to focus more on the medical side of the business

written by: Will Daynes research by: James Boyle

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C-DOC IMCA Diver Medic Training

SEADOG Commercial Diving School


n the time since we last spoke towards the end of 2012 attendance at our Diving School has increased by around 40 percent,” states Bridget Thomson, Managing Director of SEADOG Commercial Diving School. “This increase sees us today operating at maximum capacity, which for a business that has been around for a relatively short period of time is extremely good news indeed.” Established in January 2010, SEADOG is a training centre for the oil and gas industry, specialising in fields that include commercial diving, supervision and diver medic training. Situated within Saldanha Bay, SEADOG’s location allows trainees to develop under realistic conditions where the quiet waters of the bay provide the perfect introduction to learner divers before they enter the open ocean. Committed to providing quality, progressive education, using outcomebased skills training, SEADOG promotes student-centred learning. This structure ensures that those individuals trained by the school demonstrate competency through a combination of knowledge, understanding and skills that encourage good performance and safe working practices. “Rather than positioning ourselves as just a training provider, we have always prided ourselves in how we work closely with the industry,” Thomson continues. “This level of participation, together with our visibility and consistent approach towards health and safety, particularly in the oil and gas sector, is the primary driver behind the growth we are experiencing. The latter trend has seen divers coming from a multitude of locations to attain

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“I think the growth we have experienced has helped enhance our own training capabilities, particularly on the medical side of the business�

C-DOC DMAC 015 Medical Kit - designed with divers for divers

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SEADOG Commercial Diving School or upgrade their tickets for offshore diving recognised under the International Marine C ont r a c t o r s Association (IMCA) Code of Practice.” The increase in the number of different nationalities visiting SEADOG’s Diving School has also allowed the company’s own instructors to develop a deeper understanding of the differing needs and requirements of individuals working in a variety of operational areas. This in turn helps to enhance the growth and cultural awareness of the company itself. “Certainly I think the growth we have experienced has helped enhance our own training capabilities, particularly on the medical side of the business,” Thomson says. “Today we are far more aware of the different stresses encountered in different environments when unforeseen incidents occur. Obviously certain countries will always have unique problems; however I feel that our own development means our instructors are more flexible and able to meet individual student needs.” The medical side of the business, or the Commercial Diving and Offshore Consultancy (C-DOC) to give it its proper title, is one that has always been close to Thomson’s heart, seeing as it is where she started herself, back in 1999.

C-DOC DMAC 015 Medical Kit - designed by the C-DOC Occupational Health and Safety Team

The role of C-DOC is to assist the commercial diving industry to embark on a program increasing the health and safety of members in diving operations and to ensure an easily accessible service for education, training, development and consultation in diving health and safety by establishing a network that the design strategy may be measurable to evaluate trends and successes in the field for future decision making. “C-DOC and my own personal experience have always given SEADOG a very solid foundation, and indeed a strong reputation,

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to build upon,” Thomson enthuses. “What I want to do now, especially now that I see the Diving School thriving in the hands of our instructors, is turn more attention to promoting C-DOC.” The company’s diver medic training is already well known throughout the oil and gas sector and Thomson has spent the last

year helping further to spread this reputation by travelling to Asia and its oil and gas hubs. Here she has been working with the SSS Recompression Chamber Network in order to make high quality training more accessible to companies within the region. “There is so much we can offer our clients from a medical perspective,” Thomson

“What I want to do now, especially now that I see the Diving School thriving in the hands of our instructors, is turn more attention to promoting C-DOC”

C-DOC South Africa & Thailand Training centres for IMCA DMT and Refresher training

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credit: Mohammed Rashad Photography

SEADOG Commercial Diving School

Sunset over Saldanha Bay from SEADOG Commercial Diving School, South Africa

event of an accident. The highlights. “One such C-DOC medical kit has been offering is something that carefully divided into three we are very excited about, modules and a reflective and proud to present is the new DMAC kit. Designed rescue jacket to ensure Growth in attendance with divers (DMT’s) for optimal usage by the diver at SEADOG Commercial who is not a trained health divers, and facilitated by the Diving School since the care professional. The bag C-DOC Occupational Health end of 2012 itself can then be opened up and Safety Crew.” into an emergency stretcher. Developed in line with The stretcher width is the 16 years of experience that Thomson has had working with compatible with that of the bilge plates and divers, the C-DOC Modular DMAC 015 kit trunkings of a chamber allowing for quick is systematically packed to allow quick and and efficient transfer under pressure. “With C-DOC, our immediate aim is to easy access to equipment in the unforeseen


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SEADOG Commercial Diving School. Training provider for the Oil & Gas industry worldwide

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SEADOG Commercial Diving School strengthen our core service by making it more accessible not just to our local markets, but also to the larger, multi-national oil and gas companies,” Thomson says. “This will bring us in line with the oil and gas producer’s (OGP) goal to assist in the development of a strong safety culture and to pursue IMCA’s goals to encourage the sharing of experience, ideas and aspirations. Meanwhile, from a training perspective we are tailoring our training to focus on stepby-step methods that will help divers in their time of need, regardless of their location.” With the Diving School catering for a record number of divers, a trend that Thomson naturally hopes will continue, her plans for the year ahead for C-DOC are understandably at the forefront of her mind. “I truly hope that when we speak a year from now C-DOC will have been approached by IMCA, OGP and some of the big oil and gas companies, and medical directors to integrate all these great training scenarios and standards to identify opportunities for improved performance and raise awareness of occupational health and safety in diving operations. That for me would be very exciting - to actually see the work of my company actually filter down through oil and gas companies and to see it having a hugely positive impact on all those that risk their lives under the sea.” For more information about SEADOG Commercial Diving School visit:

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and mo

You don’t go into mining if life but effective risk identi are essential to survival. service offers a way to turn

written by: Jo research by:

34 | BE Weekly


ore ore

you want to live a risk free ification and management BFL CANADA’s new ORE n uncertainty into an asset

ohn O’Hanlon James Boyle

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Red Chris mine construction site. Photo provided by Imperial Metals Corporation



FL CANADA is a no-nonsense insurance brokerage and risk management firm, founded by Barry F Lorenzetti in 1987 and now the largest employee-owned and operated commercial insurance broker and consulting services firm in the country, with offices in nine major cities from Vancouver in the west to Halifax in the east. Though BFL is active in upward of 20 vertical business sectors, one of the most important of these is mining, mineral processing and exploration. BFL has always provided its mining industry clients with an outsourced risk management service covering every aspect of operations from initial exploration through construction and operation of a mining facility. Its core business, after all, lies in the insurance field, but this is a company that likes to add value. When we covered the company’s activities a year ago we saw the strong growth of the company under its leadership team including Vice President and National Practice Leader – Mining for BFL CANADA’s operations Janet McLean. Today we want to look at how Janet, a specialist in risk transfer – the insurance side of the business and alternative risk financing – has been joined by Michael Yip to develop an enhanced service that they describe as representing something of a paradigm shift for the company and its client base. Michael Yip joined BFL in 2012 as National Practice Leader – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), BFL’s strategic consulting arm. His area of expertise is enterprise risk management and strategy advice. With 20 years of consulting experience in strategy, integration of strategy and risk management for Fortune

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500 companies, including major projects for mining clients. He takes the strategic view, from operational risk management at the mine site level up to how that contributes and helps drive profitability and success for the corporation as a whole. “My focus is working with colleagues like Janet McLean, who represents the risk transfer side of the equation. We complement each other because I have the strategic perspective of the industry, seeing market trends in terms of business drivers. Janet brings a very tactical approach to addressing those risk management factors in the mining industry.” So they make a great team! And that team has been very busy over the last 18 months or so. Let’s look at the problem, he suggests. “Insurance is a necessity – you clearly need to insure for the many hazards facing any mine operation. That is a significant expense for most mining companies. But the business implications of these and more intangible risks are ignored by many professional service advisers. We can insure 20 percent of our risks but the question I ask is how can we address the other 80 percent?” That is the role of enterprise risk management (ERM), he asserts. Traditionally insurance is seen as a necessary evil, in case disaster strikes. Seen as an integral part of the

ERM process it undergoes a transformation. “I am working with clients to not view risk as inevitably associated with loss,” emphasises Yip. “Risk involves uncertainty, sure enough, but let’s lose the preconception that it has to threaten profitability: see it as an opportunity to capitalise on an event!” Over the last six months Janet McLean and he have been busy developing a new service that reflects this thinking. ORE (Optimizing Risk Excellence) can be applied in any

“We can insure 20 percent of our risks but the question I ask is how can we address the other 80 percent?” 38 | BE Weekly


Wolverine mine site. Photo courtesy of Yukon Government

business vertical, but it’s not this is very important as part just the acronym that makes of our service communications it particularly applicable to with our clients. Commodity price graphs are a big deal. mining and minerals. After a year getting to understand But setting up hedging The year BFL was BFL’s capacity in different programs or alternative founded verticals, Michael Yip adapted financing arrangements and a platform he had spent years working with lenders to be developing to BFL’s unique more creative with respect to business ethos and made it mining-specific. your risk profiles will assure the investment Six months later it is available to clients, and community and lenders that you are ahead of it has already started to benefit the companies that risk and are addressing it.” Retrenchment in Canada that he and McLean work with. is not the only game in town – demonstrating So how can risk be seen as opportunity? a proactive management style gains any How can elements that are uncontrollable, company credit in difficult times – after all immitigable even – commodity pricing for investors are used to taking the long view. example – be turned to advantage? “It may His experience in multitudes of industry seem an esoteric concept to take a positive verticals, large small, national, multinational, view of fluctuations in world gold prices, but Yip brings valuable best practice experience


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BFL case study It’s hard to find a manufacturer that has not gone through a lean process these days, and many have gone the whole nine yards with Six Sigma and TQM thinking. Mining operations could stand to benefit from this too, he believes. “I was engaged to conduct an operational risk assessment for a Middle East mining operation with three or four mine sites. We had our engineers go in and do all the practical reviews, but the board of the corporation was concerned that they did not have a handle on the bigger picture. Were they efficient? Were they maximising economies of scale that could directly impact their bottom line – revenue as well as profitability? So we recommended that we step back and take a more strategic assessment of the organisation, and look at other industries facing a similar risk profile. As well as Lean Six Sigma, which they were already considering, we encouraged them to look at supply chain issues. For example, where is the product going – do you have that addressed? Do you have the Michael Yip, National Practice Leader – Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

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Janet McLean, Vice President and National Practice Leader – Mining

contractual risk issues under control – in other words are you looking at who you are doing business with?” McLean comments “Mining operations like most industries today, operate 24/7 with little time to send contracts through for input from the CFO or risk manager, as a result many opportunities to mitigate or transfer risk are missed by not amending contract language before it is signed. ORE addresses this and many more issues that our clients value.” Taking a broad, business-centric assessment to this organisation resulted in a much heightened view of its risk profile, he says. “What started out as a very granular, day to day, specific type of risk assessment turned into a much more strategic view of the operations, which led to significant branding efforts, greater competitive market penetration and in the end positioned them to be a much stronger player.” This company set out on an M&A trajectory, buying up smaller mines in the area: the process positioned it for a much stronger operational and strategic base.


Wolverine mine site. Photo provided by Yukon Zinc Corporation

to the industry. “Mining operations indeed meld together. That is essentially at the are somewhat unique but at the end of the core of one of the main services Janet and day they face fundamental business risks, I are building within BFL. It works with the similar risks to a manufacturing operation, mining organisations at the management and as an example. I encourage clients to take strategy level and at the operations level and a much more grounded perspective of risk it works to create a very tailored risk profile management, having experienced quite a lot depending on the need of the audience.” This service works with mining operations of success in the past.” Mining companies are always interested to learn how their ‘peers’ to create a risk profile that is marketable. deal with prevalent risk issues Underwriters, accountants, – and where appropriate, banks, potential lenders benchmark those practices. and investors whether This type of strategic institutional or private all thinking underpins BFL’s ORE need to understand the service. “Being an ex-banker strength of a company’s myself and coming from the operational best practices. Industry verticals consulting side I understand So it works at both ends, served by BFL how the two worlds can the tactical side focused on


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“Risk involves uncertainty, but let’s lose the preconception that it has to threaten profitability: see it as an opportunity to capitalise on an event!” operations and risk transfer, and the strategic side which takes into consideration the investment community, lenders and potential joint venture partners or M&A targets. Mining operations can be rather inwardlooking, Michael Yip thinks, often failing to consider how the financial markets view them. McLean comments, “The recent commodity pricing rally still has a long way to go to reach ideal levels, affecting stock prices, creating

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a very attractive M&A environment among mining and exploration companies. ORE is an excellent and affordably appropriate tool that, among other things, assists in both the evaluation of a targeted company for capital market’s assessments and the insurance market’s underwriting process post-merger that works to position the risk and its management in the best possible light.” A panoramic risk profile is very desirable


Red Chris mine construction site. Photo provided by Imperial Metals Corporation

to outside providers like bankers and the financial and insurance markets. The majors tend to grasp this fact more readily than the juniors and to engage with BFL’s offering, so McLean and Yip are tailoring ORE to them. “The positive aspect of having this type of assessment at the front end is that investors and bankers see it this way. You may have a great resource, your core samples may be fantastic, but if it is going to cost you a billion dollars to build an operating mine to access it, is it really worth developing? The younger juniors don’t necessarily have the head office depth to do all these analytics.” The team is currently providing a scaled and modified version of the ORE service to a mining operation in northern Canada, as part of the commercial insurance services

that BFL offers. On top of that package the client benefits from Michael Yip’s engagement to explore how they can better position themselves to the capital markets and make introductions to lenders. “That is just an example of the expanded collaboration that Janet and I have,” he says. “Through the introduction of my services ORE is trying to capitalise on relationships that are still highly operational and tactical, but we are now able to provide a more strategic element as we work with clients right through their mine development life cycle.” For more information about BFL CANADA visit:

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Weatherly PLC

The making of a copper company Weatherly plc’s Tschudi open pit project producing pure copper cathodes on site in Namibia is the focus of its next stage of growth: the project will produce 17,000 tonnes of copper per year over an eleven year mine life, and will take Weatherly from a small to a medium sized mining company

written by: john o’hanlon research by: jeff abbott

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Weatherly PLC


hen Rod Webster a substantial dividend to our long suffering established his company shareholders!” says Webster. Weatherly in 2005 he That was the turning point for Weatherly. and his partners had Copper had rallied to more than $9,000 and been casting around since then Otjihase and Matchless have been for that elusive beast, a company-making the core of the company, though they were project. When some assets he had acquired never going to be the company maker he was in Zambia turned out not to be it he shifted looking for. “They made a lot of money in his attention to Namibia, acquiring the assets 2011, and though the price of copper meant of a struggling local copper producer called they did not generate as much the second Ongopolo in 2006. In July that year Weatherly year it was still enough cash to allow us plc was admitted to London’s AIM market, to develop the next step.” These assets, he and since then has been focused on Namibia. explains are a means to an end: they will Ongopolo had four small underground continue to produce for perhaps another mines and a smelter that it had decade, generating cash as acquired out of liquidation long as copper prices hold, but they are not Weatherly’s from Goldfields, but this main game anymore. was a financially unstable That lies further north company in urgent need of at Tschudi, not the old recapitalisation, something Operational workforce underground pit but a Weatherly provided, to the at Tschudi tune of $20 million. It got the surface asset that will be mines going, achieving record transformational for the production levels by 2008 when a rethink was company. A bankable feasibility study carried prompted by the collapse of copper prices to out in 2012 returned an expected net present under $3,000 a tonne. By the end of the year value (ENPV) at well over $100 million even action had been taken to cease mining at all at a price of $5,800, well below today’s price four underground operations, only keeping level on the metal exchanges in the region of the smelter at Tsumeb, 450 kilometres $7,000 a tonne. “What we like about Tschudi to the north of the capital Windhoek, is that it is a straightforward open pit,” operating on a tolling basis. enthuses Webster. “At this moment it has a In 2010, wishing to raise the funds needed bottom at 200 metres depth, and in that we to reopen the two most viable underground have a reserve of two million tonnes at just pits, Otjihase and Matchless both located close under one percent copper.” to Windhoek, Weatherly sold the smelter to This is a relatively modest grade for an Dundee Precious Metals for $55 million and open pit, he explains, but it is very high raised a further $7 million. “That gave us the grade when you take in to account that the funds to recapitalise the company and pay processing is via heap leach solvent extraction


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ASPIRING FOR EX SHALI Mining provides surface and underground mining expertise and services to the mining industry. The deposit is mined on behalf of the client/licence holder and the final product is delivered at the most economical unit cost. SHALI Drilling company provides exploration and water well drilling with well equipped and highly skilled personnel. We can do diamond drilling as well as RC drilling with a fleet of drilling rigs.

Shali Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd | POBox: 11808 Klein Windhoek Namibia | Tel: +264 61 239 515 | Fax: +


+264 61 239 516 | E-mail: |

SHALI GROUP HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD OUR OPERATIONS Shali Mining (Pty) Ltd was established in 2010 and is a contract mining company. Since inception we have grown and diversified our client base and provide surface and underground mining services to a number of clients in the mining industry. We currently employ 277 people and have build up sound experience as a mining contractor; experience that we believe will propel us to the next level. The sole shareholder Wilhelm Shali founded Shali Mining (Pty) Ltd. Wilhelm Shali has a strong entrepreneurial background and is continuously looking into new developments in the mining industry to ensure that we give our clients an experienced, equipped and innovative service. Our aim is to deliver underground and surface mining services that are safe, cost effective and performance-oriented. We invest in developing

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our fleet and people to produce smarter solutions and a faster response time to meet client needs. Our fellow subsidiary, Shali Drilling provides a full range of drilling and related services through two key divisions, mineral and water well exploration. Diamond drilling, RC drilling is also part of our portfolio. The two companies complements each other and together we aim to provide a complete outsourced solution to our clients. Our efforts to implement and drive sustainable local economic development have allowed us to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities within our communities through positive participation. The project that we support involves agriculture development within the local community.

Weatherly PLC

We provide product, tools and training to the communities where we operate. Our team: Wilhelm Shali, a Mechanical Engineer is the Managing Director of the Shali Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd. Wilhelm Shali has started a number of companies and has a proven track record as an entrepreneur. Jenny Comalie the CEO has joined the Shali Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd recently. Ms Comalie is an entrepreneurial professional with more than fourteen years of experience in strategy development and implementation and Financial Management.

Lawrence Madziwa is the Group Mining Engineer and holds a Masters in Mining Engineering, Mr Madziwa has 17 years experience in the industry and work in various fields in the mining industry.

SHALI Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd. Head Office Ballot Street, No. 6 Western Square Building, 1st Floor, Windhoek +264 61 239 515 +264 61 239 516 E.

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Weatherly PLC and electrowinning (SW-EX), Basil Read a method that accounts for 20 Basil Read continues to prove its opencast mining percent of world production. capabilities through a range of medium and long term key This type of processing plant projects across Africa. is not one that calls for the Basil Read offers clients innovative yet practical solutions acquisition of any long-lead to the most challenging contracts and has left its mark on capital equipment. “It is nearly projects such as the Debswana Jwaneng Mine in Botswana, the De Beers Venetia Diamond Mine in South Africa and all a matter of earthworks, Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia. piping and pumps. 95 percent The Mining division has become the mining specialist of of the materials needed for it choice for projects across Southern Africa. Through its are going to be purchased subsidiary B&E (Blasting & Excavating), it offers clients from South Africa.” an innovative, yet practical approach to even the most From being something of an challenging projects and has developed an unblemished uphill slog, the project looks safety record and a well-earned reputation for meeting the most stringent requirements. set fair for rapid development Basil Read Mining boasts an exceptional safety record, since securing full development specialist technical skills and a solid civil engineering funding of $91 million from background. Orion Mine Finance. “We are up and running now,” says Webster, “and should see the first copper produced by the Tschudi mine in the second quarter of 2015.” That means a busy 16 months ahead, he admits, while stressing that the project has not stood idle in the year since the feasibility study was completed. All of the major contracts have been agreed, and the schedule agreed whereby the mining contractor Basil Read will start work in the first quarter of next year. The crushing and agglomeration plant and the first leach pads to be built by B&E International using $18 million of its own funds will be commissioned in the fourth quarter. Power supply has been agreed with NamPower and a long-term acid supply agreement with Protea Chemicals. The SW-EX plant will be the last major element to be completed ahead of production in 2015.

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The fact that this is a depressed time for the mining industry in general has played to Weatherly’s advantage, he points out: “All the big overruns occurred when the market was bullish. People had so much work that projects usually ran over in time and money. Now we have the opposite, a situation where we are finding that the smaller packages are coming in cheaper and under time because people are short of work.” The market conditions have enabled Weatherly to strike deals that reduce the project risk significantly. The main contract, a $61.5 million EPC arrangement with Logiman, is of especial interest. It is a fixedprice arrangement that is something of a hybrid that allows the mining company to approve all design elements and key subcontracts in exchange for a deal whereby Logiman can rake back 60 percent of any saving it is able to make on the headline cost. “I would be very surprised given the way we have structured this huge incentive if it does not come in under time and under money!” “We have laid off a lot of the risk to people who have enormous horsepower and capability in the industry,” Rod Webster concludes. “We are really just left with running the process plant, and in that respect we are in quite good shape in terms of the

skills we need. Namibia already has three or four similar processes running in its uranium mines, and Scorpion Zinc is a SX-EW plant for zinc, where the process is not dissimilar.” The mine will have a life of eleven years, with the process plant carrying on for a further four to deal with copper remaining in the heap. Additionally there is sound potential for extension and even going underground

“We have laid off a lot of the risk to people who have enormous horsepower and capability in the industry” 54 | be weekly

Weatherly PLC

if copper prices permit. The Namibian government and the Chamber of Mines have been particularly helpful, he adds. But then this is a big project even for this miningfriendly administration. 500 people will be employed at Tschudi during the operational phase, 800 during construction, and the economy will benefit mightily. Weatherly will stick to its last, eschewing fancy social projects. “We are in the business of making a profitable mine, employing people and delivering value to shareholders and the government. Copper creates a lot of value downstream too. It is a stimulus to the whole fabric of the country. So we won’t be involved in farming projects – they are a total distraction and mining

companies usually make a mess of them!” Tschudi presents quite enough challenge for the moment. Rod Webster sums up the present state of his company thus: “We successfully secured our position with the underground mines: Tschudi takes us to being a 20-25,000 tonne copper producer, so we are now a medium size company with the momentum to move up yet further.” He will be keeping his eye on the many copper projects with potential for turnaround being divested by the majors. For more information about Weatherly PLC visit:

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Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML)

Pellet perfection Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML) is edging closer to the completion of a state-of-the-art open pit mining, concentrating and pelletizing plant within the best known region for iron ore in the United States

written by: Will Daynes research by: Peter Rowlston

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Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML)


iscovered in 1866, the Mesabi Iron Range is the chief deposit of iron ore in the United States. Located in northeast Minnesota, within a jurisdiction which has long boasted a track record of successful mineral developments and operations, it is a vast deposit of the mineral that was extensively mined throughout the early part of the 20th Century through to the late 1960s, when natural ore reserves were depleted. It was at this time that Butler Taconite, a company jointed owned by the Inland Steel Company, Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation and Hanna Mining Company, developed a taconite mining operation at the site, which allowed it to commence operations in 1967, producing high-quality pellets until May 1985. The closure of Butler Taconite resulted in the property being reclaimed and the plant dismantled. In September 1996, Minnesota Iron & Steel (MIS) was registered as a corporation with the goal of reopening the mine site and constructing a whole new facility, not only as an iron pellet producer but also as a direct reduced iron and electric arc furnace steelmaking facility. It was in 2004, that the project was reactivated by Minnesota Steel Industries (MSI), a company formed by one of the major stakeholders of MIS. A feasibility study was prepared in 2007, and environmental permits were granted for a 4.1 million tonnes per annum pellet plant (MTPA), a 2.8 MTPA direct reduced iron facility and a 2.5 MTPA electric arc furnace. Subsequently, in October 2007,

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Designed & Manufactured

Ingenuity in Hydraulics

Telephone: 1/-51

Abacus Hydraulics Ltd., pioneer of hydrostatic mill inching drives has since its foundation in 1969 designed, and manufactured over 1000 systems now operating in plants around the world. Abacus drives are custom built and can suit any specifications. The available torque range is unlimited and virtually fits any high torque low speed requirements for mining equipment. The drives are equipped with the exclusive TORFLEX速 gear type coupling which has been specifically designed and developed by Abacus Hydraulics Ltd.

TORFLEX速 is a registered trade mark of Abacus Hydraulics Ltd.


d by Abacus Hydraulics Ltd.


14-620-3113 | Email: |

Abacus Hydraulics Ltd., is since 1989 also a leader in the design and manufacture of roller screen pellet classifying systems. Abacus roller screens are equipped with several unique features, are custom built to suit any specifications and are available in a variety of configurations which can meet any project requirements. The roller screens are made of high quality components for reliable and long life operation with special emphasis on easy serviceability and safety.

ABACUS HYDRAULICS LTD The mining industry with its wide range of drive requirements and changing process methods is always seeking more reliable, efficient and versatile drive systems. A Canadian company, Abacus Hydraulics Ltd. is since 1969 meeting this challenge every day. Abacus is custom designing and manufacturing high torque drives and special mining machinery for mines around the world. The Abacus high torque drives have proven their reliability in grinding mill inching drives, apron feeders, thickeners, conveyors and hoists to mention only a few. The drives are custom built and can suit any specifications. The available torque range is unlimited and virtually fits any high torque low speed requirements for mining equipment. The innovative approach of Abacus Hydraulics Ltd. allows the company to supply equipment with unique features which improve safety, reliability, operation and serviceability of the systems. All drives are available with the exclusive TORFLEXÂŽ gear type coupling designed and developed over 30 years ago by Abacus. The ease of engagement, high degree of misalignment tolerance and low cost make this

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coupling ideal for many mining applications. Since 1989, Abacus Hydraulics Ltd. is also a leader in the design and manufacture of roller screen pellet classifying systems used for sizing and conveying of iron ore pellets in pelletizing plants worldwide. Abacus Hydraulics Ltd. has always been receptive to evaluate and develop new systems to fill the customer’s requirements. Abacus has also successfully designed and manufactured other type of systems such as lubrication systems for large hydrostatic bearings of grinding mills and brake systems for down hill conveyors and other applications. A highly competent and dedicated team of employees permit the successful handling of the projects and product support. The company has constantly and steadily grown over the years. During the summer of 2013, the company consolidated their offices and plants to a new facility in Pointe-Claire, Montreal, QC, Canada. This expansion now allows higher production capacity, reduced manufacturing costs and delivery times. E.

Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML)

“The company ensures that it achieves continuous improvement in health, safety and environmental performance by creating a culture of employee ownership� Essar Steel Holdings acquired the fullypermitted project from MSI. Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Essar Resources Inc., can today be found building a state-ofthe-art open pit mining, concentrating and pelletizing plant at the site. This undertaking began life as a greenfield pellet plant project in northern Minnesota, on the western end of the Biwabik Iron Formation, with a 19,000acre project boundary, of which 4,360 acres are mineral lease land. ESML has measured and indicated mineral resources of approximately 1,768 million

metric tonnes of iron ore as well as inferred mineral resources of approximately 201 million metric tonnes of iron ore. Construction and development of the project commenced in October 2010, with ESML expecting operations to commence in the fourth quarter of 2014, ramping up to an annual production capacity of seven MTPA in quarter three of 2015. All of the required Federal and State regulatory permits and approvals for the seven MTPA pelletizing capacity have been received, while permits and approvals for 1.8 MTPA of direct reduced iron (DRI) and 1.5 MTPA of electric arc furnace based steel are

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Adyard Abu Dhabi LLC P.O. Box 7604, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, UAE Email: Tel: 02-5547722 Fax: 02-5546767

Nico International Hy PO Box 2978, Fujair Email: fab.fuj@topaz-eng Tel: 09-2249400 Fax: 0

Contact: Tony McKay, Managing Director | William Duff, Sales Director | www.topa

ydrospace rah, UAE 09-2249504

QUALITY AND DELIVERY The project is for the fabrication, pre – commissioning and load out of Jackets, Piles, Conductors and Deck Structures for the C – 26 cluster & B1731-B Well Platforms of the Oil & Natural Gas Corporation of India, which is total of around 10,000 MTS. Topaz Oil and Gas Limited Topaz Oil & Gas (TOGL) is a reputed U.A.E based experienced service provider to Oil and Gas Industry. Operating out of facilities in Abu Dhabi (Adyard) and Fujairah (Nico International Hydrospace), the business is engaged in offshore and onshore construction across the UAE, and for global clients in the oil and gas, utilities and ports industries. • 140,000 m2 of fabrication area in Abu Dhabi & Fujairah with extensive water frontage • Over 35,000 tons and 360,000 in/ dia capacity per year The ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001-2004, ISO 18001:2007 and ASME & API certifications ensure our delivery to internationally recognized standards of excellence. Our Services: • EPC Turnkey Projects both Onshore and Offshore. • EPC Turnkey Projects for Tanks and Terminals. • Fabrication and Construction Services for Jackets, Topside, Modules, PARs and PAUs, Exotic Piping, Pressure Vessels, Columns, Heat Exchangers, Separators etc. • Maintenance Services such as Shutdown Support; Valve, Pump, Motor and Generator Refurbishment; Machining and Calibration of Instruments • Rig Repairs both On-float and alongside

Trusted Partner Since 1961

Streamline the Relining Process with PaR Mill Liner Handlers

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inspired Your weekly digest of business news and views

Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML) also in place. Project financing is fully committed for the Since 1961, PaR Systems has been designing and installing commissioning of 4.1 MTPA mill liner handlers world-wide. Whether your grinding mill pelletizing capacity, while is a large ball or rod mill, semi-autogenous or autogenous, obtaining additional project or an existing mill with limited access, PaR has a solution financing for the incremental that can meet your specific requirements. Each is built with 2.9 MTPA is in process. features that enhance the relining process, making it faster, easier, and safer. Your Mill Liner Handler will be delivered ESML possesses the fully operational within 12 months. The knuckled boom and flexibility necessary to its 360-degree rotation means you can reline both sides of produce standard, fluxed the mill without repositioning. and direct reduction grade pellets. The company’s aim is to be one of the lowest cost producers of said pellets in North America by utilising the ore body characteristics of its location area and the significant technological improvements that have occurred since the building of the last pellet plant in the US in the 1970s. Strategically located alongside multiple access points to a first class ground transportation infrastructure the company is perfectly placed to serve the North American market, while multiple vessel options in its vicinity give it access to the international seaborne market. The nature, location and scope of the mine itself allows for less capital equipment to be employed in mining operations, a factor that

PaR Systems

1,768 million tonnes ESML’s measured and indicated mineral resources of iron ore

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is expected to result in significantly reduced operating costs over time. The short haulage distance from the mine to the coarse crusher also provides significant operational costsavings. Ultimately the plant will feature a two-stage crushing circuit, which will increase mill throughput, as compared to a single mill operation. Moreover, transporting the slurry via pipeline will provide the ESML with substantial cost savings over rail and road transportation. The project site will also have a slurry storage capacity of 60,000 tonnes, which is intended to reduce process interruptions. ESML carries with it a steadfast belief that through a combination of teamwork, training, communication and shared responsibility, it can maintain a workplace free of injury, illness or environmental incidents. Most importantly, the company ensures that it achieves continuous improvement in health, safety and environmental performance by creating a culture of employee ownership. To that end, it strives to involve employees at all levels of the organisation in the creation of policies and procedures and seek to ensure that any issues are resolved in a timely manner at the appropriate organisational level. Before a company can develop and operate a mine in the state of Minnesota it must first

complete an Environment Impact Statement or Study, before then obtaining the appropriate environmental permits and approvals which grant permission for the construction and operation of production facilities, as well as the final reclamation of the mine site. Accordingly, ESML has obtained all of the necessary permits and approvals to increase pelletizing capacity to 7.0 MTPA. A supplemental Environmental Impact

“ESML realises it also has a responsibility to give back to the community that supports it in many ways� 68 | be weekly

Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML)

Statement for a 7.0 MTPA iron ore pellet plant was approved by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on December 29th, 2011 after undergoing a public review process. In addition the company obtained a Permit to Mine from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on April 17th, 2012 and an air permit from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on May 10th, 2012. Furthermore, the company has engaged environmental consultants to evaluate the increased capacity envisioned in Phase II of the project. The environmental review and permitting process for the additional capacity will involve the preparation and submission of a further Environmental Impact Statement, as well as the amendment of all of the current environmental permits.

ESML realises it also has a responsibility to give back to the community that supports it in many ways. The company’s employees can regularly be found volunteering their time, and making financial contributions, towards various initiatives including local programmes United Way and Food Shelf, and towards local schools, universities and hospitals. In addition to these, ESML’s employee driven Community Connections Committee coordinates vital outreach efforts to several of the region’s leading non-profit organisations. For more information about Essar Steel Minnesota LLC (ESML) visit:

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The Logistics com

This decade will belong to Africa, home t economies globally: DHL is the logistic supporting businesses large and small in th

written by: John O’Hanlon

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mpany for Africa

to six of the last decade’s fastest growing cs market leader across the continent heir quest to participate in Africa’s destiny

| research by: Jeff Abbott

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ith its headquarters in heralded a more integrated approach to Bonn, Germany DHL Africa. As well as looking after the South is part of the massive African business division and ensuring that Deutsche Post DHL the region lives up to the brand’s service Group, which in 2012 standards he will be preparing to grow generated revenues of over €55 billion. DHL market share in the continent as a whole. is the global market leader in the logistics South Africa will continue to lead the way, industry acting as a supply chain partner acting as a benchmark for regional business to its customers in international express growth, but it needs to take a proactive stance delivery, air and ocean freight, road and rail in easing the way for new entrants to African markets, and to that it needs to consolidate its transportation and contract logistics. DHL is rapidly becoming a household name existing continent-wide distribution networks in the over 220 countries and territories in and know how, he believes. which it has a presence, offering customers Not many MDs publicly plead insanity but superior service quality Heymans promises just that. “When I took over the business and local knowledge to at the beginning of the year satisfy their supply chain there were two big challenges requirements. There is facing the business. The first no vertical or horizontal market these days in which was more from a cultural Aircraft operated by outsourced logistics does not and behavioural perspective DHL globally play a central role, however and that was to make sure a company like DHL plays that as an organisation we a uniquely strategic role on the African become insanely customer-centric, not just continent with its unique challenges and in South Africa but across the DHL network!” opportunities. The challenges include a lack Talk is cheap, he says. A company is judged of infrastructure and the difficulties of cross- by how it behaves. border business between a very diverse group No half measures there. The second big of countries separated by language, tradition change he wasn’t to see affects how people and different manifestations of red tape: the perceive DHL in Africa. There remains opportunity is to participate in the world’s a tendency among people to have low fastest-growing economic community. expectations of Africa, being prepared to put Earlier this year DHL appointed one of its up with a second rate standard of service, from most experienced executives to head up the creaky facilities and delivered by staff who South African business division. It was no can’t really be expected to perform as well accident that Hennie Heymans had previously as their European or American counterparts. been responsible for Central Africa and the “From our perspective the undoubted Indian Ocean Islands – the appointment difficulties of working in a developing


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Hatfield VW Commercial delivers again. Another custom-made solution for DHL’s unique business demands.

Building on an exceptional 10-year relationship with DHL Express, Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial proves once again that service is at the heart of everything we do. With a decade of innovative vehicles, tailormade solutions and customer-service excellence, we not only meet our customers’ unique business demands, but constantly strive to exceed them. A FORMIDABLE PARTNERSHIP As the leader in international shipping, DHL Express strives to offer the mostefficient express delivery service on the planet. Currently holding a 48% market share, DHL Express South Africa is no exception. Having provided the majority of the DHL Express fleet over the past 10 years, Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial is proud to have played a key part in delivering the service excellence DHL is renowned for. This relationship began 10

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years ago with Richard Whitehead, General Manager at Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial. “I picked up the yellow pages, called DHL Express and met with them around a table to discuss the opportunity of doing business together. In the meeting our Volkswagen business partners and I met Norman George, who is today Operations Director for DHL Express. We committed to a set of service level agreements and soon after that we delivered our very first order ofVolkswagen Caddy Panel Vans to DHL Express and this formed the basis of our business partnership,” states Richard. Today, Caddy Panel Vans, Crafters and Transporters make up over 95% of DHL’s courier fleet operating countrywide. In addition to providing quality vehicles, an honest relationship and delivering service excellence are the pillars of this partnership. “It’s been a privilege to be a supplier to DHL over such a long period of time, in an industry that is not always known for loyalty. I have always been frank and honest


with customers and I firmly believe that we are still doing business based on our ability and desire to maintain the service levels we committed to when we first met with DHL Express 10 years ago. A commitment that was probably met with some scepticism,” Richard adds. Recently the DHL group implemented a global growth strategy and looked at ways to optimise a key part of the value chain - its courier fleet. Factors such as fuel efficiency, a safe and reliable vehicle, increased load capacity, ease of packing and delivery, as well as a comfortable driving cabin were key requirements to achieve its business goals. A completely customised approach was required, and once again Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial exceeded expectations. THE CUSTOM SOLUTION Speaking to DHL Express Operations Director, Norman George, he points out, “Our decision to choose Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial was based on their service offering. We have received fantastic service from them. Since the first day that I met Richard 10 years ago, he has not changed his service or commitment. He is responsive; he exceeds what is required – his follow up is excellent – and this project was no exception. They once again went above and beyond expectations to deliver and of course, we love their vehicles!” A fleet of 32 specially converted Volkswagen Crafter 35s in addition to 10 Crafter 50s were ordered for the new global fleet requirements for DHL Express South Africa. In addition to a host of standard features that distinguish the Volkswagen Crafter as a rugged, reliable and versatile van, the vehicles were ordered with a unique execution to accommodate many different load sizes and the specialised needs of the courier work station on the road. A CLOSE COLLABORAT ION Working closely with the approved body builders, Sommer, based in Germany, a demo model was customised and delivered to South Africa to be assessed. Norman George outlines, “The Crafter offered a larger load space, with customised foldable shelves for stacking of parcels and an internal door between the cabin and cargo area. This means the driver will not even have to get out of the vehicle. They can simply slide open the door, walk into the load compartment, easily find the parcel stacked according to the route and make the delivery hassle free. “Based on the demo model we received, we were able to put our new optimised system through its paces. We put the demo Crafter into the field to assess how effective the customisations would be. Our drivers found that the additional space, foldable shelving system and the internal door, helped improve their time dramatically. Our drivers were able

“Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial once again went above and beyond expectations to deliver and of course, we love their vehicles!”

to meet the new target of three runs per day. We also found that the more efficient stacking of parcels on foldable shelves meant that queries about parcels en route could be answered much easier by the drivers.” A NEW FLEET DELIVERED On 2 November 2013, the first customised Crafter 35s, complete with full customised specifications, landed in South Africa. The vehicles with full DHL Express branding were officially handed over to DHL Express in Isando and by the end of January 2014 the entire fleet of 42 Crafters were delivered to DHL Express depots in Cape Town, Durban and Gauteng. Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial in partnership with Volkswagen South Africa and Sommer delivered this custommade fleet in just five months. Always professional and dedicated, Hatfield Volkswagen Commercial successfully provided a large scale tailormade solution, proving once again that outstanding service comes standard.

Hatfield VW Commercial Division of Hatfield Holdings Pty (Ltd) 1177 Pretorius Street Cnr Jan Shoba (formerlyDuncan Street), PO Box 13643, Hatfield, Pretoria. Telephone +27 (0) 12 431 6400 Fax +27 (0) 86 683 0238 Mobile +27 (0) 82 443 6626

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Employment Law, Benefits and Industrial Relations Tel: 011 783 8711 | Fax: 011 783 8716 Email: |

• Drafting of Restraint of Trade and Confidentiality Agreements as well as dealing with disputes and litigation on those issues • Executive disputes and executive separation agreements and litigation • Strategic advice on collective bargaining issues, including the managing of difficult unions • Restructuring and retrenchment exercises • Transfers of undertaking / services agreements including advice on the strategic aspects of section 197 arrangements • Employment equity and affirmative action strategies and compliance and discrimination disputes as well as litigation and strategic advice on those issues • Drafting of Contracts of Employment and resolution of disputes on those contracts and fixed term contracts and Labour Broker arrangements • Labour Court Reviews and Appeals in the various courts • Unfair dismissal disputes and litigation • Performance management issues and disputes • Employment law banking issues including FAIS and legislative inter-relationships • Drafting of Recognition and Collective Agreements • Drafting of advanced disciplinary codes and procedures, grievance, performance and other policies and procedures and recruitment policies • Drafting of private dispute resolution agreements • Drafting of Labour Broker, service and sub-contractor agreements • Advice on application of Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Health and Safety Regulations including the Construction Regulations and representing clients at Health and Safety enquiries • Drafting of Project Labour Agreements • CCMA and Bargaining Council dispute resolution • Labour arbitrations • Advise on retirement fund, medical and other benefits and restructuring of benefits • Unfair Labour practices and Benefits disputes and litigation; • Advice on all labour statutes including the LRA, BCEA, EEA, Protected Disclosures Act, Pension Funds Act and Workmen’s Compensation Act • Incapacity disputes and litigation; • Fraud and dishonesty investigations where we work closely with forensic units • Executive employment contracts and company bonus, incentive and productivity schemes and agreements • On inter-related tax issues we work with leading tax advisors • General Employment law advice on strategy, tactics, employment statutes and disputes in the SADEC countries • Facilitation and mediation services

DHL continent is not an excuse. Cowan-Harper Attorneys We must make sure our Employment Law, Benefits and Industrial Relations facilities across Africa are of Department Profile. first world standards.” This Cowan-Harper Attorneys led by its employment law year alone, he reveals, DHL partners, Rod Harper and Osborne Molatudi, and other has in South Africa invested members of the employment law and benefits team have more than in the five had a highly successful working relationship with DHL. Over a period of 25 years in litigious matters and as a result preceding years together. of that association, DHL has never suffered a defeat during “We have really put our legal proceedings. money where our mouth is.” Cowan-Harper Attorneys have also assisted DHL in relation Some of this money has to establishing sound industrial relations structures and gone into upgrading DHL’s appropriate collective bargaining agreements and contracts African fleet and making of employment and when necessary directly assisted DHL sure the facilities are all when dealing with Unions. We believe that the employment law policies and equipped with the newest procedures and industrial systems implemented at technology. One of the key DHL have assisted in promoting a productive working measurables for a logistics environment conducive to the overall success of DHL. We company is transit time, and are proud of our association with DHL. the efficacy of investment and technology is whether it improves the customer experience in this important respect, but don’t forget that DHL has more capacity on the ground, whether in the form of trucks or the 250-plus aircraft operated by DHL Aviation globally. There has been investment to make sure we have enough capacity to serve the growing African markets, and that investment will continue, promises Heymans.

220 Territories where DHL is present

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“Our role is to be a responsible logistics partner, taking much of the pain out of the process of exporting” It’s widely agreed that the small and medium enterprises are the ones that have pegged back unemployment and driven the economic recovery in Europe, and the same is true of South Africa. One of his priorities is to grow DHL’s penetration and market share in the crucial SME sector, which is at once the most dynamic but also the fastest growing, with many businesses champing at the opportunity to expand into Africa. “These

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customers are looking for a reliable partner and they are looking for experience.” DHL certainly has the experience, having been on the continent for more than 30 years, says Heymans. “Nobody knows Africa like we do. Nobody has the relationships and the understanding that we have at a local level ‘thinking globally and acting locally.’ We take that experience and expertise across to our customers as their logistics partner: we sit


down in think tank sessions, we share that experience and come up with the best possible advice on how to expand their markets.” While they are keen to expand, many SMEs are held back by fear of the unknown. Expansion can be daunting, and there are cautionary tales of companies that have overextended themselves and failed. What should you think about when you start exporting? Which countries do you go into first? And how do you go about identifying the key customer groups in that market? “Our role is to be a responsible logistics partner, taking much of the pain out of the process of exporting. We try to play a role as a thought leader in these conversations,” he says. With DHL on board as their partner, companies that don’t have the in-house

expertise to handle forwarding, customs paperwork and the different ways things are done in different jurisdictions can gain that expertise as part of the package and become part of wider trade networks at the same time. For example, he and his DHL UK counterpart MD Phil Couchman have been having discussions with the Chambers of Commerce in both countries with the common goal of adding value for the SMEs. Of course DHL is not the only player in this market. It is in a privileged position being the market leader by a wide margin, but that does not mean the company can rest on its laurels, he acknowledges: “We have to work hard all the time to deliver a shorter transit time and better service than those competitors.” The latest new entrant, aggressively seeking to

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CuraFin ManCo creates, delivers and managed Business Partner Programmes using traditional asset finance tools, fleet and fuel management technology and our in-house, Go-Motion, online, interactive billing platform. Our focus is to assist corporations unlock efficiencies, potential and maximum productivity through innovative application of our empowerment model.

Telephone: 011-708 1007 | Email: |

inspired Your weekly digest of business news and views

DHL capture market share was Curafin Manco Dubai-based Aramex, which Our core business centres on providing profitable and cost entered South Africa via effective solutions to our customers (the sponsor company) acquisition of local company through combining all aspects of total outsourced Berco Express. For Heymans fleet management. We provide business solutions and this just serves to confirm his management support to our customers regarding the conviction that the market is various elements when dealing with and structuring OwnerDriver Programmes. CuraFin ManCo is based in Fourways, buoyant. “We will carry on Gauteng, but our reach spreads to Pretoria, Bloemfontein, putting in the investment to Mpumalanga, Polokwane, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East increase the gap between us London and Cape Town. and our nearest competitors.” Meanwhile some sectors are doing better than other. Manufacturing continues to languish, but healthcare is booming as is technology. “We will make sure we continue with our investment in knowledge and infrastructure relating to these sectors and growing them aggressively.” A little less predictably, South Africa’s agricultural businesses have stimulated a spike in new enquiries as they look to establish businesses in neighbouring countries and further afield. Many countries seek to protect their industry by restricting imports. That means a company wanting to expand has to build operations with an indigenous partner, creating a whole new supply chain involving both countries. However resources are currently the big driver for inward investment. DHL

“Our ability to fly into remote places is a big differentiator for us in sub-Saharan Africa” be weekly | 81

“To get the border crossings open 24/7 would represent a paradigm shift that does not require much investment” may not be exporting bulk ore but the supporting services round the mining, and O&G industries is a huge business in its own right. “Many of the operations are in remote places, often with only seasonal roads or no roads at all,” says Hennie Heymans. “Our ability to fly into these places is a big differentiator for us in sub-Saharan Africa.” With its hub at Johannesburg’s OR Tambo International Airport DHL can support year

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round operations in resource rich areas like northern Mozambique. “The infrastructure north of Maputo is nonexistent, and the ability to fly an aircraft in becomes critical – it is one of our biggest differentiators and one we guard jealously!” It’s one thing to be insanely customercentric oneself, but it would be a great Christmas present for him if the customs authorities in Africa could lose their senses


in the same direction! On the one hand these agencies play a critical role in safeguarding the jurisdiction they serve but if they want business to invest they need to balance that role with that of becoming an enabler as much as a gatekeeper. He says it with feeling: “If we could change that mindset it would make a huge difference and see Africa’s economy leap forward. If your goods are still in transit for five to twelve days because of customs delays, it feeds back into cash flow and cost of investment. To get the border crossings open 24/7 would represent a paradigm shift that does not require much investment.” The red tape holding up trucks and goods awaiting clearance at airports are one reason that transportation in Africa can

cost up to six times as much as in Europe. Nevertheless he looks forward to 2014 and to his job of making sure this year’s significant financial investment translates into yet better service and a better customer experience. In 2013 DHL South Africa was named by Deloitte the best company to work for, at the same time achieving double-digit growth in a sluggish economic environment. “I am immensely proud of that and I have no doubt that as we continue the journey from good to great that achievement will benefit our customers.” For more information about DHL visit:

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All part of

A combination of world-class facilities Port Everglades a powerhouse of inter

written by: Will Daynes r

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Port Everglades

f the plan

s and innovative leadership has made rnational trade, travel and investment

research by: David Brogan

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Port Everglades


hough the name suggests Port Everglades has rapidly established otherwise, Port Everglades does itself as Florida leading seaport for not actually form part of the containerized cargo. Situated within the Florida Everglades, rather is it epicentre of a region that thrives on trade located on the south-eastern and tourism, it is the perfect hub and point of coast of the Florida peninsula within the entry for companies that conduct business in cities of Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood and Central and South America, the Caribbean, Dania Beach. Situated in close proximity Europe, and the Far East. Every year more than 5.2 million tonnes to the Atlantic Ocean shipping lanes, the Florida East Coast railway, the state’s of containerized cargo moves through Port highway system and the Fort Lauderdale- Everglades and it is the port’s position that Hollywood International Airport, it serves nobody moves said cargo in and out faster. all of South Florida from Miami to Palm The reason for this is that the port is part of a Beach and Orlando. thriving global transportation Dubbed South Florida’s network, while an aggressive expansion of its facilities “powerhouse port”, Port through a multi-million Everglades is one of the most diverse seaports in the dollar capital improvements United States, among the programme has also been most active containerized key to recent growth. This cargo ports in the United programme has to date Total value of Port States and South Florida’s resulted in the port adding Everglades’ economic main seaport for petroleum new and expanded marine activity products such as gasoline cargo terminals, become the and jet fuel, and among the first in the nation to have top three cruise ports in the world. an ELMO system installed and achieving Port Everglades leverages its world- 99 percent uptime on its gantry cranes. Ships and cargo are not Port Everglades recognized South Florida facilities and innovative leadership to drive the region’s only source of business however. Covering a economic vitality and provide the highest jurisdictional area of some 2,190 acres the port levels of service, safety, environmental also boasts office space, real estate, warehousing, stewardship and community accountability. a foreign-trade zone and more than 25,000 lineal The total value of economic activity at the feet of docks. Also, and in addition to major port is approximately $26 billion, while cruise lines, cargo and petroleum companies, more than 201,000 jobs in Florida are other ancillary industries including security impacted by it, including 11,700 individuals companies, import and export companies, who work for the companies that provide it food suppliers and steamship agents continue with direct services. to benefit from the port’s success.



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Port Everglades Port Everglades Behind the growth feature of Port textEverglades to go here... is what it ipsum Lorem refers to dolor as itssit20-year amet, Master consectetur Plan, one that it updates adipisicing elit, sed every dotwo eiusmod years. The tempor plan incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. calls for on-going capital improvements that ultimately Ut enim adbenefit minimthe veniam, port’s customers quis nostrud in the cruise, cargo exercitation ullamco andlaboris petroleum nisi utindustries, aliquip ex while ea commodo 2014’sconsequat. update Duis re-emphasises aute irure dolor its determination in reprehenderit toin plot voluptate a course velit for esse expanding cillum and enhancing dolore eu fugiat existing nulla facilities pariatur.inExcepteur a manner that occaecat is economical and efficient, as well as sint cupidatat non proident, sunt environmentally in culpa qui officia responsible. deserunt mollit anim id estThe laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, most recent update to the Master Plan consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod identifies a number of key parameters of port development. These have the magna ability tempor incididunt ut include labore et dolore

aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit

SWC SWC has served as the environmental consultant team member for master planning at Port Everglades since 2006. Work has included: • site recognizance of upland and marine Port facilities; • collecting current data on all existing submerged and emergent wetland habitats in and near the Port and entrance channel, including mangroves, seagrasses and corals; • collecting current data regarding all listed species in and near the Port, including Acropora corals, manatees, smalltooth sawfish, and wood storks; • collecting current data regarding existing and potential contamination sources on the Port property; • analyzing existing conditions and proposed Port and entrance channel expansion plans in relation to environmental impacts and permitting requirements; • assessing alternative plans for moving the conservation easement associated with expansion of the Turning Notch that includes 8.7 acres of

mangrove impacts, as well as mitigation plans; • assessing the impacts of sea level rise to future Port plans, • preparing text and illustrative figures for relevant sections of master plan documents; • extensive agency coordination and participating in agency and public involvement meetings; • addressing questions and comments from agencies and the public regarding environmental elements of plans and updates; and • preparing text to incorporate environmental sections of the finally-adopted Plan Update into the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. Currently, SWC is assessing new proposed projects at the Port in regard to impacts on natural systems and contamination sources, and is preparing estimated pricing associated with mitigation and remediation required to accomplish these projects.

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“Behind the growth of Port Everglades is what it refers to as its 20-year Master Plan, one that it updates every two years� to berth fully laden Post-Panamax vessels carrying up to 7,000 twenty-foot equivalent container units, being able to support more and longer cargo berths with appropriate cranes, cruise berths able to handle 1,100-foot

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ships and larger cruise terminals as well as the reconfiguration of slips to enhance efficiency and safety, upland improvements to terminals and intermodal access, and the adding of a new berth for a crushed rock/aggregate ships.

Port Everglades

Port Everglades recognizes the impact the port has, not only on its tenants and users, but also on the surrounding communities. Addressing and resolving issues and concerns throughout the planning process have fostered an effective working relationship and consensus between the various stakeholders’ interests. It also recognises that the Master Plan is a living document and will continue to be updated accordingly in the future. In the meantime Port Everglades is embarking on three critical expansion

projects that are projected to create as many as 7,000 new jobs regionally and support some 135,000 jobs state-wide over the next 15 years. These key expansion projects are expected to be completed over the next six years and will add up to five berths, widen and deepen the channel to 50 feet and bring freight rail into the Port. For more information about Port Everglades visit:

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worldwide customers

The Headoffice of the FRUTIGER-Group is located in Switzerland. An international network of independent Group companies and sales offices takes care of our worldwide customers. With the business lines Scrapedozers and Wheel Washing Systems FRUTIGER leads the market


obyDick Wheel Washing Systems - We solve the problem of dirty roads and highways! Since 1985, MobyDick Wheel Washing Systems have set the worldwide standard for high performance cleaning, durability, and reliability. MobyDick systems are easy to install, use, and maintain. With over 3000 installed systems we are proud of our worldwide leadership position. The varied range of MobyDick

“ With over 3000 installed systems we are proud of our worldwide leadership position” 92 | be directory

Wheel Washing Systems are based on two model lines: Introduced in 1985, TailorMade (TM-Line) Wheel Washing systems are our quality line for effective wheel washing reliablity, durabiltiy and high customer satisfaction. MobyDick »Quick” drive-through and roller models are custom engineered in a variety of wash platform lengths, widths, and axle loading capacities. MobyDick TM-Line Wheel Washing Systems incorporate optional cleaning accessories and recycled water treatment technology to provide our customers with tailor made wheel wash track-out solutions. MobyDick’s ConLine (Construction Line) Wheel Washing Systems are our economic modular wheel wash systems for portable or permanent installations. Engineered for construction, rental, and


industrial sites, the ConLine’s unique modular drive-through design is rugged, flexible, and easy to assemble. The ConLine wheel wash systems provide our customers with MobyDick reliability at an economic price. Our wheel wash experts are committed to developing the most cost effective wheel wash installation to solve your environmental and stormwater problems caused by tire track-out of dirt and sediment onto public roads. For more information visit: Earthmoving with Scrapedozers The Scrapedozer is the ideal machine for earthmoving on hauling distances from 50 to 500 meters. On sites where the transport distance is too

long for bulldozers and too short for dumpers the cost effectiveness of the Scrapedozer is overwhelming. FRUTIGER currently offers three different Scraperdozer models. The SR T-10, SR T-12 and SR T-18. All three models compliment each other and allow economic operation in many different working conditions. For more information visit: FRUTIGER Company AG Stegackerstrasse 26 CH-8409 Winterthur T +41 (0)52 234 11 11

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