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BusinessExcellence Weekly

ISSUE No. 53 |

london array:


the future The lessons learnt from the world’s largest offshore wind farm


Australian satellite communications:


Included The BE Mining Directory showcases leading mining organisations from across the world, ranging from big corporations to junior mines and their supply chains. Be seen throughout our portfolio of magazines: •BE Mining Directory •BE Mining •BE Weekly •BE Monthly •

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business excellence Design Matt Johnson Art Director Louise Culling Production Designer

business Richard Turner Director of sales Vince Kielty Director of Editorial Research Sharon Rooke Administration & Operations Matt Day Head of technology Andy Turner Chief Executive


editorial John O’Hanlon Editor

John has contributed to Business Excellence since its inception: he joined the in-house editorial team in February 2013.

Will Daynes Editor

Will has been a business writer for three years. He joined the Business Excellence team in September 2012.


Simon is co-founder of, a developer of cloud and mobile-based business management software. He has successfully led companies to IPO or acquisition and earned a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, London.

George F. Brown, Jr.

George consults with industrial firms on growth strategy. He is the coauthor of CoDestiny: Overcome Your Growth Challenges by Helping Your Customers Overcome Theirs and the cofounder of Blue Canyon Partners, Inc. Infinity Business Media Ltd

Suite 22, St Francis House, Queens Road, Norwich, NR1 3PN Tel: +44 (0) 203 137 7100 Fax: +44 (0) 1603 666466 The content of this magazine is copyright of Infinity Business Media Ltd. Redistribution or reproduction of any content is prohibited. © Copyright 2013 Infinity Business Media Ltd.

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issue No.53


6 operations

He Hasn’t an Enemy in the World – But All His Friends Hate Him How business relationships between supplier and manufacturer impact on innovation, end customers and profitability.

12 comment

Devise a Mobile Strategy or Perish Someday people will say, “Are you sure that in 2013 only 1 in 10 people paid for coffee using their phone?”


16 London Array

Powering the future

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Project Director, Richard Rigg, discusses the journey taken by and the lessons learnt from the London Array project, the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

contents 32 Pesco

The tools for the job Over little more than a decade Pesco has emerged as a major player in the Chilean economy, supporting a host of different industries.


44 Nordgold

Flexible and on the move


Since its establishment in 2007, outperforming the industry seems to have become a habit, and it has not been slow to adopt world class social initiatives either.

62 Australian Satellite Communications (ASC) Keeping things connected

The qualities that have brought ASC such success over the years and how its acquisition by SpeedCast will take the business to the next level.


70 Qatargas

A national treasure Sitting on top of plentiful reserves of natural gas, Qatargas is the world’s largest producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and a shining example of excellence within the energy sector.

78 LLX (Açu Superport Project) A gateway to the future

LLX is the driving force behind the development of the Açu Superport, one of Latin America’s most important investment projects in recent history.

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He Hasn’t an Enemy in the World

But All His Friends Hate Him How business relationships between supplier and manufacturer impact on innovation, end customers and profitability

written by: George F. Brown, Jr.

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once worked on a project on which, during interviews, both parties to a large supplierdistributor business relationship described the other as a “blood-sucking weasel”. This was an extreme case, but most firms involved in business relationships probably can cite an example of an important relationship that was constantly under strain. William Blake, the English poet and painter, has been quoted as saying “He hasn’t an enemy in the world – but all his friends hate him”. As was the case for the firms involved in the relationship described earlier, that statement applies all too frequently to the relationships between manufacturers and their suppliers and their channel partners. Such characterizations are neither necessary nor inevitable. I have seen many instances of CoDestiny business relationships in which both parties gain from the association, rewarding their shareholders in the process. The potential for such “win-win” relationships came up during a lunch discussion at a recent meeting

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hosted by the Institute for the Study of Business Markets. The discussion participants all acknowledged how very difficult it is to keep business relationships on a positive keel, but all of them cited the benefits of doing so. Over the course of the discussion, several of the executives involved shared examples of contributions that had been made to their firms by suppliers and by channel partners that were important elements of their overall Go-to-Market strategy. Two important lessons emerged from those examples that can help to guide efforts in other firms. A Shared Focus on Value Creation One case study involved an electrical distributor that had faced a troubled market a number of years ago, in part due to the recession and in part due to changes in the makeup of the industrial segment in his region. One of their key suppliers came to them, explained that they recognized the situation, and offered to extend the relationship into a new vertical market where

“most firms business rel probably can c of an importan that was c under s

s involved in lationships cite an example nt relationship constantly strain”

Operations growth prospects were much stronger. The executive from the distributor organization provided the following observation: “Hearing about this opportunity reenergized our firm. And it gave us a new perspective on business relationships. The manufacturer who came to us said we’d been a great partner, that they knew we would deliver, and that they wanted the relationship to continue and to grow. They invested in helping us to get up to speed and collaborated with us on sales calls – actually leading us – as we got going in the new segment.” The two firms involved are currently profiting from their collaboration, gaining share and seeing improvements to each of their bottom lines. Two critical lessons about building strategic relationships bet ween manufacturers and their business partners can be learned from this case study. First, such relationships are business relationships, and both parties must recognize that the relationship will remain strong only as long as it makes economic sense for both parties. “Create

value to capture value” is good advice in all business markets. It is essential advice for manufacturers and their business partners that aspire to shared successes. To reach that goal, both parties must recognize opportunities and invest in creating value for the other party, not just as a “good citizen”, but as the route to capturing value for the firm’s own shareholders. In a ny busi ne ss relationship, there are three routes to value creation. First is the possibility of increasing volume. Sometimes this involves capturing a greater market share. In other instances, it can involve expanding the market by introducing new elements to the offer, frequently services or solutions packages. Second is the possibility of reaching a higher price point, either by motivating movement up the “Good-Better-Best” spectrum or by motivating the purchase of optional choices that can be added to the core products. Third is the possibility of improving the bottom lines of the two organizations by efficiency increases or simply taking costs out of the system. In

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strong business relationships, there is an open discussion as to the strategies that the two organizations can implement to create value through one or more of these routes. Every one of the success stories that I have heard about “win-win” business relationships built upon grew out of an idea that created value that could be shared by the firms involved. There is a second lesson in this case study, and that is the fact that investments often have to be made in order to realize these shared gains. In this instance, the investment

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involved several dimensions – training, collaboration on sales calls, etc. Best-in-class partners know that success doesn’t just happen, and are willing to step up to the plate and make the investments necessary to achieve the growth and profit gains that can come from a strong and effective relationship. An End Customer Focus Another example was provided by a firm in the food and beverage industry, in this case selling brands through supermarkets and other such

retailers. Their own research showed that one of the major issues voiced by consumers involved spoilage, in this instance an issue in terms of wasted food rather than one involving food safety. As they were addressing this challenge, one of their packaging suppliers stepped up with insights that had emerged from working with a different customer in a very different industry. The concepts that they shared with this food manufacturer became an important element of their solution, one that in fact enabled them to gain a competitive advantage over the other brands that were alternatives to consumers. This success story reflects one of the most important characteristics of healthy s u p p l i e r- m a n u f a c t u r e r relationships, namely a shared and primary focus on the end customers served by the “team”. Unhealthy relationships are often characterized by distrust about end customers. The supplier typically fears that the manufacturer will “take their best ideas and put them out for bid”. And the manufacturer


“It is often hard to be a good partner in a business relationship, but the payoff can be enormous from making the commitment to do so” fears that the supplier will “pass information along to competitors as to innovation plans or product issues”. But best-in-class partners to these relationships realize that success starts with a happy and satisfied end customer, and that it is a shared responsibility to achieve that outcome. In the example above, the only question on the table for both organizations was about how to meet the challenge of delivering a better product to the consumer. To deliver at a high level of quality to end customers requires proactive planning and relationship management. If all of the interactions between a supplier and a manufacturer involve the sales and purchasing teams, respectively, it’s unlikely that value creation such as described in the example above will occur. The right people in the right business

functions need to know one another and feel comfortable in interacting. To get to that point, the relationship must involve a foundation of trust, familiarity, and strong “touch points”, all of which require attention on an ongoing basis. Summary It is interesting to contrast business relationships among “blood-sucking weasels” with those that create “win-win” outcomes that benefit both firms. Clearly, the latter is the preferred outcome, but the former is all too common.

Recognition that the relationship must make strong business sense to both parties and a constant focus on end customers are two critical elements that contribute to strong, profitable CoDestiny relationships. I began with a quote from William Blake, and will end with one from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” It is often hard to be a good partner in a business relationship, but the payoff can be enormous from making the commitment to do so.

George F. Brown, Jr. consults with industrial firms on growth strategy. He is the coauthor of CoDestiny: Overcome Your Growth Challenges by Helping Your Customers Overcome Theirs and the cofounder of Blue Canyon Partners, Inc. George has published frequently on topics relating to strategy in business markets, including articles in Industry Week, Industrial Distribution, Chief Executive, Business Excellence, Employment Relations Today, iP Frontline, Industrial Engineer, Industry Today, and many others.

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Devise a Mobile Strategy

or Perish by: Simon Hopkins

comment: technology


here are over 1 billion smartphones in use worldwide today. T hese handheld computers have a myriad of potential uses. Beyond apps, we use them to browse the web, take photos, listen to music, watch movies, and even buy goods and services. One in 10 transactions at Starbucks now uses the Starbucks mobile app. According to ComScore, 4 out of 5 smartphone owners in the U.S. shop online via their mobile browser or a retail app. Any business that doesn’t take note of this trend and plan accordingly is going to be at a major disadvantage. Retailers, in particular, can drive engagement and increase sales with an optimized mobile website, or, even better, a dedicated mobile app. Ad campaigns

on mobile devices can take advantage of locationbased marketing and add value to traditional adverts. Shoppers love to use apps in store for everything from price comparisons to in-store maps. Business and the BYOD trend All that potential isn’t confined to retail. If you stop to consider the “bring your own device” trend, you’ll see that the enterprise is embracing mobile technology. The advantages of allowing employees to bring their own mobile devices to work are too great to ignore. Productivity gains, greater flexibility and mobility, and big cost savings can be had with the right mobile strategy. Mobile device management tools and security standards are improving all the time. Companies can exert greater control over the apps that

“4 out of 5 smartphone owners in the U.S. shop online via their mobile browser or a retail app” Be weekly | 13

“70% of mobile professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices by 2018” are made available to their employees through enterprise app stores. This space is seeing rapid growth across all business sectors and the benefits are not industry specific – any business can enjoy them. Assess your potential gains Every business is different, so it’s important to analyze the potential benefits of mobile technology for your company. For sales people, a smartphone equipped with the right apps can be a pipeline to the head office. Appointment details can be updated in real-time, orders can be input on the spot, and time, billing and expenses can be accurately tracked. Stock and order management in a warehouse becomes a breeze, delivery drivers can be tracked, and even managers can be freed from their desks because their smartphones make them

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reachable at all times. The old dream of the paperless office is within grasp if you enable data entry through smartphones and keep files in the cloud. Your systems and data can be accessible from any location. You can also track activity more accurately with built-in GPS and a host of onboard sensors in most modern smartphones paving the way for apps that hook into the information you need and record it in real-time. Engage your customers Engagement levels through mobile, whether its social media interaction, advertising campaigns, or dedicated apps that add value to a brand experience, are higher than traditional approaches. An app allows you to record data about your customers, provide discounts that reward loyalty, and push new products and services. Provided you bear the golden rule of content

comment: technology

$1 Trillion Amount worldwide purchase volume over mobile devices could exceed by 2017 marketing in mind – that you are offering something of value to the customer – then you will reap the benefits. Many brands are seeing advantages in developing tools and even games to serve as delivery vehicles for advertising and to encourage a general boost in brand awareness, which translates to increased business down the line. It’s happening with or without you Whether you jump onboard or not, the mobile revolution is here to stay. Consumer trust in

mobile payments is growing all the time. An IDC report at the end of last year suggested that “worldwide purchase volume over mobile devices will exceed $1 trillion” by 2017. What business doesn’t want a slice of that? T he adopt ion of smartphones is also gaining ground in the enterprise at a rapid pace and it’s not confined to big business. Small businesses can add a lot of value and improve efficiency with the right mobile strategy too. Gartner analysts believe “70% of mobile professionals will conduct their work on personal smart devices by 2018.” Before you dismiss the mobile revolution and decide it doesn’t apply to you, ask yourself what it could do for your business. Can you really afford to ignore it?

Simon Hopkins is co-founder of, a developer of cloud and mobile-based business management software. He began his career at Andersen Consulting in 1989 and was most recently Chairman and CEO of ROC Americas Inc., a global IT consultancy. Before that he was COO for Axon Solutions and CFO of Feanix Corporation. He has successfully led companies to IPO or acquisition and earned a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College, London.

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London Array


the future Project Director, Richard Rigg, discusses the journey taken by and the lessons learnt from the London Array project, the world’s largest offshore wind farm

written by: Will Daynes research by: Louisa Adcock

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London Array


t was in July 1887 that Scottish academic James Blyth installed the world’s first electricity-generating wind turbine. Although at the time considered uneconomical in the UK, electricity generating wind turbines proved to be far more cost effective in countries with widely scattered populations, a fact that saw American inventor Charles F Brush follow up Blyth’s work some months later by building the first automatically operated wind turbine for electricity production in Cleveland, Ohio. Fast forward to the 21st Century and the world finds itself in a situation where rising concerns over energy security, global warming, and eventual fossil fuel depletion have led to an expansion of interest in all available forms of renewable energy, including wind power. It was due to this interest that the fledgling commercial wind power industry began expanding at a robust growth rate of about 30 percent per year, driven by the ready availability of large wind resources, and falling costs due to improved technology and wind farm management. Today, London Array is arguably the most widely known UK offshore wind farm and the largest of its kind found anywhere in the world. Following confirmation of the suitability of the area for construction of a wind farm site, the London Array project was officially born in 2001, with the Crown Estate providing the consortium of operators at the time, Shell WindEnergy Ltd, E.ON UK Renewables and DONG Energy, a 50 year lease for the site and cable route to shore, which was entered into in 2004. Planning consent for the project’s 1GW

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We take part in the world’s largest offshore wind projects


Danish Per Aarsleff A/S and German Bilfinger Construction GmbH are cooperating in the joint venture Aarsleff BilfingerBerger Joint Venture. We have recently completed the installation of 177 foundations for the London Array Offshore Wind Farm located off the east coast of England. Currently, we are installing 80 monopile foundations for the DanTysk Offshore Wind Farm. Previously, the joint venture has installed 92 monopiles for the Horns Rev 2 Offshore Wind Farm, 91 gravity foundations for the Rødsand 2 Offshore Wind Farm, 7 gravity foundations for the Sprogø Offshore Wind Farm and 100 foundations for the Thanet Offshore Wind Farm.




Aarsleff Bilfinger Berger Joint Venture Aarsleff Bilfinger Berger Joint Venture is a Danish-German joint venture between two of the world’s leading contractors – Per Aarsleff A/S from Aarhus and Bilfinger Construction GmbH from Hamburg. Both companies have extensive experience in and knowledge of the execution of demanding marine construction work. The working relationship From 2004 to 2013, we have implemented huge offshore foundation structures in Denmark, Germany and the UK. The clients of these projects include major energy companies looking for a business partner capable of implementing giant contracts. We have handled everything from design and construction to installation of offshore steel and concrete foundations, just as we have handled the actual installation of wind turbines. The world’s largest offshore wind farms The JV has executed the foundations for half of the world’s largest operating offshore wind farms. Recently, it has completed the world’s largest offshore wind farm, the London Array Offshore Wind Farm, and it is currently executing the DanTysk Offshore Wind Farm which will be commissioned in 2014. By then, the JV will have executed the foundations for five of the world’s largest offshore wind farms. Specialists Every single project is unique and poses unique challenges. Therefore, we have always

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focused on finding the right equipment and the right expertise for the specific infrastructure job – also when a job required us to develop new specialist equipment and new solutions. Staff Our staff has many years of experience and wide expertise within offshore activities, and they cover the whole spectrum from tendering to order acquisition, planning, design and execution. We attach great importance to being able to execute as much of each project as possible by means of our own staff in order to build up and maintain experience and know-how inhouse. This way, expertise gained is passed on from project to project thus contributing to enhancing our competitiveness. Our skilled and dedicated staff contributes to our success on the offshore wind market. Equipment Specialist equipment is required for the implementation of offshore wind projects. We spend many resources on development and investment in specialist equipment for our projects. Our purpose is to optimise the projects to the benefit of our customers. Our specialist equipment includes pile grippers, lifting yokes, upending devices, barges, sea fastenings, cage installation tools etc. All equipment is developed by in-house engineers and technicians.

London Array

offshore wind farm was granted in 2006, with commissioned on 6 April, 2013,” states permission granted for the onshore works Project Director, Richard Rigg, “an event following in 2007. Work on Phase One started which effectively marked the culmination of in July 2009 when building commenced on the installation of the 630MW wind farm. the onshore substation at Cleve Hill in Kent, From that point on the complete wind farm whereas offshore construction started in has been generating and earning revenue.” March 2011 when the first foundation was Such is the sheer scale of London Array installed. The first turbine that it is estimated that its 175 turbines will be capable was installed in January of generating enough energy 2012, with first power achieved in October that year to power nearly half a million and the final turbine installed homes and reduce harmful in December 2012. CO2 emissions by over The number of turbines “We reached the key 900,000 tonnes a year. that make up the “When this project was first milestone of having the wind farm conceived,” Rigg continues, 175th and final turbine


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“London Array is arguably the most widely known UK offshore wind farm and the largest of its kind found anywhere in the world�

Construction of a turbine

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London Array “I think it is fair to say that it was felt by many that an undertaking of this size could simply not be carried out.” Indeed at the time there wasn’t even any legislation in place that allowed for the construction of a project the size of London Array. Nevertheless, it is with a great sense of pride that Rigg can declare that despite the considerable challenges that the consortium has encountered in the last decade or so, London Array looks set to deliver on the promises it made back at the time of its conception. Said challenges include Offshore substations boost the voltage to reduce transmission losses overcoming the obstacles that presented themselves due to the location than that anticipated and factored in by the of the project in the outer Thames Estuary. consortium. Regardless of these setbacks the Here the water depth can range at lowest project ended up having what Rigg describes atmospheric tide from 25 metres right down as a remarkable year in 2012. “By the end to minus one metre, meaning that at various of December 2012 we had installed in the points some areas of the site actually dry out. space of ten months all bar a few array cables, “As you can imagine,” Rigg highlights, three of the four export cables, and 90 of the “when you have to get a large vessel in to 177 foundations. That means that we finished install components weighing around 650 the year installing the last turbine within a tonnes you have to ensure that you get it in at few weeks of the date we actually set back high tide, jack it up and then await the return in May 2009, which I think is a fantastic of higher water levels before getting it back achievement.” The consortium, which now consists of out again. All of this adds an extra degree of DONG Energy, E.ON and Masdar, is very keen complexity to the work you are doing.” In addition to these logistical difficulties to stress that it sees London Array as being the project has been hampered by several the first real industrial scale offshore wind extensive periods of bad weather, worse farm, with its success being a precursor to

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Contact us today and put your company in the spotlight!

London Array the next round of wind farms nexans due to appear off the coasts With energy at the basis of its development, Nexans, a of the UK. worldwide expert in the cable industry, offers an extensive Where it also hopes range of cables and cabling solutions. The Group is a global to see the project being player in the energy transmission and distribution, industry labelled an inspiration for and building markets. Nexans addresses a wide series of future developments is in its market segments: from energy and telecom networks to energy resources and transportation. efforts towards benefiting Continuous innovation in products, solutions and services, the environment and the employee development and commitment, customer orientation local communities who and the introduction of safe industrial processes with limited reside around the site. It has environmental impact are among the key initiatives that place long been the aim of the Nexans at the core of a sustainable future. consortium to see London Array playing a key role in helping the UK to meet various renewable energy targets. By reducing carbon emissions by more than 900,000 tonnes a year the project will be playing a critical role in helping to tackle the effects of climate change and global warming, this providing significant, long term environmental benefits. “It is important to recognise that in addition to London Array there are a number of other large offshore wind farms that really are contributing to this shared goal,” Rigg explains. “The more this happens, the sooner people will recognise the scale of the contributions these projects are making. In turn they will hopefully then realise that Installing array cables these wind farms can generate industrial

“The lessons learnt from London Array will prove invaluable for those behind the creation of the next generation of wind farms” be weekly | 27

LIFTRIG CONSULTING Driven by a passion for safety in lifting operations, LiftRig Consulting’s team of experienced engineers are leading innovators of lifting and handling solutions, cable handling and storage systems, lifting assurance and lift planning services. At LiftRig, we strive to become the leading provider of lifting engineering services and personnel to the energy sector and beyond, and we treat every engineering requirement as a unique project. Producing innovative solutions requires unique talents which are not always available from many companies. The engineering team at LiftRig has a track record of creating such innovative

LiftRig are proud to be associated with the successful completion of the London Array Wind Farm.

solutions, which can be shown to include world-leading products and advanced solutions to modern challenges Combining over 25 years’ experience in on- and offshore engineering with the (0)1202 238718 latest state-of-the-art design software, the LiftRig team is well-placed to provide solutions that are safe, practical, effective and cost-effective. Our unique design service will satisfy the needs of any organisation responsible for providing a safe system of work to its employees, installers or those of its customers. • Cable Storage & Handling Systems • Heavy Lifting Specialists • Appointed Persons

LiftRig – Creating Safe Solutions.

LiftRig are proud to be associated with the successful completion of the London Array Wind Farm. • Cable Storage & Handling Systems • Heavy Lifting Specialists • Appointed Persons

• Lifting Assurance • Lift Planning +44 (0)1202 238718

• Lifting Assurance • Lift Planning

London Array

London Array operations & maintenance office

amounts of electricity and “The relationship we play an important role in the have built up with the local villages of Graveney and energy mix of the future.” While the wind turbines Goodnestone is nothing that make up London Array short of excellent and stand 20 kilometres out to have already proven to be Of CO2 emissions that sea, the project has still had mutually beneficial for all the wind farm will help a big impact of the onshore concerned,” Rigg enthuses. reduce per year communities in the Cleve Hill Examples of some of the and Ramsgate areas, a fact positive results to come from that has not been lost on the consortium. In these relationships include London Array’s the early days of the project it faced natural support of a university bursary scheme, the opposition to its plans for building its Cleve creation of a community fund managed by Hill substation. Respecting this opposition an independent trust, its donations to various the consortium embarked on a programme wildlife funds and the annual donations of engagement, working hard to involve local made to three local schools. people and keeping communities informed Equal effort has been made by the about the progress of the project at all times. consortium in Ramsgate where it has

900,000+ tonnes

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London Array endeavoured, wherever possible, to employ local people to its construction and operations and maintenance teams, and to source from local suppliers, not only during the construction phase of the project but for all manner of activities related to the project, from hotels and taxis to bringing in a local company to supply the Cleve Hill substation with high speed internet access. Now that London Array is into its operational phase the focus of the consortium turns to ensuring that it works as effectively and efficiently as possible. In doing so it is expected to produce some hugely important performance figures that its owners hope can then be used to demonstrate that wind farms have indeed become serious players in terms of today’s energy mix. Looking ahead to the future, Rigg points out that while what has already been achieved is hugely significant, there is more work to be done if mankind is to get the most out of offshore wind power. “The aim for the industry as a whole is to bring down the costs associated with offshore wind and improve the overall reliability of wind power generation. While there is still much to be done if we are to reap the full rewards that wind power has to offer there can be no doubt that the lessons learnt from London Array will prove invaluable for those behind the creation of the next generation of wind farms.” For more information about London Array visit:

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The tools for the job 32 | be weekly

Pesco Chile

Over little more than a decade Pesco has emerged as a major player in the Chilean economy, supporting a host of different industries including forestry, municipal and industrial waste management, emergency and rescue services, high-rise working and, increasingly, mining

written by: John O’Hanlon research by: David Brogan be weekly | 33

Elliott HiReach aerial work platform

Pesco Chile


he niche Pesco has occupied so successfully is in the provision to its clients of specialised machinery, sourced from around the world, that they need in their operations. As a measure of its success we need only look at the sales graph: since it was founded in 1998 turnover has progressively risen from zero to more than $55 million in 2012. One of the most stable, competitive and fastest growing economies in the world, let alone Latin America, Chile recorded an enviable five percent growth in 2012, much of it achieved through its mineral resources, with the state mining company Codelco accounting for a third of the nation’s economy. So despite the diversity of its client base it is not surprising that mining is the major contributor to Pesco too. Mining related business now contributes a third of its turnover and about the same proportion of the company’s profits. Inevitably a good amount of equipment supplied by Pesco ends up working on the operations of Codelco, though it is not Pesco’s model to partner directly with the end user but rather through a third party, usually a leasing company. This dramatic growth has been achieved using two basic principles, explains General Manager Nicolás Vicencio. “We develop the markets for the products we sell, to increase the volumes we handle; and we add new products to our range according to what the customers say they need.” The company goes to great lengths to source the right equipment for its clients, he adds, visiting OEMs that may be interested in establishing a presence in Chile, and attending trade shows in China,

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Sierra y Plaza Engineering and Services S.A., was established on January 10th, 1994, in the city of Los Andes, Chile.

TECH INDUSTRIAL CLEANING Company: Sierra y Plaza Ingeniería y Servicios S.A.

Currently we are known one of the leading companies in services and engineering projects within the country, maintaining constant innovation that solves the challenges and demands of our customers. Our core business units are: • Engineering and Projects Services. • Works Technical Inspection Services. • Land Survey, Geodesy and Geomatics Services. • Maintenance, Infrastructure, Civil Works, Construction and Installation Services. • Management Support Services • Tech Industrial Cleaning Services

VISION AND INNOVATION For several years the company studied our costumers’ needs related to operational continuity, and it was, for them and for us, a big challenge. There for the resulting was the identification of the key variables that were affecting productivity, maintenance and equipment performance in various production Plants. These variables allowed us to perform a search for solutions, with clear vision that allowed us to apply technology available on the World Market.


High Vacuum Aspiration.

Our proposal presents a different model to solve the problems by applying our know-how in the Engineering´s area, introducing concepts such as: Critical points, planning and control process, reaching new standards for quality, safety and productivity. This allowed us to achieve a new concept that goes from “Traditional Industrial Cleaning” to “Tech Industrial Cleaning”.

Pneumatic Suction.

The following pictures shows evidence about the standard of service achieved in a workplace, meeting the expectations of our customers. 2012: Customer Codelco Chile, División Andina, achieved standard.

OUR TECH INDUSTRIAL CLEANING SERVICES Currently our Tech Industrial Cleaning Services are executed Concentrating Plants, Crushing Plant, Grinding and Flotation Plant, Underground and Open Pit Mines, and generally in any area where exist any kind of silt accumulation, stones or rocks, that had been generated as spills or operational emergencies, using three processes: Loading and Transportation. For each one of these processes, it´s in use hightech machinery, capable of performing their jobs in tight spaces, which combined with highly specialized human resources, deliver effective results with low risk exposure and an effective care for the environment, since these processes do not generate pollutants during its application.

Loading and Transportation.

Sierra & Plaza Engineering and Services

As an Engineering services company, our north is oriented to provide high quality services, meeting deadlines and costs CEO Sierra, JosĂŠ Luis which ensure the success of the projects in which we participate, with a high awareness of the persons and environmental care, and that makes us an efficient company.

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We have been recognized among national level, in terms of high security standard, there for; we must be very careful and efficient in every new step that we take. On that matter, working with Pesco has meant a positive impact on our Tech Industrial Cleaning Services, which has allowed us to incorporate the latest technology making our work more efficient.

Pesco Chile Europe and America. But it’s not all about volume: “It’s our strategy to be experts in every product we sell: we do that by training our people either at the manufacturers’ premises or by bringing their technicians to Chile.” It is a very dynamic process, he says: often a product imported for one client will turn out to have applications in another sector or application. Fire trucks, for example, are used by municipal fire services, one mine sites, and also in forestry operations among other industries. A lot of the equipment supplied is for cleaning of a specialised nature, so vacuum trucks figure large in the list, whether for cleaning the shovels and large plant in the mine, or in another version, adapted for conveyors. One particularly hazardous operation used to involve cleaning under moving conveyors: now Pesco is supplying a new remote control mini shovel from Movex that takes humans away from the conveyor – with safety the number one priority in

Altec insulated elevator trucks

today’s mines this product is attracting a lot of interest he says. Among other recently supplied equipment are fire trucks and safety equipment destined for Codelco’s Andina project, vacuum trucks for Siemens working at a Codelco/Rio Tinto joint venture, further vacuum trucks for services contractor Sierra y Plaza and telescopic cranes for the leasing company Relsa for the world’s biggest

“We add new products to our range according to what the customers say they need” be weekly | 39

Show the world what your company has to offer with our tailored packages


Pesco Chile copper mine, Codelco’s Chuquicamata. In order to A leading manufacturer of material handling aerial extend its range of specialised work platforms and cranes designed for rugged work cleaning equipment, Pesco environments. PESCO and Elliott Equipment have has introduced Altec partnered to sell and rent Elliott’s complete line of insulator-cleaning equipment telescopic aerial work platforms to mining customers that – essential for keeping clean require mobile aerial equipment to perform maintenance of shovels and other tall machinery. Elliott Equipment the supply power lines to the specializes in manufacturing models that offer aerial mining facilities. working heights up to 215’ (65,5m), basket jib capacities to Pesco does not involve 1,500 lbs (680 kg), boom winch capacities to 7 tons (6,35 itself with the conveyors mt), and a wide range of accessories like remote controls, themselves, nor with the diggers, and tool systems on the truck bed with hoses that heaviest capital equipment terminate in the basket. The company focuses on creating like shovels and ore carriers the best solutions for lifting loads and positioning people. Elliott Equipment Company looks forward to working with which are bought direct from PESCO to serve the Chilean market with the most advanced the manufacturers. The next and multifunctional aerial devices in the industry. tier of equipment is supplied indirectly, and here there is a major opportunity. On the waste management side, apart from vacuum trucks there is a demand for waste water control – high pressure washing equipment, skips and the hook lifts that move them about, and a wide range of containers. Pesco supplies all these. Much of this work can’t be done at ground level, and needs specialised products to facilitate working at height – up to 30 metres above ground. With brands like Axion, Elliott, Altec and Sky Jack clients have access to the safest and most cost effective lift

Elliott Equipment Company

$55 million Pesco’s 2012 turnover Pesco’s Santiago headquarters

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systems available internationally. With stock valued at around $20 million on its books, this is a capital-intensive business that works, Nicolás explains, a little differently from most places. “We don’t lease it out directly. We leave that business to the banks, who have their own leasing companies that make arrangements with the contractors. They buy the equipment from us.” Thereafter, maintenance is a matter of agreement. Pesco can provide full service in its own workshops – again that would be the norm in many countries and Chile is catching up with this practice. For those customers who choose to do their own maintenance Pesco is happy to supply parts and to train their engineers. As a company, Nicolás Vicencio thinks Pesco is now right-sized. “We have grown a lot in the last three or four years and now we have the workshop areas and staff that will enable us to consolidate our operations in Chile and consider our next steps,” he says. During 2012, it should be noted, Pesco augmented its main six-acre Santiago facility, with its five office buildings and 50,000 square feet of warehouses and workshops, by opening two subsidiary sales and service depots. These are strategically placed at Los Ángeles to the south and Calama to the north, giving excellent access to clients operating

anywhere in the 2,700 miles north-to-south extent of Chile’s territory. With that in place Pesco is now looking outside its borders. Peru is the first target, and Pesco is actively looking for the right partner to help it grow from a base there. That will be its strategy, says Nicolás, since each country has its own culture and way of doing business and it will be essential

“Pesco is remaining focused on servicing the burgeoning mining industry in the region” 42 | be weekly

Pesco Chile

Dingo mini excavator

to integrate local knowledge with Pesco’s unrivalled expertise and scale in the region. For now the most attractive economies are the mining ‘tigers’ of the Pacific coast – Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Pesco does have a dealership in Uruguay, he adds, however this is mainly concerned with forestry products. “Brazil,” he declares, “is another continent!” Nevertheless there are opportunities in that huge but rather protectionist economy. Pesco’s strength lies in the agreements it has to import equipment from all over the world under favourable trade agreements that exist with Chile. To import the same equipment into Brazil would be very expensive, however under Mercosul of which Chile is an associate member it would be possible to export

Supersucker vacuum truck

specialised equipment to Brazil if it had enough Mercosul content. Pesco already supplies a forest trailer to Uruguay, assembled in Chile using only key components that are imported. That model could be extended, he believes, with Chile becoming a platform for supplying such equipment, value added, to many South American countries, with no duty. Meanwhile, Pesco is remaining focused on servicing the burgeoning mining industry in the region – that is where most of the demand is coming from, he emphasises. For more information about Pesco Chile visit:

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Flexible an

Since its establishme a series of acquisit habit, and it has n

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nd on the move

ent in 2007, Nordgold has become a global player through tions: outperforming the industry seems to have become a not been slow to adopt world class social initiatives either

written by: John O’Hanlon research by: Robert Hodgson

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Gold production at Bissa

old is a most conservative and passive investment, but the same cannot be said of gold mining in emerging markets. To succeed here a company must be flexible and on the move. Its management must be adept and have a keen eye for untapped value.” These are the words of Nikolai Zelenski, CEO of Nordgold, and they will be echoed in the most heartfelt way by many others involved in the goldfields of Africa and South America. Nordgold was established in 2007 when Severstal Group, one of Russia’s most successful metals and resources corporations, decided to move into the gold market. Nordgold is a pure play gold producer and Severstal’s decision to diversify into this sector was taken at a time when it saw opportunities to acquire assets in Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Guinea. In its first five years Nordgold expanded rapidly through acquisitions and organic investment, achieving a rate of growth unmatched in the industry during that period. In 2012 Nordgold’s gold production grew to 717,000 ounces from just 21,000 in 2007. Now it has tripled its resource base to 30 million ounces, and has nine operational mines, one development project, several advanced exploration projects and a diverse portfolio of early exploration projects and licenses in Russia, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Guinea. It was in 2008 that Nordgold, which until then had only been operating in the CIS, acquired a controlling stake in High River Gold Mines Ltd, a Canadian company which held a number of assets in Russia as well as

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AFRICA GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION possesses advanced, high technology equipment. We periodically renew this equipment in an effort to continually improve our performance.


TĂŠl. : (+226) 50 41 75 50 /50 41 82 32 E-mail:

AFRICA GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION boasts strong, proven expertise in the mining and industrial sectors. We are currently a major supplier of equipment and services for industries and mines in Africa.

Nordgold NORDGOLD in Burkina Thetext Taparko NordgoldFaso. feature to go et dolore magna aliqua. Ut mine and Bissa exploration here...Lorem ipsum dolor sit enim ad minim veniam, quis project, both inadipisicing Burkina amet, consectetur nostrud exercitation ullamco Faso were among tempor these elit, sed do eiusmod laboris nisi ut aliquip ex assets. Following theetpositive incididunt ut labore dolore ea commodo consequat. results Nordgold magna aliqua. Ut achieved enim ad Duis aute irure dolor in with project minim turnaround veniam, quis nostrud reprehenderit in voluptate at Taparko ullamco the company exercitation laboris velit esse cillum dolore decided to proceed with the nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo eu fugiat nulla pariatur. development of Bissa. Initially consequat. Duis aute irure Excepteur sint occaecat it was in estimated the mine cupidatat non proident, sunt dolor reprehenderit in loading at Bissa encompassed qui pit officia deserunt voluptate velit mineralised esse cillum This is a caption this is a caption in culpaOpen zones over a strike mollit anim id est laborum. dolore traced eu fugiat nulla The feasibility studysit wasamet, completed in June length ofExcepteur approximately seven kilometres pariatur. sint occaecat cupidatat Lorem ipsum dolor consectetur and further exploration subsequently and the mining was obtained non proident, sunt in culpaworks qui officia deserunt 2010 adipisicing elit, sed licence do eiusmod tempor July 2011, with construction starting in conducted by id Nordgold improved confidence mollit anim est laborum. Lorem ipsum in incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 2011. All construction works at the further, better reserves than dolor sitdemonstrating amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, September Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud were completed within nisi 15 months – on previously anticipated. sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore site exercitation ullamco laboris ut aliquip ex

GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION AFRICA AFRICA GLOBAL CONSTRUCTIONS positions itself as one of the most successful African companies specialized in studies, construction and maintenance, and providing assistance to the mining, industrial and construction sectors. We make our experience and high-tech equipment available to our customers at all times. AFRICA GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION has in his possession complete and versatile equipment including digital machinery, lifting last generation, cranes, boats, winches and elevators. Our team Our highly qualified staff composes a number of different and complementary profiles:

• Engineers • Managerial staff • Technicians • Team leaders • Drivers operators • Technicians industrial transfer Our technical resources: • Propelled telescopic cranes • Cranes fly variables • Telescopic forklifts • Aerial lifts • Tractors double-deck • Guillotines digita E.

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TRANSCORDEC, Burkina Faso’s leading transportation companies, possesses a large fleet of buses that are both safe and comfortable. Our buses seat between 12 and 70 people and provide transportation between Ouagadougou and various mining sites throughout the region. We work with companies such as IAMGOLD ESSAKANE SA, SEMAFO, NordGold SOMITA, each of who have found us to be a partner they can almost trust. E-mail:


Contact us today and put your company in the spotlight!


Bissa facilities

time and on budget – and the first gold was of Dore gold for shipment to Switzerland, poured in January 2013. The plant at Bissa is where it is further refined before being sold on designed to treat up to four million tonnes of the open market. “Based on the Q1 results we ore a year, translating into more than 170,000 believe we will exceed our initial production ounces of annual gold production. In 2013 guidance for 2013 of up to 100,000 ounces,” Bissa is officially forecast to produce up to says Igor Klimanov, Managing Director of 100,000 ounces of gold. With the launch of African Operations. the Bissa mine Nordgold has become the first One of the significant challenges during gold miner in Burkina Faso to operate two the Bissa development was a water supply mines in the country simultaneously. Bissa is issue. “Water is one of the crucial components of the ore treatment cycle,” a remarkable example of the flexibility and agility enjoined explains Klimanov. “To by Zelenski, already reaching solve it we constructed a its production capacity in dam which allowed us to annualised terms. In the first accumulate water during the quarter of 2013 the plant wet season.” At the first look Tonnes of ore milled at milled 747,000 tonnes of ore logistics was a problem too: Bissa in Q1 2013 Burkina Faso is landlocked and produced 40,400 ounces


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“We look to develop promising people by involving them in advanced projects” and therefore has no sea access for delivering essential equipment. Bissa is situated less than 100 kilometres from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso’s capital, and the mine is not far from the national highway which is a part of a secure logistic corridor leading to the ports of Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. “This allows us to easily deliver all bulk equipment and supplies from these locations to the mine site with the minimum risk of disruption or delay,” he says.

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In 2010 Nordgold acquired the Lefa gold mine, located at Lero in the Seguiri Prefecture of north eastern Guinea, about 750 kilometres from the capital Conakry. In 2012 production from Lefa and Taparko accounted for approximately 42 percent of Nordgold’s total production, says Klimanov: “In 2013 we expect Nordgold’s African operations to account for about 50 percent of the company’s revenues.” And with huge reserves that will


Open pit at Bissa

keep it producing for another 20 years, Lefa is of great strategic significance for Nordgold.” There’s no doubt that gold mining, while it helps to raise the general standard of living in the host country, does have an impact locally. Nordgold has made a firm commitment to both its own employees and the communities in which it works, so when the villages of Bissa and Imiougou had to be relocated this was seen as more than just a major infrastructure project. Total compensation to the owners of the land affected amounted to 2.5 billion CFA and 380 new houses were built, as well as seven water wells, two mosques, two churches, two community centres and four schools. The dam constructed for the

plant also provides the local population with significantly more water than they previously had access to. “Our aim was to minimise disruption to people’s lives, while maintaining or improving their communities,” says Alexey Shchedrin, Director of Corporate Communications and IR. “For example, the relocated villages will retain the approximate layout of their predecessors, reflecting our belief that the shape of communities is important to their success. Where we relocated people from agricultural land, we ensured that the new land we provided them with was of similar, if not better, quality and fertility. We were also sure to ensure that we relocated people within

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Forefront of

Project Delivery

With two decade’s experience - including involvement in 19 major mining ventures across 20 African countries - Lycopodium has an enviable reputation for successful project delivery in Africa, on time and on budget. Lycopodium is an Australian based engineering and project delivery company with offices also in Canada and the Philippines, along with subsidiaries in Ghana, Burkina Faso, Tanzania and Mauritania. Our experience and extensive knowledge of local operations gained working in remote regions has equipped us with the right skills to deliver fit-for-purpose engineering solutions, making Lycopodium the ‘first choice’ partner for any African mining project. For your next project: • Metallurgical and Process Development • Feasibility Studies • Engineering • Project Delivery • Procurement & Logistics Management • Health, Safety, Environment & Community Management

Nordgold NORDGOLD renovating old clinic. We theNORDGOLD traditional boundaries of feature text in culpa quithe officia deserunt are also actively their to goland.” here...Lorem ipsum mollit anim id est searching laborum. Taparko hadconsectetur already for better medical Lorem ipsum dolorequipment sit amet, dolor sit amet, benefited fromelit, this approach, to install in the two facilities. consectetur adipisicing elit, adipisicing sed do he continues: “We support Furthermore, are sed do eiusmodwetempor eiusmod tempor incididunt the local school, including working with civil incididuntclosely ut labore et dolore ut labore et dolore magna building new classrooms and representatives region magna aliqua. of Utthe enim ad aliqua. Ut enim ad minim providing for to help them identify minim veniam, quispotential nostrud veniam, drinking quis water nostrud the teachersullamco and children. areas for improvement, as exercitation laboris exercitation ullamco laboris We support other well considering new nisi also ut aliquip ex several ea commodo nisi ut as aliquip ex ea commodo community projects infrastructure consequat. Duis auteaimed irure consequat. Duisprogrammes aute irure at helping local populations homesthis in Burkina Faso and a caption is a caption dolor in reprehenderit in This isNew dolorprojects.” in reprehenderit in develop work Nordgold’s corporate voluptate sustainable velit esse cillum voluptate velit esse cillum culture is of mutual which implies practices farming ranching. We dolore dolore eu in fugiat nulla and pariatur. Excepteur euone fugiat nullarespect, pariatur. Excepteur recently built acupidatat new health clinic and will be sint remuneration in line with international sint occaecat non proident, sunt occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt

LYCOPODIUM ENJOYS SUCCESS 20 YEARS IN THE MAKING Lycopodium Minerals Pty Ltd has been in Africa since “before it was fashionable”. As an engineering services and project delivery company, it is now working with a large number of international companies looking to tap into its African experience. Africa has been touted as one of the key emerging markets for miners. However, the importance of Africa as a market isn’t news to Perth-based Lycopodium, which made its first foray into Africa in 1993. “We were in gold and in Africa a long time before it became a favoured jurisdiction. For instance, we were delivering the Geita project for AngloGold Ashanti in Tanzania in 1999-2000 when the price of gold dipped as low as $US280/ oz,” said Lycopodium Minerals Director of Strategic Development, Dr Greg O’Neil. The company is currently active in undertaking feasibility studies and engineering, procurement and construction projects in Ghana, Burkina Faso,

Cote d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Tanzania and Zambia. Its project work is focused on gold and copper developments, along with some magnetite, uranium and nickel. The company’s clientele in Africa now includes many North American, European, South African and Australian miners who are seeking out Lycopodium because of its 20-year history in Africa. “The reason why international mining companies come all the way to Perth to deal with an Australian Engineer is because of hard earned experience. It’s a continent where we have a skill set, familiarity and experience.” Dr O’Neil said. “But it all comes down to value and how Australians deliver value... our clients have found our process plants possess a low capital intensity, ramp up to nameplate capacity quickly and demonstrate low operating costs. In essence they are fit for purpose, which is what Lycopodium aims to bring to the African market.”

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RANA MOTORS With 35 years of experience, Rana Motors, tyre distribution network leaders in Ghana, and West Africa Tire Services (WATS) Ltd, the Regional distributor for Goodyear Earthmoving tyres in West Africa, are associated with NordGold projects in Burkina Faso by way of supplying Goodyear Earthmoving tyres & in tyre related services for their operations. WATS Ltd. is the ONLY company in Burkina Faso to employ qualified mining tyre professionals who provide mining tyre consultancy services, on-site tyre service providing and earthmoving tyre repairs (REMA Tip Top), and engage in supplying the whole range of mining/special equipment tyres to mining companies and contractors. Tyre professionals from WATS and Goodyear share the aim of providing the mining

community in West Africa with better value returns on tyres supplied by them, and are heavily involved in researching the performance of tyres used in mining operations and in recommending specific products that are best suited to challenging applications. In addition they provide a complete after sales service for the tyres supplied. NordGold’s SOMITA mines at Taparko have immensely benefitted from these services. WATS Ltd. is the retail partner of Goodyear & operates its premium retail stores, “VULCO” in Ouagadougou. WATS also possesses supply capabilities in regards to conveyor belts used for mining applications. E.


Vegetable production at Bissa community

standards, appropriate local and at Bissa, where working conditions and 60 percent of unskilled industry-best environmental work is provided from Bissa standards – our 10,000 strong village itself, 30 young people workforce is the core of our work with mobile equipment New houses built for success and deserves nothing and heav y machinery Bissa employees less. throughout all areas of and a further 70 work in our African operations we the plant itself. Training is provided by try to employ local people where possible insists Alexey Shchedrin. internal instructors and leading external “This is both good business practice, due consultants. “We look to develop promising to the cost of employing expatriates, and people by involving them in advanced helps to develop the skills base and economies projects, such as innovation or productivity of the regions where we work. We do programmes. While training is offered to all employ expatriates where they have the in order to guarantee an acceptable standard best skills and are able to train our people of professionalism and safety, we also aim and pass on their knowledge.” to identify exceptional talent and tailor their At Taparko 631 of the 654 employees are instruction to prepare them for promotion.


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Société générale de travaux et de constructions électriques

OUR SKILLS • The transportation and distribution of both low and medium voltage electricity • Electricity for buildings and industry • Installation of all type of air conditioning systems • Installation of the telephone and computer networks • Sound Systems • Installation of elevators and escalators • Video Surveillance • Fire Alarms • Street Lighting • Water networks

Telephone: (+ 226) 50 34 29 00 / 50 34 25 70 Email:

Nordgold NORDOLD Training programmes cover NordGold feature text to et dolore magna aliqua. Ut a wide rangeipsum of subjects, here.......Lorem dolor sit enim ad minim veniam, quis including equipment use, amet, consectetur adipisicing nostrud exercitation ullamco health andeiusmod safety,tempor and elit, sed do laboris nisi ut aliquip ex languages.” incididunt ut labore et dolore ea commodo consequat. Safety is Ut Nordgold’s magna aliqua. enim ad Duis aute irure dolor in highestveniam, priority. ‘Safe minim quisItsnostrud reprehenderit in voluptate Production’ ullamco principle is exercitation laboris velit esse cillum dolore built the precept that all nisi uton aliquip ex ea commodo eu fugiat nulla pariatur. fatalities andDuis safety incidents consequat. aute irure Excepteur sint occaecat are The Bissa cupidatat non proident, sunt dolorpreventable. in reprehenderit in Taparko processing plant mine wasvelit constructed in This is a caption this is a caption in culpa qui officia deserunt voluptate esse cillum record onlynulla one mollit anim id est laborum. dolore time eu with fugiat minor lost-time incident 15 months and all Lorem A significant healthsitand safety challenge pariatur. Excepteur sintinoccaecat cupidatat ipsum dolor amet, consectetur sites have teams ofin qualified HSE specialists in that Nordgold had overcometempor at its non proident, sunt culpa qui officia deserunt adipisicing elit,has sed dotoeiusmod place, to ensure that standards sites the prevention and treatment mollit whose anim focus id estislaborum. Lorem ipsum African incididunt utislabore et dolore magna aliqua. are aligned with international theveniam, construction of Bissa dolorconsistently sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, of Ut malaria. enim ad With minim quis nostrud compliance requirements. the beginning its mining sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore and exercitation ullamcooflaboris nisi utoperations aliquip ex


Established for over fifty years, SOGETEL is a leader in its sector and enjoys an excellent reputation in the fields of transportation and distribution of electricity of medium and low voltage. SOGETEL delivers, installs and maintains low to medium voltage transformers, power generators, air conditioning systems, cold room storage and elevators.

Our technical staff are experts in the deployment of the electricity network, maintaining public street lighting and computer networks. On a national level, SOGETEL is a partner of SONABEL, the national electricity provider for Burkina Faso. SOGETEL is active in the mining sector and has proved to be both competent and reliable for the daily operations of this industry. SOGETEL follows international standards in all its installations and attaches high importance to the security of its employees and the environment. E.

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Employee directing a Caterpillar truck at Bissa

Nordgold in 2012, the number of employees and contractors on site grew significantly. As a result of unusually heavy rains and a long wet season, the risk of malaria infection increased correspondingly. While the number of medical visits for malaria was significant – as were the number of confirmed cases – all cases were treated as a highest priority and no severe cases were permitted to develop. “From early on in the project a well-equipped medical clinic staffed by competent medical personnel was available on site,” explains Shchedrin. “In addition, several preventative measures were implemented, including providing employees with detailed information on the disease and the proper anti-malarial medicines to prevent mosquito bites.” Having put in place a number of world class sustainability features at all of its sites, such as the use of native trees from Nordgold’s own plantations for the revegetation programme at Taparko, the company will be making further improvements this year. “We will be upgrading our health and safety management systems at all our operations based on standards like ISO 14001,” says Shchedrin. “In addition to the management of tailings storage facilities, which require constant attention to design, performance and maintenance, other waste streams are managed on a daily basis to ensure conformity with Nordgold’s policies and standards,” he added. For more information about Nordgold visit:

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Keeping things


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Australian Satellite Communications ( ASC)

The qualities that have brought ASC such success over the years and how its acquisition by SpeedCast will take the business to the next level

written by: Will Daynes research by: Peter Rowlston

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ince it was established in 1985, Australian Satellite Communications (ASC) has provided a wide range of satellite communications solutions throughout Australia and surrounding regions, building up a reputation along the way as being the leading provider of reliable, turnkey satellite communications solutions, focusing on the mining, oil & gas, construction, education, defence, and maritime, industries. “Right from the business’s inception,” explains Paul Krzystoszek, Solutions Director, “the vision that the founder and previous managing director Chris Joseland had for the business was for it to always endeavour to be at the forefront of the sector and first with new technologies, solutions and innovations. Utilising his considerable knowledge of the market and the industry he really helped establish the level of entrepreneurship that the business has retained ever since.” In the years that followed the company led the industry with the development of a number of technologies including being the first to adopt its iDirect broadband IP platform, which essentially marked the dawn of the era that saw the very small aperture terminal (VSAT) being supplied on mass to customers throughout the region. The success of ASC in the last decade can in significant part be linked to Australia’s mineral and resources boom that commenced during 2005. “In many ways,” Krzystoszek continues, “our timing in adopting the iDirect technology coincided beautifully with the boom. It was the demand of this sector for such systems

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Dish maintenance

Australian Satellite Communications ( ASC)

Dish installation

that saw us grow several-fold rapidly and that also created what remains to this day a hugely competitive market in Australia.” Given this competitive climate it has never been more important for a business to stand out from amongst the crowd. Fortunately, as Krzystoszek goes on to highlight, this has never been an issue for Australian Satellite Communications. “Today, we use three specific words to describe ourselves: Credible, Flexible and Reliable. These are the key characteristics that have helped make ASC what it is today. In the early years we drew particular attention to

our flexibility and our ability to deliver solutions in timeframes that others simply couldn’t achieve, thus setting the standard for delivery times that exists now.” Credible and reliable, meanwhile, are two of the most common terms used by the company’s clients to describe their experiences of working with ASC. “It was Chris Joseland’s philosophy that every little detail of what the company did would contribute ultimately to the experience of the customer,” Krzystoszek states. “He also believed that it was important that the company take an ‘under promote and over deliver’ approach. This became almost a

“The vision that the founder and previous mD Chris Joseland had for the business was for it to always endeavour to be at the forefront of the sector” 66 | be weekly

Australian Satellite Communications ( ASC)

1985 The year that ASC was established

motto of the business and helped breed that strong sense of satisfaction from our clients that we constantly strive to retain to this day.” In the early days of the resources boom the industry was a much different place where every customer was essentially after a basic system or product that could connect to the internet. “We have photos of the very first system to leave our facility, which consisted of a dish on a tripod stand, with a cable running from a modem into a single PC: it was that basic,” Krzystoszek says. “Today, mine sites are much more sophisticated and a much more educated market means that the focus is now on delivering value added services. These include things like wireless distribution, VoIP, link optimisation such as acceleration, web filtering and firewalling and many other associated value add services.” With the needs of its clients evolving in such a rapid fashion it is all the more necessary for ASC to embrace innovation. It is for this very reason that the company pays particular attention to Product and Solutions Development divisions specifically tasked with investigating new technologies and developments within the industry. This division has a very simple mission and that is to help ASC get more out of the tools and solutions it has.

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“When it comes to the resources sector,” Krzystoszek says, “we know for a fact that there are a great number of projects out there that are looking specifically at how to achieve greater automation of their operations. This drive towards automation is resulting in greater bandwidth requirements at the mine sites themselves as more data throughput will be required to control various equipment and processes.

This therefore is a real area of growth that we expect to take off as more automation in mines becomes a reality.” In December 2012, an announcement was made declaring that SpeedCast Ltd, a Hong Kong-based global network and satellite communications service provider, had completed a buyout of ASC. In joining the SpeedCast Group, ASC will be able to offer its customers a wider portfolio of products and

“In joining the SpeedCast Group, ASC will be able to offer its customers a wider portfolio of products and services and better serve thier needs”

Remote site trailer

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Australian Satellite Communications ( ASC)

Remote site communication

services and better serve its global customers’ needs beyond Australia. Meanwhile, SpeedCast will leverage ASC’s outstanding team to deliver continuity of experience for existing ASC customers, while augmenting SpeedCast’s own team. “The biggest plus for us by joining by SpeedCast is clearly the fact that they are a global player,” Krzystoszek enthuses. “SpeedCast has the infrastructure already in place and that means that today we can provide services on a global scale and gain access to a vast variety of solutions that we didn’t previously have. The net result for ASC is that we can now become a more aggressive player on the world stage and one that will be

on par with known global brands worldwide.” The established immediate plan for ASC is to ensure that it remains a well organised and structured organisation, even as its integration with SpeedCast continues at pace. “We are pushing forward with remaining at the forefront of the industry in the ever changing and highly competitive industry. We have a strategy and plan in place to remain sector leaders, competitive and as always, profitable.” For more information about Australian Satellite Communications (ASC) visit:

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A national treasure Qatargas is a shining example of excellence within the energy sector

written by: Will Daynes research by: Abi Abagun

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atar possesses what is the occurring some 80 kilometres northeast third-largest reserve of all of Qatar’s mainland. For its Qatargas 1 known natural gas on the project the company has drilled a total of planet, behind only Russia 22 production wells which now supply and Iran. According to 1,600 million standard cubic feet of dry figures taken in January 2011 reserves in natural gas per day from the field’s reservoir the state were measured at approximately to existing onshore trains. 896 trillion cubic feet. This means that Meanwhile at Qatargas 2 the company has it contains as much as 14 percent of the drilled thirty wells, from which 2.9 billion world’s known natural gas. standard cubic feet of wet natural gas per Established in 1984, and headquartered day is transferred to Trains 4 and 5 onshore. in Doha, Qatargas is recognised today as Furthermore, Qatargas 3 and Qatargas 4 being the largest LNG producing company in supply 1.4 billion standard cubic feet of wet the world, with an annual LNG production natural gas per day between them, each capacity of 42 million tonnes to onshore Trains 6 and 7 respectively. In total 33 wells per annum (MTA). This immense production are shared between these capacity is delivered to two particular ventures. customers around the world At the very heart from the company’s worldof Qatargas’ offshore class facilities and assets operations is its North Field Bravo offshore complex. - Qatargas 1, Qatargas 2, Tonnes per annum, Commissioned in 1996 the Qatargas 3 and Qatargas Qatargas’ annual LNG complex’s main facilities 4. From these assets the production capacity company carries its output include two production on seven LNG trains, four platforms, three wellhead of which are officially the largest in the platforms and one remote platform station world, each boasting a production capacity around five kilometres away. It is from this of 7.8 MTA. complex that three of Qatargas 2’s installed Since the establishment of Qatargas 1, platforms are remotely operation, while the the company has completed a successful three platforms shared between Qatargas expansion programme that has included the 3 and Qatargas 4 are operated from the development of the Qatargas 2; Qatargas 3 company’s onshore control room. and Qatargas 4 projects, its Laffan Refinery, Qatargas’ onshore operations on the a dedicated fleet of ships, a regasification other hand occupy a site within the Ras terminal, and the establishment of liaison Laffan industrial city on a plot of land 3.9 offices in Japan and China. square kilometres in area. The original plant Qatargas’ offshore operations can be found consisted of only three trains to process the



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PCS CABLES LLC is the regional branch office of PCS Italiana Srl, mother Company headquartered in Italy, Torino, and established since 1991 to provide turnkey solutions in the O&G field and sub-sea connections for power utilities. PCS is committed to provide integrated cable solutions for maximum safety and efficiency, counting on a highly skilled workforce to deliver innovative, customised and flexible solutions with the lowest environmental impact.


Sievert provides a broad range of recruitment and workforce management solutions. Our global network of offices enables us to provide local services and deliver complete project solutions across the Oil & Gas, Power and Petrochemicals Industries. We provide professional manpower to our clients through our worldwide manpower resource base. Sievert provides professional services in the following fields: ALL CONVENTIONAL & ADVANCED NDT SERVICES & THIRD PARTY INSPECTION SERVICES, QUALITY ASSURANCE, PROJECT SERVICES, PWHT, THERMOGRAPHY SIEVERT INTERNATIONAL INSPECTION CO.W.L.L. P.O.BOX: 24544, Doha, Qatar. Tel: 00974-44602421/44503925 | Fax: 00974 – 44602425 | E-mail:


Qatargas psc cables

PCS facilities in Qatar include a workshop in Wakra Rd. and a branch office in the West Bay area of Doha. PCS “Maintenance and Emergency Repair” team can promptly respond to an emergency cable repair, reaching the critical area in just a few days and providing a full spectrum of solutions to limit the possible damage and resume activity as quickly as possible. PCS has a dedicated “Engineering Accessories Department”. Specific accessories lines have been designed and proposed for the installation on platforms and for repair operations.

Qatargas deliveries

A specific range of PCS Universal Submarine Joints are also available to provide complete repair solutions for power, optical fibre and umbilical submarine cables. Completing the whole scenario, PCS “Integrated Monitoring System” is specifically appreciated on critical or strategic submarine cables to verify and monitor the cable “health condition”, with both Online Monitoring - in working conditions on composite cables by means of fiber element - and Offline Monitoring during shutdown.

natural gas from offshore. The capacity of these first three trains was a combined ten MTA of LNG. It wasn’t until that 2009 the Qatargas’ Trains 4 and 5, each with a capacity of 7.8 MTA started operating, bringing the combined production capacity of Qatargas to 26 MTA and ushering in a new era of ‘megatrains’ as they have come to be known. This was followed by the arrival of Train 6 in late 2010 and finally Train 7 in early 2011. It is Qatargas’ belief that its commitment to excellence is what has enabled it to become pioneers in the global LNG industry and helped it to create steady

“From its assets the company carries its output on seven LNG trains, four of which are officially the largest in the world” be weekly | 75

growth, advance operational excellence and establish the highest levels of safety and environmental performance. While acknowledging the strides it has made, one thing that Qatargas places at the very heart of its priorities is its corporate citizenship. Indeed the company strongly believes that as a global leader in the global energy industry, it does not operate in isolation. On the contrary, it believes that Qatargas is intrinsically linked with the

communities and environments in which it operates, wherever they may be around the world. Keenly aware that this link brings it opportunities as well as responsibilities, Qatargas is committed to operating in ways that reflect its core values, where it looks to create partnerships with the community based on trust, ingenuity, innovation and collaboration. That is why as a global leader in the energy sector it has chosen to

“It is Qatargas’ belief that its commitment to excellence is what has enabled it to become pioneers in the global LNG industry�

LNG production facilities at night

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Workers at the facility

align social investments with its business objectives, whilst at the same time working with dedication to create and maintain partnerships that promote the long-term economic, environmental, and social value of the communities in which we operate. To this end the company boasts a comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme focused on long-term, sustainable social development. In addition to this programme Qatargas is keen to display the fact that it strives to adhere to and maintain the highest standards of energy use, responsible energy management and energy conservation, while also upholding a strong commitment to care and the protection of the environment. As the company looks to build further still on its accomplishments it has set out a

visit for itself whereby it intends to become recognised across the globe as the world’s premier LNG company, one that is known for people, innovation, operating excellence, environmental responsibility and corporate citizenship, by 2015. On top of this the company will endeavour to set an industry standard for safety performance, customer satisfaction, efficient and reliable operations and financial performance, and through its high calibre and diverse workforce it will continue to embrace the Qatar National Vision 2030 to achieving successful and sustainable development. For more information about Qatargas visit:

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A gatewa

A sub beh America

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LLX (Açu Superport Project)

ay to the future

bsidiary company of EBX Group, LLX is the driving force hind the development of the Açu Superport, one of Latin a’s most important investment projects in recent history

written by: Will Daynes research by: Abi Abagun

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LLX (Açu Superport Project)


ith a population of just facilities, mainly in the port sector. LLX’s over 30,000 people and ventures are strategically located and are a total area of some designed to handle the largest vessels, using 459 square kilometres, the latest port technology, thus resulting in São João da Barra may efficient and low-cost operations. not be as recognisable as some of Brazil’s A total of R$4 billion will be invested in other municipalities, however it is the Açu Superport, of which R$1 billion is being location of one of the country’s most exciting provided by LLX Minas-Rio (responsible for developments, the Açu Superport, the largest implementing the iron ore port terminal) port infrastructure investment project in all and R$3 billion by LLX Açu (responsible for of Latin America. handling other cargo such as steel products, With two terminals, one offshore and petroleum, coal, granite, slag, pig iron and one onshore, the Açu Superport is a private, liquid and solid bulk). mixed-use port complex Building of the Açu that will eventually boast Superport began back in 17 kilometres of piers and up October 2007. Occupying to 47 mooring berths. It is a total area of 90 square being built on the northern kilometres, the complex Rio de Janeiro coastline, will have an initial depth near the area responsible for of 21 metres, which will be 85 percent of Brazil’s oil and expanded to 26 metres, and Total investment being the capacity to receive large gas production. made into the Being an innovative vessels. At present only Açu Superport project boasting modern seven percent of Brazil’s engineering, construction ports have the capacity to and operating practices, the Açu Superport receive capesize ships. will be comparable with the most modern Upon completion the Açu Superport will and efficient ports in the world. It is being have two terminal complexes. The first, prepared to receive large vessels such as TX1 is an offshore terminal with a depth of Capesize and Very Large Crude Carriers 21 meters, a three kilometre access bridge, (VLCCs), which carry up to 320,000 tonnes a tugboat pier, nine oil and iron-ore piers, of cargo, and Chinamax vessels carrying up approach channel and turning basin. Of these, two iron ore piers, the tugboat pier, to 400,000 tonnes. The principle company behind this approach channel and turning basin are extensive development is LLX, a logistics completed. Once operational TX1 will be company of EBX Group that was founded in able to handle up to 100 million metric March 2007 with a mission to provide Brazil tonnes of iron ore a year and 1.2 million with integrated infrastructure and logistics barrels of oil a day.



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The Acu SuperporT projecT in BrAzil

MeeTinG Your eVerY chAllen

r nGe

Boskalis tailors innovative and competitive solutions. From feasibility studies, design and execution to maintenance and operational services. We are a global leading expert in: Design, construction and maintenance of Ports and Waterways Land reclamation Coastal defense and riverbank protection Terminal and harbor towage services Heavy marine transport, lifting and subsea services Salvage Talking about challenges... Boskalis’ track record in South America is already strong. Not only in the ‘business as usual’ projects but especially when it comes to challenging projects like a submerged tunnel and a LNG terminal in Mexico, a total mining solution in Surinam, the construction of the first man-made island in front of Panama City and the installation of a gas pipeline and a communication cable in Tierre del Fuego. With its major role in the prestigious project at LLX Acu, Boskalis has once again emphatically demonstrated that it is able to successfully manage whatever challenges arise: Challenges related to environmental restrictions, to sudden changes in planning, to working in exposed off shore conditions or related to interfaces with other contractors. We swiftly adapt ourselves, whatever the circumstances. Let’s talk about your challenges Boskalis do Brasil Dragagem e Servicos Maritimos Ltda. Avenida Presidente Vargas 309 (10th floor) Centro Rio de Janeiro RJ 20.040-010 Brazil T +55 21 2121 1042

LLX ACU SUPER PORT PROJECT: MEETING EVERY CHALLENGE For Boskalis, being part of the LLX/OSX project in Brazil has been challenging and inspiring. The entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of the client Eike Batista matches Boskalis’ mentality and work ethic. LLX Acu Super Port Project is an incredibly dynamic project. Its conception took place quickly and continues to develop rapidly as new customers sign on. To meet the challenge, Boskalis and the Client work closely, with constant communications and transparency – making improvements, meeting deadlines and maintaining high quality while achieving excellent safety performance. Challenges at LLX Acu Super Port Project included: • A very tight deadline at the start of the project to meet the turtle season. Boskalis solved this through an extremely short mobilization time of the equipment and moving past the beach under unfavorable weather and sea conditions. • The enormous transportation distance for the dredged material. This challenge was met with almost 20 kilometers of pipeline on location. • Meeting tight deadlines caused by changes in planning and sequence of activities as the project advances. Boskalis quickly

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adapts by negotiating with the Client and subcontractors, providing alternative solutions and equipment and streamlining execution. In total five vessels were mobilized: two jumbo cutter suction dredgers, two large trailing suction hopper dredgers, a clamshell dredger plus supporting marine equipment and dry excavation equipment. Although the numbers vary, between 350 and 450 people are at work at any given moment on dredging the access and inner channels, turning basin and harbor basin as well as land reclamation work. At a later date Boskalis will also construct the revetments at the harbor’s entrance. The total dredged volume will be in excess of 43 million cubic meters, part of which will be used to reclaim land for the construction of the port facilities. Boskalis’ track record in South America is already strong. Not only in the “business as usual” projects, but especially when it comes to challenging projects such as: • the installation of a submerged tunnel in the entrance channel in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, the largest oil exporting terminal in Central America; • the reconstruction of an LNG terminal

LLX LLX (Açu Superport Project)

in Cuyutlàn, Mexico, in severe offshore conditions; • a total mining solution in Surinam, where the overburden in the jungle (partly swamp) was removed and bauxite was lifted, including road transport to the refinery. The required dredge (1800T) was transported by road to the site. • the construction of the first artificial island

in front of Panama City (see picture); • the installation of a gas pipeline and a communication cable in the remote location of Tierra de Fuego Let’s talk about your challenges……….. we are ready for it!

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Sistema PRI Engenharia WE ARE WHEREVER YOU NEED! Management, Supervision and Project Design of Engineering Works Areas of work: Building and Industrial - Public - Commercial - Education - Housing - Hospitals - Hotels - Special Works Transportation – Infrastructure Highways Railways and Subways Ports Airports Bridges and Viaducts Urban Paving Sanitation and Environmental Water Treatment Sewage Treatment Water Supply and Distribution Systems Sewerage Effluent Treatment Industrial Pollution Control Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Urban Refuse Urban Drainage Energy Hydroelectric Power Plant Dams and Earthworks; Mining; Irrigation Works Thermoeletric Power Plant Transmission Lines Natural Gas Distribution Sucroenergetic Telecommunication Building Communication networks Systems


LLX LLX (Açu Superport Project) LLX feature text going et dolore magna aliqua. Ut The other terminal, TX2, here....Lorem dolor sit enim ad minim veniam, quis is an onshore ipsum terminal being amet,around consectetur nostrud exercitation ullamco built a 6.5adipisicing kilometre elit, sed do eiusmod tempor laboris nisi ut aliquip ex long, 300 -met re-w ide incididuntchannel. ut labore TX2 et dolore approach will ea commodo consequat. magnaa wharf aliqua.line Utofenim boast over ad 13 Duis aute irure dolor in minim veniam, quis nostrud kilometres, where liquid and reprehenderit in voluptate exercitation ullamco laboris solid bulk, coal, pig iron, slag velit esse cillum dolore nisi ut aliquipwill ex ea and granite becommodo handled, eu fugiat nulla pariatur. consequat. Duis irure in addition to steelaute products. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt dolor in the reprehenderit in In total Açu Superport voluptate velit esse cillum This is a caption this is a caption in culpa qui officia deserunt has been designed to handle mollit anim id est laborum. 350 million year dolore eu tonnes fugiat a nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur of exports and imports, non proident, in culpa quiitofficia deserunt One of theelit, things about Superport that sed do the eiusmod tempor especially oil,sunt which ranks amongst the adipisicing mollit largest anim id est complexes laborum. Lorem ipsum is incididunt ut so labore et dolore magna aliqua. and will be crucial to its future success is three port in the world. dolorAçu sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, the Ut enim ad itminim veniam, quis nostrud The Superport is forecast to come into fact that has been designed to meet the sed do eiusmod incididunt ut labore logistical exercitation ullamco nisi ut aliquip ex operation in the tempor second half of 2013. and supply laboris requirements of the oil

SISTEMA PRI is an engineering consulting company established in 1982, with the objective of providing engineering services in the field of projects, job and enterprise management, planning and general technical studies. PRI stands for “Planejamento Real e Integrado” (Real and Integrated Planning) that designates its own and exclusive management, planning and job control system, created and developed entirely by the company. Currently with approximately 500 professionals, our team has been developing services in many engineering areas with excellent results. Sistema PRI is highly certified with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and QUALIHAB Level 6.

The working methodology employed by SISTEMA PRI in the management of jobs and undertakings has been constantly perfected since its foundation, being based on most modern management techniques guided by standard NBR-ISO 10.006:2006 and by the Guia Oficial do Conjunto de Conhecimentos do Management de Projetos - Official Guide of the Set of Project Management Knowledge (PMBOK Guide - edition 2008), published by PMI – Project Management Institute – world leader among professional organizations in the field of project management.

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Solução Madeiras Solução Madeiras is a Brazilian company with nine years of experience in building construction prefabricated wood, which is adaptable to different styles, terrain conditions, enterprises that require LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). We serve the industrial, infrastructure, metal & mineral, petrochemical and residential industries. The values we apply to ​our work include commitment, safety, interpersonal relationships and attention to sustainability issues. LLX, one of our high level clients, demanded Solução Madeiras’s expertise in order

Commitment and

Products: The company provides a a focus on construction: wood products (plywood

Certification: The major certified by the FSC® (Fo come from managed for

Services: • Prefabricated wood bu ensure comfort, safety places: office, restaura room and sanitary, acc • Prefabricated roof: roo

to build the LLX Açu Supeport´s office. The success of this partnership was a result of our understanding of the client’s needs, coupled with quality and time commitment to the welfare of the professionals involved in the building process of one of the largest enterprises in Brazil.

Commitment and quality in line with the environment

Products: The company provides a wide range of wood products with a focus on construction: a wide variety of woods, engineered wood products (plywood, OSB board), treated wood. Certification: The majority of our wood products are certified by the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) and come from managed forests. Services: • Prefabricated wood buildings. We design spaces that ensure comfort, safety and speed of assembly. Applied to places: office, restaurants, kitchens, warehouses, dressing room and sanitary, accommodation. • Prefabricated roof: roof system for industrial wood.

Products FSC® on request

LLX (Açu Superport Project)

and gas production and exploration activities which is now licensed for 1.2 million barrels that exist within the Campos Basin. It is here a day. The OFT will lower the water and salt that approximately 85 percent of Brazil’s total content in the oil by using centrifugation oil and gas production originates. and decantation. The operation enhances The complex has been strategically the quality and the commercial value of the product. positioned to handle and Because of its privileged treat oil, provide support location close to the main oilto offshore exploration and production operations, and to producing basins of Brazil, the house a metalworking cluster Açu Superport is extremely dedicated to the oil and gas attractive for companies Total jobs that the port industry. Furthermore, the operating in the oil and gas and industrial complex will ultimately generate Açu Superport will have an sector, such as OSX, which Oil Treatment Facility (OTF), operates in the offshore oil


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SUNSET Surveillance and Security is an

established company with over 15 years of expertise in providing private surveillance, armed escort and security services to financial, public and private institutions.

OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Surveillance personnel: n Armed and unarmed n Dressed in suit and uniform n Entrance control Surveillance and Security for events:

n Punctuality n Technical visits to develop safety and action plans n Commitment to address the particular needs of each event n Communication equipment n Earphones, metal detectors, among others


n Planning of safety n Risk analysis

VIP service: Individual security escorting to schools, airports, personalities, bank visits among others. Closed CCTV and 24-hour monitoring: n Modern digital technology accessible from virtually anywhere n Systems and alarms integrated with motion sensors and night vision. Contacts: telephone: +55 21 2568-7114 / 2234-3088 email:

LLX LLX (Açu Superport Project) LLX feature to go et dolore magna aliqua. Ut and natural gas text equipment here....Lorem dolorThe sit enim ad minim veniam, quis and services ipsum industry. amet, consectetur adipisicing nostrud exercitation ullamco Açu Superport may also be elit, sed doto eiusmod tempor laboris nisi ut aliquip ex connected gas pipelines, incididunt labore et dolore ea commodo consequat. especially utthe pipeline of magna ad Duis aute irure dolor in Santos aliqua. Basin, Uttoenim supply minim quis nostrud natural veniam, gas to steelworks, the reprehenderit in voluptate exercitation ullamco laboris thermal power plant of MPX velit esse cillum dolore nisi aliquip ex ea commodo and ut other industries located eu fugiat nulla pariatur. consequat. DuisComplex. aute irure in the Industrial Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt LLX inhas also invested dolor reprehenderit in some R$200 million voluptate velit essetowards cillum This is a caption this is a caption in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. running more 150 social dolore eu than fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteurprograms sint occaecat cupidatat Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur and environmental non proident, sunt in culpa officia deserunt in São João da Barra. The qui initiatives include adipisicing where courses are sed also do provided to residents. elit, eiusmod tempor mollit anim id est qualification laborum. Lorem ipsum incididunt labore et dolore magna the professional program, In the two ut stages implemented to datealiqua. some dolor sit amet, consectetur ad minim quis nostrud conducted in partnership withadipisicing SENAI andelit, the Ut 600enim people receivedveniam, bricklayer, welder, sed do eiusmod temporofincididunt ut Barra, labore exercitation laboris nisi ut aliquip ex municipal government São João da carpentry, ullamco mechanics, forklift operator,

SUNSET SURVEILLANCE AND SECURITY SUNSET Surveillance and Security is an established company with over 15 years of expertise in providing private surveillance, armed escort and security of personalities, services to financial, public and private institutions as well as national and multinational companies. It has a solid operational and administrative structure, formed by a team of qualified employees focused in risk analysis and security plans using with the latest technology to provide a personalized service which meets the individual needs of each client . Its aim is to deliver high quality services at competitive prices which guarantees its leading position in the market. Its mission is to protect and ensure the well being of its customers by providing them with the highest

standard of personal and property security. It works to provide safe and orderly environments and solutions in the area of prevention, acting with strength, reliability and integrity. It provides its personnel specialised trainning by working in partnership with highly regarded training instituitions and regularly evaluates them to ensure the high level of performance is maintained and at the same time treating them fairly and respectifully. As a result, it can offer a unique service to take ensure the safety and peace of mind of its clients. “WE LOOK AFTER YOUR POSSESSIONS AS WE LOOK AFTER OUR OWN FAMILY”.

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Holanda E N G E N H A R I A LT D A

Phone: +55 024 3355-6047

Quality Control, Field Supervision & Consulting • Consulting with focus on durability of structures and prevention of pathologies • Pathologies identification and repairs methodologies • Concrete Quality Control from selection of materials until placement • Quality Control of Soil Structures

Over 25 millions m3 of controlled concrete Through staff trained in laboratory of concrete, soil and rock, we elaborate characterization studies of building materials, experimental concrete dosages and field supervision in control of the works.

Weekly Because a month is a long time to wait... Your weekly digest of business news and views

LLX (Açu Superport Project) hydraulics, storekeeper, steel HOLANDA fixer and administrative Operating for over 25 years with excellence in the area assistant training. of Quality Control, the experience of the company states A series of initiatives for in major works such as dams, ports, harbors, canals, the fishing community are tunnels, industrial structures, and now proud to be one also being implemented. of the key contributors of the construction of the Latin These include a dentists Americas Largest Port Facility (Açu Superport Project). Further emphasizing the development and implementation surgery and IT laboratory in of building methods in the area of civil works as well as the fishing community, the the investigation of pathologies including the definition refurbishment of the fishing of repair and recovery systems aimed at durability of offices in Barra do Açu, the structures. refurbishment of schools, We work with quality manuals and procedures the donation of equipment of construction in accordance with the technical to legalise fishing boats, specifications of each work, and in particular in accordance with the standards established by ISO 9001. donation of a head office for the fishermen’s village, diagnosis of education levels and delivery of navigation kits, with buoys, lifejackets and flags. On the environmental front, LLX is developing programs aiming to recover and preserve the environment in the region where its ventures are installed. One such program is the Biodiversity Conservation Program, which helps develop applied research for the handling and protection of coastal ecosystems. The program entails initiatives for environmental recovery, area protection and environmental education, in addition to studies conducted by the company itself and supporting scientific research carried out by a number of institutions. One of the program’s flagships is the creation of the Caruara Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), the largest private reserve in the country, occupying 3,845 hectares. LL X also invests in initiatives to bolster family-based farming. T he

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LLX (Açu Superport Project) initiatives include the arrangement with the municipal government of São João da Barra and the State Agriculture, Fisheries and Supplies Department of Rio de Janeiro to help small rural producers and associations by building greenhouses in the fifth district of São João da Barra. The program uses sustainable practices for greenhouse cultivation, adding value to products and rural properties and enabling year-round harvests, in addition to boosting producer income. In partnership with Companhia de Desenvolvimento Industrial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CODIN) and the municipal government of São João da Barra, LLX is building Vila da Terra, a rural housing settlement in São João da Barra. It is here that 90 areas in the location are being allocated to families losing their homes due to the creation by CODIN of the Industrial district of São João da Barra in the municipality. Relocation to Vila da Terra is being offered to families who are resident in the area and own less than ten hectares of land. At present more than 7,000 people are working on the port’s construction, 50 percent of whom live in either Campos or São João da Barra. Once operational the port and the industrial complex are expected to generate as many as 50,000 jobs, while at the same time attracting investment of around R$100 billion to the region. For more information about LLX (Açu Superport Project) visit:

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