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acing off with a screaming, unreasonable, irrational customer represents the ultimate test of any employee’s service skills. It can take you to your breaking point if you’re not careful. Staying grounded and above the fray requires you to find inner strength, and persevere beyond the initial difficulties. Dealing with irate customers is one of the most pressure-packed experiences you will ever encounter on any job. During every confrontation it is important to remember: 1) Every customer is a different person with a unique set of circumstances and personality traits. 2) Irate customer encounters can emerge out of nowhere—the key is to be ready. 3) You represent an opportunity to set things right. 4) Compassion is essential. 5) Despite your best efforts, sometimes there is nothing that can save a situation. Ditch the “I’m Sorry” Script Sorry, just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Saying “”I’m Sorry” is so overused it sounds insincere. Be specific by saying “I apologize for th i s i s s u e …” Make sure your apology directly makes reference to the actual issue, and

ALWAYS try to use the customer’s name when addressing them. It adds a personal connection to them. Get on the customer’s side of the counter Visualize for a moment an upset customer walking in your door and approaching you. The first thing an angry customer does is attack you. It’s very important to remember that you are not personally being attacked but are listening to someone who is in an attacking mode. Partner with your customer Let the customer know that your job is to go to bat for them. This tells them that you are their emissary and you want to resolve it together. The 4 C’s of Handling Irate Customers and Difficult Situations It’s all about: 1) Compassion – Listen carefully and react to their words, not just their behavior. Examine the facts. 2) Calm – Remain calm and don’t lose your cool. 3) Confidence – Handle the situation knowing you are following company guidelines—and serve the customer. 4) Competence – Save the customer with your competent handling of

“Make sure your apology directly makes reference to the actual issue, and ALWAYS try to use the customer’s name when addressing theM”


[ June 2014 ] BE Monthly

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