The Business Bulletin Issue #6 - Focus On Sales & Marketing

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Business Bulletin By business owners, for business owners




Issue #6

Focus on Sales and Marketing Spotlight on Jessica Shailes

PLUS Google my business, what is it and how can I use it for my business? Making the most of an uncertain world Is your business open for sales? What makes a great website?

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The Business Bulletin

A magazine that works for everyone Paul Green Founder & Chief Editor

Welcome to the sixth edition of The Business Bulletin. Hopefully you will enjoy this edition which focuses on sales and marketing. Published every four weeks, it will cycle through the following themes: ■ Finance ■ Sales & Marketing ■ Operations & Resources ■ Strategy & Personal Development It will bring together a collection of articles aimed at any small business owner who doesn’t have all the answers and is open to some thoughts and advice from some of the leading experts in their fields. So what makes this different to any other publication? I’m glad you asked! For the reader – no more advertorials. All the featured articles have been chosen for their valuable content, not because the author has paid to be published or taken out an advert to get their slot! For the contributor – you can submit articles for inclusion without having to pay for the privilege or having to advertise. If your article is deemed suitable based on its merits – that it is relevant, good and engaging content and not promotional of your business, then it will be published. For the advertiser – if a publication is more engaging due to the content, then it is more likely your adverts with be noticed. The number of full-page and half-page ads is limited for each edition

This edition is dedicated to the memory of Alistair Campbell Alastair Campbell set up The Ideal Marketing Company in 2003 with his wife Helen and died in June 2019. He acted as a marketing mentor to many aspiring marketers: providing work experience to local schools, seminars, learning opportunities to the team at Ideal and support to local start-up and small businesses. In addition to running the agency, he was also active in the local business community, helping to establish and run various non-profit networking organisations and being the president of the Market Harborough Chamber of Commerce.

and there will be a limit on the number of advertisers from a given industry sector. This means your advertisement is more likely to stand out from the crowd and not be lost in a sea of competitors. Your feedback and thoughts on this magazine are welcome – let us know your experience. Thanks,

Join in! Contact us to contribute an article or place an advert for future editions

Design & Layout: Pixooma Ltd. Proof-reading: James Tarry © Copyright 2021 The Business Bulletin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the editor or the author of the article. Disclaimer – no responsibility can be accepted for any actions that you take as a result of the content provided in this magazine. There is no guarantee that implementing any of the advice contained in the articles will definitely ensure your business success or have a positive impact. They are presented as information based on the experience of the authors working with many different types of businesses in their field of expertise and are provided as a choice for you to consider if they will be useful for your business.

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 3



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The Business Bulletin



Business Bulletin By business owners, for business owners




Issue #6

Focus on Sales and Marketing

This edition focuses on sales and marketing

Spotlight on Jessica Shailes


and brings together a wide range of topics

Google my business, what is it and how can I use it for my business? Making the most of an uncertain world

with a selection of quality articles from

Is your business open for sales? What makes a great website?

Sponsored by

leading experts in their field.

Who did you say you were again? Exploding the ‘authenticity’ myth Kevin Robinson


Building long term customer relationships John Milner


Google my business, what is it and how can I use it for my business? Damien O’Dwyer

Spotlight on… Jessica Shailes

How do I go about generating referrals? A route map Jacky Sherman



11 What makes a great website? Sam Sayer




Focusing on your website vs focusing on your digital marketing Stephanie Holmes


How do I get free PR for my business? 18 Eleanor Lester

Marketing: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it Jessica Shailes Ask the experts


SME Survey


Making the most of an uncertain world 14 Andy Sarson Let’s talk tone of voice! Hannah Brady

The Cinderella of marketing 20 Stephen Church Is your business open for sales? 23 Julie Futcher

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 5

The Business Bulletin

Who did you say you were again? Exploding the ‘authenticity’ myth Here is a statement that will really make your business and your marketing thrive. “Be yourself” – that’s a mantra you can get behind isn’t it? Being yourself. Surely that’s as simple as it gets? After all, being yourself is what you do day in day out.

Authenticity is a myth, it is a

As we all know, ‘being yourself’ is

in Hot Fuzz chanting ‘The Greater

vitally important if you want people

Good’. Now, let’s be clear, before

convenient story we buy into, it is an

to buy from you because it is ‘you’

you pop down to the village pub to

illusion that we all like to believe in.

that people buy as much (or often

assemble the pitchfork and burning

more) than your products or services.

torch wielding angry mob to chase

People, as the regularly cited saying

me out of town for my heresy, I am

goes, buy from people. So, if you are

not saying that authenticity is wrong I

yourself (a person) then surely your

have no issues with the basic principle

If there is no such thing as authenticity, then why do we need it?

prospective client and customers

that appearing authentic on video, in

I am not saying that we should all

(also people) will buy from you

your writing, at business meetings, in

abandon the idea of being ourselves.

because you are being ‘yourself’.

your social media post and anywhere

What I am suggesting is that we

else is a good idea. Far from it. I am

perhaps step back and critically

fully behind authenticity. Authenticity

assess what that means in a practical

I am beginning to sort of hear a faint

is great. Authenticity is a must-have.

way. To put that into context, if I

fanfare before the word ‘authentic’

Authenticity does indeed, rock.

asked you to assess a new computer

You are being authentic. and it feels like it should be said in

The only problem is that

for my office or whether I should attend one of a choice of trade

a deep, booming voice from above.

authenticity in every one of those

There is a kind of reverence about

circumstances in the last paragraph,

it. Someone with ‘authenticity’ is

isn’t really ‘a thing’. It doesn’t exist.

apparently as mystical as a spoon

I think of it as a sort of reverse

bender and has a direct channel into

bogeyman in your marketing

the great beyond from which they

cupboard. Instead of scaring people

can funnel sales. Authenticity, my

away, it draws them to you. However

friend, is apparently where it is at.

just like it’s evil, wardrobe dwelling,

on to practicalities like the size of

doppelganger, it’s not real. Throw open

the equipment, the distance to be

out by now, I have some issues with

the cupboard doors and once in the

travelled to the shows and so on.

authenticity. I can’t help but think

light, the creature inside turns out to

In the end you would produce a

of those little aliens in Toy Story that

be something far more mundane and

decision based on the best fit for

lived in the grabber machine and

you realise you created the bogeyman

the circumstances. You would assess

worshipped ‘The Claw’, or the villagers

out of an old coat or a shadow.

and pick the option that produced

As you have probably worked

6 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

conventions, you would look at the question logically first. You would perhaps start with the cost and compare that to the potential return on the investment. Maybe you would then move

The Business Bulletin

the most desired result, based on an

that day? When someone you just

at that moment in time’. This is not a

impartial decision.

met says ‘how are you, today?’ have

bad thing. The real you. The one that

you ever replied ‘terrible, I have a bit of

has a bit of a hangover and doesn’t

a cold, my car is rubbish, the dog left

want to be in the meeting or doesn’t

me a present on the kitchen floor and

want to put up with your partner’s

honestly, I already don’t like you for no

friend that you actually don’t like, is

real reason and wish you wouldn’t talk

not welcome.

When it comes to authenticity, you can do exactly the same but first you need to accept the lie of ‘authenticity’ and ‘being yourself’ that is hiding in plain sight. You need to take a big leap and do something

to me’?

Authenticity means something is

I could add a thousand other

legitimate and real. So, in the light of

world hates to do. You need to admit

scenarios to the above, but I think

admitting that you are not your true

that you are not ‘being yourself’ most

you get the picture. All day long to

self most of the time, how can you

of the time and that it is perfectly OK

everyone, from our closest loved ones

honestly say that you are being truly

to do so.

to total strangers, we decide how to

authentic? If you think you can then

present ourselves to the world. We

let me ask you about this scenario.

are not ‘being ourselves’, we are being

Would you post this authentic

someone who fits the circumstances.

response on LinkedIn after meeting

that you, I and everyone else in the

Have you ever snapped at someone for no reason or lied to protect a friend? Have you ever eaten the last ice-cream in the freezer or crossed

Accepting that means we need to

someone you know you would never do business with?

the street to avoid someone collecting

separate two ideas. The honest truth,

money for charity? Ever told your kids

that we don’t like to look at, is that

to go to play upstairs because you

being yourself really means ‘being

name here>. What a time-waster.

really couldn’t be bothered with them

the version of yourself that is needed

Waffled on about stuff for a bit

‘Just had a meeting with <insert

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 7

The Business Bulletin

I can’t help but think of those little aliens in Toy Story that lived in the grabber machine and worshipped ‘The Claw’, or the villagers in Hot Fuzz chanting ‘The Greater Good’. without getting to any point. They are

the ‘authentic you’ we are trying to

probably better to accept that it is a

never giving me, or you, any business

achieve when we are attempting to

constructed narrative based on a true

so why bother. Honestly, I suggest you

be ourselves is actually a constructed

story. That way you can plan it, decide

avoid talking to this person, I wouldn’t

version we use for specific

what it means and make it work for

want anyone else to suffer.’


you and your customers far more

Even if the authentic you were

Right there in the constructed

thinking that, the world doesn’t want

version of our business and ourselves,

to hear it and more to the point the

is the myth of authenticity. There is

only person who would suffer would

where it doesn’t exist in the way we

be you. That is because, in this context,

like to think of it, and there is our

truly authentic is not appropriate. So,

biggest opportunity to improve. If we

when someone says ‘when you make

know we are attempting to present

your video/write your blog/record your

an image of ourselves, our services,

podcast, just be authentic and it will

our products and our business to the

be fine’ frankly they are conveniently

world under the banner of ‘authentic’

ignoring that great big elephant in

then follow that thought through.

the room with ‘people do not want

Now you can approach all of these

you to be actually authentic, they

from the more practical viewpoint

want to appear authentic to them’,

of ‘how do I show my authenticity in

written on it.

the way my customers and potential

What you present for your authentic interactions with others is a thin slice of you and your business,

clients would want to see it?’ and you can create authenticity. To summarise, go for authenticity,

a snapshot, a sort of fleeting image

it works. If you are going to go for

that represents authenticity in that

authenticity though, approach it


from the knowledge that this is ‘selective authenticity’. It isn’t wrong

Authenticity is important – just decide what it means first.

to plan to present you, your product,

Where are we then? We have agreed

The myth of authenticity is that

your service or whatever in the best possible light, because you are presenting the truth.

that it is actually not appropriate

you can just tap magically into it like

to be totally authentic because

some sort of mystical energy. It is

8 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

effectively and yes, you will actually be being authentic.

Kevin Robinson 13 Media Kevin worked for over a decade in the corporate marketing. During the late 90s, he trained as a video producer and television writer before moving into education where he taught screenwriting, audio and video production for many years. Since the birth of 13 Media, he has written 600+ articles and produced a wide range of video and audio production for clients from rock bands to corporates. Although initially set up to produce video only, as word spread of his experience as a marketer the business found people were asking for a wider, more integrated service. 01327 317440

The Business Bulletin

Building long term customer relationships “People buy from people”. I’m not sure whom to credit with that often-used business adage, but it has certainly held true for as long as sales have happened.

It strikes to the very heart of the sales

Under current regulations, certain

transaction. That a contract has been

sectors actively encourage their

entered into between two parties, both

customers to shop around for the

of whom have a vested interested in

best deals on a regular basis. With

the product or service concerned.

this pressure on a company, it is

However, this is just the start point of the relationship. For a vendor to develop their business successfully, they should look to grow and nurture this relationship over a period of time. After all, it is widely accepted that it is “easier” to sell to existing customers rather than find and win new ones.

no surprise that a great number of vendors now work very hard to retain their existing customer base. In larger corporations, sales teams now are often split between new business sales and account manager teams. Another way companies have

provider. A process they refer to as “reducing customer churn”. A simple fact is that it costs more to win a new customer than to keep selling to an existing one. So with this in mind, this article tries to briefly examine ways in which an SME company can retain its customer base through developing a long term relationship with their customers. A fundamental principle to remember is that the relationship is

found to retain customers is by

a two way street. For this to happen

Over the years, many sales training

adding value to their offering. As an

successfully, both parties have to

courses and training films have been

example of this consider the mobile

be invested and committed to

produced, to illustrate how easy it is to

phone service providers. Over the

developing a relationship with each

lose existing customers. Sadly, a great

past decade, all have invested billions

other. To put it another way, they must

deal of companies invest so much

in additional services (referred to

form a partnership. In order for this

time, effort and money into winning

by them as “sticky services”), with

to be successful, both parties need

new sales and customers, they forget

the hope that the more services a

to get value of some way from the

their existing customer base and end

customer buys from them, the less

partnership. For the vendor this can be

up losing too many of them.

likely they are to move to another

simply in the form of revenue, and for

The Business Bulletin

the customer the value will be most likely derived from the product or service, or maybe something arising from it. Take the book sector as an example of this. For instance, when someone buys a book, they have a choice. Usually from a local bookstore or from a service like Amazon. Faced with this choice it comes down to either

…it costs more to win a new customer than to keep selling to an existing one

loyalty to the local bookstore, where there may be value in local knowledge, availability or the preference to browse for other items whilst in the store, or simply a fast, trouble-free delivery service. Either way, whatever suits the customer, will most likely determine their choice of vendor service. So if adding value to the relationship with the customer, through the service offering, is an effective way to retain a customer, how else could a business achieve this? There are a number of aspects of after-sales service that can offer the necessary value to the customer, for example –

offerings. This way they make it more

there is little or no loyalty from the

than just a transactional relationship

customer to the vendor. With an

with their customers, who now rely on a

online transaction it’s all about ease of

technical after service from the vendor.

doing business, or, to coin a well used marketing term, “the customer journey”.

Training In an indirect sales model in particular, offering the customer the ability to provide the end user of the product with the first line support service, is another great way of building value into a customer relationship. The vendor gets to offload the costs of supporting

a proper customer relationship, which will result in longer term sales and greater profits. After all – “people buy from people”. And let us hope it will forever remain thus!

many (hopefully) end user customers,

■ Support services

whilst their first line customers make

■ Training

money from this service. Both become

■ Additional products or services

By building some value into the mix, a vendor has the basis to start building

inter-dependent and both make money from the arrangement.

Identifying which of these are important to the business really comes into play when defining the target market and profiling the ideal potential customers.

Support services

Additional products or services If the vendor’s product is a component part of an overall solution, then value can be derived from

John Milner Alium Consultants When the opportunity came about to set

several sources e.g. after-sales training,

up his own business, John decided there

This could be in the form of a

ongoing support services, training and

was an opportunity to help SME business

technical support capacity, for

repeat sales. All whilst adding value

example a car service capability. If

to the end cost of whatever solution

a customer derives benefit from a

is involved and helping the solution

technical service from their vendor,

seller/integrator make better margins.

(that they cannot provide for

All the above examples illustrate

themselves), then they develop a need

ways a vendor can build value into a

to return to that vendor periodically or

customer relationship. However, in

when something needs fixing.

the end, the rest is down to people

Another great example of this is, again, the mobile operators, who

building relationships with people. If you consider the online market

all offer ongoing support, or “cloud”

place as an example, where little or

based services in addition to their base

no interpersonal traction takes place,

10 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

owners gain a quicker, more effective presence in international markets, based on his own experiences. He has more than 20 years under his belt and works with business owners to help them make a success of exporting, enabling them to win and retain new customers quickly, while minimising the costs and risks, often associated with breaking into new markets. 07713 614942

The Business Bulletin

How do I go about generating referrals? A route map After 18 years experience working with others on their referral marketing I’ve distilled all that knowledge into a 5 point guide that if you follow you will generate a regular flow of introductions to your ideal clients.

Get out there and be seen.

maybe, still in print. From day one let

are likely to come from someone you

Woody Allen summed it up when

everyone you know know what you’re

already know well. Why because they

planning to do

like you and want to help. If they’ve

he said “80% of success in life is just showing up”. He was being self deprecating but he had a point. If noone knows you’re in business, and they don’t know what you have to offer then no-one is going to refer you. So from day one get out there and be seen, in person, on-line and,

Don’t wait until your idea is fully

been on the journey with you from

formed; these people may help

the beginning they will feel they

you with useful feedback, advice ,

have some stake in your success and

resources and contacts that may

be even more inclined and better

improve on your original ideas and

equipped to help.

save you pain and expense further down the road. Most importantly your first referrals

Don’t stop at family and friends, you need to show up at your relevant business community groups, events,

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 11

The Business Bulletin

expos, seminars, etc. Getting to know

own practice is the company that

business or socially. Beware this can

others and start spreading the word

specialised in cleaning lorries. Always

be more subtle than you realise. Avoid

about your expertise. It’s going to

plenty of work but over time they got

mixing complementing each others

take time for these people to get to

to be known as the person to call

skills with working with the same

know you so the sooner you start the

with anything that was “difficult to get

types of clients

process the better.

clean” and got referred from around

On the other hand just showing up at networking events and pitching for

the world. These two points, your vision and

Take marketing for instance. It seems natural for marketeers to cross refer with copy writers, web designers,

sales rarely works long term. When I

your mission, lead you naturally to

graphic designers, photographers.

ask someone why they stopped going

your ideal client. Your target market.

Afterall they complement each

to a particular networking group a

Many small businesses shy away from

other’s skills, but if the photographer

common response I get is “ It was

defining their niche and rely on a

usually does pet portraits and the

great. I met lots of people and had a

blanket term “Anyone“ which sounds

marketeers do engineering and

good time but no work came from

desperate, or “Everyone” needs my

dislikes dogs, then referrals are not

it.” When I delve deeper usually they

services. Usually they are frightened of

likely to flow either way

hadn’t applied any of the next stages

lost opportunities. Now there are lots

on their journey but had jumped

of reasons to have a market niche but

right to trying to close a sale. So what

here let’s focus on how describing an


ideal client helps generate referrals. Most referrals that could come your

Have a referral strategy

way never happen. They never happen

The best definition of strategy I’ve

for one simple reason. The people

seen comes from Carl von Clausewitz,

who could refer you didn’t notice the

the 18th Century German General.

opportunity. So your job is to place

“Strategy is marshalling your

in your referral sources’ heads a clear

resources to achieve your objective”

unambiguous picture of what your

Who is willing to refer you The other person may see you regularly at events, understand your vision and mission, recognise your ideal client when they see them and be fishing in the same pond regularly but still not refer you. They have to be motivated to do so.

ideal clients look like. Who they are, the

Apply the three Gs

what your objective is. What do you

characteristics of their business and

The best way to motivate someone

want to achieve for this business and

most importantly – what their problem,

to help you is to help them, and the

your life? You’re going to have a totally

concern, need for aspiration is that your

same goes with referrals. If you want

different plan populated by different

product or service is the solution.

others to refer you then refer them.

Now is the time to be clear on

types of people if your long term vision is for world domination to running a small local business. More on that further down the page. However your vision is for more than just planning; it is what inspires you and gives that emotional edge that others recognise in you and inspires them to want a stake in it by helping you You also need to define what you do, your mission. It’s a favourite question when business people meet for the first time. How can someone refer you unless they understand what product or services you offer and how it helps those clients. It may sound counter-intuitive but referrers

The resource you need to marshall to reach your objective of meeting these clients are other people. This is the second reason to define your ideal client clearly as it defines who is willing and able to refer you.

However this is not without its risks. Applyling the three Gs helps speed up this process and makes it a lot more likely to happen. ■ Be a giver There are three types of strategies we use in interacting with other people. We can be

Who is able to refer you The only people who can refer you to the clients who need your services are those who know them and that they need you. And the only people who can do this regularly are those who know lots of the people you need your services. So surround yourself with other

givers to anyone, takers and give nothing or matchers who will give if you start first. Take the initiative and be a Giver. And go first This will encourage the Matchers to join you. ■ Be generous Give more than once to get the ball rolling. Other people haven’t read this

love specialists. Why? Because they

people who are fishing in the same

article and are less skilled than

are easier to refer to. One of my

pond as you or people who regularly

you in spotting opportunities

favourite examples of this from my

mix with your type of client in

to give.

12 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

■ Be genuine Trust is a huge

businesses on the networking scene

part of giving referrals. It

have seen newcomers come and

requires trust around the

then go quite quickly. Be prepared

whole referral triangle. And

to demonstrate your staying power

that comes from building

before established people in the

your relationships. The best

network will invest in you

way to develop that trust is to be honest and genuine in all your referral dealings. Only refer someone because they are the best fit with your client. Always give your best service to both the client and your referral source. Don’t waste your referral sources’ time with

Be prepared to keep applying the three Gs and go back and check your whole strategy is robust, clear and understood by others. Oh and right throughout the process make sure you’re actually asking for help. If you ask most people for help, if

referrals to clients who don’t want or

they can give it, they will. If you don’t

need their services.

ask, most people will assume you don’t need it.

Be consistent and patient. Referral relationships are built on trust and this takes time to build. Seasoned

Jacky Sherman The Consultants’ Consultant 18 years ago Jacky set up her own coaching company and realising she knew very little about marketing and with no local network she turned to Asentiv for help. Then eight years ago she bought into the company in Northamptonshire where she is known as the local referral marketing specialist and first port of call for business entrepreneurs who want to grow their business through their relationships. 07970 638 857

The Business Bulletin

Making the most of an uncertain world At the time of writing,

The prospect of this continuing for

doing and how you can do it better…

the world was still

longer than most would have expected,

or indeed differently.

plus the uncertain future impact of

gripped with the

Brexit; not to mention the possibility

COVID-19 pandemic

businesses need to have some flexibility

– something that no

of a future recession – means that in their planned marketing activities.

I’m sure there will be some who go into hibernation and do nothing until uncertain conditions change – but think about the consequences of that action…or should I call it non-

Whatever dilemma we face you

action? Whilst you might think this

are still running your business, and as

is a reasonable thing to do and save

which will no doubt

I’ve said many times before, it is not

money while sales revenue is a little

affect many businesses,

the time to think “woe is me”, panic

scarce, scaling back on your marketing

and pull back on your marketing and

completely is not recommended.

metaphorically go invisible. Treat it as

After all, what is a business with great

an opportunity with time to review,

people, products or services if no one

replan and look at what you’ve been

knows about it?

one was expecting and

large and small.

14 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

Review and adapt One of the biggest investments a business will make is marketing, and there will be many businesses that adapt their marketing to fit the situation better. It is a pretty good time to review your marketing strategy and plan to get yourself in a stronger position and, long-term to increase your share of voice against your competitors. There is no doubt in my mind that businesses with stronger brand awareness and relationships with their customers will recover the quickest. To support that, I read a

to get any ‘cut-through’, so do not

It won’t be easy, but ‘pulling back

ignore some of the more traditional

in the short term’ will hurt your

marketing approaches to speak

business in the long term. It should

directly to your customers.

be ‘business as usual’, especially in

By all means tell your customers what you are doing to keep yourself, your family, and your employees safe and well in these difficult times, but maybe introduce a free delivery option like ‘click & collect’, free consultations, or open up new communication lines where customers can contact you for advice and support relating to your service or product.

sales and marketing. It may feel like it is not working immediately, but it will eventually, and you’ll come out stronger as a result. If you’re not sure what to do, get expert advice.

Key points for marketing in uncertain times: ■ Adapt and evolve your marketing strategy and focus

global survey towards the end of last

Focus and control

year of more than 35,000 consumers

While uncertainty prevails, your

(completed by Kantar) that said:

and social, while not ignoring

marketing focus should be on things

traditional marketing methods

“ONLY 8% of consumers believe

you can control, such as customer

brands should stop advertising due to

experience and care. When reviewing

the COVID pandemic.”

your marketing strategy, stay true

“Brand health becomes vulnerable

to your brand values and provide

■ Keep up your presence on digital

■ Look after your existing customers with a sound contact strategy ■ Pay attention to the changes

when companies stop marketing,” said

lasting impressions that focus on your

in consumer behaviour and

Kantar Insights global head of media,

customer’s wellbeing.


Jane Ostler. “If they do this for longer than six months it destroys both short-

Don’t panic, be agile

and long-term health.” Simply said …

My main advice is don’t stop

people will forget about you if you are not visible in some way.

Speak to your customers

marketing! Marketing will pay for itself in the long term. Generally speaking, and in my experience (over 30 years of it) many small businesses have the

Small businesses particularly should try

view that when their first attempt

and be a little innovative, but mindful

at a marketing activity doesn’t work,

of tone – NOT necessarily referring to

marketing, as a whole, doesn’t work,

any specific situation, but focusing

instead of trying something new or

on the benefits of their products or

different. This is where having that

services to existing customers and

well thought through marketing

how their lives will be better by using

strategy proves its worth. While your

them. Build that relationship further

current marketing strategy may not

more than 30 years’ marketing industry

and show them value…they will buy

deliver the same results as expected

experience at marketing agencies and

from you again and again and, more

now, don’t hit the panic button! Think

importantly, recommend you to

about creating a slightly tweaked or

friends and family…this costs far less

new marketing strategy to target your

than trying to attract new customers.

prime target audience, which will

There is no doubt digital and social media will be attracting bigger audiences as people still on furlough

help to maintain some growth during these challenging few months. This period of uncertainty will not

or working from home crave news

last forever. It is those who remain

and entertainment. However, that

agile, and maintain their spend with

does make them a more crowded

the right marketing strategy, who will

environment for a smaller business

swim, rather than sink.

Andy Sarson APS Marketing Consulting Services Andy helps small businesses ‘make their marketing pieces fit’, by developing marketing strategies with affordable plans and campaign delivery designed for growth and to get results. With

large corporates, much of it working with local and regional sales outlets, he has the knowledge to find the right marketing mix to reach your target audience to achieve the best possible ROI. Services include marketing strategy and planning, project management, campaign management and, of course, marketing consultancy. 07773 366393

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 15

The Business Bulletin

Let’s talk tone of voice! This is one of my favourite subjects but did you know that it’s also an area that is very often neglected when building a brand?

So…what is your tone of voice? In its simplest form, it is how you sound to others. It’s how you talk to people online, in meetings, pitches, over the phone, in your literature, on packaging – basically everywhere! “You know you’ve got a strong tone

One of my favourites is Brewdog. They are consistently straight-talking, real, and witty. In the example opposite, James, the CEO finds the perfect tongue in cheek way to highlight that their bars were going to be turned into vaccination centres to help with COVID-19.

of voice when you remove your logo

I’ve also always loved Innocent and

from a piece of content and people

the style they use. Their tone is

can still tell it is yours.”

conversational, playful and straight

So, for a minute, take some time


to think about a brand that you love.

In the example opposite, on a

Is there something unique that you

promotion for their dairy-free range,

can pick out about the way they

you can see how by using a playful

communicate? Is there a particular

tone, they are likely to make the

tone to their content that resonates

audience laugh, or at the very least

with you? Do they use any distinctive

smile. This kind of tone of voice is

phrases that have become part of their

popular with consumer brands who

trademark style?

are trying to speak to the masses. It’s

16 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

Hannah Brady The Brady Creative Hannah is one half of the mother & daughter duo behind The Brady Creative, a marketing agency based in Northampton. The Brady Creative provide consultancy and monthly hands-on support to help businesses create strategic marketing content and branding that has personality. Hannah is also President of The Next Generation Chamber. 07870 559059

The Business Bulletin

relatable, it’s real and it will resonate with a lot of people.

That’s great, but WHY is tone of voice so important? It’s quite simple really. Your tone of voice is one of the key things that will help you stand out from the crowd in your market. It’s a MAJOR touchpoint of your brand. Think of it this way… If you called a hotel that you were considering staying at and the receptionist answered the phone with “What?!” and then continued to be rude as you inquire into booking a room, it’s likely you will be put off and consider a different venue. If however, the receptionist were to answer with “Good morning, Brady Towers, how can I help you?” and then continue to be pleasant, fun and

Image source:

helpful with your inquiry, you are much more likely to book a room, right?! Tone of voice is all about making the right impression on our audiences and then building consistency on that to keep them engaged with what we have to say. Think about the content that you currently put out into the world on your website, in your literature, on your social channels, in your proposals, in your emails…

Image source:

■ Are there patterns that occur? ■ Is there a specific tone that you are using? ■ Maybe you are using little catchphrases that you haven’t noticed before? Then look at the level of engagement you get with your content. ■ Do you have good conversations over email or social with your clients? ■ Do people interact with what you’ve got to say? ■ Or, let’s be honest, is it boring?

It might sound silly, but having a good tone of voice is essential for connecting with your audience. You might be thinking, that’s all well and good Hannah but where do I get started?

Fear not! Here are a few things you can do to help refine your tone of voice…

■ Think about how you want your brand to be perceived ■ Write down phrases, words & characteristics that you want your tone of voice to include ■ Create a set of tone of voice guidelines for everyone in your business to see Once you start to create consistency

■ Be VERY clear on your business

with how you speak to your audience

values, mission, and unique

across all channels, you watch folks…


they will start to connect with you so

■ Know your target audience inside

much quicker.

out! (I can’t stress this one enough!)

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 17

The Business Bulletin

How do I get free PR for my business? PR is all about managing the reputation of your business. In particular it’s how you communicate with the public, promote your business and ultimately build a positive reputation for you and your brand. It affects all aspects of your business, from the way your team communicates with customers, the messages you send out on social media, the tone of voice you use in your press releases and marketing materials.

When it comes to press or media

for then you need to consider placing

coverage, the publication is running

an advert or advertorial where you’ll

product or service that would

your story because they feel it’s news

have full editorial control.

be of interest to the local area?

worthy and is of interest to their audience. A PR or press article is not an advert. News stories and features are written by journalists who have ultimate editorial control over the copy. You’re unlikely to see a proof before your story goes to print and usually they’ll give your business one name check and possibly also a website or one other brand mention. The job of a PR article is to create brand awareness,

So what makes a news story? Your story needs to be relevant to the audience of the media outlet your targeting. For example, if you want to get an article in your local paper then you need to have a local angle and make it relevant to the audience. ■ Perhaps you’ve just won a large

■ Have you just launched a new

Maybe you’re running a series of workshops to help improve people’s mental health and wellbeing. COVID-19 has really helped to bring mental health and wellbeing to the forefront of people’s minds which would make this story of interest. ■ Are you doing something for your local community? Maybe

inform and educate your target

contract which means that you’ll

you’ve recently updated the

audience rather than act as a direct

be expanding your workforce

laptops for your team and have

sales pitch; if that’s what you’re looking

and providing local jobs.

donated the old ones to your

18 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

local school to help the children

advice that you can offer to readers on

with their remote schooling.

whether summer holidays overseas in

■ Timing is so important. We were all captivated by the story of Captain Sir Tom Moore during the first lockdown. This started out as a local press story about a man simply wanting to raise £1,000 for the NHS before his 100th birthday. This feel good news story snowballed once the national news media got involved and turned him into a media celebrity, with his story being featured around the world and him ultimately being on the front cover of GQ magazine. But timing played a key part in the success of the story, if we hadn’t been in the middle of a pandemic with little other news to report on, then it’s unlikely the story would have snowballed in quite the way it did. ■ Does it have the fun factor? You may remember that ITV’s News at 10 had their “And finally…” slot for just these sorts of story. Given the tough times we’re living through at the moment lighter stories, that bring a smile are likely to be well received. ■ Is there a human interest story? Loneliness, particularly amongst the elderly, has increasingly come to public attention during the pandemic and initiatives to support and befriend them have come to the fore. You might not have an obvious

2021 are on the cards or not? If you’re not working with a PR consultant, the best way of getting your story in front of a journalist is to have a well written press release. This document needs to sow the seed of your story and grab the journalist’s attention. Your first paragraph needs to contain the five W’s: who, what, where, when and why. When it comes to the why, you need to remember that this is the bit that the journalist is going to want to get their teeth into, explaining how you’re solving a problem that their readers have is one of the best ways of doing this. Make sure you can support any claims you might make in your release and be sure to have some images to help

It’s about building relationships. Don’t view PR as a one hit wonder. Securing your first piece of coverage often opens the door to other opportunities within the same publication or wider afield. I would regularly receive calls from journalists asking whether a fashion and lifestyle client I was working with would be able to comment on a particular fashion trend, for another, a trade magazine, was always keen to know about the latest trends in homewares. Each opportunity meant they were able to provide advice to an audience that was relevant to their brand. PR is one of the best ways to generate that all important word of mouth buzz about your business. It

illustrate your story.

may take time to achieve but is so

Which publication should you choose?

trust and credibility for you and your

This comes down to who you are

even an online one, and the person

trying to target and the story you

you’re speaking to says that they’d read

want to get across. Each publication

about your business.

worthwhile, helping as it does to build business. Imagine how good it would feel the next time you’re at an event,

will have a particular reader profile, when I started out in PR 20 years ago The Daily Mail was the holy grail if you wanted national coverage for a women’s interest story and this still holds true today. Trade and business publications can provide good opportunities to build your profile. Not only can you place news stories in them, think client wins, new product innovations, and business

Eleanor Lester

growth. They also offer opportunities for

Shrewd PR

case studies allowing you to talk about

Eleanor Lester is a PR and Marketing

a project and show how you solved

news story to share but that doesn’t

a problem for a client. There may

mean there aren’t opportunities out

even be an “Ask the Expert” section,

there for you. Do you have expert

again this gives you the opportunity to

knowledge in a particular field that you

provide comment and advice on how

can share? Maybe you’re an expert in

to tackle a particular issue or problem

wills and trusts with an interesting case

that the readers may have. This not

study the would be of interest for the

only helps to raise your profile it also

publication you’re targeting. Perhaps

positions you as an expert, which is

you work in the travel sector and have

ultimately good for your PR.

Professional with over 20 years’ experience, including B2B, lifestyle, food and drink, fashion and online retail. She is a passionate believer in the value that good PR and strategic marketing can bring to small and medium sized businesses. 07764 611971

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 19

The Business Bulletin

The Cinderella of marketing ‘I don’t need a copywriter. My wife’s a real stickler for grammar and punctuation.’

Yes, it’s true. Someone said this to me just a year or so ago.

flat-footed, stiff and formal – about as

copywriters feel unloved. Our products

engaging as a date with a blobfish

(words) and our skill (putting them in

with haliotosis.

the right order) are the sad, neglected,

Have you noticed? Almost everyone

yourself any time and hassle?

thinks they’re a good driver. It’s a bit the same with English. Everyone – OK, not everyone – but many people think they can write well. But – there’s a hell of a difference between putting one word in front of another and writing in a way that’s clear, concise and compelling. In other words, writing English that achieves what you want you want it to achieve.

‘It’ll do’

So – in the end, did you really save

Cinderella of marketing.

clients would you have come your way

Web copy – just an afterthought

with professionally written copy?

Ask any web designer. They take on a

And just think – how many extra

It’s odd (and a source of

new client. At the initial meeting, this

considerable dismay to professional

client is so excited at the prospect of

copywriters) how the value of words

owning a new website. They talk in

in business, and the skill required

animated fashion, about the graphics

to craft them effectively, so often

and the overall look of the site.

goes unappreciated. Yes – we

They dream of how its user-friendly functionality will soon have new customers beating a path to their inbox. Fast forward a month or two

This is me when I have a crack at DIY.

and the web designer presents the

It’s also why I’m barred from doing it.

client with their shiny new website

My ‘it’ll do’ is likely to lower the value

and declares, ‘There you are! That’s the

of our house by at least 25%!

design finished. All you have to do now

It’s the same with copywriting. Sure, you can have a go yourself but

is add the copy – you know, ‘words’.’ The client’s interest visibly wanes.

– but a touch of tough love coming

He glances at his watch and mutters

up here – your copy will never be

something about setting off to avoid

anywhere near as good as that

the rush-hour traffic.

which a professional copywriter will write for you. Think how long it takes you to plan, write, and re-write your own copy. The chances are it will, in spite of your best efforts, sound

20 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

For so many business owners, wellwritten copy is just an afterthought, not to be taken seriously; an aspect of their new website that will somehow, magically, look after itself. Some clients,

The Business Bulletin

having been presented with their

It’s your web page content that

Use words well and you’ll give

copy-less website, simply slide it to

does the heavy lifting. In short, your

yourself the best chance of getting

the bottom of their to-do list, where it

words get the job done.

people to do what you want them to do. I love my job. For me, working with

lies, for weeks, for months, sometimes years, gathering dust.

Good copy does the heavy lifting Visually engaging web design is critical – if your site is to grab and keep the attention of the visitor, this is a must. The design might be attractive, the imagery sublime, the website structure well-conceived – but here’s what is so often ignored. Important as they are, these elements are a beautiful, essential canvas for that vital ingredient called ‘words’. Well-sourced, imaginatively collated, arranged and formatted words will… ■ grab your potential clients’ attention ■ keep them on your website ■ persuade them to engage with your website ■ convince them to place an

So, what is good copy? Is it lovingly-constructed lengthy sentences worthy of Jane Austen or Charles Dickens? ■ Is good copy long, ‘professional-sounding’ words? ■ Does good copy slavishly follow the rules of grammar? You’ll be unsurprised to learn that the answer to these questions is an emphatic ‘no’.

words is a joy – second only to beating my four-year-old grandson at arm wrestling and following the mighty Northampton Town football club. Words are wonderful. Understanding how powerful they are – how to make them dance to your tune – is a craft that can be enormously satisfying.

Let’s take Cinderella to the ball Traditionally, copywriting is the

Words make stuff happen I’ll ask the question again. What is good copy? Good copy is … copy that does the job. Whatever that job might be. ■ Persuading potential clients why they should pay for your services ■ Convincing a nation to cast

least appreciated of the marketing functions. You might say it’s the Cinderella of marketing. Don’t make the mistake of leaving her scrubbing the scullery floor. Take her to the ball. Then marvel as she transforms into the lovely dancing princess we all know she can be!

aside all common sense and vote for you ■ Leaving a note for the milkman,

order, send an email or pick

requesting that he stop

up the phone

sleeping with your wife.

The chances are it will, in spite of your best efforts, sound flat-footed, stiff and formal – about as engaging as a date with a blobfish with haliotosis.

Stephen Church Copywriter Pro Stephen uses his love for language and knowledge of marketing to get businesses more clients by writing words for their websites which are clear, concise and compelling. He writes other stuff too – Newsletters, Articles, Blogs & more. He loves working with businesses of all sizes, especially those who understand the immense value of well-researched and produced commercial content. 07703 472207

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 21

Securing your business

C4 Secure

With , administrators can set which authentication methods will be offered to users based on the sensitivity of the application. For example, administrators may decide that SMS authentication is suitable for low assurance applications, but not for those that require a medium or high level of identity assurance. Also, with RSA SecurID Access, users have the flexibility to choose from the allowed authenticators at runtime, which makes a convenient experience for users.

Usernames and passwords are not enough. Thousands of employees require on-demand, 24/7 access to your VPN. Revoking that access is not an option and neither is making the authentication process for complex. A recent Data Breach Investigations Report found that

If your employees rely on usernames and passwords alone, you’re at risk for a VPN security breach. Are you sure your users are who they say they are? Can simple authentication and vigorious security co-exist? Found out in the RSA eBook:

is a powerful, feature-rich platform that delivers substantial productivity gains and cost savings. However, organisations rushing to adopt Office 365 risk creating holes in their wider security architecture. See where you could be exposed and what to do to get protected, if you’ve migrated to, or are considering migrating to Office 365, contact to learn about: ● ● ●

The Business Bulletin

Is your business

for sales? I’m sure you’ll read the title of this article and say to yourself of course it is but, are your customers aware of this?

I ask this question and write this

didn’t have their company on Google

setting one up. If you do, check that

article because of an experience that

or if they did their contact numbers

your contact details are correct.

I’ve recently had whilst undertaking a

were wrong.

telemarketing campaign for a client. The businesses I contacted clearly

The most common way to look


for product and services online is to

If Google fails, then I move onto their

“Google it” and then click on some

website. I’ve been astonished at the

of the organic results that come up.

number of businesses that make it

people on their database that they

Some people will click to the website

difficult for their prospective customers

send a regular email shot to. This

others just use the result that comes

to find their telephone number;

database, although GDPR compliant

up to get some information about

some didn’t have one at all! Fancy

and fully opted into, didn’t have

your business and to navigate further.

designs are all very well and good, but

telephone numbers so I’ve needed

It’s a free service and it also enables

if customers can’t find what they’re

to do a little research to obtain these

you to have greater visibility across the

looking for quickly they’ll move on and

numbers. This is where the fun began!

entire web.

call your competitor. My telephone

weren’t open for sales! The campaign involved calling


You’re missing a trick if you haven’t

number is at the top of every page

got a Google account and your

on my site and can be seen easily on

My first port of call is to “Google it”

contact details aren’t up to date.

desktops as well as mobile.

(other search engines are available!).

Action Tip – Do you have a Google My

Action Tip – is your telephone

There were several businesses that

Business account? If not, think about

number easily found on your website?

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 23

The Business Bulletin

it doesn’t breed a call back. During this campaign, as you read above, I

I’ve been astonished at the number of businesses that make it difficult for their prospective customers to find their telephone number

encountered many mobile phone voicemails and didn’t leave a message. Bearing in mind I make a lot of dial outs in a day, that equates to a high number of missed calls on mobile phones (if calls are diverted). With that in mind, I have only every had 2 people call me back to ask if they can help. This means that there are a lot of business who haven’t bothered to find out if I am a prospective customer! Action Tip – On your business mobile, always call the number back, you could have missed an enquiry! Businesses always want new enquiries, but some simple mistakes can stop these in their tracks. Please

Answering the phone vs voicemail

However, that wasn’t my experience.

During this most recent lockdown,

greeting and nothing to confirm

we’ve all been asked to work from home and there’s been a very large proportion of businesses I dialled that have set up their technology to facilitate “business as normal”. Great! It was apparent that some of the phones weren’t being answered by business owners or employees but were being answered by a telephone answering service, but the bottom line was that they were making themselves available and open for sales. Their customers and prospective customers could reach them. Telephone answering services don’t have to cost the earth. I used one myself for many years and they are particularly useful if you work alone in your business, and they ensure that you don’t miss those all-important calls. But what if you don’t want to use

Many calls went straight through to a mobile with the standard network that I’d reached the right company. Subsequently I didn’t leave a message and I would also suggest that a prospective customer wouldn’t either. Voicemail is a very useful tool, but it goes without saying a greeting is imperative if we want to encourage prospective customers to leave their details. One company I phoned made a lasting impression on me and not for the right reasons. Their answerphone message said: “I’m sorry we’re not available to

Julie Futcher The Sales Ace Julie has nearly 25 years experience within a sales role and has successfully trained many individuals to sell by developing their own style but using

take your call and this answer phone

tried and tested sales techniques. She

is not being monitored or messages

understands how daunting it can be to

picked up so please email us instead”! That was the best anti-sales message I have ever heard! Action Tip – review your telephone answering set-up and make sure you

this type of approach?

can be reached!


The missed call

Forwarding your landline to mobile

When I’m in telemarketing mode and

is a simple and straight forward

I “hit” an answer phone I don’t tend to

thing to do. Yes? You’d think so right?

leave a message. From my experience,

24 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

don’t be one of them!

have to pick up the telephone or meet with clients/customers face to face. Julie established The Sales Ace to support and train business owners to increase their revenue. She also provides a sales support service which provides telesales/ telemarketing, assisting in managing sales staff, help with setting and managing KPI’s and well as one to one coaching. 01604 532004

Google my business, what is it and how can I use it for my business? Discover how to generate local leads from Google, for free!

What is it? Google my business (GMB) is a free tool that helps you manage your presence on Google maps and Google search so clients and prospects can find you! Essentially, it’s a free, local business listing service. Is it worth it? Most definitely if you want to generate free local leads for your business (who doesn’t?)

Why GMB? The key advantage over other listing services is simply in the fact that it’s Google and it’s local. Add to this that the GMB search results appear above the other Google listings and its attraction becomes undeniable. It gets better, unlike the organic listings where you can be competing

do, followed by “near me” (without

you will be in the main GMB

you’d type “hairdresser near me” and

management page, you can skip to

don’t forget to select UK from the

“Rise to the top”. If not type in your

right-hand side.

business name when asked.

Benefits abound, and not least of those is reflected in consumer behaviour. An expert study showed that 67% of clicks come from above the organic listings so it’s well worth the effort listing your business on GMB. In the image in figure 1, you can see the ads at the top of the page (you can see where Google make their money!) followed by Google my business (formerly Maps and Places). Although you can’t see it in the image, the organic listings are below that.

There’s no denying Google’s

How to get in on the gold rush? Getting listed

popularity, “near me” searches for

Head along to business.

plumbers alone tops 74,000 UK Login using

searches per month. Wonder what

your google account (if you

your type of business gets? Pop along

don’t have one just click on

to Ubersuggest and type in what you

“create account”).

with millions of other businesses, GMB is local, so much less competitive.

If you already have an account,

the quotes) so if you are a hairdresser

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 25

The Business Bulletin

Figure 1 (left): Google Ads Figure 2 (top): Add your business to Google Figure 3 (above): Sign in to Google My Business

either at the time of search or based on

do, a microsite can help you can do it

you can add it. If your business

your distance from Google’s estimation

from within GMB.

is unclaimed you can claim it

of your town centre. If you’re out in the

following the instructions given. If it

sticks or in between towns, it’s going to


is already claimed the process is not

be difficult to rank, sorry!

You can choose more than one but

If you can’t find your business,

straightforward. I won’t go into the detail of adding

Business name

make sure it’s something you do!

your information apart from stressing

Use your actual business name, don’t

the importance of adding as much


try to be clever and add keywords, it

information as possible. The next

won’t help.

The more you get the better chance

section will help you complete your listing to start to rank higher on the list.

Rise to the top

Description Fill the space – here you can use

you have of getting to the top. Ask happy clients to review you on Google, make it easy and send them a link to your listing!

keywords, but make sure you keep it

To get to the top follow the steps

conversational, as if you are describing


below, it’s worth the effort!

what you do to a potential client.

Always respond to reviews, especially

Note: first you need to consider one important ranking factor in GMB. How

Website/microsite configuration

far you are from the person searching

Don’t have a website, or even if you

26 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

the bad ones (not that you’ll get any!) if you do happen to get any genuine bad reviews, don’t challenge the reviewer,

The Business Bulletin

or be defensive. Offer to resolve the


problem and thank them for bringing

My Company Ltd

it to your attention. We all make

26 mystreet,

mistakes but it’s how you deal with


them that will make the difference to


people reading the reviews.

+44 1234 546856


Damien O’Dwyer

…will be seen as a different company!

Web Alliance

Do regular posts, make them Photos

interesting, community driven and topical. News always goes down well or commenting on local events. Offers and shout outs work well too.

Add as many photo’s as possible, add them regularly. Log in regularly and make updates.

experience in the industry and has a technical IT and sales background. Damien, with his wife and business partner Danielle, possess a myriad

Citations These are listings on other directories, here’s a list of the key UK Directories

of skills and knowledge across the

Products and services Break down what you do or what you sell into as many different categories

(see table 1). The more you get the higher you go up the rankings. One important factor is to ensure

spectrum of internet marketing and business growth in general. Their primary reason for being in business is to help

as possible. Thinks of it as a menu in

my clients make more money from their

a restaurant, the more items on the

business, using the internet.

menu, the better.

that your name, address and phone

07962 308118

number is consistent across all directories and that they match that of your Google listing. For example if you’re on GMB as:

Damien is a business growth and internet marketing expert with 22 years’

Invest in software I can recommend Whitespark and Brightlocal. Both are equally as good

And finally…make sure your website

as each other and help you see how

My Company Limited

is configured to work with GMB. This

you are doing and gives advice on

26 mystreet

would take a whole article on its own

what you can do to rise up. For a


but a good web developer will know

reasonable charge they will also build

Mt3 7tQ

what to do.

citations for you, saving you time and

01234 546856

ensuring it’s done correctly.

Table 1: Top citation websites Bing Places

Apple Maps Connect

118 Information



Central Index




Free Index

Touch Local





My Local Services

Mister What


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Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 27

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on…

Spotlight on Jessica Shailes

Where really good quality marketing comes from is understanding what’s going on in your client’s head.

Was marketing something that you

advertising industry or had really good

and I started to do their website stuff

always knew you wanted to get into?

ties with agencies in London. But,

working as a freelancer and then

Of some sort, yes. I think that over

by the time I’d actually finished that

eventually joined the team.

time I’ve focused in on digital marketing. I wanted to be a psychologist when I was at school, but I didn’t really fancy the years and

course, I changed my mind. I still liked marketing, but the advertising industry didn’t appeal to me in the same way. Instead, I looked at other things.

years of qualifications, the expense and everything else. I went to a career

How did you end up as the MD of

guidance counsellor and I said, “Well, I

The Ideal Marketing Company?

enjoy psychology, but I want to make

The Ideal Marketing Company has been going since 2003 and was more about the traditional marketing, like PR, advertising, strategy and things like that. A lot of content and websites had become part of what they did, but it was outsourced. They were

I ended up joining The Ideal

working with another partner. So

Marketing Company because when

when I joined the team, I brought the

I moved back to Market Harborough

digital marketing into it. And now it’s

The course that I picked for

I went networking and I met a guy

not just me,there are other people on

my degree was one that was very

called Alastair Campbell, who was

the team who specialise in the digital

vocational and would filter into the

the founder of company. We talked

marketing areas.

lots of money.” So they suggested advertising or the advertising industry!

28 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

Think about what you’d be in the zombie apocalypse, say there were no jobs and there’s no internet and there’s no computer, what would your role be? rallied together to do what we could

from a more professional perspective

do to support Alastair and his wife

- would I be happy to put this in front

Helen, who ran the company with

of clients, is there good reasoning

him. Helen is still an important part of

and it relates to business objectives?

what we do today.

The kinds of things that we would

When Helen made the decision that she didn’t want to continue to run Ideal she asked me if I would consider taking over, and we worked

care about as a real-world marketing agency. One of those entries wins the award. With that they get work experience with us.

together on that. It was important there’s this balance between making

What’s your why?

something your own, but also

Essentially helping businesses to

honouring what came before you. There’s a reason why I worked for The Ideal Marketing Company for that It was tragic circumstances that

many years - I believed in the values

led to you eventually buying the

and I still do believe in the values that

business. Alastair passed away, an

got us to where we are. It’s no effort

untimely death and quite a shock for

for me to continue the same values

everybody. Do you want to say a little

that Alastair already had.

bit about that and what you now do to honour his memory? Sure. Alastair was definitely a larger than life character. He was very well known locally. Part of that is because he helped so many people. He was very active in the Chamber Of

We work closely with De Montfort University. I do some guest lecturing and we’ve worked with them at the Leicester Business Festival. We’re now running the annual Alastair Campbell Marketing Mentor Award. It’s for marketing students on their

fulfil their potential. There are a lot of great products and services and businesses out there that just aren’t getting in front of their audience and that’s the job of marketing. If you think about what you’d be in the zombie apocalypse, say there were no jobs and there’s no internet and there’s no computer, what would your role be? I think I’d be a problem solver. That’s the main thing that I do - what have we got and where are we and what can we do with it? I’m really driven to help businesses connect with their ideal audience and grow. If you can’t

Commerce and different networking

marketing courses. They put together

get in front of your ideal audience - the

groups. It was a surprise because he

business plans as part of their

people that you serve - then they’re

was so healthy and 49 at the time

qualification and then the top four

missing out on the thing that you do

when he collapsed. As a company, we

or five are shortlisted. I review them

and the solution that you provide.

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 29

Spotllight on…

The Business Bulletin

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on… What’s your view on how good small

and avatars and really getting into the

they want at the end of it? Then being

businesses are at marketing?

psychology of somebody’s audience.

able to say directly, yes, this thing that

I think a lot of small businesses are

Where really good quality marketing

you’re looking for, we can do. At the

comes from is understanding what’s

end of the day, if you don’t go through

going on in your client’s head.

the exercise then you’re just making

set up by people who are very good at what they do, they’re a “technician”. They’ve worked in a company and they’ve probably done very well working for somebody else where there are other departments who are doing the accounts, the sales and everything else. I think there’s an awful lot of small businesses that get set up by people who are very good at the technical elements, but maybe not great understanding exactly why what they do is valuable. To do marketing well you need to understand the value that you

There seems to be a fear for smaller businesses to pick a target audience. What’s your view on that?

your clients or your potential clients work harder to figure out whether your service or product is exactly what they need. Targeting just makes life

It’s a fear that you’re leaving money

easier for your ideal customers to find

on the table. With targeting, what

out that you’re what they’re looking

you are doing is welcoming particular

for, almost like a matchmaking.

people that you know that you can serve really well and benefit from your

So who supports you in business?

service. With personas, you’re really

I think the BusComm community

getting into somebody’s head by

has made a big difference to me,

saying: Why are they looking for you?

definitely. I have found that experience

What problem do you solve? What do

of moving from being employed

provide and now more than ever it’s important to recognise what that is because people are having to change how they demonstrate that value and how they share that value. Things will continue to change in different ways and people need to be adaptable so the better they understand the value that they provide to their customers, then they’ll know how to provide that in a different way. Understanding of the value impacts their content, their marketing strategy, how they interact, how they deliver the service, how they follow-up service and so on. I love talking about personas

30 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

Think I’d be a problem solver. That’s the main thing that I do - what have we got and where are we and what can we do with it

the long term. That shift can be quite a difficult one to make if you’ve spent

Being around positive people, that’s made a really big difference

your entire career being used to doing the work for the people. What would you say makes you different from your competitors? I think we are full service. It really helps me because I’ve got no incentive to try and sell one service over the other. I’m not trying to

to being the boss something that

where things were and I really relied

I probably couldn’t have prepared

on her quite heavily. Being around

for fully or really understood. I

positive people, that’s made a really

think I’ve got a lot more respect

big difference. I’ve also got a coach.

or understanding of really what it

That also makes a really big difference,

takes to run a company. There’s the

knowing that I’ve got that person that

responsibility - the buck stopping with

I check in with on a regular basis.

you - but also the highs and lows. I feel like the pendulum swings so much further in different directions. The highs and the lows are much greater and often in the same day! I’ve been very lucky that Helen

I think working within a company, you get used to the job being this task list of stuff that you do for other people, but in order to drive your business forward, those tasks are very different. They might not seem like

was an active part for a long time

billable work, but it’s the work that

and really helped me get used to

improves the value of the company in

sell websites as a solution when it’s not right for the business and that can be great for me. We really get to understand the business objectives and align any marketing with that. We’re very thorough in that initial research phase, making sure that we understand what role the marketing is supposed to play. Understanding the audience is a key part of that persona development and psychology, and that then helps getting the message right. I’d say that’s really our differences. We’ve been very thorough in understanding the marketing goals and the audience before moving forward with a marketing plan and a messaging. If you were to give one top tip for a small business, what would that be? Don’t try and do it alone. Nobody has all of the answers. Even some of the most successful business people in the world still continue to have mentors and groups of business friends who they lean on. Nobody knows it all. Definitely don’t try and do it alone!

Watch the interview This is an edited version of the video interview – for the full version and even more insights into Jessica, visit here:

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 31

Spotllight on…

The Business Bulletin

The Business Bulletin

What makes a great website?

In 2020, internet usage absolutely skyrocketed, with many UK service providers reporting an increase of over 50% in consumption. Now more than ever, your customers are online, and your website is your main business asset.

There are many components that

like, and consider the touchpoints of

of 400 word paragraphs. Breaking

make up a great website, and it really

your demographic. What age range

apart the text and allowing plenty of

is a sum of all parts that ensure your

are they? Where do they shop? What

clear space allows the user headspace

success. Let’s start with the age old

will inspire them? You may have several

to digest your content.

design principle: Form + {function} – It

audience types that will need a slightly

has to look great, but run brilliantly too.

tailored experience throughout the


site. Be clear who they are, and what

Would your typical audience shop

they need.

at Aldi or Waitrose? Do they drink

Form Usability

Weird and wonderful menu

aged whiskey, flavoured vodka or

navigations may look cool – but the

green tea? Tone and style have an

It almost goes without saying that

majority of your users want to find

important role – in both visual tone

it has to look great. But it’s not just

out how to contact you or read more

and tone of voice – are you chatty

enough to be visually stimulating – it

about a specific service you have. Keep

and conversational, or edgy and bold,

has to connect with your audience.

the logo aligned left (it’s expected –

or minimal and to-the-point?

And humans typically have between

don’t confuse people for the sake of it)

0-8 seconds to decide if they like

and use meaningful words: Services |

try using images with people in –

something or not. Make it easy for

Resources | Contact us and so on. Have

ideally your own team in your offices.

your users! This is called ‘UX’ (an

your phone number on the header

Of course it’s not always practical to

abbreviation of ‘User Experience’)

(unless you only want email enquiries).

have your own image library, and that’s

and encapsulates the entire user interaction not just on your site, but with your ongoing service levels. One of the hardest things to do, is let go of what you want the site to look

32 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

Set the text content to be

If you are a service based business,

where stock images come in. Choose

‘snackable’ – your user should be

carefully – a lot of stock images look

able to scan the page and find what

very generic, staged and too glossy –

they need from the headlines and

dig a little deeper and source some

highlighted text; not have to read lots

natural, realistic shots.

The Business Bulletin

Consistency Hot on the heels of style is consistency – and a well set style sheet will help this – everything from your Heading sizes, typefaces, colours, design elements, spacing image choices – it all adds up. Consistency gives a slick experience to your site, making it feel effortless – and whilst sometimes bold changes in layout can create intrigue and ‘relative

it minimal. It should be enough to

adjusts and adapts to the width of

excite but not to distract. Depth in

your devices screen.

the form of ‘parallax’ images that scroll at a different rate to the main

Make it easy for users to find you

content gives a more dynamic and

There are many, many tricks to Search

immersive feel. Subtle animated elements – think of the joyfull ‘pull down to refresh’ wheel on apps, or a fade / slide in of a row of content.

expect their work to be sloppy too? Work with your designer to create a set of graphics / icons that keep the overall feel tied together. Be strict on fonts, colours and image style.

Calls To Action (CTAs)

page are taking forever to appear, your users can ‘bounce’ – i.e. leave your site before it has finished loading. It’s a bad experience for your users, but crucially it is now a big factor in how and where Google ranks you. There are lots of simple things such as compressing your images before adding them to website, reducing the amount of external scripts loaded – think chatbots

elements – a clear prompt to take an

and social share widgets. They all

action. Whether that be to download

contribute to a leaner codebase and

something or get in contact with

therefore a fast delivery.

it visually appealing and ensure it make sense. Choose a contrasting colour for your calls to action. If your site is mostly grey, find a nice warm colour that complements your colour palette. Consider hierarchy – a filled in bold colour for primary action (Sign up now) and a subtle outline accent (Discover more). Keep it simple, with a sense of urgency or emotion to it. For example: change ‘Read more’ to ‘Learn now’. Change ‘contact us’ to ‘get started’. Micro interactions

Make headings relevant and clear – the page content and your H2 and

One of the most overlooked

you. Bear in mind you need to make

‘evergreen’ tips to employ.

Site Speed

If it’s slow to load or parts of the

If a business site felt sloppy, would you

over time, however there are some

your main or ‘H1’ title should describe

users on your site is loading speed.

user and lower their overall perception.

the search ranking factors change

Function One of the main factors in losing

abruption’ they can also confuse your

Engine Optimisation (SEO) and

H3 can be more adventurous. Label images with a descriptive tag, aim for 500+ words on a page and make sure you have plenty of natural and varied ‘keyphrases’ in your content – for example, talk about ‘web designers in Northamptonshire’ if you are web designers in Northamptonshire. DON’T ‘keyword stuff’ lots of phrases that make it unreadable – this will increase your ‘bounce’ rate and affect your rankings. And finally, make sure it is submitted to Google to crawl and index your site, they have tools you can use to flag any errors.

Aim for between 1-3 seconds (or less) – the faster the better! Bounce rates rapidly increase at the 4+ mark. Is it mobile friendly? The split between portable device and desktop use is around 72% mobile/ tablet, and steadily rising all the time, so it’s imperative your site is easy to navigate and read on a small device. What’s more, Google will penalise sites that aren’t optimised for mobile devices, so you should always consider a ‘mobile first’ design approach and make sure it is a less cluttered journey – no huge images or tiny text. This is where great

One of our favourite aspects – things

copywriting and pared back design

that move! Consider effects on

really counts. We approach this with

rollover of button clicks – BUT – keep

a ‘responsive’ design – a layout that

Sam Sayer


Sam Sayer founded DeType in 2012, and runs a growing team of designers and developers, striving to bring businesses to life on screen and in print. Working with a diverse range of business sectors and on an international scale, DeType connect the dots between their clients and their client’s audience. 01536 625777

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 33

The Business Bulletin

Focusing on your website vs focusing on your digital marketing When it comes to focusing on your digital marketing, whether you are a startup gearing up for great online presence, or an existing business looking to generate more leads, it can be difficult to know where to start.

34 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

The Business Bulletin

With leverage nowadays for businesses

your digital marketing and connect

to raise brand awareness on numerous

with your current and prospective

digital channels including search

customers in a very purposeful

engines, emails, social media, and the

way. There are numerous elements

like, it is understandable why digital

involved when it comes to digital

marketing can seem overwhelming

marketing, which you can chip away

and well… like another full-time job.

at over time. Remember, there are

We want to break things down for

no quick fixes in this game. Long

you, ease your minds and help you

term, steady growth with valuable

prioritise, as you move forward into

marketing strategies, is the answer.

the online world. There are oodles of

So how can you do this?

opportunity that business owners like you may not have yet seen in your internet bubbles. Having embraced the shift into a digital age, we want to be part of making it a fast and efficient place to be for all.

The foundation for successful digital marketing.

Here are some ideas of digital marketing strategies that you can focus on and have some fun with!

Stephanie Holmes


Steph manages marketing and operational strategies for the business through; campaign creation, social media scheduling and networking. In everything she does, she ensures that Unumbox’s company voice, brand and values are at the core of all content created. With

The brilliant fact about all these

an ability to build rapport quickly, along

different digital marketing tools, is

with her skills in creative writing, content

that all of them allow you the ability

management and an eye for design, she

to drive your visitors back to your

see’s success in all aspects of her work.

website, which ultimately, is where

01536 217490

you want them to be. It is your

showroom after all.

You might have heard a little-known fact before that goes something like this… your website is your shop

Content marketing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

them. Instead comes trust from

website is far from being a ‘shop

High quality SEO will continue to be

knowledge and clarity that you are

window’. We would say it’s more so

a critical link in the digital marketing

providing to the customer. Don’t be

the 24/7 showroom for your entire

chain. Niche and longtail keywords to

scared to address the elephant(s)

business. After all, it is the go-to place

create engaging content is the goal

in the room – if you don’t, your

for any visitor to gain information

here. Undoubtedly, blog articles and

competitors will.

about you and is the primary

website copy are a fantastic tool to

representation of your business within

start with for all things SEO.

window. Wrong. Let’s face it. Your

Although blog articles are great, it’s no secret that rolling out masses of content on a regular basis, can

the online community. It is your key source of contact with the world and

Blog Articles

be very overwhelming and time

quite simply, the mothership of all

Publishing articles is a great way for

consuming indeed.

things digital marketing. That is a

you to demonstrate your expertise as

lot of responsibly that should not be

a business, whilst generating organic

Web Stories

overlooked, nor taken lightly. Wouldn’t

search traffic to your website. You

you agree?

This is where the wisdom of web

want your users to love what you

stories comes into play, an extension

write about, find exactly what they’re

of Google’s open-source technology

a completely optimised, high-

looking for, and enter the sales funnel

project, AMP (Accelerated Mobile

performance website is a great place

as quickly as possible. Who doesn’t?

Pages). Web Stories are a visual

So, we would say that having

to start with your marketing strategy

A little note to keep in mind

storytelling format for the open web,

as whole. Only then can a true digital

when you’re writing that next article

that allows readers to immerse in

marketing plan, take its course.

however… your visitors appreciate

tappable, full-screen content that is

transparency, honest advice and quite

fast, open, and user-first.

Digital marketing is no quick fix!

simply, answers to their questions.

Web Stories are a simple way of

It is good practice to pre-empt the

conveying valuable content, whilst

Once you have established

concerns and problems your visitors

still improving your SEO rankings

foundations with a glowing website,

will have and address them. By

(without having to write those lengthy

you’re in great stead to amplify

addressing the doubts, you diminish

blogs!). Intrigued? You should be.

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 35

The Business Bulletin

to increase brand awareness, drive traffic back to your showroom (yes, your website… you’re getting it now),

You might have heard a little-known fact before that goes something like this… your website is your shop window. Wrong. …it’s the 24/7 showroom for your entire business. Videos & webinars

your sector. It’s your gateway to

Take your business live with video

growing your audience of current

and webinars. Last year saw a huge push into the realms of a new digital age, shifting events from in-person to virtual. This has resulted in video and webinar content being even more important. Your prospects will always

and prospective clients and nurturing them over time. Podcasts (can also apply to videos/webinars), are also the perfect hub for engagement and building a brand community. Evidently, people love a sense of

want to learn as quickly as possible

community belonging – it makes

and gain information fast. There is no

them feel valued and appreciated.

better way to do so than with the help

By developing a community with a

of video marketing.

strong social experience between

Are you a business that offers a particular product? Share a video talking about what you offer – show your product off, how it works and how to use it. Are you a consultant who offers a service? Why not share a video that talks about what you do and how you can help people? Have some fun with it. Podcasts

like-minded individuals, with relevant, on-going engagement, you enhance the trust between you and them tenfold. Quite simply, this trust leads to loyalty – increasing retention in relationships, whether that be existing or prospective clients.

Social Media Marketing Social media is one of those funny ones. A love-hate relationship

Creating regular podcasts puts you on

usually for busy, business owners like

a one-way road to gaining credibility

yourselves. But engaging on social

and asserting your expertise within

media channels is a fantastic way

36 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

and ultimately generate leads for your business.

Email Marketing & Automation Email marketing can be a really useful tool within your digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way of communicating with your audience to inform them of new content, discounts, upcoming events and of course, it’s a sure way to direct people back to your website. It’s also an opportunity to maintain content flow within your business community, with leverage to supply valuable and relevant content, consistently.

It is a lot, but it is manageable. We get it… it is a lot. And if we are to be honest, this simply scratches the surface of the digital marketing game. But the great thing about this process, is that it does not all have to be done at once. Take your time and remember… to have a website, is to flourish all aspects of your digital marketing. Once you have an established website in place, each one of these fabulous digital marketing strategies, can all link back to that alldesired, online showroom!


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The Business Bulletin

Marketing: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it The ultimate goal of any marketing strategy is to produce a return on investment in terms of increased sales for your business. Reporting on marketing, then interpreting and applying that data to achieve real results for businesses should be at the heart of any business.

What is measurable marketing?

that springs to mind when people

are in a position to develop a

think of measuring digital marketing.

marketing strategy designed

Broadly speaking, digital marketing,

It is certainly true that Google Analytics

to achieve these goals.

provides a wealth of data about who

which can be defined as marketing activities centred around the internet and other digital channels, is the easiest to measure. Here are the reporting areas to consider: ■ Website performance ■ Search engine optimisation (SEO) ■ Social media ■ Email marketing ■ Digital advertising However, traditional marketing can still be measured as long as the right systems are in place, such as coupon codes for print advertising, brand name mentions online for PR and asking new leads where they have seen you and filing this information in a company CRM.

Measure what benefits you directly Google Analytics is often the first thing

38 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

is visiting your website and what they are doing on it. However, in most cases when reviewing the data in Google Analytics, it can seem overwhelming and difficult to decipher. And bear in

■ Agree measurements which reflect the success of marketing activities based on the goal they aim to achieve. ■ Schedule times to produce

mind that often this new information

and review reports on these

at your disposal is just surface level

measurements; find out

‘vanity metrics’.

what’s working and if things

This is because no matter how much data is available to you, it can only ever be of value if (a) you know how to interpret it and (b) your key performance indicators (KPIs) are in place. So, although it can be tempting to get distracted by the data provided by tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics, it’s important to go through the following process before you try to delve into the data: ■ As a business, establish a clear idea of what you need your marketing to achieve. ■ Once these specific business goals are established, you

aren’t working, why this is the case. ■ Recalibrate what you’re doing to reflect the outcome of your analysis and recommendations – there is no point taking the time to produce these measurements if you don’t adjust your marketing activities to reflect the feedback. When marketing activities are based on achieving business

The Business Bulletin

goals, it’s much easier to establish

Point 5 may be covered in

meaningful measurements and get

point 2 – however, it is worth revisiting

systems set up to monitor marketing

as marketing to everyone with skin

success. At all times it’s important to

isn’t really marketing – and doubling

remember that to succeed and to

your website traffic with the wrong

gain the approval of your financial

audience isn’t success. If you base your

director, your marketing must have

marketing strategy on the outcome

a positive impact on your business,

of point 2, then the rest of the

not just your website. After all, what

points should follow naturally. Often,

does it matter if your website has seen

marketing strategies fail because

a marked increase in traffic recently

points 1 and 2 are not in place.

if that hasn’t translated into more enquiries and sales?

Establishing measurable objectives

Managing the bigger picture Ultimately the ideal marketing measurements are those that track marketing activities and how they’re

measurements that matter by

performing against agreed KPIs.

establishing the business goal the

It is easiest to manage this with

marketing strategy is intended to

digital marketing, firstly because it is

achieve, is not always straightforward.

measurable and secondly, because

The Digital Marketing &

these measurements provide the

Measurement Model produced by

information needed to tweak and

Avinash Kaushik is a 5-step process

adapt the strategy accordingly in a

that helps you plan your marketing

cost-effective way.

include measurements to reflect those goals as follows: 1. Identify business objectives (e.g. become more profitable in the next 2 years) 2. Define goals (e.g. increase profitability by targeting a particular audience) 3. Agree key performance indicators (e.g. profitability) 4. Agree targets for the KPIs (e.g. increase profitability by 5%)

Jess is MD of The Ideal Marketing Company, a full-service marketing agency which offers digital marketing services as well as PR, direct mail, copywriting

Of course, identifying the

to support your business goals and

Jessica Shailes

The Ideal Marketing Company

Other more traditional forms of marketing such as PR can also form of the marketing mix. This is because the decision to click on a digital

and design. She has specialised in digital marketing for over 10 years and in that time has watched it evolve from an experimental marketing option to an essential tool for the majority of businesses. Jess’s interest in strategy and passion for delving into the numbers means she is driven to help businesses achieve their objectives with a bespoke approach using the best marketing resources available. 01858 445543

between vanity metrics and clarity metrics. That’s when you’ll see real results that your entire company can get on board with and be a part of.

advertising link can be the endpoint of a long and/or complex brand building process involving many steps such as reading an article, listening to a friend’s recommendation or following a brand on social media. Digital marketing is more of a science than an art and as such it’s important to get an expert on board who understands the difference

5. Identify the segments or people, outcomes and behaviour to analyse.

Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing | 39

The Business Bulletin

Ask the experts Do you have a burning question that you would like the answer to? Or maybe you’re looking for some advice to help your business? In each edition some questions will be shared and answered by some of The Business Bulletin experts.

Q. What is a USP? A. A USP is a Unique Selling Point. It is something that helps you to stand out from the crowd and will help a prospective client to choose you over and above your competition. Creating or finding your USP has caused many of my clients’ great angst. They focus on what they do or what they sell and because there are a number of other businesses doing the same thing, they are not able to differentiate themselves. This was a problem I had when I first set up the business. I did a lot of

research into other sales trainers, who they were, what training they provided, etc, and saw that the vast majority of them had been doing it for years and were qualified trainers. I was not, and

advice from the photographer However…Stock images can be incredibly useful:

But, in the early hours of one morning, after very little sleep, something struck me and I went back to the list. What I discovered was that although they had been training for years and had formal qualifications, none of them were still selling and in fact one trainer had never sold in their lives! It was from this revelation that I am a salesperson first and a trainer second – in other words, when a salesperson that this still selling and has done so for nearly 26 years. The moral of this story is that your USP is not necessarily your product or service, it can be you, your background, experience and what

The Sales Ace

■ You’ll get expert insight and

back and I very nearly gave up.

people train with me they train with

Julie Futcher

company rather than generic

to be honest with you, it knocked me

my USP was born.

Contributing experts

■ They’ll be bespoke to your

you bring to the table. Julie Futcher, The Sales Ace

■ There are a wide range of very high-quality images available ■ There are price ranges to suit every budget ■ Not everything is suitable for a bespoke shoot ❙ Images of space (that NASA has available) for example can’t be found elsewhere ❙ Sending a photographer for a single shot of a French cheese market won’t be the best use of your budget (though if they spend the day there getting a wide range of shots it could be) ❙ Some themes (woods, flowers, pets, food, etc) are so widely available that a bespoke shoot may not be as necessary

Q. Should I use stock images in my marketing?

The key is to go with the best quality though – choose carefully

A. Yes and no. If your budget allows

and take your time, don’t just pick

for it I’d always suggest using a

the first image you see. And pay

photographer where you can because:

attention to the licences, they do

Mark Coster

■ You’ll get exactly what you want

tend to confuse people.


■ No-one else will have the same

Mark Coster


40 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing


The Business Bulletin

Q. Is a brand important? A. It’s vitally important. Whether you like it or not, your business has ‘a brand’. It’s not just something that big businesses have. every business does. Why? Because your brand is much more than your logo or even just the visual aspects of your marketing. I like the description that a brand is “what others say about your business when you’re not there”. Everyone (including your potential customers and suppliers) will have an opinion about your business, some of it based on fact and logic, but a lot based on emotion and intuition

And by having a well thought out, consistent and professional corporate identity (logo, colours, fonts, style, tone of voice etc) you’ll look more professional, be more memorable, and enhance the reputation of your business even further. A good logo can’t solve the

will set about answering it for you. It can be on any business topic you like, be it finance, sales, marketing, operations, resources, strategy or personal

elevate a good business above its


peers and create a great brand.

If you would like a more

Ultimately, what do you want

immediate response, then

people to think when they think of

raise your question on the

(or talk about) your business? That’s

“Ask The Experts” forum.

the brand you’re trying to create and

but you can influence it by providing

Mark Coster

a good product/service, having good


customer expectations.

email us and these experts

great corporate identity can help

that’s why it’s vitally important.

well and meeting (or exceeding)

If you have a question – then

problems of a bad business, but a

as well. You can’t control this directly,

reliable processes, communicating

Got a question?

The Business Bulletin

SME Survey What factors are hampering your sales?

As you can see from figure 1, the biggest

reluctance to say “not interested”,

contributor is the

having the wrong value proposition or

current climate and

just the wrong target market?

the pandemic affecting the sales of 39.3% of the 61 respondents. This makes sense as pretty much every business has in some way been impacted by the lockdowns that the UK has been facing. Having said Figure 1

that, reassuringly 34.4% had not experienced

Following on from the survey on

an impact on their sales performance.

cashflow in the last edition – where

This seems to point to the resilience

the biggest issue was lack of sales, in

of small business owners to adapt

this edition we delve a little further

and respond to whatever is thrown at

into what is impacting the sales of

them! This bodes well for the future

small business owners. The options

when the effect of the pandemic

to choose from were:

eases and allows businesses to trade

■ Lack of response to quotes/ emails/etc ■ Current climate (COVID-19) ■ Lack of training

to”. This could be a concern as keeping a healthy sales pipeline is of a business. It might be interesting understand what the key barriers are. Frustratingly 16.4% cited lack of response as a factor in their sales. There is probably nothing worse than having to chase quotes down to close that deal. Once again it might

capture anything that was missing

be useful to drill down on this to

from the above lists. More than one

establish what the bottle-neck is –

option could be chosen.

could it be the procrastination of the

42 | Issue 6 – Sales and Marketing

by undertaking some sales training to better understand the various methods of getting that elusive sale. It is no surprise that poor marketing came up in the survey. Most small businesses are not that great at marketing in an effective way. This is often down to “having a punt” at various marketing activities but not effectively measuring which ones deliver the best returns. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!

27.9% indicated that generating

to explore this in a future survey to

There was an “other” option to

former is relatively easily rectified

leads was an issue in terms of “how

■ Lead generation - how?

■ Closing the deal

poor marketing in general. The

than it is having now.

key to the success and sustainability

■ Poor marketing generally

Closing the deal was the next highest percentage along with

normally; or at least has less impact

■ Inherent fear!

■ Nothing - sales are fine

decision maker, change of their mind,

Get involved To take part in the next survey – it takes a look at how well small businesses have their ducks in a row when it comes to HR, health and safety and other procedural aspects to their business – visit here: KRmDYtgq3WfPnRaEA. The results will be shared in the next edition of this magazine.





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Articles inside

SME Survey

page 42

Spotlight on Jessica Shailes

pages 28-31

Google my business,what is it and how can I use it for my business?

pages 25-27

Is your business open for sales?

pages 23-24

Ask the experts

pages 40-41

Marketing: if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it Jessica Shailes

pages 38-39

Focusing on your website vs focusing on your digital marketing Stephanie Holmes

pages 34-37

What makes a great website? Sam Sayer

pages 32-33

Let’s talk tone of voice! Hannah Brady

pages 16-17

The Cinderella of marketing Stephen Church

pages 20-22

How do I get free PR for my business? Eleanor Lester

pages 18-19

Making the most of an uncertain world Andy Sarson

pages 14-15

Building long term customer relationships John Milner

pages 9-10

Who did you say you were again? Exploding the ‘authenticity’ myth Kevin Robinson

pages 6-8

How do I go about generating referrals? A route map Jacky Sherman

pages 11-13
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