The Business Bulletin - Issue 18

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Business Bulletin By business owners, for business owners




Issue 18

Spotlight on Sarina Mann PLUS Sales in the new normal Navigating with clarity for business growth How to avoid a PR disaster Strategic thinking in stages

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Are you keen to see your business grow? Then you need to keep track of the gures… Building a successful business takes determination, energy, focus, and know-how. But even the best business idea cannot ourish without one additional critical input; information. At Essendon Accounts & Tax, we love nothing more than helping a business thrive. In fact, it’s become our speciality. Are you a Family Business? We can act as your virtual Financial Director providing expert advice through a hands-on approach. Whatever accounting and tax support you need, we can help. Want to make a prot? Let us take on the grind of tracking what’s coming in and going out, so we can then model your cash ow and provide you with the information you need to make swift and critical business decisions. Looking to outsource your payroll and bookkeeping? Payroll and bookkeeping exist in ever-changing complex landscapes that require up to date knowledge and expertise. Would you prefer to spend your time working on your business? We can help.


Need assistance with a tax issue? Whether you are a sole trader, in a partnership, a director of a limited company, or simply an individual with a regular income, expert knowledge that enables you to maximise the numerous tax allowances and reliefs that are available can save you a fortune. Speak to us. Looking for support from a Financial Director? All top athletes achieve the peak of their career by working with a coach, and we know that every business keen to reach the top needs a team of trusted advisors. We have the expertise you need.

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The Business Bulletin

A magazine that works for everyone Paul Green Founder & Chief Editor

Welcome to revamped relaunch edition of The Business Bulletin magazine - now includes regular columnists, a monthly business book review and video content. Each edition will bring together a collection of articles aimed at any small business owner who doesn’t have all the answers and is open to some thoughts and advice from some of the leading experts in their fields. So what makes this different to any other publication? I’m glad you asked! For the reader – no more advertorials. All the featured articles have been chosen for their valuable content, not because the author has paid to be published or taken out an advert to get their slot!

Watch the video

For the contributor – you can submit articles for inclusion without having to pay for the privilege or having to advertise. If your article is deemed suitable based on its merits – that it is relevant, good and engaging content and not promotional of your business, then it will be published. For the advertiser – if a publication is more engaging due to the content, then it is more likely your adverts with be noticed. The number of full-page and half-page ads is limited for each edition and there will be a limit on the number of advertisers from a given industry sector. This means your advertisement is more likely to stand out from the crowd and not be lost in a sea of competitors. Your feedback and thoughts on this magazine are welcome – let us know your experience. Thanks,

Join in! Contact us to contribute an article or place an advert for future editions

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Proof-reading: James Tarry

© Copyright 2022 The Business Bulletin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the editor or the author of the article. Disclaimer – no responsibility can be accepted for any actions that you take as a result of the content provided in this magazine. There is no guarantee that implementing any of the advice contained in the articles will definitely ensure your business success or have a positive impact. They are presented as information based on the experience of the authors working with many different types of businesses in their field of expertise and are provided as a choice for you to consider if they will be useful for your business.

Issue 18 | 3



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The Business Bulletin

Contents The impact of Government COVID measures on business finance James Blacklaws Navigating with clarity for business growth Roger Eddowes Sales in the new normal Julie Futcher How to use content marketing to attract your ideal clients Jess Shailes Are you using social media to add value to your business? Christina Robinson Are you focused on zero budget marketing? Arup Biswas


Mind that pay gap – it’s not just for the big boys Mark Exley



Look after your customers and they will look after you Alex Isherwood



Spotlight on


Sarina Mann 16


The heart of good health and safety practice Richard Lunn



I was just trying to be nice! Mhairi Richardson


Evolving with LinkedIn Eloise Idoine


Thriving not just surviving Becca and Michelle

How to avoid a PR disaster Eleanor Lester


How to be an engaging speaker on camera to attract your ideal client Sarina Mann



What’s the cost of delaying your marketing? Becky Cable


Marketing is no ‘magic wand’ for businesses Andy Sarson


What the hell is a mastermind group and would it benefit my business? 62 Paul Green

E-learning – considering the possibilities John Scotcher


Book Review Mhairi Richardson

Need to make redundancies but don’t know where to start? Steven Mather


Strategic thinking in stages Jacky Sherman



Issue 18 | 5


The Business Bulletin

The impact of Government COVID measures on business finance The Government’s various COVID support measures are expected to cost approximately £500B once completed (various sources) but this doesn’t give the full picture when it comes to support for SMEs where there is a considerable amount of uncertainty about the final bill and will remain so for many years.

There is also doubt over how these measures will impact on more conventional business finance for a number of reasons, some of which I will explore here.

The Bounce Back Loan There is only one place to start and that is with the Bounce Back Loan (BBL). For those living under a rock, this is the cheap, minimal

due diligence loan which over 1.5m businesses took during the pandemic with a total loan figure of £47B being 100% guaranteed by HMRC. As well as potentially creating a liability for HMRC up to 2031 (when the final loan is repaid), the BBL, and its big brother the CBILS Loan (Corona Business Interruption Loan Scheme) which guaranteed 80% of a further £26B worth of loans, has flooded the SME marketplace with finance which has led to several lenders expressing severe caution or even pulling away from the market altogether. It seems highly likely that once

6 | Issue 18


the latest Government Loan Scheme, The Recovery Loan Scheme, ends in June 2022, the options for clients will be severely restricted when seeking short

Changes to National Insurance (NI) Roger Eddowes

term or unsecured finance. The BBL will also impact the way the High Street

Most employees will now notice that their net

Banks (still responsible for a majority of SME lending)

pay has decreased this current tax year as the

treat the market for many years. With defaults

government raises National Insurance to help the

estimated anywhere between 20% and 40% and the

NHS recover from the Covid pandemic and fund

Government pushing back on their commitment

social care in England. It is a tricky situation for

to guarantee these loans, the losses are likely to

the Government as it has gone back on its 2019

run into the billions. This is unquestionably having

election manifesto promise not to raise it.

an impact on a bank’s appetite to lend in the SME space, in fact, we are already seeing this as the credit policy of the same Banks continues to tighten up.

Lockdown The most significant Government measure taken at the start of the COVID period (March 2020) was the nationwide lockdown implemented which led to

The rate of National Insurance for employees, employers and the self-employed has gone up by 1.25%. But there is some good news, presumably to help mitigate the fall out of the broken promise, in the fact that from July the amount people can earn before they start paying National Insurance will be raised from £9,880 to £12,570. The combined effect of both the raise in rate

household restrictions, businesses being forced to

and the threshold means that anyone earning

close and schools moving to online teaching.

less than £34,000 per annum will pay less

This had a huge impact on the business lending space as the uncertainly caused (when would the

National Insurance over the year. We can only presume the change in threshold

country reopen?) caused an immediate withdrawal

is being delayed until July, not to make

from the market of many lenders, some not to

accountants’ lives more difficult, but to give time

return, as well as many clients having previously

for computer software writers to be able to make

agreed facilities pulled away from them, regardless

the amendments.

of the position. This left many business owners out of pocket for valuation fees, solicitor fees and created great panic and disruption for them.

Then it’s all change again next tax year on 6 April 2023 when the National Insurance rise is reversed. However, it is being replaced by a new

In turn, this has led to an increased distrust in

Health and Social Care Levy currently set at 1.25%.

lending institutions from SME owners who were

The effect of this is that employees over the state

let down by the kneejerk decisions made, as well

pension age (who currently don’t pay National

as reduced confidence in brokers who, on many

Insurance) will pay the levy. The government says

occasions, had to give the bad news.

the extra money will initially go towards easing

The fallout from lockdown is still being felt now. Customers’ lending requests are largely based on their trading performance, and the significant drop in turnover and profitability felt by many businesses during lockdown is having a significant impact

pressure on the NHS and then a proportion of it will be moved into the social care system, which is under pressure because of an ageing population and the pandemic. Need help with your accounts and tax

on their ability to be accepted for finance even in

planning? Get in touch with Roger to see how he

2022 and even with the consideration given for the

and his team can help.

generational circumstances.

Clients’ attitude The BBL has had a major impact on the business owner’s attitude towards the pricing of alternative business lending. Due to the favourable nature of the BBL with regard to the fixed interest rate (2.5%

Essendon Accounts and Tax

– astonishingly low for any business borrowing), the 07595 021376


The Business Bulletin

lack of arrangement fee for the facility

position. While this has been a lifeline

(usually 1 – 2%) and personal guarantee

for many small businesses, it has

(always a requirement for Limited

been a major challenge for landlords

Company debt), presenting a client

and therefore for the Banks who lend

with more ‘traditional’ terms and

to them.

conditions presents a new challenge. If you have just borrowed under the

The protection to tenants has created loan arrear positions for

most favourable terms ever presented

landlords who have not benefited

for a commercial loan, then looking at

from the same level of protection (the

alternatives can restrict the appetite

protection for mortgage payments

to borrow and prevent future growth

did not apply for commercial

which this lending might enable.

landlords generally) which has led

Commercial property There were a number of measures introduced during the COVID period

to bad debts for lenders and had a negative impact on lender appetite for commercial property.

The positives

traded from a premises. As well as

There is little doubt that despite the

being able to furlough their staff

long-term negative impacts the

and claim the beneficial terms of the

Government policies will have on

BBL, ratepayers were automatically

business lending, especially the BBL,

presented with a Grant and the

there is also strong evidence that

ability to apply for further grants as

without them, the situation would

well. As you may expect, these were

have been considerably worse.

It also became increasingly difficult

James, an ex-banker, is a highly experienced and fully Independent Commercial Finance broker, authorised and regulated by the FCA. With whole-ofmarket access. He specialises in helping businesses declined by their banks; businesses looking to grow, survive and purchase commercial property.

to assist the business owner who

not repayable!

James Blacklaws JB Commercial Finance

The BBL opened finance to businesses who otherwise would

to evict a challenging commercial

not have met lender criteria for

tenant with them having the grant

similar sized loans and, in many

funds to continue trading and also

circumstances, has enabled them

benefitting from protection from

to survive and hopefully, continue to

eviction, regardless of any arrears

grow post 2022!

07722 432128

The other loan schemes (CBILS and RLS) were available to slightly more established businesses and many of these facilities have been used in a very positive way. They did this not only to survive, but also to grow via capital investment or allowing businesses to take on additional staffing or clients. I have seen many businesses using these loans in hugely positive ways to before themselves and the wider economy. While the aforementioned grants

Links ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

8 | Issue 18

have sometimes proved a challenge for commercial landlords, they have prevented many small businesses, especially in retail and hospitality, from failing and on many occasions, defaulting on business debt. It is highly likely that without this Government support, there would have been a huge increase in business failures, increased lending defaults and increased losses for commercial lenders in this space. Inevitably, this would have led to a further reluctance from Banks and alternative lenders to deal in this space moving forward.

The Business Bulletin


Navigating with clarity for business growth Every business needs a strong hand on the tiller. To thrive, you need strategic consideration directing how you grow. And, regardless of whether you’re a large corporate, an ambitious SME, or an enthusiastic micro-business, you need to know where you’re trying to get to. Such statements are well understood, of course, but to put them into practice actually requires a lot of thinking. For a business to grow, someone

plan is, how dynamic your employees

has to anticipate the hurdles ahead,

are, or how teched up you are, if you

proactively pursue a strategy for

haven’t got a grip on the finances,

business development, have a good

you’re working blind.

grasp of the facts and figures, and plan. Most business owners understand

When people talk about their accountant, visions of number-

this kind of focus is needed. However,

crunchers slaving over a calculator

when they’re in the thick of it day in,

spring to mind. And yes, in every type

day out, they often lose sight of how

of business those financial details

to leverage the theory. For example,

matter; so having a trusted partner

they’re aware of the need to plan for

who will ensure the accounts and tax

growth, but they don’t necessarily

returns are compiled and filed on time

have a clear idea of where they are at

will make a difference. However,

any point in time. They also know their

that’s only a small part of what

market well, but they’re not always

an accountant can bring to

aware of the gotchas waiting round

the table.

the corner for an expanding business. So, how do they move forward? Business owners who have

With the right financial team, you can improve the

the foresight to turn to seasoned

efficiency and

professionals for advice, support, and

effectiveness of your

help are the ones most likely to enjoy

financial reporting.

continuing success. And the kind

You’ll enjoy regular

of professional who can help bring

analysis of your business

some assurance to their growth is

activities, and you’ll

their accountant.

benefit from financial risks to your business and

Your accountant is your best business friend

profit opportunities being

At the end of the day, it doesn’t

liaising with the likes of HMRC

matter how great your marketing

and banks etc.

identified early on. Plus, you won’t have to be the one

Issue 18 | 9


The Business Bulletin

How do you choose the right accountant?

They will also help you get to grips

present it to you in a meaningful way.

with your debtors and reduce the

For example, they’ll assess

Of course, every business deserves

delay in you receiving payments.

profitability across market sectors

Cashflow is still king.

and help you outline profiles of

the best and someone who has considerable experience of working in a comparable business should be top of your list. An accountant with that background will understand your industry, know what traps to look out for, and have a good feel for how to spot new opportunities. And on top of that, they’ll bring a whole raft of additional benefits you can enjoy.

They’ll take care of the details

profitable customers. With their

They can free up your time Keeping a firm grip on the finances is time-consuming, particularly if it’s not your specialism and you just business. So having a qualified and

A switched-on accountant proves

experienced individual carrying out

their worth by enabling business

that work on your behalf frees up

opportunities, but they also help

your time and saves you money.

prevent disaster by spotting risks in

Remember, they’ve already traversed

advance. They’ve trodden this path

the terrain your business is crossing

before, and they know what to look

with regard to finance, so they can

out for.

reporting is carried out in a timely

behalf. Which means you can focus

way and provide financial oversight.

on seeing through the strategic plans

They will track your cashflow and

you have for growing your business.

report to you on a regular basis,

If you’re in strategic planning mode,

abnormalities, so missing a deadline

you can’t operate without a clear

just raises your profile in the wrong

picture of where your business

way. A good accountant, therefore,

currently is and where it is hoping to

will ensure all your accounting and

go. You need information to make

financial statements are submitted in

your plans and a good accountant

a timely fashion.

Roger Eddowes

Peirson & Sons in Market Harborough before working at Hartwell & Co, followed

information you need to make key

Beaumont in 2014. Roger loves ‘getting

cashflow, your key clients, or other KPIs, your accountant can help pull this information together and drive your business forward.

network of business contacts to leverage the best guidance and practical solutions, he has been called a Business Godparent due to his caring, hands-on approach. 07595 021376

They make sense of the data An ambitious business owner can suffer from information overload. A good accountant will make sense of the data at their fingertips and

10 | Issue 18

death and taxes, of course – but

To make a decision quickly you need hand. Whether it’s regarding your

to ensure they receive the best possible

Nothing is certain in life – except

knowledge of your accountant will

Essendon Accounts & Tax with Helen

accountancy advice. Using an extensive

bodies are on the lookout for

They analyse and offer decision-making insights accurate, up-to-date information to

small-to-medium and family businesses

man, HMRC, and other regulatory

tapping into all the skills and

by Chancery, as a partner. He started

his hands dirty’, working with emerging,

There’s no point in missing a filing deadline if you don’t need to. The VAT

supported by appropriate budgets.

Roger trained at Edward Thomas

They’ll ensure you’re compliant

They will prepare budgets and forecasts

will provide considered forecasting

Essendon Accounts & Tax

snap up opportunities.

They flag risks early

work quickly and effectively on your

appear as problems in the business.

margins, control business costs, and

want to get on with running your

An accountant will ensure key

flagging concerns before they

input, you’ll be able to increase

help to reduce uncertainty. Their expertise can provide you with the decisions for driving your business forward in a controlled way. And if taxes are one of the few certainties in life, they’ll at least ensure yours are paid on time too.





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Why complaints can help sales Julie Futcher Accept it… sometimes things go wrong. No matter how hard you try, no matter what processes you put into place and no matter how good you and your team are, sometime, somewhere, somehow, something will go wrong. How your business responds though can be the difference between losing a customer and a future sale. When it all hits the fan… I appreciate that it sounds counterintuitive to think of a problem with a customer order as an opportunity, but it is. Let me explain why. Watch the video

You have probably seen numerous variations on a theme of “5 stages of customer service”. They will usually be along the lines of:

The Service Recovery Paradox

■ Listen

Let’s look at that customer service issue in a different

■ Empathise

way for a moment and focus down on the last step. The Service Recovery Paradox was first proposed in the early

■ Solve

90s by McCollough and Bharadwaj and, to paraphrase a much larger concept, it relates to the ‘good will’

■ Act

generated by resolving a problem. It suggests that if you

■ Confirm

resolve a customer problem in a satisfactory way, they will

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this process. You listen to the customer, make it clear that you

not only remain loyal and tell others, but their opinion of the business will also become more positive.

understand their problem, then you offer a solution, if

So, let’s look at that last step again considering the

that solution is acceptable to them, you action it. Finally,

Service Recovery Paradox. At stage 5 in the list above,

you check everything is OK and close the case. The

you could have the following:

customer is happy, and you can go and have lunch. Next time you complain to a large retailer you will see these steps in action. They are commonly used because they work. There are two things to think about here though that could be telling you an opportunity is being missed. Firstly, very few of the business owners reading this

■ A happy customer ■ A customer who will be glad to hear from you ■ A customer who is currently very positive about your business ■ Now think about your sales teams and funnels. How much better would they perform if every

article have a closed, single sale, based model. Most of

potential customer could be described using

us are servicing repeat customers. Secondly, it is focused

those three bullet points? It’s pretty much a

on the problem at hand (the messed-up order) not the

salesperson’s dream customer.

future potential. It is right there, in that last point that a big

Need help with your sales? Get in touch with The Sales Ace.

opportunity could be being missed.

The Sales Ace 01604 532004

Sales in the new normal As I draft this article, we have just entered 2022 with the hope and joy that a new year brings. There is, however, the ever-niggling blot on the horizon that still challenges the business owner, i.e. COVID. Before you roll your eyes and groan, let me assure you that I’m not writing this article to create doom and gloom. I believe this virus is here to stay and that we all need to learn to live with it. That also means that having a business that can flex around the challenges this brings is key.

I’ve had numerous conversations with business owners who are working to achieve this. From multiskilling staff to reviewing internal

Ease of sale How easily can a customer buy from you? It may sound a strange question to ask, but I’ve worked with

streamlining your processes will make it easy for a buyer to spend money with you.

many businesses that have made

Use technology

their sales process so complex it

When the pandemic started

makes it exceedingly difficult and

businesses had to adapt by

challenging for their customers to

embracing new technologies to

successful selling in this new era

buy their product. In today’s world

keep moving forward. VoIP systems

and it applies to large and small

and in the future, buyers will want

to enable staff to work at home

businesses alike. There are 4 key

to make a purchase with minimum

became commonplace, the world

areas that a business can review to

effort. If they can’t, they’ll move on

turned to online methods to buy and

support their sales success.

to somewhere else. Reviewing and

sell their products and Zoom and

processes, they’ve not left any stone unturned, but what does this mean for sales? Adaptability is the key word for

Issue 18 | 13


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

Teams became the ideal platform

to feature within my services. Have

to use to stay connected with team

you embraced technology within your

technologies, working with new

members and customers.

business? If not, there is still time, but

processes and ensuring your

don’t leave it too long otherwise your

approach to the sales conversation

competition will beat you to it.

with customers, will need a business

Zoom and Teams will be technologies that will continue to feature heavily within the sales cycle. Face-to-face interaction with a

Social proof

prospective or current customer is the

I’ve always advocated collecting and

best way to build and strengthen your

displaying reviews and testimonials.

relationships with them. You can’t

In my previous point I’ve explained

beat sitting across a desk, sharing

how buyers are now using social

a coffee and discussing business.

media and other digital forms to

However, some businesses are still

look for potential suppliers. They will

not allowing outside visitors on-site or

gain confidence from reading these

don’t feel that they have the time and

and will use them to influence their

therefore this is a great option.

buying decisions. Now is the time not

During this time LinkedIn and other social media platforms saw a massive increase of use. Salespeople

Budgets and lead times We’ve been through a couple of

LinkedIn to continue their business development activities. The fact of the matter is buyers are now using social media to make their purchasing decisions and search for prospective suppliers. If you’re not on a platform where your target market is active, then you are going to miss out. It’s not just social media, it’s also

assumed that buyers’ budgets have shrunk. This has resulted in the sales pitch being very money-focused and around saving money. Not all businesses had a tough time. There are some that have had their best trading years on record and as a result, have more money to spend on their business.

your current services? In my previous point, discussed

As budgets have changed, so have lead times. Customers who have previously had lengthy lead times, have changed their processes and are now able to buy new products and

making it easy for your buyer to

services much quicker than they were

buy from you, technology will help.

previously able to, and vice versa.

From CRMs to project management systems, there are a plethora of tools available. Embracing technology can be hard;

It is still important to sell on value and not on price. We need to listen to our customers’ needs, wants, issues and problems and offer them

I am a self-confessed technophobe

the right solution for them. Asking

and was absolutely adamant that

the right questions during the sales

training could NEVER be done online.

process will clarify the buyer’s lead

During the pandemic 100% of the

time expectations and what they are

training I delivered was online, and

prepared to spend. Now is the time to

offering online solutions will continue

stop assuming!

14 | Issue 18

ensure their successes.

salespeople during this time who

that check out your social media

navigate? Does the content reflect

development will be important to

I’ve had many conversations with

products or services to help support

out your website, is that easy to

Training, coaching and ongoing

challenging years for businesses.

about your online presence. Buyers platforms will undoubtedly check

the right skillsets and approach.

and blow your own trumpet!

out to prospective customers. I’ve had during this time, about how to use

owner and their teams to have

to be shy, display them with pride

were using them to identify and reach many conversations with my clients

Introducing and using innovative

Julie Futcher The Sales Ace Julie has nearly 25 years experience within a sales role and has successfully trained many individuals to sell by developing their own style but using tried and tested sales techniques. She understands how daunting it can be to have to pick up the telephone or meet with clients/customers face to face. Julie established The Sales Ace to support and train business owners to increase their revenue. She also provides a sales support service which provides telesales/ telemarketing, assisting in managing sales staff, help with setting and managing KPI’s and well as one to one coaching. 01604 532004




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The Business Bulletin

How to use content marketing to attract your ideal clients As a business owner, you’re probably already producing content, whether that’s in the form of the monthly newsletter you send to clients or your social media posts. But when it comes to converting content into sales, you need a thoroughly researched and targeted approach. That’s where content marketing comes in.

16 | Issue 18


What is content marketing? The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as follows: “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” The key word here is ‘strategic’. This is because although many business owners recognise the importance of having an online presence, the content they produce will not necessarily fulfil the ultimate aim of attracting and retaining clients. Without a strategy to achieve that aim and a thorough understanding of your audience, content is nothing more than white noise and consequently a waste of your valuable time.

Content ideas for engaging content Christina Robinson A quick Google search will give you a bunch of generic resources; we have our own resource in our ‘75 Ideas of things to post on social media’. I tell all our clients to print it off, go through with a highlighter pick out the ideas that are most relevant to their business, that are comfortable for them, and use those ideas on repeat. You should do it too! BUT… when you’re up against a deadline and need to come up with content ideas, there are three places I look to find some quick ideas. 1. I look at my diary – Where have I been? Who have I spoken to? What have they asked me? What have I answered? What

Types of content marketing The type of content marketing you do will depend on the nature of your business, the stage it’s at and the demographic of the customer you are trying to attract. However, the content marketing you engage in can include: ■ Your website as posts, guides/downloadables and video ■ Media as podcasts, guest posts and videos ■ Organic and paid social media posts on your prospects’ favourite platforms ■ Email series or newsletters targeted to your mailing list As well as helping you take a step back to identify exactly who you should be talking to, a digital marketing expert will also be able to support you in creating this kind of content which may be new to you.

else did I say? Where am I heading? What will I be doing? There might be photos or videos I took at the time or can plan to take. 2. I look at my environment – The truth is, we often overthink things; the everyday for us is the most engaging for people who aren’t within the same four walls as us. Who else is around you that you can feature, where is it you’re working? 3. I look in my inbox – We’re all signed up for emails that deliver articles that help us do our jobs better. This is how we keep ahead of the game, and we engage with this content to ensure we have the expertise that means our prospects choose to work with us! The job your marketing should be doing for you is to evidence your expertise. So use what’s in those emails! Write about what you’re reading and offer an opinion! I’m making it sound simple… but honestly,

Beyond self-promotion

these are the three places I immediately go to for

It’s a competitive world out there, so your first

my content!

instinct may be to promote your business in a crowded marketplace. However, to truly engage with your prospects, the secret is to give them content that is useful and relevant to them rather than focusing on talking about yourself. In the long run you will win favour with your audience by providing content that is genuinely valuable to them as it helps build the trust that is

Green Umbrella Marketing 01604 726758

The Business Bulletin


offer, you can pique their interest

Once you have an answer to these

with blog guides, FAQs, Live

questions, you can do an audit of

Chat, webinars, targeted ads and

your current content and review

promotions and giveaways.

how much of it caters to your ideal audience at each stage of the buying

Jessica Shailes The Ideal Marketing Company Jess is MD of The Ideal Marketing


journey . From there you can move

To embed your prospects’ wish to

on to the following:

buy your product or use your service,

■ Use SEO keyword research

emails, demos, free trials and product

highlighting what your

videos will come into play.

prospects are searching for to

Company, a full-service marketing agency. She has specialised in digital marketing for over 10 years and in that time has watched it evolve from an experimental marketing option to an essential tool for the majority of businesses. Jess’s interest in strategy and passion for delving into the numbers means she is driven to help businesses

drive the Awareness stage. Action The previous steps lead to your prospect taking action, at which point your content marketing strategy has taken you to the email and phone consultation stage.

achieve their objectives with a bespoke approach using the best marketing resources available. 01858 445543

Loyalty With your competitors using similar strategies to lure your hard-won customers away, you need to work hard to maintain their support and encourage them to recommend your offering. That’s where referral

necessary to convert your audience into customers. Play (and win) the long game by resisting the urge to promote yourself in the short term in the interest of the bigger goal of building a genuine relationship.

programs, special events, surveys, beta testers and special bundles come in.

Creating your content plan

Content marketing and the sales funnel

your customers, you first need to

Each stage of the all-important sales

following questions:

understand what is important to them. Begin by asking yourself the

pipeline can be aligned to relevant ■ What has happened? Why are they looking for your Awareness Targeted blog posts, digital adverts, videos, infographics, organic and paid social media posts are tried and tested methods to engage with prospects at the initial awareness stage. Interest To build your potential customers’ curiosity about what you have to

18 | Issue 18

inform your Interest stage. ■ Ask your sales team about the questions they are most often asked to get an insight into your Desire stage. ■ Consider how to streamline your onboarding process for the Action stage. ■ Maintain loyalty with improved customer experience and customer service based on feedback and referral and loyalty schemes. Again, the expertise of a marketing

To provide valuable content for

content marketing strategies:

■ Review your competitors to

product/service? ■ What do they want to achieve? ■ What are their concerns and objections? ■ Why would they work with you over the competition? ■ Why would they work with the competition over you?

specialist can be invaluable to gain these valuable insights that will help your business grow.


The Business Bulletin

Are you using social media to add value to your business?

Christina Robinson Green Umbrella Marketing

The world suddenly came to a stop, and, let’s face it, a lot of us saw the struggle, or even the crash of businesses – ESPECIALLY those who didn’t turn to social media to keep their

Christina works with business owners and marketing directors to educate them on how best to maximise their online marketing activities to enhance their business, increase brand awareness and ultimately increase sales. Alternatively, she offers online coaching, 121 or group

business afloat. Yet, on the other hand, for

training to help you as a business owner

the ones that did – they’re the ones that have

generate more business using tried and

grown and are seeing each month break the record of the previous record-breaking month, or they’re growing their teams exponentially.

or B2B professional discover how to tested strategies. 01604 726758

Issue 18 | 19


The Business Bulletin

I had really hoped that this was the

people you know already… the list

idea of the outcomes of socials but

start of people realising the true

goes on and on!

seeing putting the work in as a

potential… in fact, no, the NECESSITY for social media use within their businesses. But now we’re back into the ‘norm’ of face-to-face, it’s a good idea to remind ourselves of the

But, of course, this is only the case if you’re targeted and really thinking about who you’re targeting, what you’re looking to achieve, and

chore. I’ll be honest, if this is you, then I’d wager the people seeing your content will be feeling that. If you’re not enthusiastic, why should your

sticking to the plan.

audience be! You’re likely selling in wants to be sold to, and even if you’re

been a lifeline since March 2020, so

We all wish we had a time machine!

why is it that social media is being

…and I get it, social media can be

deprioritised now that we could really

time-consuming! But let’s think

use it to our advantage?

about this, does it feel like that

importance before we fall back into the old “I don’t have time for social media!” mindset. Social media has

because your reward isn’t as tangible

Why we aren’t SHOUTING about ROI! You may be thinking “…But it’s so hard to see a direct return from your social media efforts! (unless you’re in e-commerce), In reply to this, few businesses look at the big picture, not only in terms of the general KPIs of their business but also beyond that. They ask, “what’s the return on investment?” and view social media as a cost. Instead, why can’t we look at return on interest? If you can get enough of the right people interested in you, then you’ve got it, and quickly you’ll find your business will change! Don’t believe me? Next time we meet, ask me, and I’ll tell you my personal story. If it wasn’t for social, I’d still be a farmer’s daughter waitressing somewhere in sunny Oxfordshire! Look at how much more business you’re converting instead of looking at how many £££s have appeared because of that one LinkedIn post you did two weeks ago, look at how many more leads are coming through your business due to unbeknown sources, how many more introductions are being made to you… how many more people know who you are when you

as others might be? Social Media can suck your time from you… if you don’t have the right practices in place to minimise distractions and the right systems and software to ensure your time is spent efficiently. It should be invested in, and you should be looking to see your investment grow. As with most things, the more you invest, the quicker you see the return on social. So think about what that investment looks like.

How am I sure social media is for you?

being sly and sneaking it in… we can all still see it! Then there are my favourites amongst you, the committers! You’re ready to do all of these things. You want to do it, but hovering over that button so that your well-crafted message gets shared with the world fills you with anxiety. I say well-crafted because you’ve been sweating over that post for days, overthinking it, worrying in case people won’t like it, paranoid you might offend someone. So it doesn’t work for you because despite you putting the effort in, the output doesn’t align. (These are my favourite people to work with. Wow, I’ve seen some businesses change once we’ve tackled this block!).

Have I reminded you?

It’s a fact!! Social media works for

Let’s go back to the idea of a time

anyone and everyone, irrespective of

machine! March 2020 – would we

the product, service or products you’re

all really be right here where we

trying to promote. The issue is more

are in the business world without

closely linked to the fact that YOU

social media? Would you be reading

can’t get social media to work. Yep, I

this right now?! Let’s not push all

said it. It’s a you problem. Let’s get the

we learnt aside now we’re back on

ball rolling and talk about the ‘how’s’!

‘the other side’! There’s so much

I recommend dedicating around

conversation around the changing

10 hours a month to your social

world of work, hybrid working, etc.,

media platforms. As you add more

because people don’t want to go

platforms in, the time gets more

back to the old way of doing things.

efficient, so don’t take that as 10

May I suggest you take the same

hours for each and every platform! If

approach with your marketing. Don’t

you’re spending 15 minutes a week, if

go back to the old ways, habits, or

and when you can squeeze it in, then

attitudes. Social media works when

nope, you’re unlikely to be able to get

you work it.

social media to work. I also understand there’s a love-

walk into a room? The change in

hate relationship with social media…

opportunities offered to you by the

what I mean by this is loving the

20 | Issue 18

every post, and let’s face it, no one

Securing your business

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The Business Bulletin

Are you focused on zero budget marketing? It sounds too good to be true…effectively and powerfully promoting your business without spending a single penny on marketing. But any company in any sector regardless of their size can do it.

Love the idea of reducing or

do this if they stopped focusing on

these businesses also have a very

completely eliminating your

their marketing tactics and instead

poor marketing ROI and wish they

marketing budget and generating

focused on their core marketing

could slash their marketing costs).

leads and sales without having to

fundamentals. Most business owners

commit significant time and money?

and businesses, regardless of their

Well the truth is any company can

size and how long they have been around, do what approximately 99% of other businesses around the world do, which is jump straight into marketing activities to promote their service or product. These marketing tactics typically include the following: ■ Advertising

Arup Biswas Absolutely Write Arup is a former national newspaper journalist with more than 20 years experience in the media sector, including as a national press officer and spokesman for Oxfam. Thanks to this, and his experience in senior operations and strategy roles for national and international organisations, he has an in-depth and unique understanding of customers and audiences. As the UK’s leading content and pre-marketing specialist, he creates high impact and engaging content for organisations of all sizes and from all sectors, and works with companies to develop their marketing foundations (Pre-Marketing) position. 07522 186316

22 | Issue 18

■ Social media activity ■ Networking ■ Sponsorships They believe that just been seen

The real issue The problem is that virtually every business starts or undertakes marketing activities without first being clear about their core messages and their core customer benefits. They believe that simply promoting their business name and the ‘functional’ services they provide is all that’s needed to win sales and grow. They think a simple list of their services or products is enough to prosper and that their marketing should be all about what they offer rather than what’s in it for the client. To put it

‘out there’ will generate the sales

simply, it’s all about them instead of

they want, and there is no doubt that

all about the customer.

potential customers having awareness

Those businesses and business

of your business is absolutely essential

people who feel they don’t need to

if you want to make sales. However,

change the way they are doing their

what is almost always overlooked

marketing should think carefully

is the time and money invested to

about long-term customer loyalty

do this, and the generally very poor

and how different their service

return on investment (ROI) that these

offering really is compared to their

activities deliver.

competitors (or more accurately,

But the activities themselves aren’t

how differently their service offering

the problem. After all, we probably all

is being promoted compared to their

know businesses that seem to thrive

competition). Sadly in many cases, a

thanks to their marketing activities

business’s company name and logo

and tactics (but in reality, most of

in their marketing (be this online or

off) could be completely replaced by one of their competitors without the customer knowing any different (because the businesses’ services or products are being promoted in exactly the same way).

Change your focus To stop spending money unnecessarily on marketing, you need to stop what you’re doing now and change your focus. Instead of concentrating on marketing activities and tactics that underdeliver, focus on the five core (and essential) elements of your ‘PreMarketing’ position that when you get right, will generate leads and sales without you having to spend any money on marketing (the term ‘PreMarketing’ is used because you need clarity on these five areas before you do any marketing or you risk wasting valuable time and money. What’s more, once you’re clear on these areas, they will form the basis of all the marketing you’ll ever do, saving you valuable time and money in the future and delivering a far greater return on investment than ever before). The five areas of focus are: 1. Your unique selling point (USP) – how your business, service, or product is different from your competitors 2. Your customer benefits – the customer problems you solve 3. Your value offering – the valuable extras you provide your customers 4. Your strapline – the short form of words or phrase that powerfully gets across what you do or your values 5. Your core messages – the key

Think ‘outside-in’ not ‘inside-out’

customers, they quickly find they are

In developing these five key

spending hundreds or thousands of

elements, it is vital that you think from a customer’s perspective rather than your own. But a common and understandable problem many business leaders have in trying to do this is that they are just too close to their business to see it as an independent potential customer does. No matter how hard they try, they struggle to take an outsidein rather than an insider-out view because of their in-depth knowledge and experience of the business. To get a truly impartial and powerful view that will transform how they market themselves, they need an independent third-party who understands customers and audiences. They should be able to provide the clarity needed and clearly outline each of the five key elements necessary for the business to effectively promote themselves regardless of their marketing budget (or lack of it).

The promise of zero budget marketing

being recommended and referred to others, generating new sales without pounds on marketing. Being distinctive and standing out against competitors also makes the business memorable, and being remembered is essential in developing a prosperous and growing sales pipeline. Achieving consistent business success and growth without spending money on marketing is absolutely real and possible, and has worked (and is being achieved daily) by a number of businesses of all sizes around the world. But don’t think this means there isn’t any value in paid-for marketing activities too; they can be incredibly useful in raising awareness of your business but (and it’s a big but) make sure that before you spend any money on marketing, you’re crystal clear on the five elements of your Pre-Marketing position and are seeing your service or product as a potential customer does. Zero budget marketing is in your grasp; you just need to ensure you’ve got your marketing fundamentals right first.

Businesses that get their premarketing elements right find that they are viewed very differently by their potential customers and in a far better light than their competitors. Their potential buyers understand clearly why they should use them and what the benefits to them are of doing so. And because the business is

facts and statements about your

focused on those

business that you want potential

things that resonate

customers to always remember.

and mean the most to

Issue 18 | 23


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

Evolving with LinkedIn With over 80 million members worldwide (31+ million in the UK), LinkedIn is not only one of the oldest social media platforms (launching before YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook) but also ever increasing in popularity.

Even in LinkedIn’s first month, it had

ever before. In fact, in 2020, content

LinkedIn decided to remove this

accumulated an impressive 4500

creation increased on LinkedIn by a

feature towards the end of 2021 as

members and was off to a promising

whopping 60%! LinkedIn has proven

they didn’t feel it matched their

start. Founded by Reid Hoffman back

to be more than 277% more effective

ethos. Now, the LinkedIn algorithm

in 2003, it was originally designed as

for lead generation than other social

is more interested in favouring

a platform to connect job seekers and

media sites.

evergreen content – meaning that

potential employers…or employers and potential candidates. LinkedIn’s mission statement, “Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful” still

LinkedIn are constantly developing and trialing new features to adapt the platform for their members and encouraging users to create original

the content remains engaging and interesting, regardless of when it was uploaded. Understandably, that isn’t always

and evergreen content. In 2020, they

possible for individuals or businesses

trialed a “Stories” feature, like what

who are posting about specific events

you can see on other social media

or promoting certain products or

applications such as Snap Chat and

services. But it does inadvertently

Instagram. These short stories could

encourage its’ users to be creative,

LinkedIn for lead generation, brand

be uploaded for other members to

strategic, and mindful of what they

awareness and marketing than

view over a 24-hour period. However,

do choose to post and upload.

holds true today but has taken on further meaning as the use of the platform increases and evolves. More businesses are using

24 | Issue 18

The Business Bulletin

creating industry relevant content to promote their business. Furthermore,

have attributed to this shift in usage

it’s been invaluable for raising the

and away from other methods such

profile of many start-ups which have

as email nurturing campaigns and

emerged over the lockdown.

cold calling….

Decision makers

Cold calling is dead… or is it?

There are over 10 million c-suite level

With the shift to working from home,

decision makers on LinkedIn. For

a lot of decision makers became

business development managers,

unobtainable via their company

this is a unique opportunity to

phone number and are only

directly connect with senior decision

contactable on their mobiles which

makers and stakeholders through

aren’t always displayed for the public.

social media. By engaging with

However, LinkedIn opened a new

their ideal prospects’ posts, content

route for sales and marketing teams

creators on LinkedIn can work the algorithm so that decision makers and employees of companies they wish to work with are significantly more likely to see their posts.

to engage with their ideal clients. Through a combination of growing


There are a few contributing factors which I have identified which

Eloise Idoine Rialto Training Eloise Idoine has spent the last 12 years working in sales and marketing roles in a variety of different industry sectors. Currently launching her business, Rialto Training, Eloise helps companies and individuals to get the most out of using LinkedIn. Whether it’s generating leads or building your brand, Eloise will give you easy-to-implement tools and knowledge of how to get business success via the LinkedIn platform.

their networks, engaging with their

07522 885300

prospective clients, and creating

engaging and educational content,

sales and marketing teams can use

GDPR When the General Data Protection Regulations came into force in 2018, sales and marketing teams had to rethink their practices. Scraping data from online sources and adding people into cold marketing campaigns quickly became a thing of the past with companies fearfully avoiding potential heavy fines. Companies had to find new ways to market and paths in which to communicate with potential clients and buyers through open-source information.

Global pandemic With the on-going global pandemic, there has been a fundamental change in how many industries conduct business. LinkedIn has played a key role in helping businesses to recruit new staff during the mass redundancies, furlough period, and beyond. It’s allowed companies who use

LinkedIn as their primary marketing and lead generation tool! LinkedIn has adapted dramatically

This includes likes, comments, votes on posts, etc. However,

in the last few years and are

these aren’t always an accurate

continuing to add and trial new

representation of how engaged with

features, such as:

a post a user is. “Dwell time” monitors

■ “Creator Mode” – designed to promote content more through personal profiles ■ “Cover Stories” – allowing users to upload a 30 second video behind their profile picture ■ “Featured Posts” – which

the amount of time another user stays on a post to read it. And other factors, for example, clicking the “see more” button, can also determine how interested other users are in a post. All in all, this is an exciting time for the LinkedIn platform and for the users who take advantage of

creates a reel of primary

its features. With over 57 million

posts which the user wants to

business pages, LinkedIn is absolutely

promote towards the top of

the place to be to increase your

their profile

business opportunities and to

As well as many more…and


undoubtedly more still to come. At the same time, LinkedIn is also finding new ways to monitor user engagement and adapt their algorithms accordingly. LinkedIn decides how to prioritise posts based

the free version of the platform to

on several factors, but the main one

keep costs down on marketing but

being engagement from other users.

Issue 18 | 25


The Business Bulletin

How to avoid a PR disaster Looking back there have been a number of PR disasters that have made the headlines, The European Super League, M&S Colin the Caterpillar, KFC with supply issues, not forgetting Number 10 and the Christmas parties, to name just a few. Negative PR is something that all businesses can be on the receiving end of and it’s important to remember that sometimes it’s down to circumstances beyond your control.

No one likes to be on the receiving

1. Be prepared – All

■ Don’t panic – It can be very

end of negativity and as such it’s

businesses should have a

easy to jump right in and start

sensible to have a PR strategy in

communications strategy to

trying to manage the problem.

place that can be implemented if the

cover them for when things

I’m not advocating you ignore

situation arises. I’m going to outline

go wrong. Prepare for the

the problem, simply that you

below eight steps you can take should

unexpected, have a plan in

respond in a planned and

you find yourself in the eye of the

place that will guide your

structured way. Take a step

storm, so whether it’s a poor review of

response and build resilience

back, review what’s happened

a product or service or a disgruntled

into your business that will

or been said where and by

customer taking to social media to air

help you to recover.

whom. Make sure that key

their grievances or something worse

people in the organization are

you’ll know what to do.

aware of what’s going on and start to implement your crisis plan accordingly.

26 | Issue 18

■ Holding statements – Good

speaking out, however well

Make sure your social media

examples of these are

intentioned, as this can

team is aware of the situation

product recall notices. I’m

escalate the situation. Having

although the chances are they

sure we’ve all seen adverts

simple procedures that your

may be amongst the first to

on TV, in the media, and

staff can follow will help you to

realise there’s a problem that

viewed social media posts

manage the situation.

needs dealing with. Ensure

highlighting problems with a particular product. They don’t sensationalize the issue, rather they inform and tell the public what to do if they’re affected, they also help to buy you time whilst you investigate what’s gone wrong. Depending on the nature of your business you might have a holding page on your website that you can refer people to, this can be a good way of capturing information of those affected. Just make sure you have the appropriate GDPR policies in place. ■ Internal communications –

■ External communication – consistency of message is paramount. Stick to the facts, acknowledge what’s happened and set out what you’re doing to rectify it. Doing this repeatedly across a wide selection of media outlets will help with damage limitation. If you’re going to put out a company spokesperson then it’s advisable for them to have had media training beforehand. The goal is to avoid a car crash interview and focus on trying to shut down the story as quickly as possible so that

without being overly dramatic

you can move forward and

you need to make sure that

rebuild your reputation.

everyone in the organization is aware of the problem and who’s dealing with it. You want to avoid your employees

■ Take ownership of the problem – If you’re at fault, then owning up and taking responsibility is the right thing to do. From a PR perspective it can also play to your advantage. If you’ve got supply issues because of extra border controls thanks to Brexit, or have had to close a production line because

that they know what the company position is and the key messages that you need them to get across. ■ Expert help – If you already work with a PR then getting their help at the start can help to mitigate the situation. If you’re not in this position and you find yourself in the eye of the storm it’s well worth hiring an agency to help you. They’ll be able to give you objective advice and will have journalist contacts that they can call upon to help you address the situation and start rebuilding your reputation. Every business will find themselves on the receiving end of negative PR from time to time. Dealing with the problem quickly, considerately and calmly will, in many instances, prevent it from escalating. Should you find yourself at the centre of a PR storm, think before your respond, make your team aware, keep your messaging consistent and seek outside advice if necessary.

your staff have been hit by

Eleanor Lester Shrewd PR Eleanor Lester is a PR and Marketing Professional with over 20 years’ experience, including B2B, lifestyle, food and drink, fashion and online retail. She is a passionate believer in the value that good PR and strategic marketing can bring to small and medium sized businesses. 07764 611971

Covid then acknowledge the problem and explain what you’re doing to try and solve the issue. If nothing else this will help you to manage your customer’s expectations. ■ Social media – If you find yourself in the middle of a PR storm then be sure to review your planned social media activity. You may wish to pause the planned posts and shift your focus and key messages.

Issue 18 | 27


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

What’s the cost of delaying your marketing? It might sound a little dramatic, but bear with us. Taking an excessive amount of time to source marketing agencies and, therefore, preventing getting your marketing campaigns off the ground accumulates unnecessary expense.

Procrastinating about building a digital presence is not an effective approach. The best way to ensure business success is to promote your business by using targeting, to attract customers that are interested in your

Becky Cable Marketing Deliverables Becky integrates her skill set into all work that she producesa, from top-notch copywriting to optimising content for SEO purposes. When the cogs aren’t turning with content ideas, you’ll find our active girl Becky either walking, striking a yoga pose or sweating away in Cross-fit. But of course, you could also find her with a gin in hand and her head in a book. 01536 217490

Assuming that your marketing campaigns will create business value

product or service. After all, in the online space we live

qualified leads come rolling in. Your digital marketing plans are not set in stone. Business marketing efforts are an ongoing process with iterations over time. The sooner your marketing plans are unveiled to the world, the sooner you’ll find out what works and what doesn’t. Then, you’re

in, customers expect to find a website

in a much better position to tailor

and a social media presence. When

your activities to your target audience

potential customers want to know

and serve your customers better.

more about your business, their first action is to go online and find out more about you. Our point isn’t to ask you to sit down and calculate the exact cost of delaying your marketing efforts. Merely to take it into consideration, so that your business can focus on delivering value and speed.

Something is better than nothing

What makes a marketing campaign successful? There are a few elements that make a marketing campaign successful, and we’re going to share them with you: ■ Defined audience ■ A solid offer ■ A hook ■ Brand awareness

Take the launch of a website as an example. In all probability, your soalmost-ready new website is going to

Defined audience

generate new leads better than your

A defined audience is the first thing

existing site. And chances are, they’ll

to think about. Take time to create

be better qualified leads, too. The

customer personas, based on existing

on business results marketing is

longer your old site stays online, the

customers or your ideal customers.

hoping to achieve.

longer you’ll have to wait until those

Things to think about include their

in the form of opportunities, leads and revenue, then delaying it creates a cost. Cost of Delay = the effect of time

28 | Issue 18


The Business Bulletin

pain points, how your business can solve their problems, how they interact, the platforms they browse, and any barriers to purchase.

A solid offer You must give your target audience a reason to become loyal customers. That reason(s) must be good, and they must be demonstrated in marketing campaigns clearly with the benefits there for everyone to see.

A hook Anything that grabs the attention of your customers is a hook. A teaser, if you will. Something to make them sit up and want to know more about your business’s offering.

Brand awareness

More marketing for less money

■ Increase the number of leads

Whether you’re a startup or an

■ Reach new target audiences

established business, you’ll want to get the most return for your marketing budget. Digital marketing is an extremely cost-effective method of promoting your business. Marketing in this way allows you to stretch your budget and refine your target audience. For example, marketing on social media is particularly effective, as you can set a daily budget for a targeted audience

my website generates by x 3 on Facebook to segment as part of a new marketing campaign ■ Increase website conversions by x 2 Measurable goals are what will make your marketing campaigns successful. When you know exactly what you want to measure, you can work in a focused way to achieve them.

that already has an interest in your brand or ethos. And importantly, it enables your business to exclude the consumers that would never buy from your business – a tactic which saves you time and money.

Don’t delay Talking of focused… it’s vital that you don’t waste days, weeks, or months on end, waiting around for quotes from several marketing agencies. To get it done means, quite simply, means to get it done. Choose a

feature all of the aforementioned.

How to work with a marketing agency

But that’s no good if your brand

Working with a marketing agency

what they preach, with a quick and

awareness isn’t up to scratch.

is super-effective at achieving your

Customers will want to buy from you

business’s goals. But firstly, you need to

because they trust you, and your

establish what those goals are. Things

brand has a strong reputation. Be

like, “I want more money coming into

with their own business using tactics

sure to have a clear brand focus in all

my business” is not a great goal. Be

they recommend for your business,

your marketing campaigns.

specific. Examples include:

you’re on to a winner.

Your marketing campaigns must

marketing agency that practices easy turnaround on all marketing deliverables. If your marketing agency succeeds

Issue 18 | 29


The Business Bulletin

Marketing is no ‘magic wand’ for businesses There’s no doubt that marketing is an extremely powerful tool for businesses. When done right, it can elevate your business profile and brand to prospects, show your products and services as the solution to their needs, and drive enquiries and increase sales. But let’s be honest, it can go horribly wrong.

Marketing is no magic wand for

There are several reasons why your

if there is no strategy behind it. You’re

business. There are plenty of ways

marketing might not work, so I’ve

simply “doing” some marketing

your marketing efforts can fail.

listed some of the biggest issues I see

without any thought about how it

However, you don’t want to hear

often below:

fits with your overall business goals.

that when you’re investing your hard-earned cash in marketing, do

Perhaps chasing a new trend or someone has said you should be

you? It’s crucial to understand where

1. Lack of strategy

marketing efforts can go wrong. That

You know I talk about marketing

way, you can avoid many issues that

strategy a lot! It is the number one

goals and build a marketing strategy

businesses encounter.

reason your marketing doesn’t work

that will help you get to where you

30 | Issue 18

doing a particular activity? You must define your business

want to be. Otherwise, you’re just

this down will help you invest your

service is dreadful. This is where

wasting time and money on tactics

marketing efforts in the right places.

communicating to your customers

that won’t get results.

2. You don’t understand your customers When is the last time you’ve talked (communicated) to your customers? This is a serious question … when is the last time you’ve picked up the phone or met with them to really understand what’s going on in their lives and businesses? If you haven’t done that in a while, I strongly suggest you make time for it now. One of the biggest problems with marketing is that it is out of touch with your customer base. Either you don’t really know who your customers are, or you have a poor understanding of their pain points

5. Poor targeting Sometimes, your marketing doesn’t work because you’re targeting the wrong people, or your targeting isn’t narrow enough. You might be using the right channels, but your marketing still isn’t getting to the right people. This is quite common with digital advertising. For instance, Facebook makes it incredibly easy to “boost” your posts if you pay, but that approach isn’t very targeted. If you’re wondering why you’re not getting results with your Facebook advertising, it’s because you’re not targeting the ads to the right people.

them so that you can shape your

6. You’re not patient enough

marketing messaging and efforts to

Sometimes, marketing doesn’t work

attract the right people or businesses

because you gave up on it too quickly.

(target market). If you get to know

I often tell clients that it takes six to

your customers better, trust me, your

12 months for marketing to generate

marketing will improve.

results. Yes, you will see some success

and needs. You must understand

is so important as you need to understand if you are delivering on your company’s brand promise.

8. You aren’t investing enough I’m not just talking about your marketing budget. If marketing is an afterthought at your organisation or your team isn’t contributing to your marketing efforts, you’re going to have a tough time achieving results. Successful marketing requires both time and money. You must be willing to dedicate the proper time and resources to the effort. And yes, sometimes, your marketing budget is too small. For

along the way, but it takes time to

3. No calls-to-action When it comes to any marketing, it’s easy to get caught up in simply “doing” without a thought as to how it will help you drive leads and sales. You need clear, obvious calls-to-action. Guess what, if you want people to buy from you, you must ask them to.

really get the momentum going. That’s why persistence, as well as consistency in marketing is so important. Don’t give up on marketing after the first month or expect to see your money back right away. Give it some time.

7. Your product or service isn’t right or good

4. You’re using the wrong channels

A hard one to take, but sometimes

You must use the right marketing

and no amount of marketing can

channels to reach your target market.

help you Sure, you can have great

the problem isn’t with the marketing. Sometimes, the problem is YOU

If you’re business is marketing

marketing that get some footfall

through a channel that your potential

and enquiries, but a customer will

customers don’t use, they won’t

not come back if your business

get the message. It’s important to

does not live up to the expectations

discover where your audience spends

that your marketing promised.

their time and gets information. Do

It’s important to pay attention to

they look online? Do they use social

customer service too. Sometimes,

networks? Do they listen to radio,

companies with an excellent product

watch TV? You get the picture. Nailing

or service fail because their customer

Andy Sarson APS Marketing Consulting Services Andy helps small businesses ‘make their marketing pieces fit’, by developing marketing strategies with affordable plans and campaign delivery designed for growth and to get results. With more than 30 years’ marketing industry experience at marketing agencies and large corporates, much of it working with local and regional sales outlets, he has the knowledge to find the right marketing mix to reach your target audience to achieve the best possible ROI. Services include marketing strategy and planning, project management, campaign management and, of course, marketing consultancy. Andy is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing 07773 366393

Issue 18 | 31


The Business Bulletin

The Business Bulletin

instance, if you want your pay-per-

process was too difficult? How often

efforts aren’t working. That’s why

click ads to show up on certain

have you tried to contact a company

measurement is so important. You

keywords, you might have to spend

to get more information, but they

need to keep track of what’s working

more to get the visibility and click-

didn’t call back? This has happened

and what’s not so you can decide

through-rates you’re after.

to me a few times and I’m sure you’ve

what to tweak throughout the year. It

experienced this too. We live in a world

doesn’t make sense to keep following

where people want instant solutions

a plan that’s not working. If you’ve

to their problems, so you must keep

had a marketing effort fail what was

this in mind when structuring your

the reason?

For instance, if you want a better website that makes the buying process simpler for your customers, or you want to drive more enquiries to it, you might have to invest some

buying process. Think about what

money to make that happen.

information people need to decide

9. You make it difficult to buy

process seamless and simple.

and look at ways you can make the

Well, that’s about it … my ten potential issues that are completely avoidable simply by having the right strategy, a bit of planning to ensure what you use to market reaches your

Both your business and your

10. You didn’t test or adjust

marketing can be great, but if you

Although it’s important to have a

the customer’s shoes. If you lack time

make it difficult for people to buy,

marketing strategy, it needs to be

or resources, then outsourcing might

they won’t. How many times have

flexible. It should serve as a starting

be a good solution to save wasting

you found a great product online, but

point and a guide, but you may

money and your time on things that

didn’t purchase it because the buying

have to adjust along the way if your

won’t work.

target market and putting yourself in

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How do you make a project fail? Russell Parker Studies from companies like IBM have shown that

5. Micromanage wherever possible

up 60% of projects in organisations fail. A staggering

Nobody likes being left on their own to work, everybody

number, in fact it’s a wonder anything gets done at all. However, if we analyse the reasons why these projects fail, we can see there are some common mistakes that if we were to deliberately sabotage a project then this is how you do it.

whole time directing their each and every move. People don’t want to be responsible for their own decisions as they are fearful of making the wrong one. 6. Action!

1. Never have a reason why Don’t think about why you are doing a project just be grateful you’ve thought of something to do. Every bright idea should be actioned upon regardless of whether it helps the organisation or not.

Don’t just sit there planning, get on with it! Action, action, action! Everybody knows that action creates work that creates output. 7. Keep doing it this way

Strategy is for losers, action is for heroes, never think of why you want a change, the return you get on investment or whether the change itself is achievable.

Never take an individual project context into consideration and adapt working methods to it. The business case template is 200 pages long so it shouldn’t matter whether you’re building a new

2. Ignore the past What can history teach you anyway? That’s done, its in the past so forget it. Every project you have is unique so it’s a waste of time using your past experiences to guide you round the pitfalls on this one.

shopping centre, IT system or garden shed. The business case is 200 pages long. Only by causing this amount of work can we maintain the high staffing levels required to move the paperwork around instead of deploying these people into more productive tasks.

3.Keep the team in the dark People love surprises. Just look at the joy on somebody’s face when you give them a present they were not expecting. So why tell people about anything? It’s much better to keep them in the dark and surprise them.

Moment of reflection If you want to read the fuller article then please visit It’s by no means meant as an exhaustive list and as you have been reading it you may have some

4. Once started, always finish

other examples of project failure come to mind.

No project should ever review itself and nobody should ever question it’s existence once started. Just crack on and deliver it.

At the very top I quoted a figure of 60% failure rate on projects which would indicate quite a poor conversation rate. All is not lost though as the alternative figure to this

Look, you took this decision over 3 years ago and obviously nothing is ever going to change in your organisation or outside that could possibly effect the project so stop wasting time reviewing it and get it done.

QRB Management Consultants 01327 630355

loves to have someone watching over their shoulder the

is that projects being governed by a methodology have an 80% success rate.


The Business Bulletin

E-learning – considering the possibilities

E-learning solutions have become commonplace. Even before COVID-19 pushed everyone out of the office and into their spare rooms, opportunities to engage in remote education had grown from classic open university style origins and had, to use bumbling yeti, Boris Johnson’s favourite catchphrase ‘levelled up’. Courses, delivered online with video content and other multimedia thrills, were here for good.

Once the pandemic had got us into

made far more money than most

any platform worth its salt will

home working for a few months, it

course creators themselves.

give you a full overview of student

became hard to move around online without slamming into someone’s advert for an online course. And not only did one get hit by

So instead of telling you how you can make a fortune with an online course (realistically – you probably can’t), I want to focus on a far more

progress, so you can be sure that the training is being done). They can be accessed time and again after the course is completed, so staff can refresh themselves easily on a

the online courses themselves, one

useful benefit of e-learning, saving

also got regular adverts from course

time and money training your

creation experts and platforms

staff and/or team. Basic e-learning

telling you how they could transform

courses are perfect replacements

your course idea into a stunning

for human rinse and repeat training.

piece of online education that would

With a little bit of forethought, a

kickstart a passive income and have

good percentage of any staff training

you living on a beach in the Med

program can be delivered remotely

and money? Well, the time aspect is

within about seven minutes. In fact,

with pre-recorded courses. They can

likely obvious. If you are finding that

the industry facilitating would be

be accessed by your staff or team

you do the same training time and

course creators has without a doubt

at a pace that suits them (though

time again then the single effort of

34 | Issue 18

particular process or system. On a good platform they can be given ‘sell by’ by dates allowing for automatic reminders for individuals who need to go on a ‘refresher’. So how does that save you time


The Business Bulletin

recording that training into a course

you’ll find your staff or team will

with a video from about two to ten

means that you suddenly free up

benefit hugely as you claw back

minutes in length.

all that time for other things. And,

all that time and money. With

should you need to engage third-

that blanket statement out there,

party trainers in your business, again

let me conclude with a few bits

there is a good chance you can be

of advice on things you need to

spending less if you can commission

consider to be sure that any online

that training into an online course.

course replacing live training keeps

Perhaps you are thinking – “well that’s great, but a lot of my

To maintain attention at full levels you should keep two words in mind

Well, of course, not everything will

‘bitesize’ and ‘blended’. People often

fit into the online model and nor

ask me ‘what’s the perfect length

should it. However, using an online

for a training video’. There is no right

preparatory course first can save

answer here – it depends on many

valuable ‘on the day’ time that was

factors. However, I would advise that

previously wasted bringing a student

shorter content is better for learning.

up to speed with the basics. I have

As we all know, to eat the elephant

a few platform users that create

you go one bite at a time!

works a treat. Of course, if you create

students that. Modules following

students enthralled to the end.

training needs to be bespoke”.

courses specifically in this vein and it

Each of your modules tackles one particular element and teaches your

Good online platforms allow you to build up a course in chunks. They call them ‘modules’, ‘lessons’

something that has a student

‘units’ but they are essentially the

sitting through an hour of video

same thing – a chapter of learning

without any interaction, don’t be at

on a larger course. As an example,

all surprised if the student fails to

I recently put a course up for web

learn (or indeed even finish). But, if

developers to teach them how to

you can put together an insightful

use a particular piece of software.

professional learning experience,

The course contains 8 modules each

John Scotcher Tovi e-learning John started his business in February 1999 and continues to have success twenty-plus years later. John knows all things ‘website’ having built his industry expertise from almost the moment the web became commercial. More recently, given his experience and recognising the need for a better online platform for courses, he successfully developed and promoted his own - Tovi e-learning 01604 807752

Issue 18 | 35

JB Commercial Finance

on from that build on the knowledge gained in previous modules and so on. Keep each module short, simple and easily digestible. Which moves me onto ‘blended’. People learn differently – some might want to watch your video, some may prefer to read the info. In any

Does your business need cashflow finance?

given module, provide the same information in at least those two ways – again a good course platform will allow you to add downloadable handouts for exactly this purpose. But blended also refers to another essential element to the online course – not just varying

Are you looking to buy a commercial property and require funding?

the way lessons are presented but adding further variation with how a student interacts with the course. Courses should include assessments. They not only track student progress, but they give the student something to do. Multiple choice quizzes, uploading coursework, even engaging in a live tutorial if you want an active interaction mid-course – a good course platform

Has your bank turned your business down for finance?

should give you all these options. If it does, you can create courses that blend together a variety of different assessments and interactions that keep your student clicking the next module right up to the end. And the last thing to say about creating truly

Dont know where to turn for business funding?

engaging courses – get the right kit. Yes, you can shoot on your mobile phone. Yes, you can use natural light. But with minimal investment in basic USB lights, a decent HD webcam (and who hasn’t got one these days anyway) and a decent lapel microphone, you can already push your presentations head and shoulders above

See our video

80% of the video content homemade online. I’ve lots more to say about that including engaging professional presenters, animators, voice-over artists, but I’ll reserve that for another time.

Call JB Commercial Finance for a free initial consultation

For now, I hope that has opened your mind a little to the possibilities of e-learning over and above the rubbish the ‘get rich quick’ cowboys tell you and given you some food for thought. The likelihood is, whether you are an advocate or

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not, e-learning will be increasingly a part of your world in the coming few years.

The Business Bulletin

What is redundancy? Let’s start with the basic question of what actually is redundancy. Redundancy has a proper meaning in law. The circumstances which meet the statutory definition of redundancy are set out in section 139(1) of Employment Rights Act 1996. To summarise, the statutory


Need to make redundancies but don’t know where to start? However, it’s not as simple as

specific staff will be made redundant

picking the couple of staff that you

should be made until the completion

don’t like as much as the others and

of the process – or else it’s all a sham

getting rid. You need to follow a fair

and an employment lawyer like me

and reasonable process.

will see through it and "sue your ass".

A redundancy process

Here’s a rough outline of a process:

It should be stated at the start that the aim of a redundancy process is to try to avoid redundancies being made. There are a number of steps, meetings and letters to do

Step One – Hold a meeting with all affected employees ■ Meet with all of the

a process properly and fairly. And

employees who might be

fundamentally, no decisions on which

made redundant (as a group)

definition of redundancy identifies three sets of circumstances: ■ Business closure (closure of the business altogether) ■ Workplace closure (closure of one of several sites, or relocation to a new site) ■ Diminished requirements of the business for employees to do work of a particular kind Many businesses feeling the impact of coronavirus may see one of the above, most likely the latter – sales have dropped and the pipeline isn’t there, and so you need to look at losing staff.

Issue 18 | 37

The Business Bulletin


■ Explain the reason for

Step Five – Decision Time – make a

shortcut the redundancy process

potential redundancies, how

decision based on the data from the

which I recommend all the time.

many jobs are at risk, the ways

selection process

It is by entering into a settlement

of avoiding redundancy.

agreement with the employee. Step Six – Confirm the decision in writing (probably at another

Step Two – Invite affected employees to their 1st consultation


meeting Step Three – Have 1st meeting with employee individually ■ Go through a redundancy selection form with the

What will I need to pay employees being made redundant? All employees being made

What is a settlement agreement? A settlement agreement is legally binding contract between employer and employee used to terminate employment and in return: The employer usually pays more

redundant will need to be given their

than the statutory redundancy pay

contractual or statutory notice period

as compensation The employer

(statutory notice being 1 weeks’

usually pays a contribution towards

objective criteria for selection

notice for each complete year worked

the employees legal costs of getting

– not just opinion

up to a maximum of 12 weeks). They

advice on a settlement agreement.

employee ■ Selection form sets out

Step Four – Have a 2nd meeting with employee individually The second meeting is primarily to discuss any concerns and to discuss any alternatives to redundancy and see if the employee has any options

can be asked to work this, or more

The employee agrees to terms

usually, a payment in lieu of notice

such as waiving any rights to sue the

(PILON) is made. This payment is

employer, along with confidentiality

taxable for PAYE and NI. They will also

provisions and more besides. There

need to be paid:

is therefore an extra cost to factor in

■ Accrued but untaken holiday pay ■ Statutory redundancy pay

to bring to the table.

■ Any enhanced redundancy if in contract ■ There’s a redundancy pay calculator here.

with giving a settlement agreement to an employee. However, they give certainty that no claims will be made against you and also are a quick and easy way to “make redundancies” without necessarily following a fair or reasonable procedure. I should say though, that if you do not follow any procedure and just select employees on a subjective

This is all a bit of a faff – what happens if I don’t follow the process? Steven Mather Steven Mather Solicitor Steven Mather is a Consultant Solicitor and specialist in advising SMEs on all legal issues affecting their business – from contracts, employees, intellectual property or disputes. He qualified as a lawyer in 2008 and in January 2020 set up on his own in order to deliver extremely high quality & efficient services to SMEs. 07912 605933

38 | Issue 18

If you do not follow a fair process and make an employee (or more than one) redundant and dismiss them, then you are likely to be faced with a claim for unfair dismissal. Given the lack of process followed, it is likely that any tribunal compensation award paid to the employee will be increased by up to 25%. There is a way to

basis, you could end up paying more than you thought if that employee gets advice from a settlement agreement solicitor.

Mind that pay gap – it’s not just for the big boys The women of Ford in Dagenham became heroes because of it. BBC China Editor, Carrie Gracie, kicked up about it. Radio 4 heavyweights, John Humphrys and Jon Sopel joked about it and were sent to the BBC naughty corner. You and I are amazed that it’s been the law for decades and yet, only now is it being properly addressed.

Yes – it’s good old equal pay and with this in mind we now have a further effort to drive greater equality in the workplace with the advent of Gender Pay Reporting. Since April 4th 2018, organisations with over 250 employees have been bound by law to publish their gender pay gap data. So, what’s the big deal? We SMEs are in the clear, aren’t we? It’s the big boys who are under the spotlight – not us. Hmmmm … don’t be so sure.

How it all started Equal pay is nothing new. Following a

Gender pay gap – what does it mean?

number of industrial disputes in the

The gender pay gap is the average

late 1960s, most famously, the women machinists at Ford Dagenham, the Equal Pay Act was passed. In 2010, it was replaced by the Equality Act. For all this time, for a business to treat an employee less favourably in terms of pay or conditions, on the basis of gender, has been against the law. Over the past year, we’ve seen numerous headlines, reporting highprofile allegations of discriminatory pay at some of the world’s largest

difference between the remuneration of men and women in a workplace. It often demonstrates a lack of equality of opportunity where most senior appointments are from one gender, even where the majority of employees are from the other gender, as demonstrated by some high-profile fashion retailers and airlines. According to The Independent, by April 4th, the deadline for reporting, of

and best-known organisations, such as Google and the BBC. Now that the law demands that larger organisations publish their own gender pay gap, media attention isn’t going to fade any time soon.

Issue 18 | 39


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

the companies who’d published their

fact, the average tribunal award for

details, 78% declared a gender pay

a sex discrimination case is almost

gap. 8% of companies reported zero

£20,000 – quite a potential dent to

pay gap and a surprising 14% reported

any SME’s bottom line.

a pay gap in favour of women.

But I’m just an SME. Surely I’m in the clear? Not so fast! Just because you don’t have to publish your gender pay gap, doesn’t mean you’re not subject to consequences as a result of your actions. First of all – there are practical considerations: 1. Employee scrutiny Increased media attention will inevitably lead to your staff taking an interest in your pay structure and who you employ in your higher paid positions. 2. Being an attractive employer Employees are your most valuable asset. Be sure that you attract the very best. You need to be able to show that you are an objective employer, that you take seriously issues such as diversity, flexible working and equal opportunities. 3. What if you plan to grow? You may be an SME now. But if growth is in the pipeline, you might be hitting that 250 number sooner than you think.

Act now Those were five practical reasons for making sure you comply with equality regulations. But of course, there are ethical ones too. Surely, we all want to do what’s right? We all want our businesses to be successful and profitable but, of course, we want to achieve those goals by being fair to our customers and staff alike. Here are a few steps you could take immediately to ensure you’re

Don’t you find that one of the great benefits about being an SME is that you’re often not tied down by bureaucracy or tradition? Be light on your feet. Be the stand-out gender equality business in your sector. Then make a fuss about it. Send out press releases. Get yourself on local radio. Be proud of the fact that you’re up-todate and that you care about being compliant and care about your people. Improve your employee engagement and motivate your staff to become brand advocates.

being fair to your people. 1. Be clear about your position Be sure you understand your current gender pay gap. Check your data, appreciate the reasons for any potential gender bias. Explore ways of addressing them. 2. Communicate your ethos The responsibility for dealing with the gender pay gap lies ultimately with the management. Share your gender policy with your people. Let them know you take the issue seriously. Communicate your vision for gender equality in the workplace. Don’t just

Mark Exley Gravitas HR Solutions Mark has extensive experience in human resources, specialising in reward management. This includes all aspects of the remuneration package, along

focus on pay. Talk to your people about

with the methodologies and application

parental leave and flexible hours. Show

of relevant incentive schemes. Mark’s

that you care – about them.

4. The future?

3. Think about an open salary policy

It happened with pensions auto-

Be transparent about what your

enrolment. Why not with gender

people can expect to earn at each tier

pay too? In other words, the pension

of the business

regulations initially applied just to large firms, but they’re for every employer.

4. Lead by example

Might not every firm one day have to

Thinking about positioning yourself

publish their gender pay gap?

ahead of the game. Don’t follow your competitors. Be first. Lead the way by

5. Employment tribunal claims

voluntarily publishing your gender

Last July, the Supreme Court ruled

pay gap data. This honest and open

that tribunal fees were unlawful. So,

approach will show your employees

now employees will feel encouraged

(both prospective and current) that

to make claims against employers. In

you are serious about gender equality.

40 | Issue 18

Be first and then … tell the world

experience also includes managing company car schemes, including duty of care compliance. He possesses well developed expertise in mentoring and coaching, up to and including board level and encompassing all aspects of people management. Mark’s primary objective is to add value to an organisation and make a difference. He gets a real buzz from helping businesses and individuals to fulfil their potential. In his spare time Mark can often be found on an Athletics track coaching athletes or officiating at matches. 01604 763494

The Business Bulletin


Look after your customers and they will look after you Twice a year the Institute of Customer Service publishes the UK Customer Satisfaction Index which is recognised as the national barometer of customer satisfaction.

across the UK who are willing to pay

How much of an impact does poor customer service have?

more for better service has increased

A couple of years ago Ombudsman

since the beginning of the pandemic.

Services revealed that UK businesses

Its first report for 2022 made for interesting reading and one of its key findings was the number of people

The willingness to pay more in return for a better service is hugely significant – particularly when

lose about £37 billion every year due to bad customer service.

are bad for a company’s reputation and ongoing success and can have a negative impact on staff morale and lead to decreased levels of productivity.

Think about your customers’ needs Having worked with hundreds of

It found when customers have a

millions of us are being more careful

clients during the past decade my

bad experience, around a third will

about where we spend our money in

experience has been if businesses

spend less on the brand and they’re

the light of higher energy bills.

are serious about delivering a high

more likely to move to a rival. They’re

quality customer service, one of the

also more likely to complain to their

first things they should do is think

still not placing enough emphasis on

friends and leave bad reviews or

about their customers’ needs and

customer service.

comments online. Such experiences

what they can do to support them.

Yet too many UK businesses are

Issue 18 | 41

The Business Bulletin


Examine your business and

examples of your products or even

identify any areas that might cause

videos of the work you have been

difficulties for your clients and

doing. Perhaps you will be like us

address them wherever possible. For

and give your clients all these things

example, if your business offers high

if that is what they need to help

cost services are there ways you can

them understand the value of what

make them more affordable for your

you do.

customers? Are you able to offer a payment plan so they don’t have to delve into their reserves to pay a large bill from you all in one go? Another good tip is don’t always assume that you know what your customers’ needs are. It’s well worth investing time to find out from your customers themselves what they need. Talk to them about the pros and

command of the situation which can make a huge difference to the way they view your customer service. Make sure you also have a good website and are regularly updating your social media channels so that you are effectively showcasing your offering and highlighting where you go above and beyond to deliver

want to do this more formally you

fantastic customer service.

clearly identify areas where you are offering good customer service and any areas where you might need to strengthen your provision.

Remember, communication is key and maximize every opportunity to make your customer happy.

Embrace challenges

Communicate clearly

Don’t run away from challenges –

Have you asked yourself how effective

bury their head in the sand when it

your communication is with your

comes to difficult problems rather

clients? The key thing here is to find the manner of communication that helps your client to understand the value of your service. Sometimes your bills may be

Service MOT Repairs

help your client to feel they have a full

cons of your customer service. If you could carry out a survey so you can

Alex Isherwood

By communicating effectively, you

Alex has more than 20 years of experience in the motor trade and launched his own business – Service MOT Repairs Ltd in Northampton - in 2013. The business has worked with hundreds of clients and had tens of thousands of vehicles through its doors. Under Alex’s leadership the business has become an official Bosch approved service and repair centre, operating to a strict code of practice which ensures clients receive the highest levels of technical and customer service. Its latest innovation has been creation of a service plan which enables customers to pay a monthly fee which allows them to spread the cost of any work. 01604 491011

embrace them! Too many businesses

than seeing them as an opportunity. There have been times when I’ve encountered clients with complex challenges, but my experience has been that investing extra time into

significant – or may need to increase

ensuring customers’ needs are met

– but if your client can see the value

can make the difference between

of what you’re providing they will be

a one-off interaction and a lifelong

more likely to agree to those larger


bills or price increases.

If your business is B2B, can you make the time to go networking? This can be a fantastic way of highlighting your customer service offering to a wide variety of businesses. Gather examples of positive testimonials and share them proudly on your website and social media channels. Going back to my earlier comments about carrying out a customer survey – when you’ve

makes the process clear to them can

How can I show that I offer good customer service?

be vital if you want to deliver good

If you address your customers’

news through social media, in your

If you have to explain complex information to clients finding the method of communication which

customer service.

needs, communicate effectively with

got evidence that your customer service is valued by clients make a point of spreading that good communications with clients and around your premises.

You may choose to give clients a

them and help them to overcome

clear written report explaining your

the challenges they’re facing with

work or one of your experts may

products or services I can guarantee

offer great customer service is to be

want to spend time talking with

you your customers will be the first to

accredited by bodies in your industry

your clients about the ins and outs

spread the word that you offer good

which are well known for delivering

of your service. Show them physical

customer service.

high standards.

42 | Issue 18

Another good way to show you

The Business Bulletin

boosting levels of confidence in your

The results of good customer service

ability to deliver. If you’re linked with

The results of good customer service

respected organisations make sure

are that you build relationships with

you also explore any advantages that

your clients which lead to repeat

such links can provide your workforce.

business and referrals.

If you do gain a top accreditation –

If you’re operating on a B2B model

or have other exciting news you want

you will know that business owners

to share – blog about it and share

are busy people. They don’t want

your story with the local, national

to keep looking around for new

and trade press. These are great ways

suppliers and service providers to

to raise your profile and help your

work with so make life easy for them

organisation to show it is operating at

– win their confidence by impressing

the highest standards.

them with your customer service and

you’re all set to begin a relationship that could last for years. If you’re operating predominantly, in the B2C world, as we do, your excellent customer service could lead to you seeing generations of the same families accessing your services. Whichever field you’re operating, good customer service is highly likely to result in the growth of not only your reputation but your business. If your business looks after its customers, the rewards will be countless.

Like what you have seen? Spread the love and share!


Their endorsement can really help to grow your business by further

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on…

One of the big myths around public speaking is that people say anxiety is something you should embrace

44 | Issue 18

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on…

Spotlight on Sarina Mann Sarina is the creator of Breakthrough Public Speaking. She helps business owners speak with confidence and clarity for videos, webinars and virtual events. Sarina believes that being able to engage, persuade and simply amaze your audience is one of the single most powerful skills you can have in life and in business. She also believes that everyone can break through their fear and be the confident speaker they want to be. How did you get to where you

love being part of the Toastmaster

Another thing that I found was that

are today?

community. I developed myself as a

there's a lot of fear about it, even with

As with many businesses, it's a

speaker - I entered lots of contests

the confident Toastmasters. I knew

journey. My journey started in

and won lots of contests. I became

some of them were really worried

adversity rather than opportunity. But

this award winning speaker and

about going on video. I realised that

what I realised is that the adversities

even placed at a national speaking

it was a thing to not only want to help

I had created were my opportunities.

contest and impromptu speaking

people with their voices, but help

Where it started was at a Toastmasters

contest. There was something that

people overcome that fear of speaking

Club. I joined Toastmasters because

changed in me. It wasn't just about

on camera. That is why I started this

I'd recently set up as a self-employed

presentation skills. It was an inner

particular business.

person - I wanted to be a GCSE

journey that I went on - a journey

English language tutor. The reason

of confidence and finding my voice.

In terms of your target audience -

I decided to go self-employed was

I realised that it's something that I

is there anybody specifically that

because I had been unwell for about

wanted to help others to do. In fact,

you're looking to engage and attract

five years, I had a chronic illness. I

quite quickly, I introduced it to all

for your services?

wasn't able to walk or even read or

my tutees, 14-15 year old kids. They're

write or even sit in a chair for more

giving presentations and developing

It’s people who are either business

than a few minutes. I had to accept

their public speaking skills, because I

that at some point, that wasn't going

realised it was so important.

to happen, I wasn't going to be able to go out to work.

The beginning of lockdown, I joined

owners or people who want to promote their business in some way. Maybe they want to do videos of themselves, talking about what

a mastermind group with a few of

services they offer, for instance.

my friends who are all professional

Service professionals often want to

in order to run a successful business

speakers and trainers. We really honed

talk about their services, but they

was competence. And that's what

in on our virtual presentation skills. We

hold themselves back. I know quite

was lacking. I needed to be confident

gave each other feedback and one

a few people who've said they'd

in myself, I needed to speak about

thing led to another and we started

love to do their own webinar. Some

my business and be able to present

to really enjoy it. I decided this is how

people contacted me and said, “I've

about what I was doing. So that's why

I'm going to do this, I'm going to start

been given some opportunities to

I joined Toastmasters to get some

my own business in helping people

present about my business, but I

confidence behind my business. I

with their presentation skills online.

had to pull out because I was too

I realised that what I really needed

Issue 18 | 45

The Business Bulletin

It's actually better not to read it

Spotllight on…

word for word. I help people see that what they're doing is actually not so helpful; I help them with better techniques for overcoming their anxiety, which is the ultimate goal. It's recognising that everyone will have different fears. You can't just say to someone just drive me somewhere, when someone doesn't know how to drive yet. We expect this, for some reason, with presentation skills - we expect people to know how to just do it. That's a big reason as to why people are frightened that they don't actually Watch the full interview

know how to engage their audience how to deliver their content with

shy.” It's those who actually want to

levels of anxiety. What I don't do is

impact. That's what's scary. Also, if

start see the value of speaking about

give blanket advice.

they've had a bad experience, that will

their business, because they know they'll get so much back from it. It increases their visibility increases their sales, ultimately, because people will know more about them. Whether it's webinars or videos, delivering a talk at a networking event or any other virtual event, there are many professional service business owners who want to start upping their game and being more notice through delivering presentations on virtual platforms. How do you work with your clients, then? What's the typical process to give them that confidence and get them to be better in front of the camera? The first thing I do is assess each client. One of the big myths around public speaking is that people say anxiety is something you should embrace. It's like excitement, it's the same emotion, go for it. I actually disagree with that. When I was a child, I had an anxiety disorder. It took me a while to work out how to overcome that, and be confident myself. What I noticed is that people often, especially in the arena of public speaking, do give the wrong advice. This advice is correct if you have low

46 | Issue 18

I look specifically at what the goals

have an effect. You know exactly what

are of each client - what do they want

you're afraid of, and how worried you

to do? Then pinpoint the fear? We

are - this is a big factor.

go through a process, there's lots to

Again, it goes back to this

it, not only the goals. Is it delivering

confidence myth. Because your

a online training? Or is it giving a

anxiety is a form of excitement. That's

speech? These are all very different

only true when anxiety is very low.

things. Once we are clear on the

But if your anxiety is high, then that's

goal, we look at the emotions that go

not the right advice. You need to

behind that. It's about getting really

know, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would

specific. I know quite a few people

you rate your anxiety? This is really

who deliver a training on a regular

important, because we've worked

basis, who still feel the need to read

through the process, firstly, of getting

it out word for word. Reading out is

to know their goal, what types of fear

very stressful, because it means if

and how much they fear speaking in

anything goes off script, you can't

front of others. Being really specific,

cope, it's all too much.

and then putting together and

structuring their content. By the end of the coaching, people have something solid - it's not just theory. What would you say is your why? It's a great question, because you do need a strong why I think, as any business owner, because you're completely motivated yourself. And for me, that's the only reason I'm doing this because I have a very strong why. So, as I said earlier, as a child, I had an anxiety disorder. A lot of my childhood teenage years and into my early adult years, I didn't have a voice. And when I look back, I realised I missed out on so many opportunities - all because of

People who are more anxious and people who are confident can both deliver presentation skills, it’s just about finding the right techniques for you.

anxiety. In reality, there was no reason why I couldn't speak up, or no reason why I had to run away at the last minute before giving a presentation at university. I realised I prevented myself from finding opportunities. Also that so many people think that there are some people who are just confident; other people who are just anxious and shy. In one sense, it's true that some people are more confident than others, but I think in terms of presentation skills, we can close the gap. People who are more anxious and people who are confident can both deliver presentation skills, it's just about finding the right techniques for you. When I joined Toastmasters and

because I didn't have a voice as a

understand your client’s experience,

young person. I got very unwell in

you can't really help them. You respect

my early 30s, I collapsed was taken

that person. And you're thinking,

to A&E and I couldn't move for a

I get that I understand how this

few years. I actually lost my voice - I

could be. This is difficult. From your

couldn't speak above a whisper. To

perspective, I understand things from

me, that was the time that I feel most

your perspective, or you're trying to

disempowered. When I found my

understand from someone else's

voice in public speaking, it wasn't just

perspective. One of the reasons it's

about presentation skills. It was about

also important is in terms of the

how I feel more confident in myself.

feedback I give to my clients. If you

Now I feel more like a whole person

understand your client, you can give

because I realise that every part of

them really great feedback because

me is okay. I don't have this worry

you're speaking their language. You've

in the back of my mind. I can relax.

understood exactly what it is that's

That's what I wanted to share with

holding them back and exactly what

others. That is really my driving force.

could help them to move forward.

when I set up my business, one of the things that was driving me is that I

What would you say distinguishes

wanted everyone to know that they

you from your competitors?

can have a voice - they don't have to

Everyone is different. In one sense,

be held back for any reason; especially

I believe there is no competition,

not the fear of public speaking. It's

because everyone will be attracted

something that can haunt you further

to different people for so many

your entire life. It doesn't have to. You

different reasons. One of the things

don't have to have this as something

though, that I feel does make me

that holds you back from fulfilling

different, and something that I get a

your dreams effectively. We know

lot of feedback for from anyone and

that if you run your business, it's so

everyone that I've worked with is my

important to be out there and be

level of empathy.

seen, rather than hideaway I have felt passionate about everyone having a voice, not only

Empathy is a really, really important

There's so much to consider, you do need to think about how experienced they are, you need to think about their personality, you need to think about their confidence levels, and what will be the most beneficial feedback to give them in terms of all of their skills and their goals in that moment. Having had an anxiety disorder means I know a lot about it from experience; at an experiential level, how to overcome anxiety, and the importance of knowing your level of anxiety and how to work with it.

quality in every area of life, but in particular, as a coach. If you don't truly

Issue 18 | 47

Spotllight on…

The Business Bulletin


Should I be using bespoke software? Ashish Kumar

What are the advantages of off-the-shelf software? While bespoke software is tailored exactly to your needs, that is not to say off-the-shelf cannot suit a business perfectly well. For start-up companies, or businesses that perhaps don’t have any huge reliance on their software and tech, bespoke software can sometimes be too much. If you aren’t going to utilize the software to the full degree, then it’s an expense that isn’t necessary. Furthermore, if you are reliant on software but the processes you carry out on them are fairly basic and rudimentary, then getting software that is tailored for you specifically is almost redundant - as you can find similar software that has already been created and exists in the market.

Think of it like renting a house as opposed to buying it outright. With renting one, it might be cheaper initially, paying small amounts monthly rather than having to buying the house outright, but over the course of the years you will notice you have effectively

Carrying on from that point, the time taken to

paid the same, if not more than, what the house was

develop and create a piece of software from scratch is

worth to begin with. And what is worse, is that you don’t

understandably a fair bit longer than the amount of

own the house after renting it. This is not too dissimilar

time it would take to purchase, and integrate, an off-the-

to the off-the-shelf vs bespoke argument.

shelf package. If you are in a hurry to get some type of software up and running, it can be beneficial to look at off-the-shelf solutions due to their nature of having little to no development time (since they already exist).

Bespoke software is an asset As with any decision made within your company, you’ve got to look at the long-term vision and value of your

So why would I want to go bespoke? Bespoke software is ultimately the best software you can employ in your company. Having features that are designed and tailored exactly as you need them, with the flexibility to add, remove, change and alter features as and when you see fit, is objectively a better position to be in than the one you are in with off-the-shelf. While the up-front cost of bespoke software is initially higher, we have found that after a few years of using the software, the price evens out. While you would have to

company. Owning bespoke software is not only a huge time saver and ultimately money saver, should you wish to sell your company in the future, or get investors’ attention, having your own custom-made software is an asset that will make your company objectively a more appealing and valuable venture. Whatever the case, we here at Web Alliance are always more than happy to help. If you would like to get in touch for a free 1-2-1 consultation, please don’t hesitate!

pay a larger up-front sum for development of your own software, this is ultimately negated by the fact that the subscription package for off-the-shelf solutions is ongoing.

Web Alliance 0800 677 1786


The Business Bulletin

The heart of good health and safety practice At the heart of good health and safety practice is an effective approach to management through the plan, do, check and act cycle*.

Issue 18 | 49


The Business Bulletin

*The plan, do, check, act approach achieves a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management. It also treats health and safety management as an integral part of good management generally, rather than as a stand-alone system. Plan ■ Think about where you are now and where you need to be ■ Say what you want to achieve, who will be responsible for what, how you will achieve your aims, and how you will measure your success. You may need to write down this policy and your plan to deliver it

■ Implement your plan ❙ Decide on the preventive and protective measures needed and put them in place ❙ Provide the right tools and equipment to do the job and keep them maintained ❙ Train and instruct, to ensure everyone is competent to carry out their work ❙ Supervise to make sure that arrangements are followed

■ Decide how you will measure performance. Think about ways to do this that go beyond looking at accident figures – look for leading as well as lagging indicators. ■ Consider fire and other emergencies. Co-

Check ■ Measure your performance ❙ Make sure that your plans have been implemented, ‘paperwork’ on its own is not

operate with anyone who shares your workplace and co-ordinate plans with them ■ Remember to plan for changes and identify any

a good performance measure ❙ Assess how well the risks are being controlled and if you are achieving your

specific legal requirements that apply to you

aims. In some circumstances formal audits may be useful


■ Investigate the causes of accidents, incidents

■ Identify your risk profile ❙ Assess the risks, identify what could cause harm in the workplace, who it could harm and how, and what you will do to manage the risk ❙ Decide what the priorities are and identify the biggest risks ■ Organise your activities to deliver your plans ❙ In particular, aim to: ❙ Involve workers and communicate, so that everyone is clear on what is needed and can discuss issues – develop positive attitudes and behaviours ❙ Provide adequate resources, including competent advice where needed Source: Health & Safety Executive

50 | Issue 18

or near misses

Act ■ Review your performance ❙ Learn from accidents and incidents, illhealth data, errors and relevant experience, including from other organisations ❙ Revisit plans, policy documents and risk assessments to see if they need updating ■ Take action on lessons learned, including from audit and inspection reports

Where health and safety becomes

for different types of work and

an integral part of your business

hazards e.g. Control of Substances

model many benefits are gained in

Hazardous to Health Regulations

addition to avoiding potential costly

2002 (COSHH).

consequences of failure to do so. This only needs to be proportionate to the size and scope of the business, so for smaller organisations a simple but comprehensive solution will be appropriate. A full health and safety audit can

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) also place specific duties on owners

operations of a business or premises. These include policies and procedures,

Indeed, if you are unsure of where

arrangements and assistance. If you

to start or what is required, then

have 5 or more employees, these

an initial inspection and audit can

must be in written form.

be carried out as an invaluable

organisation will result in setting achievable targets and actions within a sensible time frame. Where an existing framework already exists in management of health and safety then an audit can provide additional support as external assessment. Inspections and audits can be designed to cover specific areas where competence may be required such as fire safety, chemicals, etc. The main benefits provided for management of health and safety are generally covered in 3 areas; moral, legal and financial.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (or HASAWA for short) legal requirements are imposed on employers and controllers of workplaces. In short, requirements are to ensure that persons are not harmed during their work, or others, by acts or omissions. This extends to any substances, environments and hazards where persons may be in potential

Richard is a committed health and safety professional with a mission to make safety sensible, practical and understandable. He has a comprehensive background in pharmaceutical research and development and has acted as a springboard for continuing training, development and delivery in health

Moral and financial Society places a moral duty on persons in control to ensure that no-one is harmed or suffers ill health through work. This is termed ‘duty of care’ and failure to effectively

and safety. These are wide ranging and variable which is both challenging and rewarding leading to improvements in health and safety culture in addition to legal compliance. This helps clients achieve peace of mind and confidence in ensuring their business is successfully navigating the potential minefield of health and safety.

protect employees and others from reasonably foreseeable death, injury

02476 880450

or ill health is backed up by the legal

standing of health and safety law.

There are many positive benefits to embracing health and safety as an integral part of your business.

■ Peace of mind that the business is complying with

These are not limited to: ■ Improved workforce morale leading to a more effective staff, reduced time off and


The First Principle

are protected from harm through

risk assessments, information,

of current standing across your

Richard Lunn

and managers to ensure persons

form a valuable part of this process.

starting point. A realistic assessment


The Business Bulletin

reduced turnover rates. ■ A positive business image and reputation. ■ Reduced chances of accidents or ill-health to

legal requirements. ■ Avoiding damage to equipment, machinery and premises. ■ Ensuring staff are on board and have the required information, instruction, supervision and training to effectively perform their roles.

avoid costly fines, time spent investigating and complying with notices. In the worst-case scenario, imprisonment can result. ■ Reduction in insurance

contact during their duties. Specific

premiums from avoiding

regulations also place duties

claims and demonstrating

on employers (and employees)

good practice.

Issue 18 | 51


The Business Bulletin

I was just trying to be nice! Someone recently asked me if they had to stop being a nice person to lead a team of people effectively? I was shocked to be honest; I work with a broad range of leaders and to me they are all great people and are certainly nice. This person had recently witnessed

Even more so within the world of

And to top that off you can

some business owners suffering

small businesses where many people

become irritated and flip to being

through losing some of their key

left their previous roles because of

harsh as you feel your kindness is

employees and felt that their kindness

experiencing poor leadership and a

not being valued. We all know that

had not been repaid by the employees.

desire to be their own boss.

feeling – when we just lose patience

He was upset for them and it was

Well, I am happy to tell you that you

and instead of our normal kind, warm and understanding self we become

tainting his view of leadership and

can be nice, in fact, I would say that it

people. I would love to say that this

is essential that you are! However, it

was an isolated view or the first time

is true to say that sometimes being

I had heard it but it isn’t as it seems

nice without being significantly clear

we feel justified because the person

to be one of the hardest things

on what you need from someone can

just wasn’t “getting it”. So what is

for people to understand about

cause confusion and not always the

going on? And more importantly

managing people and leading.

results you wanted.

how do you prevent it?

52 | Issue 18

overly harsh. We don’t like acting that way but


Strategy – say what now? Paul Green

Mhairi Richardson Tomrom Team Coaching

Is “strategy” a scary word for you or maybe you don’t think it is relevant for a small business?

Mhairi specialises in coaching teams to help them achieve more

Having overall plans and objectives of where your

and improve their wellbeing. Her

business is heading can have a significant impact

focus is on building trust within

on the direction of your business and the choices

the team and a combination of coaching, mentoring and facilitation and she can tailor the program to the needs of your business. She enjoys working with newly formed teams, established team or teams who just feel they should

you make. Putting together a strategic plan isn’t as difficult as you may think – it doesn’t have to be “War & Peace” and may even be condensed

be achieving more. Mhairi is also a coach with a strong SME

to a one-page outline of what you’re looking to

background, a focus on the detail, a high level of emotional

achieve. Once you have a vision of where you want

intelligence and a strong desire to develop talent and grow

your business to be, it is then a matter of focus and

high performing teams. 07970 002129

taking the relevant actions in line with your goals. Some may think that having vision and mission statements is a corporate thing and not relevant for small businesses, however, having these in place can form the foundations of your business. They also help you make decisions going forward and are a constant reminder of where you’re heading.

In simple terms sometimes when we are being

Your vision should outline where you want your

nice, we forget to be clear and consistent with our

organisation to be or how you want to be perceived

message. Think about the first time a new employee

in the domain in which you operate. It can be

is late back from lunch? It’s not the end of the world

inspirational: Disney – to be one of the world’s

so you don’t want to come down on them like a ton

leading producers and providers of entertainment

of bricks so what do you do?

and information Mission statements define the

A. Say nothing and just let it go? B. Ask if everything is ok, do they have a problem with getting back in time? C. Jokingly ask them if they’ve forgotten the time? D. Tell them that they are late and if they are again there will be consequences? Which one did you choose? Which ones have you used? So now let’s think about the messages that 4 different actions could be giving: A. It’s ok to be late. B. My boss notices when I am late but they care about me. C. My boss makes me feel bad if I am late. D. I am working in a sweatshop! These are extreme but hopefully you get the point. Now imagine that it is the 4th time in 2 weeks that

fundamental purpose of a business. They define how you are going to deliver the vision: Google – to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful These statements should be shared in the public domain for your customers, staff and other stakeholders to see. This can only enhance your business and may in some cases help you distinguish yourself from your competition. The important thing is to make sure you take action. Nothing is going to happen or move forward by simply having these statements. Sometimes you can be your own worse enemy, with procrastination and lack of focus getting in the way. If you’re the sort of person that gets distracted easily and you find your to-do list just gets longer rather than shorter, you may need someone to hold you accountable – to make sure sh*t gets done! Something that can help you implement your strategy and ensure you are on track is a mastermind group. Read more about mastermind groups.

they have been late. What are you feeling now? A. I’ve been nice but now they are just taking the ****!

The Business Community 07949 703137

The Business Bulletin


B. I know they check on their elderly mother in the hour but perhaps we should discuss a change in their hours to accommodate that. C. Are they just laughing at me,

they think that you don’t care if they are late. B. Address it in the first instance – by asking you have let the employee know that you noticed but also that you care about

time for a more formal chat, I

them and can do something


about it. You have been clear

D. I wonder why they left? From one simple interaction we have 4 possible outcomes and most of them are negative. What did we actually do in those 4 different scenarios and how did that make the employee feel? A. We let it slide – by saying

that timekeeping is important but that you are happy to help if there is a problem.

D. Overly rigid- while you have made it clear you have been harsh and have not shown you care. The employee will most likely feel they won’t be listened to.

What is the answer? The ideal is that we are holding people accountable while maintaining positive relationships.

C. This is similar to letting it go but

Which means not letting it slide,

it adds sarcasm into the mix,

speaking clearly about the issue,

you think you are being “light-

showing care and consideration but

touch” by raising it but not in

being clear on what is expected.

a serious manner but most people will feel uncomfortable

nothing you feel you are

with this approach and feel it

being tolerant but the

personal rather than an issue of

employee doesn’t know that,


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54 | Issue 18

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The Business Bulletin


Thriving not just surviving

Although the challenges of the last couple of years will leave their mark for some time, savvy businesses are also recognising the opportunity to forge a new ‘normal’; adapting to stand out ahead of their competitors.

Many businesses were ‘missing a trick’

importance, not only personally but

time to make sure we build

even before the pandemic, mistakenly

also professionally. Here are some top

those into our lives – in fact we

seeing workplace wellbeing and

wellbeing tips for both individuals

owe it to ourselves and others

mental health as an optional staff

and organisations:

to ensure we are keeping

benefit or a tick box exercise. What they failed to recognise is that poor wellbeing underlies many of the daily business challenges which limit their success, from staff absence, reduced productivity and interpersonal conflict to resistance to change and the loss of skills staff through high turnover. One positive outcome of the

ourselves as well as can be. We

Individual wellbeing ■ Self-care – one of the biggest mistakes we make is failing

often use the analogy of a car – if you’re too busy to check the tyres, get a service and fill the fuel tank, you’re not going to

to prioritise self-care. All the

get far on your journey!

small things which support

■ Take a break – one of the

our wellbeing can be so easy to miss at busy and stressful

last two years is that we’re seeing

times, but they’re vital for

an increase in dialogue around

keeping ourselves well. It isn’t

wellbeing and recognition of its

selfish or a luxury to take the

simplest things we can do to protect our health and wellbeing is to take a break. Endless research shows that

Issue 18 | 55


The Business Bulletin

taking breaks away from our

we feel. Make sure you treat

of being human and we

work actually make us more

yourself with compassion!

all struggle at times. The

productive and more than

We will all deal with the

problem is we tend to try to

pay for themselves, as well

coming year differently – if

hide it. We can’t support each

as being necessary for our

you’re feeling more anxious

other, share things which help

health and wellbeing. So why

or worried than those around

or even realise how normal it

do we find it so hard to do it?

you, are still wanting to take

all is unless we talk and stop

We suggest people schedule

precautions where others

trying to pretend to each

or set an alarm to remind

don’t, or even just don’t feel

other that we’re fine all the

themselves to take breaks and

yourself yet – that’s completely

time. We’re so happy to moan

be part of a culture of working

normal and doesn’t make you

about our headaches and

which allows for people to take

wrong. We have to make sure

colds; we need to normalise

breaks without judgement.

we are as kind to ourselves as

when we need to talk about

we would be to our friends,

any aspect of wellbeing and

family and colleagues.

be part of that cultural shift.

■ Self-compassion – we all react differently to the things we experience, even a shared

■ Sleep, sleep, sleep – sleep is

event such as the pandemic.

the most important thing we

However, it’s our nature to

can influence which affects

be more judgemental to

our health, productivity and

ourselves than we are to

even lifespan. Since the start

assumptions about what your

others. This often leads to us

of the pandemic, numerous

people find challenging and

holding ourselves to higher

studies have shown how

what wellbeing means to

standards, or feeling guilty

our sleeping patterns have

them. There’s isn’t one perfect

and beating ourselves up for

changed and that so many

approach to wellbeing as no

the things we do or the way

of us are reporting difficulty

two teams are the same. In

getting consistent or quality

our anonymous workplace

sleep. Fortunately, it’s not

assessment we often identify

something we just have to

things which business owners

put up with and even the

were unaware of – and they’re

most entrenched sleeping

often things which are easy

difficulties can be improved.

to change and which make a

Start with making sure you’re

big difference to the teams!

getting the basics right

Involve your staff in wellbeing

(things often called sleep

initiatives and you will get

hygiene), such as managing

much better engagement and

your caffeine intake, making

results than simply assuming

sure your bedroom is

what will make a difference.

Becca & Michelle Aspire Training Solutions Aspire Training Solutions is co-owned

conducive to sleep and

by Becca Simpson and Michelle Brook.

developing an evening

Having both spent many years working within clinical mental health settings and providing higher education training, Aspire was founded with the mission of helping both businesses and individuals thrive through wellbeing. Through workplace wellbeing assessments and bespoke, evidence-based training, we are able to provide strategic wellbeing solutions which actually work. 07385 600256

56 | Issue 18

routine. If that doesn’t work, seek out evidence-based recourses and support such as CBT-i, which can give you the skills to retrain your sleep and gain the health and lifestyle benefits which will significantly improve your quality of life. ■ Talk – every part of wellbeing,

Organisational wellbeing ■ Ask and listen – don’t make

■ Walk your talk – It’s vital that organisations model wellbeing supportive behaviours at every level and lead by example. You can have the greatest policies and initiatives in place but if you aren’t seen to truly believe in them you won’t engage your people. For example, policies and posters encouraging staff to take regular breaks are unlikely

including mental health, is

to have much impact where

a completely normal part

leaders are seen to work 24/7

The Business Bulletin

professional and getting a

being caught away from their

prescription – and it’s the

get you started! It can be difficult to

desks for 10 minutes.

same with wellbeing.

know where to begin but even the

■ Don’t just guess – whatever

■ Make it safe – create a

strategies, initiative or training

genuinely non-judgemental,

you use make sure it is

supportive culture within the

aligned to the needs you have

workplace by openly discussing

identified and is evidence-

wellbeing. Some of the most

based to achieve the changes

unhealthy and unsuccessful

you are aiming for. So many

workplaces can look like

organisations waste time and

everything is going great

money on wellbeing ‘fads’

when everyone is pretending

or guessing what will work

to be fine, but those that truly

without understanding what

thrive and succeed are those

they are actually trying to

where people can honestly

achieve. You wouldn’t take

and openly discuss wellbeing

random medication to try

challenges without judgement

to make yourself feel better

and work together to benefit

without consulting a health


These are just some basic tips to

first changes can have a positive influence on wellbeing. To reap the full benefits of strong wellbeing, consider your fundamental approach to wellbeing, assess the current situation and develop an effective strategy which is right for your business and people. Done well it will be an investment that more than pays for itself and as we move into the new ‘post pandemic’ landscape, the businesses that get ahead will be those who recognise that wellbeing drives success.

Do you have something to say? Are you considered an expert in your field? Then why not submit an article for inclusion in a future edition of The Business Bulletin?

There is no cost to have an article included Issue 18 | 57


and people fear the reprisals of


The Business Bulletin

In this article you’ll learn about the five steps that you can take to start speaking with confidence and impact for online platforms.


Technology competence

The first step is all about confidence.

The second step is all about

Feeling nervous or apprehensive can

technology basics, becoming

be a big factor that holds you back

competent with the technology

from speaking online or doing videos.

involved. You don’t need to be a

There can be a lot of different fears involved in speaking on camera. You may feel uncomfortable about not being able to see your audience – for some that’s a relief! Or perhaps

Sarina Mann Breakthrough Public Speaking Sarina helps individuals speak with confidence on camera for videos and online presentations. She developed a method to overcome the more severe effects of anxiety and went so far as to break through her own fear of public speaking and now speaks on a regular basis. She focuses on helping people speak virtually, for online presentations and videos because she believes it’s an essential skill for the modern world. 07931 800957

58 | Issue 18

technology wizard to do videos or online presentations. You just need to feel competent with using the technology involved. Becoming familiar with the

you feel self-conscious about being

basics of your camera, lighting,

recorded and putting yourself out

audio, background and the software

there for the world to see.

you’re using, whether that’s Zoom

I even know some confident public speakers who are happy to speak from a stage in front of a couple of thousand people but won’t do videos of themselves. Speaking on camera can bring up unique worries so it’s something to work with. Authentic confidence is a lifelong

or a video editing programme will be a tremendous help. The more competent you feel with the technology you’re using the more confident you’ll feel about speaking on camera.

Presentation skills

journey, however, there are steps

The third step is all about developing

you can take to be a more confident

your public speaking skills for

speaker such as keeping the focus on

virtual environments. The truth is,

the audience (and not on your fears),

developing your core speaking skills

becoming competent in the relevant

whether online or for in-person

skills and being well prepared.

events are similar. Once you develop

How to be an engaging speaker on camera to attract your ideal client If you’re a business owner wanting to increase your visibility online and attract your ideal client – you’ve probably already thought about posting videos, doing webinars or speaking at events.

your core skills as a speaker it’s then

webinar. This is often because you

which is best for your business and

about adapting them for online or

know your topic so well that it’s

your audience.

in-person events.

hard to get out of your own head

When you develop your skills to speak effectively, you’ll notice you’ll be able to engage your audience more

and look at your offers from the perspective of your audience. The key is to break it down, get

You can create your own opportunities by posting videos on social media platforms, hosting webinars or starting your

and deliver your message with clarity

into the heads of your audience,

own podcast. You can also find

and impact so you can start attracting

think about questions you get asked

opportunities by speaking at

your ideal client. Presentation skills

all the time and aim to answer

networking events or groups, being

are exactly that, a skill – and like with

those questions in your videos and

interviewed on radio, television or

any skill, it takes time and practice


podcasts or speaking at events. Once

to be good at it. It also helps to get some qualified feedback on your presentations so you get the right support and make progress.

you get started you’ll wonder why

Finding and creating speaking opportunities The fifth step is all about both finding

Content that connects with your audience

and creating speaking opportunities.

The next step is all about your

and you’re clear on your content –

content. What do you want to say, to

now it’s time to shine.

whom and for what purpose? What do you want to communicate in your videos, for instance, and what is aim of that video? If you’re an expert in your field

You’re feeling relatively confident,

you didn’t do this sooner! Following these five steps will help you speak with confidence, clarity and impact for virtual platforms and start attracting your ideal client.

you’re willing to put yourself out there

Start getting more visible, position yourself as the expert in your field and allow your prospects to get to know you and how you can help them by speaking to them!

you may find it hard to know what

Of course, you don’t need to be on

to include in a short video or a

every platform – it’s about finding

Issue 18 | 59


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

Strategic thinking in stages My favourite definition of strategy is one I learnt early in my time as a consultant and it’s stuck with me ever since. It’s this: “Strategy is about marshalling your resources to achieve your objective” … Time to exercise and strengthen those neural pathways with some strategic thinking! We usually think of these resources as all the external things we need. Finance, infrastructure, systems, process, other people in the business, our contacts and their contacts and so on and so forth. In this blog post, I want to focus on the internal resource we all have, but

“I’m talking, of course, about your brain!”

alternatives. Think of how difficult and

In order to explain, I need to digress

with your thinking.

a little. We are all familiar with the concept of handedness. People are either right-handed or left-handed. This is an example of our brain’s preference for one set of pathways over another. Recent research demonstrates

tiring it is to write with your left hand if you are right-handed…it’s the same  The brain has many of these pre-set pathways and there are many tools on the market that categorise these in different ways. The one that I favour is derived from Katherine Benziger and is usually shown in a matrix such as the one opposite.

rarely use to its full capability when

that these preferred pathways can

These 4 styles can be recognised

devising our strategies.

be 100 times more efficient than the

as different ways of perceiving,

60 | Issue 18

processing, initiating and reacting

thinking to reality and apply some

Now, your thinking needs to change

to the world and the other people

reasoned thinking. This is where logic,

to ordered, process thinking. Who’s

within it. Each of us uses all four ways

evidence and the implications of what

going to do what and how and when

of thinking in the same way that we

you’re planning come into play.

will this happen?

use both our right and left hands, but we all have a preference for one set of

Test out your idea on some other

If others are going to need to

people, not just your fans, but the

come along these steps with you, you

doubters too. Do some research and

may oscillate between empathy and

some number crunching. You may

ordered thinking as you allow others

through using the right thinking style

oscillate back and forth between your

to help you make your dream and

for each stage which can help you

vision and reality a few times until

their own match up. So, in conclusion,

build a robust strategy. Time to exercise

you’re confident that you have the full

when developing your strategy, be

and strengthen those neural pathways!

picture and are confident that you

it big or small, learn how to be a bit

Any strategy starts with defining the

have the risks covered.

more ambidextrous in your thinking

pathways over the other. Back to your strategy … let’s talk you

objective. How can you marshall your resources if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve? Your thinking here needs to be visionary. This type of thinking is about peering into the unknown, stepping away from the detail and viewing the big picture. It’s about novelty, daring to be different as well as playful and creative. Visionary thinkers take risks, they believe that they can achieve anything and that they can overcome problems on the way. It’s about the big idea and can be scary if it’s not your preferred way of thinking, but staying in that mode is where the new ideas are formed. However, if you stay in visionary mode and jump straight into action then it can be like jumping off the cliff and finding out if you have a parachute halfway down. So, whilst holding onto your dream, your big idea, now you need to switch your

Now, you will have spent some considerable time honing this idea and it’s still not ready for action. What about all the other people, the stakeholders, who are affected by

and choose the right part of your brain to help you marshall your resources and achieve your objective. Need some help exercising those underused neural pathways?

this? Unless they were the person you asked to test out the idea they’ve had no time to get used to it. You will need them on board to help you put this into action. A switch of thinking to being empathetic, taking on board how to engage, inspire and motivate them to come along with you. Remember they are part of those resources you’re marshalling.

“There are three ways they need to engage!” Intellectually they need to understand what you’re hoping to achieve and your rationale for choosing this way of doing it. Emotionally, they need to love it and see what’s in it for them too. Then behaviourally they’ve got to be able to understand their part in it, what changes they will have to make personally. What’s their part in realising the dream? I hope you can see the value of the time you took to test the idea out thoroughly before bringing it to a wider audience. Many of these people can help you with the next switch of thinking, moving into the detail away from

Jacky Sherman The Consultants’ Consultant In 2003 Jacky left as the CEO of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital and set up her own coaching company. Realising she knew little about marketing she found the support and help she needed from two main sources. First she undertook formal training with Asentiv, and the other source was the willingness of other business owners she met networking, to share their knowledge and contacts with someone who was not a natural networker. Now semi-retired she pays forward that generosity by mentoring others who have come out of employment as experts in their field but find that running a business at times is uncomfortable territory. She finds a way of helping the most unnatural entrepreneur build a business in a way that is natural to them. 07970 638 857

pure strategy into the planning stage.

Issue 18 | 61


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

What the hell is a mastermind group and would it benefit my business? For many businesspeople being part of a mastermind is hugely beneficial. Whether a mastermind would be worth it for you though is a very personal choice. It is a real commitment so before you can make a sensible decision you need to have perspective on what one actually is what it can do for your business and, sometimes more importantly, you as a business owner.

What is a mastermind group? I have noticed over the years that there are often some misconceptions around what a mastermind group is and what it is for. This is possibly because they tend to vary in form and function a little. Some are specialised to certain marketplaces, others have an entry requirement of a particular turnover or profit and so on. For the moment though, to cut through the noise, you can probably put all the subtle differences aside and focus on the single question of

62 | Issue 18

whether one is right for you. Before

■ Be instrumental in designing

you find the right group, you need to

your business and creating a

look at what a mastermind is.

growth plan

All masterminds will ■ Be peer-to-peer based ■ Have a pro-active developmental focus

■ Challenge you if that plan or other actions are not implemented ■ Contain a group of people who have knowledge and

■ Make you accountable for

expertise to bring to the table

your actions and decision

either as businesspeople or in

■ Offer support to help your business grow ■ Expect you to help others as you are being helped

a particular specialism Just to clarify on a couple of those points. It is worth throwing some things that a mastermind ‘is not’ into

Is a mastermind group for you?

ever come together without thereby

It is tempting to answer that question

third mind.

with a simple ‘yes’. Looking back at those bullet points of what a mastermind is, it seems obvious that

Paul Green

every business would benefit from

The Business Community

having access to the resource. That

The founder of The Business Community is Paul Green, a business owner himself since 2003. He loves working with small businesses; in particular family-run businesses. Having

does not make it right for you, though. If a mastermind group is right for you, then you will be able to say yes to the following questions.

experienced the trials and tribulations that face a small business on that entrepreneurial journey, he is passionate about making sure businesses don’t make the same mistakes that he made en route! He is a big believer in collaboration and encourages businesses to work together to grow their businesses; as well as offering help and support to each other for mutual gain. 07949 703137

■ Are you open to new ideas? ■ Are you prepared to help others as well as yourself? ■ Are you prepared to be challenged? ■ Do you want to invest time and energy in helping your business thrive?

Again, that last one may well seem like an obvious yes, but it really isn’t. There are many business owners who are quite content with their business

the mix. It will not be a sitting and learning process. You will be taking part in a session where you will be interactively working with others on yours and their business goals. It is not going to come and solve your business problems, but it will offer solutions for you to take away and implement, and then it holds you accountable for those actions. The mastermind group is about business and personal development so it is not a mutual appreciation society, but it will usually very energetically

creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a That third mind is the mastermind. The old adage of two heads being better than one sums it up nicely. When you are in a Mastermind group you are getting access to the collective reasoning, experience, skills, and support of a selection of people who are there to help you. In that same way, you are there to help them. The ideal person for a mastermind then is: ■ Capable of change and accepting advice ■ Looking to improve and develop ■ Logical and reasoned ■ A creative problem solver or looking to become one ■ Prepared to fully commit to regular meetings

as it is and are ticking along quite

■ Happy to help others

nicely. Others are incredibly self-

■ Willing to be held

sufficient, and some are simply not happy to share with others. It is all about why you are there. You are not there to score points based on how wonderful you are. You are not there to just passively learn things and you are certainly not there to sell to the room. Your role is the same as everyone in the group, you are there to contribute and be part of the collective process to mutual benefit.

accountable to the group Interestingly, one of the unwritten benefits of being in a mastermind group is that you also refine the rather admirable skills on that list. If what you have read here sounds like you, then should be in a mastermind group. It could well be the most powerful tool you have when it comes to developing you and your business.

celebrate your successes. It is

solutions, so positivity is very much

So, who is the ideal person for a mastermind group then?

at the heart of that process. The

Business guru Napoleon Hill is often

mastermind group is a constructive,

credited with the idea of mastermind

practical focused, developmental

groups, or alliances as he called

resource for all its members.

them. He said that: No two minds

certainly not a place where you can go to bemoan your lot and complain. The mastermind is about practical

Issue 18 | 63


The Business Bulletin


The Business Bulletin

Book Review: Radical Candor Be A Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity. By Kim Scott The author Kim Scott worked at

Radical Candor is described as

are certainly a lot of good learnings

both Apple and Google and was very

the ability to be open, honest, direct

around how to be clear and not let

much part of Silicon Valley and the

and kind. This is the ideal and let’s

“being nice” get in the way of the

massive success that has been driven

be honest isn’t that what we all

message you are trying to get across.

from there.

want? However, this is not a pass to

■ Do you shy away from those awkward conversations at work?

be blunt and harsh, Scott maintains that we cannot exercise our “Radical Candor” until we have demonstrated that care personally for the person

■ Do you struggle to get people

or people concerned. As with most

to do what you need them to?

change it has to start with you and

■ Do you feel that it’s all on you

criticism from your team, ask them

Then this might just be the

and keep doing it. You will need to show you can take the feedback

by developing an environment

before you start to dish it out. This

of “radical candor” within your

coupled with showing that you

workplace or society you can create

genuinely care about your team will

a kinder, more supportive workplace

be the best place to start.

fear of reprisals. The primary driver for Kim Scott

or boss role. Visit for more info and some videos to help support the concepts.

for direct, honest and clear feedback

book for you. The basic idea is that

their minds and raise issues without

those working in a manager, leader

Scott suggests you start by asking for

and you have no support?

where all people are free to speak

I would recommend this book to most small business owners, and

Scott gently guides you through her philosophy and examples of where and how it can work for you. She gives clear tools and techniques to use and

Mhairi Richardson Tomrom Team Coaching Mhairi specialises in coaching teams to help them achieve more and improve their wellbeing. Her focus is on building trust within the team and

was to show what she has learned

then a final reminders section that

and to let you know that being a

will help to guide you through. There

good boss is hard! Everyone finds it

is also a bonus section which details

hard despite what you might think or

how to deliver a performance review

see. And that you being a nice person

with “Radical Candor” – very useful for

teams, established team or teams who

is a good thing and is a real asset to

people who like to have a structure in

just feel they should be achieving more.

good leadership.

their 121 sessions.

The book covers a lot of ground but

Overall, I liked this book I am

it also gives plenty of examples so that

a big fan of speaking clearly and

you can think about similar scenarios

making sure that you are not making

you may have to face or can relate to.

assumptions so this was always

I personally found that a bit annoying

going to be a winner for me. Even

but for others it helped to clarify the

if you don’t want to live your life

concepts and methods for them.

with “Radical Candor” then there

64 | Issue 18

a combination of coaching, mentoring and facilitation and she can tailor the program to the needs of your business. She enjoys working with newly formed

Mhairi is also a coach with a strong SME background, a focus on the detail, a high level of emotional intelligence and a strong desire to develop talent and grow high performing teams. 07970 002129

Join FSB and unlock a range of services for your business At FSB our mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions. We are the UK’s largest grassroots campaigning group promoting and protecting the interests of the self-employed and smaller business owners.

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