The Business Bulletin Issue #16 - Focus On Strategy & Personal Development

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Business Bulletin By business owners, for business owners




Issue 16

Focus on Strategy and Personal Development Spotlight on Liz Murphy

PLUS The journey to being a strong leader What can you do about your “old age” aches and pains? Five bad habits you must avoid if you want a thriving business

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The Business Bulletin

A magazine that works for everyone Paul Green Founder & Chief Editor

Welcome to the sixteenth edition of The Business Bulletin. Hopefully you will enjoy this edition which focuses on strategy and personal development. Published every four weeks, it will cycle through the following themes: ■ Finance ■ Sales & Marketing ■ Operations & Resources ■ Strategy & Personal Development It will bring together a collection of articles aimed at any small business owner who doesn’t have all the answers and is open to some thoughts and advice from some of the leading experts in their fields. So what makes this different to any other publication? I’m glad you asked! For the reader – no more advertorials. All the featured articles have been chosen for their valuable content, not because the author has paid to be published or taken out an advert to get their slot! For the contributor – you can submit articles for inclusion without having to pay for the privilege or having to advertise. If your article is deemed suitable based on its merits – that it is relevant,

All the articles featured in this magazine have been chosen because of their valuable content

good and engaging content and not promotional of your business, then it will be published. For the advertiser – if a publication is more engaging due to the content, then it is more likely your adverts with be noticed. The number of full-page and half-page ads is limited for each edition and there will be a limit on the number of advertisers from a given industry sector. This means your advertisement is more likely to stand out from the crowd and not be lost in a sea of competitors. Your feedback and thoughts on this magazine are welcome – let

Join in!

us know your experience. Contact us to contribute an article or


place an advert for future editions

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Proof-reading: James Tarry

© Copyright 2021 The Business Bulletin. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the editor or the author of the article. Disclaimer – no responsibility can be accepted for any actions that you take as a result of the content provided in this magazine. There is no guarantee that implementing any of the advice contained in the articles will definitely ensure your business success or have a positive impact. They are presented as information based on the experience of the authors working with many different types of businesses in their field of expertise and are provided as a choice for you to consider if they will be useful for your business.

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 3



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The Business Bulletin

Contents This edition focuses on strategy and personal development and brings together a wide range of topics with a selection of quality articles from leading experts in their field.

The journey to being a strong leader Charlotte Green


Streaking to success! Lee Jackson


How important is the trust factor to business success? Mark Billage


Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? 12 Duncan Price

Five bad habits you must avoid if you want a thriving business Cassie Footman

Spotlight on Liz Murphy



How to create a diverse and inclusive working environment Tina Rahman


How do you manage overwhelm? Judith Hanson


Nature’s problem solvers should be on your hire list Garry Connor


What the hell is Equine Facilitated Learning? Claire Burgess


What’s your personal development journey? Rachel Mallows MBE


How does food fuel leadership? Louise Mercieca


How can you use nutrition as personal development? Shannon Howe


Is team coaching right for your business? Mhairi Richardson

20 Ask the experts


What can you do about your “old age” aches and pains? Bob Allen


SME survey


Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 5

The Business Bulletin

The journey to being a strong leader Does great leadership mean being kind, having empathy, being consistent, persistent, deliberate, natural, upbeat, driven and focused? Yes, it’s all of those things and more… A great leader’s vision statement should define:

Our values are determined

your vision statement often, ask

unconsciously from a very young

around at how others perceive things,

age and made more robust from life

define it further and continuously

experiences. Values are often linked

check in to benchmark your progress

you would like to achieve for

to emotional states or feelings for

against your vision.

yourself, your team, and the

example, trust & enjoyment, and


behaviours like respect & honesty,

■ Your personal vision…What

■ How your personal vision aligns to the business objectives and the needs of your team and customers

A leadership vision statement should include ■ Clear aspirations and intentions for you and your team. This is not a business vision, it’s yours ■ Your personal values and your commitments to staying true to these

and courage. A leadership vision statement should be impactful, create excitement and be easy to interpret – and could include objectives – here is an example: My intention – to strive to continuously improve myself and my teams potential and performance My aspiration – to develop myself and my team to our fullest potential and share our talent to achieve the business goals My values – to act in a supportive and loyal way, to be open to learning

What are values? Values are the things that matter to you – the things that drive our behaviour and responses. They hold great importance for us, and they are the unconscious ‘permissions’ that allow us to take action. They drive

and to look to the future My commitment – to actively collaborate with passion and positivity, building trusted working relationships with my customers, my teams, and our senior leaders Capturing your intentions,

our motivations and they also stop

aspirations, values and commitments

us from doing things or supporting

and creating draft sentences will get

actions that go against how we feel.

you to a good starting point. Revisit

6 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

Charlotte Green Specific Learning & Coaching Charlotte is a leadership and management specialist, offering coaching, training, mentoring, employee and customer insight, along with associated business consultancy. She is driven by a firm belief that harnessing the input of clients, customers and employees, is a super valuable resource for every business. Charlotte is passionate about personal development, leadership resilience and customer experience and believes her clients already have great people, services and products -and it’s often small adjustments or adaptations, rather than massive changes that help to realise your targets. 07954 179010

The Business Bulletin

When you are clear your leadership

■ A great Leader can also be a

The leader will recognise the preferred

vision represents how you want to

coach and positively impact

communication preferences of their

communicate your approach and

people development

employees and be able to adapt their

working style, that’s the time to communicate with your team, set up feedback channels and continue the circle of benchmarking and review. Strong leaders practise selfdevelopment and master relationships building through coaching and learning, are you clear about your people skills? The skills you have developed so far in your leadership journey are often made up of mistakes, things that went well and equally things that didn’t exactly go to plan. Being able to reflect and welcome opportunities to improve will serve you well… The best piece of advice I ever received was “there is no such thing as criticism, only feedback” and Hillary Clinton said “always take criticism seriously but never personally.” Would you agree?

A great leader can discover their strengths through ■ Brainstorming the challenges and changes over time in your career and taking positive lessons from overcoming previous obstacles; reviewing how can these now serve you well? ■ SWOT – carry out a personal

approach to get the best out of the

■ Research by Olivero, Bane & Kopelman 1997 published by the International Personnel Management Association

assessment and development of the

suggests that productivity can be increased by 22% with training, and an impressive 88% with coaching

trusted working relationships with

too, as well as mentors and

teams and employee engagement.

inspirational guides

Capturing your people engagement promise is a great start

What is coaching? Coaching is a conversation between 2 people, the role of the coach is to support the other person in achieving goals, and support them to towards a desired outcome There are various coaching models and questioning techniques to use and one of our

shifted from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset and are they moving forward? When you are comfortable with your techniques that develop

personal benchmarking and review.

■ G – your goals, what do you want and when? ■ R – your reality, what is happening right now, consider resources & lessons? ■ O – your options, what are all the possible things that you could you do? ■ W – your will, what will you commit to doing, and when? A leader that coaches will

individually and with teams.

confidential environment

hidden talents.

coaching techniques; have your teams

up feedback cycles and continue your

non-critical, non-judgemental and

discover the gaps and utilise

Revisit your communication and

with your teams, make sure you set

which represents:

their teams through developing a

and capability exercise to

to building on your leadership skills.

trusted forward-thinking relationships

favourites is The G.R.O.W. Model

exercise. These work well

objectives; conduct a needs

Consistency – to actively adherence to promises, building

■ Leaders can be coaches

opportunities and threats

that will support the business

leader’s own learning. collaborate with positivity and

master relationship building with

responsible will have strengths

The art of listening – to enhance active listening skills through personal

strengths, weaknesses,

■ The team for which you are

engagement for both parties.

Empowering questions – to unlock a fixed mindset and help people to feel good about themselves; this enables a forward-thinking approach to setting goals. Rapport building – establishing rapport is critical to the relationship.

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 7

The Business Bulletin

Streaking to success! How to create good habits and break bad habits using streaks to gamify your success.

We all have dreams we wish to

would send a message each day to

achieve, personal goals we want to

each other, and it would increment

mean, or unhealthy habits we want

our streak once each day accordingly.

to break. Be it writing that book you have inside of you, or quitting smoking we so often fail. From personal experience, I’ve

What started as fun, quickly became a rather compelling game we didn’t want to break! We have been messaging each other for over 200

lost and gained weight, failed to

days and now wanted to make it to at

complete multiple projects, and

least a year! Because why not?

experienced the frustration of never quite reaching my full potential. How do we get things done and beat this negative spiral? For me, the answer was “streaks”!

What is a streak?

Needless to say, we hit 1500 days in a row before we finally called it quits as we outgrew the platform, BUT therein is the power of the streak. By gamifying the process of communication, and by carrying out a seemingly small and simple task

How I first utilised the “streak” During this process, I wondered if I could take advantage of the streak to complete a book I had been meaning to read. I decided to read one chapter a day for say 25 days. (Let’s say there were 25 chapters, it’s been a long time I can’t remember exactly). I would get up each morning, read the next chapter (which would take approximately 10-15 mins) then I would log it on a spreadsheet, watching the “streak” number go up each increment. We all know how quickly 25 days

Several years ago I discovered the

each day, our friendship blossomed

can go. Within 25 days, I had read

term “streak” whilst using a social

and we as sure as heck didn’t want to

a book I’d been trying to read for 2

media application. My friend and I

see that streak hit zero.

years! I tried the same with the Bible

8 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

extreme satisfaction in seeing that number go up. The moment I miss a day I know it. If I try and increment that streak number knowing I missed the mark, the feeling of joy and

Celebrate milestones As you build up your streaks, celebrate your success. Set some milestones that you’d like to reach and rewards that you’d enjoy. For example a meal

satisfaction is missing. I can’t fool myself and I have to start over with the mission to beat my last score.

out when you complete that book. A day off work when you reach that streak goal and so on. Celebrating our successes helps us

What do you want to achieve?

to feel good about ourselves, which

Consider yourself. What would you like

to maintain our momentum.

then means we are then more likely

to achieve over the next few weeks? Would it be to write a blog once a week? Go for a short walk every day? Quit smoking? Adhere to a daily

Mantra As you develop new habits, break old ones and achieve great things,

exercise plan? Whatever your dreams, write them down and consider how achieving

remember this: small achievable actions lead to big change.

each one would make you feel, and its impact on your life. Now you have your list of dreams, choose one of them. It’s best to select something that: ■ will positively affect your life. ■ you are truly excited about ■ you should be able to achieve with your current skills ■ there would be observable changes within a reasonable that I’ve spent over 20 years not

Lee Jackson


Agency Trailblazer

completing! To date, I have read it from cover to cover twice since using streaks! (And yes it is still wild and boring in all sorts of places).

Why do streaks work at a personal level?

Lee Jackson is an entrepreneur and owner of Agency Trailblazer - a

Track your progress Streaks are powerful in their simplicity. From a simple number, you can see your progress which in itself is the reward you need to keep pushing on. You can start simply with a

community for web design agency owners looking to grow their business and achieve a better work-life balance. Their content and support is delivered through multiple media channels, courses, events and an online community. He’s an experienced businessman who doesn’t conform to corporate stereotypes and

The one person you can’t lie to is

notepad using a tally system, or if

you! Whilst we might be able to

you’d prefer to use an app you can

fool others that we are supposed to

use something like the Dailyo app

be accountable to, we cannot fool

and set up a “goal” that will allow you

ourselves. Over the years I’ve entered

to track your streaks. Check in on your

into many accountability relationships,

progress regularly in order to remind

only to find new and inventive ways

yourself how you are doing, and to

to satisfy my colleagues that I was

encourage yourself to keep going.

making progress whilst I was still

Remember too to remind yourself

struggling. When it comes to tracking

why you are doing this, and what you

streaks on a personal level, there is

expect those outcomes to be.

known for his ability to make complex ideas easy to understand. Never without his baseball cap and an accompanying Dad joke, he loves a white wine and a good chinwag. He’s the mentor who will challenge you, call it how it is and tell you to get things done. 07722 591777

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 9

The Business Bulletin

How important is the trust factor to business success? One of my earliest childhood memories is of standing at the top of the stairs at home, my dad at the bottom encouraging me to jump. To this day I am not sure what was going through my mind; it was probably the simple thought that my dad is telling me to jump and I trust him, so I did. Years later he did tell me of his surprise that I did, good that he caught me!

We know trust is important. However,

Paul J. Zak reported his findings on

“Trust is choosing to make

how much difference does it make?

trust in Harvard Business Review in the

something important to you

This question has led me to look

Jan/Feb 2017 issue. Compared with

vulnerable to the actions of

in depth at how important trust

people at low-trust companies, people

is to business success. To help you

at high-trust companies report: 74%

navigate the topic I will take you

less stress, 106% more energy at work,

through a series of questions at the

50% higher productivity, 13% fewer sick

context of building teams, Patrick

end of which, you can make your own

days, 76% more engagement, 29%

Lencioni gives this specific definition:

mind up about the importance of

more satisfaction with their lives, 40%

“… trust is the confidence among

trust to business success.

less burnout. The research indicates

team members that their

that high trust environments do have

peers’ intentions are good, and

an impact on the key factors that feed

that there is no reason to be

into productivity and profitability. Do

protective or careful around

we pay enough attention to trust in

the group.”

Why build trust? There is good research available on the impact trust has on the workplace. EY conducted their third annual Global Generations study on trust in 2016. What they found was striking, less than half of global professionals trust their employer, boss, or colleagues! ■ Only 46% place “a great deal of trust” in their employers ■ 15% indicate “very little” or “no trust at all” ■ 39% say they have “some trust”

the workplace? When you are trusted people will

someone else.” When thinking about trust in the

Both these definitions point to the fact that risk is involved

engage with you more readily and

in placing your trust in another

more importantly will buy products

individual. Someone else in effect

and services from you. As business

is being given power over you

owners, the smart thing to do is to

because you choose to involve them

invest in building an environment of

in something that is significant and

trust around you.

important to you.

Trust what is it? It is difficult to define trust. It is almost easier to know when it is absent. I

which isn’t negative but hardly

came across this definition of trust by

a ringing endorsement

Brené Brown:…

10 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

Trust formula

manager what is the cost to you of

This formula from Stephen M R Covey’s book The Speed of Trust is a simple way to remember the impact of trust in teams and business relationships. High Trust = high speed + low cost Low Trust = low speed + high cost

losing clients through lack of trust? I like to think of trust as being like a bank account, you need to make deposits of trust in those around you so that in times of challenge there is something to draw on. What will you

Mark Billage

do to build trust in those around you?

Smart Culture

When trust is low in a team then people become cautious which means things take longer. This pushes the cost of tasks and projects up. When clients don’t trust us then we lose business and reputation things that are hard won can be easily lost if we don’t pay attention to the

How can you build trust? Stephen M R Covey said: “It (trust)

worked in different sectors, from

is a learnable and measurable skill profitable, people more promotable and relationships more energizing.” The important fact to pick up from

What undermines trust?

is something you can learn to do. Here

the value of trust is to make it clear what happens when there is a lack of trust in relationships on the team. If trust is low, then you will question whether your colleagues or the team leader have your back. You will be second guessing what they are saying and whether they will deliver on their promises. All of this slows down the

what he is saying is that building trust are a few things you can do to make trust in you and around you more likely:

leadership. This transforms team culture, and relationships around them, so all can bring their best contribution in a safe

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others. In any kind of leadership role

that means you go first. Trust is a twoway street placing trust in someone else creates the environment for the same in the other direction.

be the return on that investment. It leads to relationship rather than a transactional approach. For the small

you have each other’s back, that you

a leader when you make a mistake it can have an impact on the people you lead. Here’s the thing: if you have

humiliate you. The slower the

banked trust in your team then your

team moves, the more

mistake will still have an impact, but, because you have deposited trust, people are more willing to forgive you and move on. Often, we think mistakes have not been noticed, in reality they will be. People you lead will be watching what you do. Better to own it, and take responsibility, make it a learning experience.

much time do you think is wasted in

leaders and their teams. Mark wants to help leaders to be more effective in their

to be trusted then you need to trust

Have you ever made a mistake? As

Have a think for a moment: How

provides quality training and coaching to


are free to collaborate knowing that

costly it becomes.

a medium-sized charity as their CEO. As the founder of Smart Culture Ltd, he

It is counterintuitive however if you are

2. Own your mistakes

people will not cut across you or

served on Boards of Trustees, and led

1. Leader/Owner Goes First

process. When trust is high people

can trust what is being said, and that

financial services to charity and people development. He has set up businesses,

that makes organizations more

things that maintain trust.

The best way I can think to illustrate

Over the past 25 plus years, in different leadership roles, Mark has

business far better to build a longterm relationship with your clients, it may take longer but the revenue reward is much greater. 4. Listen It is often hard to be present and genuinely listen. You might be thinking of the next thing you have got to do. When you are present the person you are speaking to will pick that up. Being heard is a basic human need and can often take the heat out of challenging situations. Use communication to understand better the person you are talking to rather than to get your point

3. Have the highest good of

of view across.

others in mind

teams and organisations because of a

When you are looking to serve others

lack of trust? If you are business owner/

or act to their good then trust will

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 11

The Business Bulletin

Do you ever feel like you don’t belong? Ever felt like you don’t belong? Like you don’t really deserve to be where you are? Maybe you feel like people overestimate your abilities or as though you only got where you are due to chance and you could be exposed at any moment? Whether you feel that way most of

environment where some people may

the time or just now and again in

not be concerned as much by how

moments of doubt following a bad

people view them as other situations.

day, the good news is…You are not

The key thing is, no matter what study

alone. This is commonly described as

you look at it is extremely common.

imposter syndrome and it’s entirely normal to feel that way and entirely possible to overcome those feelings.

The first step to beating it is understanding it

It is natural to have doubts about our own abilities. Imposter syndrome has been shown to affect all varieties of industry including those getting onto exclusive courses at respected universities and call centre employees.

Overcoming imposter syndrome is easier when you understanding it. Imposter syndrome may not be the best name for it as calling it a syndrome implies that it’s far rarer than it actually is. Impostor

Where does it come from? A subconscious desire for survival encourages us to hold ourselves back and keep within our comfort zone where we feel safe and secure. Historically, keeping in line with our role within a tribe is much safer than trying to break free and achieve bigger and better things. So we are programmed for our survival to desire to stay consistent even when that consistency is holding us back from greatness. The problem with staying within our comfort zone means that we are not growing and if we’re not growing much like water that doesn’t flow we stagnate.

syndrome is a very common

Imposter syndrome is partly

experience. Different studies

influenced by that desire to hold

vary on the number of people

ourselves back and tendency to

affected. One study showed

avoid inconsistency.

that it impacts two thirds of women in the UK, but that was just focused on the working

12 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

Why is it a good thing? If you are experiencing imposter syndrome. If you feel like you’re not deserving of your position or achievements, the chances are this is an indicator that you’re actually doing something right. Yes, you read that right, it’s good to feel this way, because it often means you are challenging yourself, developing new skills and achieving something more than you would achieve if you stayed within your comfort zone. When you’re good at what you do it’s easy to undervalue it. When you’re experienced or knowledgeable enough that your work feels relatively easy, it’s easy for that to impact your perception of the value such work holds. It’s easy to assume that everyone can do it and reinforce beliefs that you aren’t as good as others say you are. If something feels so easy that anyone can do it that’s probably because you’re on your way to mastering it! If things feel particularly difficult it likely means that you are doing something new, stretching yourself and achieving more than you are used to.

How does this help? Now that you know that feeling that way is a sign that you’re doing something right, you are able to take a step back when you feel that way. Realise that it’s just one ‘part of your mind’ which is trying to protect you, creating that doubt. By recognising that, it then becomes easier to accept those feelings and embrace the excitement you are no doubt feeling at the same time (which may have been hidden by the fear and doubt).

A different perspective There are different levels to our psyche which inform how we experience life. On a fairly surface level we have our capabilities, what we are able

to do from our experience and skill

doing exactly what you should be

set. The deepest level is that of our

doing. Each time you feel that way

identity (There are levels between but

and choose to embrace it, it becomes

that’s a whole other article). When we

easier to react positively and achieve

feel inadequate it’s often a result of

even more next time.

confusion between these levels. Here’s why:

If you find yourself thinking “I’m not good enough” ask yourself to clarify that. Not good enough AT WHAT

You are not good enough When you think about where you want yourself and your business to be in a year’s time, do you want to be exactly where you are now or

and FOR WHAT? When you see it as I’m not good enough at X to achieve Y then you can see what action you need to take to get there, what you need to work on or what help you can find from others to achieve the

do you want to have progressed and moved forward? In order to see yourself moving forward and growing you need to be taking on tasks and challenges that are not yet within your capabilities. This is the very

desired outcome. Remember that it’s a capability thing – it’s not about YOU it’s about your current skill level. Well done for pushing yourself and finding a chance to learn and grow.

essence of growth. When it comes to your capabilities there is a very good chance that you will regularly find yourself in situations where your skill levels are being pushed and you are stretching yourself. In these situations you are not good enough YET to achieve the results you desire. This is a good thing. The problem comes when we realise that we are not good enough (yet) on the level of capability and mistakenly equate that to not being good enough on the core identity level. This is an error as we are far more than just our capabilities. Every single human is born worthy. And as babies, we don’t even doubt that. If we want something; food, attention, a clean nappy – we yell out until we get it. We don’t wait and question if we are deserving of it. It’s only as we grow older that many of us somehow ‘learn’ to believe that we are not so deserving and learn to hide away that very real sense of self-worth.

Duncan Price Mind Affinity The mind is an amazing thing and as humans we can be really creative in finding new ways to use it to hold ourselves back. Through Mind Affinity, Duncan helps people to empower themselves by accepting and understanding their own mind better and using that very same power to achieve more and feel better. Duncan has spent over fifteen years working with people to turn their challenges into the very thing that moves them forward without the need to fight constantly against themselves to get there. Specialising in confidence, anxiety and sleep, Duncan isn’t here to help you, he’s

What to do about it

here to empower you to help yourself.

Next time you experience a situation where you feel like you aren’t good enough, stop. Breathe. And smile,

07840 829758

knowing that it’s a sign that you are Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 13

The Business Bulletin

Nature’s problem solvers should be on your hire list

Garry Connor Diversiti UK Garry is an internationally recognised trainer and public speaker. He’s been helping businesses to recognise their potential and grow their businesses for over 25 years, enabling them to recognise good equality practice. This in turn ensures they can uncover the potential within their employees. He specialises in creating and delivering tailor-made learning and development programmes

Recently, training in diversity, inclusion and equality issues has gained a lot of attention, with organisations realising just how important it is to have an inclusive workforce.

to improve workforce efficiency, creativity, productivity and workplace inclusiveness. He has the unique ability to demystify equality law and explain it in a way that is accessible to everyone. 0777 9855724

14 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

Discrimination within the workplace

disabled person may have faced and

understand and communicate with

can lead to missed opportunities

how they have overcome them with

their staff members. Candidates no

when people ignore potential or

support. A disabled person can be

longer want to feel like a number

talent due to a person’s specific

a role model within a workforce for

on the payroll, they want to be

characteristic. This can also result in

others to look up to.

celebrated for their individuality

legal costs, a negative public image and having to pay compensation

regardless of ability or disability and to feel appreciated and heard.

discrimination can make people

Would you tell your potential new employer everything?

feel undervalued, impacting on job

But what if the deciding factor to

them in mind. The world never gave

getting the job was your perceived

them the option not to be, they

to the person who has suffered the discrimination. Workplace

satisfaction and job performance As humans we are a diverse

Those with a disability are often natural problem solvers. They live in a world that was designed without

difference? Candidates do not have

are under-recognised and woefully

collection of differences, and there

to disclose to employers the nature

underutilised. The barriers they

is no one typical person. We need

of their disability but avoiding doing

have had to overcome, the skills and

to change a mindset where we

so can cause issues long term,

knowledge they have developed

begin to normalise differences and

such as lack of adjustments being

along with their perspective are

celebrate them.

made for your needs. We do need

invaluable. They do more than tick a

to remove the worry and concern

diversity box.

“Over 1 billion people are estimated to live with some form of disability. This corresponds to about 15% of the world’s population, with up to 190 million (3.8%) people aged 15 years and older having significant difficulties in functioning, often requiring healthcare services.” -The World Health Organisation Disabled people are mothers, fathers, friends and loved ones. So why do we see them so differently when it comes to the workplace? There are still stigmas around employing someone with a disability, and a lot of companies can be less than welcoming. Why are non-abled bodied people within the workplace still rare in 2021? People with disabilities need to be recognised, celebrated, and seen. They need to be within a welcoming community and workforce just as able-bodied people are. If we don’t see people with a disability in the workforce how can we visualise an inclusive future? Those with a disability can have new and fresh

about disclosing the nature of a person’s disability, so that employers get the opportunity to provide support in the correct manner. As a society we need to be making these changes so everyone has a fair chance and the right access to pursue their career of choice.

As an employer, many reasonable adjustments involve little or no cost. They could start by making adaptations to a disabled person’s working pattern – part-time hours may better suit the candidate, providing support through a mentor or training, writing all communication in plain English, making alterations

As humans we all have our limitations. There are vital safeguards

to premises or allowing them to work

for us all when it comes to the

on the ground floor for accessibility or

interview process. Not every job can

the modifying of some equipment,

be tailored to suit an individual’s

such as office chairs and keyboards.

needs. There are risk assessments that need to be put in place to keep everyone safe, therefore it is important that disabled people

The population is ageing, and the number of disabled people is increasing. Smart companies will realise that a lot of people with

communicate their needs to an

disabilities are their consumer

employer. There are reasons why people don’t tell their possible future boss of a barrier/disability. Mainly due to the thought that it could possibly put their application at risk. However, without having an open honest conversation about a candidate’s circumstances, an employer can not fully understand how to assist the potential employee.

base and should reflect this in their workplace. Becoming a disability confident employer makes business sense. Disabled people are hugely diverse, have different ideas, thought processes and experiences. Companies who realise the talent that disabled people have, who recognise the qualities their companies need and how disabled people can

When candidates come to look for

ideas, motivation, and inspiration to

a new job everyone looks for different

carry others along when they need

things in potential employers.

it. By acknowledging the barriers, a

High up on that list are those who

contribute gives them a competitive edge that is key for all businesses.

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 15

The Business Bulletin

What the hell is Equine Facilitated Learning?

My guess is that you haven’t heard of a different approach to personal and professional development: Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL). So let’s change that!

What is EFL? EFL involves working alongside horses, as an individual or as part of a group, to learn more about yourself and develop yourself on both a personal and professional level. Horses are amazing animals who live in the moment and give us instant feedback on our behaviour, allowing us to observe the impact of our actions and explore different ways of approaching situations. No experience or knowledge of horses is involved as all work is done

can be transferred back into the

more aligned with coaching, helping

workplace or individual situation.

individuals explore how to address

The language within EFL is focused

goals, or challenges, and the horses

around ‘working with’ rather than

give a depth of understanding in

‘using’ horses, the horses are seen

these areas.

as partners in this work, they are the instrumental part of helping

others, and the facilitators are there to

How does it differ for more traditional forms of learning?

explore these things that are felt with

EFL is classed as experiential learning,

people get to a deeper level of understanding about themselves and

the horses, and what the participants can learn from it. EFL however is not therapy,

as you experience it and feel the learning in the moment, and is very different to more classroom-

on the ground, no riding is involved.

though often mistaken for Equine

based training (though they can

EFL facilitators work alongside the

Therapy which many people have a

complement each other). For

horses to help reflect on the learning

greater awareness about – instead of

example, you can learn in a classroom

that is taking place, and how this

a therapeutic focus there is a focus

about different ways to be a leader,

16 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

and you will get some insight into

whether a primary or secondary focus

your preference, but with the horses

of the session, is hugely important

you get immediate feedback on the

within EFL.

way you lead, and how successful (or not!) it is. This means you can try different approaches in the moment and reflect on these, which are then useful to take back to the workplace. Attendees often feel a greater depth of learning as well as longevity when an activity is experiential, as it resonates with them because what they are doing is real.

In what areas can it help people?

Lastly, EFL brings fun and enjoyment! People love being around horses and working together on different activities can be a fun way to bring a team together, especially if people are working remotely. Connecting over an activity and

Claire runs a business training and

having fun together is hugely

coaching organisation based in North

beneficial for team cohesion and development, as well as morale.

for supporting women to reach their

There are many applications for EFL, and no two sessions would be the

Working alongside horses has been

on what comes out through the interactions. However, there are some key areas that often draw people to want to attend an EFL session. Elements such as communication, leadership, confidence, teamwork and empowerment have very powerful outcomes through EFL – for example working together as a team to guide a horse successfully round obstacles to explore communication and teamwork; leading a horse gives you insights into leadership and also is incredible for confidence; exploring your goals and how to work towards them through the interactions with the horses is amazingly empowering. Groups with a specific focus, for example

horses has been seen throughout the centuries. More recently, the area of Equine Therapy has greatly grown in

to offer development days in EFL for groups of women wanting to reach their potential, and for teams who want to reconnect and work more effectively 07921 383502

popularity, and most people recognise this as an area of benefit to different groups, for example children with

qualifications/areas of expertise,

additional needs or disabilities. Equine

is the focus on practice or theory,

Facilitated Learning is lesser-known

is the qualification recognised by

but is a growing area itself, as many

an accrediting body, what support

EFL facilitators and centres develop

do they give post-qualification.

their work and have broadened the

As in any other area of personal

reach of horse-led interventions

and professional development,

to include working with groups of

working with an EFL trainer whose

adults in different settings, including

qualification fits your requirements is

businesses and community groups.

an important question to ask.

EFL is currently an unregulated

The environment itself is also a

Learning, partnering with a local stables

riding, and the healing power of

leadership development, confidence, assertiveness and self-belief.

achieved a Diploma in Equine Facilitated

Greeks, who mention therapeutic

beneficial, working on areas such as

also find the experience of EFL greatly

their leadership skills. She has a Masters in Occupational Psychology and recently

documented back with the Ancient

What is the training to be qualified as an EFL trainer?

women’s development groups, can

Northamptonshire. She specialises in working with women and has a passion potential in their careers and develop

How did EFL evolve? What’s the history behind it?

same as they often evolve based

Claire Burgess Soar Development

area, and as such there is an array of different qualifications available,

huge benefit within EFL, working

from one-day courses to longer

outdoors has been proven to have a

programmes of qualification. Anyone

positive impact on wellbeing, coupled

looking for a qualification should

with the cortisol-lowering effect of

spend some time exploring the

connecting with horses through a

options and considering what works

simple activity such as grooming.

best for their needs – for example how

Therefore the reduction of stress,

does this fit alongside any existing

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 17

The Business Bulletin

How does food fuel leadership? When we think of business performance, strategy and leadership it’s highly unlikely that many people are thinking of nutrition. We may all have certain characteristics which we associate with strong leadership skills, personality traits such as openness or decisiveness. Our interpretation of strong a strong leader will be individual but there are some common denominators to successful people.

According to Forbes the number 1

able to regulate your time, attention

professional lives.“ However, someone

trait of a powerful leader is the ability

and emotions, while remaining aware

who is driven in their work-life may

to self-manage. This quote is taken

of your strengths, weaknesses and

not always be supporting their

from an article in Forbes on the ‘11

potential sources of bias. Exceptional

personal health and this will have an

Powerful Traits of Successful Leaders’.

leaders are adept at handling stress

impact on their ability to be the leader

“As an effective leader, you must be

and balancing their personal and

they wish to be.

18 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

with those external stresses before

the evening but the key to getting

they become internal issues.

the most out of our bodies and

We can see some of the statistics around nutrition and workplace performance in the following quote

therefore the most out of our work performance is to put in the right fuel. The balance to a healthy life isn’t to

as according to a report from

avoid everything and eat kale but it

‘Healthy Performance’.

is being able to recognise what your body needs and respond to that. A

“Research has shown that inadequate nourishment can reduce employee’s efficiency by 20% and that poor nutrition is directly linked to absenteeism, sickness, low morale and higher rates of workplace accidents” This all makes perfect sense when we remember that; the foods we eat literally impact on every cell in your body, putting in poor fuel will impact negatively on every movement, every emotion and every decision. Making you more clumsy and forgetful hence, (workplace accidents). More likely to fall ill and need time away from

diet of caffeine, processed foods and an inability to relax is not going to lead to optimal performance, taking a step back, going for a lunchtime walk, moving away from the desk and actually chewing the food not gulping it makes you more productive and gives you a much clearer head to get through the rest of the day. Nutrition is more important than you think and remember that each bite impacts on every decision, every movement and every emotion so choose wisely!

work as poor nutrition has a negative impact on the immune system and a Nutrition is intrinsically linked to each and every element of our lives. Whether we choose to place importance on our food intake or see it simply as a ‘means to an end’ the impact is there. The foods we eat literally impact on every cell in your body. That means; every movement, every emotion and every decision. The foods you eat can support

low mood will lead to lower morale. There’s the bigger issue of longerterm stress too. Initially we can all cope with excessive stress fairly well, our bodies are designed that way to get us through situations. We produce hormones to keep us on ‘high alert’ (triggering the fight or flight response) and function with increased energy, decreased pain, heightened

you mentally and enable you to

awareness and improved strength.

have cognitive clarity, both are pretty

But all of these reactions are designed

important for an effective leader or

to be temporary and in response to

indeed a successful and productive

a situation we can change (such as

day at work! But on the flipside, the

running away or fighting a bear, highly

foods you eat can create unstable

unlikely I know, but our biology dates

emotions and leave you feeling

back to a time when that may have

confused, unable to focus and

been more necessary!).

dithering on decisions, not to mention, potentially being a little bit irritable.

Louise Mercieca The Health Kick Louise is an award-winning Nutritional Therapist, award-winning author and presenter on her own Food Channel for Early Years Nutrition. Whilst she is passionate about formative nutrition, she mainly works with adults on preventative nutrition. How can we

The issue with workplace stress is this heightened response is continual

That touches on the day-to-day

and that can lead to health issues

elements but the nutritional link goes

resulting from oxidative stress. We

much, much deeper. Being a leader,

may all think we can cope with not

running your own business, working

getting much sleep, eating at our

in a team, working alone, working

desk, grabbing more coffee to get

under a leader; all of this brings

us through the afternoon and then

stresses and nutrition helps us to deal

having some wine to relax us in

use food instead of eventually needing medicine!? There are lots of confusing, contradictory and often, misplaced advice in the world of nutrition. Louise aims to make the message clear - food and health are intrinsically linked! 07557 343 896

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 19

The Business Bulletin

Is team coaching right for your business? Do you want to get good “bench strength” in your business? Do you want to help the people in your business to achieve? Do you want to get better results for your business? Do you want to start planning for a time when you are not part of your business 24/7? If you answered yes to any of the above and you have a leadership team or are thinking of creating one then read on.

The world of coaching can be a bit

you back, and then come up with

confusing and still has an element

strategies for overcoming each

of stigma attached to it so I have


tried to identify the main types of coaching to help clarify things and hopefully help to show clearly why team coaching is one of the best

Mhairi Richardson Tomrom Team Coaching Mhairi specialises in coaching

solutions for businesses that are scaling up.

program to the needs of your business.

The business coach – works with business owners and MDs, and may work with their teams.

She enjoys working with newly formed

The role is to give a clear view of

teams to help them achieve more and improve their wellbeing. Her focus is on building trust within the team and a combination of coaching, mentoring and facilitation and she can tailor the

teams, established team or teams who just feel they should be achieving more. Mhairi is also a coach with a strong SME background, a focus on the detail, a high level of emotional intelligence and a strong desire to develop talent and grow high performing teams. 07970 002129

The group coach – works with groups of individuals. This is a process whereby a group of people all have similar development needs and the coach facilitates a process whereby they use the knowledge and expertise within the group to work on their individual goals. This is often seen as a cost-effective way to develop by larger businesses.

to assist the organization to focus

The executive coach – works with high potential individuals or executives.

the available resources in the most

Works to help individuals to gain self-

efficient way. Tends to be fact-based

awareness, clarify goals, achieve their

analysis, open communication,

development objectives, unlock their

decisive decision making, and

potential, and act as a sounding board.

what is important and what is not, to drive change in an organization, and

focused action.

The life coach – works with individuals.

THE TEAM COACH – Works with leading teams within the business.

A life coach can help you clarify your

Deliver similar outcomes to an

goals, identify the obstacles holding

Executive coach but for an entire

20 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

team and the expectations and

All lovely words which sound very

potential of that team who have

impressive but what actually happens

much to gain from working well

when you have a team coach?

together. Working to gain selfawareness, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, hold each

opportunity to continue to grow and

1. We get to know each

learn as a team. As the coach can

member of the team How each team member feels the

business goals as a team.

team is performing and what they

not new but it is on the up and up as leaders realise that teaming skills and team leadership are becoming increasingly more important. We need to embrace a teaming style of leadership and embrace more cognitive diversity to be able to cope as business becomes more and more complex. What a Team coach brings to you and your team is an independent voice, a facilitator to help challenge you to maximize performance and the enjoyment

do and don’t like about the team. We get to understand the direction the business is wanting to go and the challenges it is facing. If necessary we can help them to define their vision and mission and the values that

avoid being distracted by the day to day they can keep the team focussed on the goals and objectives and keep them moving towards the goal or help them revise the goals to adjust for the unforeseen. For a team coach the team is the client, so focus will be on making the team more than the sum of its parts,

represent the company.

gaining a laser focus on the results they each need to deliver to achieve

2. We all come together to; ■ define what they need or want to achieve.

for the team. The leader is part of that team and also has a role to play but having a team coach there to

■ identify what works well.

facilitate allows them to take their

■ highlight what doesn’t work well.

insight into the team dynamics.

of working towards clear and meaningful goals.

We review every month, maintaining the momentum and taking the

other accountable, and deliver the Team coaching for business is

4. We stick with it!

place in the team and gain a better I work with leadership teams of all

3. The magic happens

sizes and at many levels in business

Together we create a set of actions

and I specialise in working with

people element of the business to

and accountabilities to take the

businesses who are scaling up, and

open up channels of communication,

business to where it wants to be. This

looking to embed a strong leadership

to create clear goals that everyone is

is one of the most powerful elements

culture for the future.

committed to and develops the inner

of team coaching and often results in

accountability within the team.

real breakthroughs.

A team coach works with the

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 21

The Business Bulletin

What can you do about your “old age” aches and pains? Are you old? I have no idea when we are officially classed as old but in 1932, the American psychologist Walter Pitkin published the self-help book Life Begins at Forty. Since then the number has been revised upwards and in 1991, the New York Times printed ‘Life begins at 40? More like 60’ and as life expectancy increases, I am sure this figure will be revised yet again.

Bob Allen Sollus Healthcare Bob graduated as an osteopath in 2011 and is an experienced workstation assessor as well as a qualified functional strength & conditioning coach, Otago team leader and mental health first aider. All of this experience means he can provide you with comprehensive support and a jargon-free explanation of your problems whatever their cause. It also means that he can identify where osteopathy is not appropriate and refer you to a GP, consultant or another practitioner if required. 07515 014308

22 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

One dictionary definition states that “old” means “having lived for a long time; no longer young” followed by the example “the old man lay propped up on cushions” Unfortunately, this definition sums up the general view of older adults portrayed by the media and how they are often seen by many working in the health services. It is also the reason I struggle to find positive images of people over 50 that aren’t propped up on cushions, generally having everything done for them because they can’t do it themselves. If this fits your idea of being old, it is not my experience as an osteopath when treating people in their 70s, 80’s and 90’s. Unfortunately, they generally come to see osteopaths as a last resort after being told by their GP or other health professional that they must live with stiffness, aching muscles, and painful joints or keep taking the pills (there are always pills!) because nothing else can be done. This is a shame as a significant number of muscle and joint problems can be improved with the right treatment and exercise regardless of age. This neatly brings me to the main point of this article. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends:

■ Have no time

move better without going to the

■ Don’t know where to start or what to do ■ Can’t afford to join a gym or

as a medicine that will help you feel

exercise class.

better with no side effects and the more you take the better you will feel.

■ Worried about what other people will think of them

Walking is an excellent and very underrated exercise that most of us

■ Lack motivation

do every day. If you can’t walk there

If you are old you can probably

equally effective and there are other

to the list but exercise becomes even

things that you can do to increase

more important as we age as it can

your activity whether you are able-

seriously improve your quality of life by:

bodied or have a disability. Here are some great examples of

■ Increasing release of

people where age has not stopped

endorphins (feel good

them from achieving their goals:


■ Fauja Singh, is the world’s

■ Improving your balance and

oldest marathon runner and

co-ordination ■ Reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and ■ Boosting your confidence and improving your social life! The good news is that you don’t have to train for 75-150 minutes a week to improve your health. A little advice on your lifestyle including nutrition, sleep, and a simple exercise program can make a significant improvement to how you feel. The can be even more dramatic if you and muscles like to be moved and a

75–150 minutes of vigorous-intensity

lack of movement can contribute to

aerobic physical activity. Adults 65

the amount of pain you feel.

greater intensity, on 3 or more days a week” You can find out more here: https:// detail/physical-activity

Mumbai Marathon at age 104. the oldest astronaut when he went to space as part of Space Shuttle mission STS-95

intensity aerobic physical activity or

strength training at moderate or

in January 2016 ran in the ■ In 1998, John Glenn became

cancer by 50%

haven’t exercised for a while as joints

activity focusing on balance and

are chair-based exercises that can be

think of a few more reasons to add

out 150–300 minutes of moderate-

or over should also include physical

If you are ‘allergic’ to the thought of exercise, try thinking of movement

better news is that the improvement “adults aged 18–64 years carry

gym or taking up jogging.

Otago is an exercise program that was developed specifically for older

at age 77. ■ Johanna Quaas from Germany is the world’s oldest gymnast at age 86 practicing gymnastics twice per week, together with an hour of exercise every day. As long as you have the drive and determination you are never too old to do anything you set your mind to, whether that is to get fitter and healthier, learn a new skill, read more, or travel. So what are you going to do next?

adults with the aim of increasing strength and balance to reduce the risk of falls and injury and you can find out more here https://www. Programme. While it was primarily aimed at older adults it is suitable

Many people never try to reach

for anyone that hasn’t exercised for

those WHO targets because they:

a while and wants to get fitter and

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 23

The Business Bulletin

Five bad habits you must avoid if you want a thriving business

If you feel your business is more

as right or wrong is narrow-minded.

masses and not taking the time to

stagnant than progressive, you could

It highlights a fixed mindset, which

fully understand the context, niche or

have fallen victim to these bad habits:

is one that prevents you from


■ Having a fixed mindset ■ Making assumptions

exploring alternative ways to achieve an outcome. It lacks creativity and uses past experiences or future

■ Never finishing what you start

uncertainties as an excuse not to do

■ Failing to communicate

didn’t work out.

effectively ■ Not taking responsibility The above habits regularly crop up during my client sessions. It’s easy to spot these traits simply by listening to the language spoken, watching body language and being aware of the actions being taken. Being late for appointments and running over on deadlines is a clear sign of someone not taking responsibility and letting life happen to them. Even though these habits are negative, restrict business progress and are unhelpful to you, they are easy to turn around if you’re willing to acknowledge them.

Turn a fixed mindset into one of growth Having a fixed mindset is limiting. Seeing things in black and white, or

something or explain why things A fixed mindset gets you into

Try this exercise: take your right hand and make a fist shape. Loosen your grip slightly, allowing a very small hole to be visible where your fingers are curled over. Next, cover your left eye with your left hand and lift your right fist up to meet your right eye,

problematic situations whereas a growth mindset gets you out of them. A growth mindset is open, curious, relentless and resilient. Obstacles are never debilitating, and mistakes are accepted as part of a learning experience. Everything is achievable with a growth mindset because it focuses on creativity and adaptability, solutions and not problems.

Making assumptions When assumptions are made you are only seeing what you want to see. As the saying goes, ‘you make an ass out of you and me’. Think about what you could have missed if you assume something or if you jump to a conclusion too quickly? Assumptions are made from ignorance or from following the

24 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

Cassie Footman Onion Academy Over the past 25 years Cassie has worked with thousands of leaders based in over 26 countries worldwide, guiding them through the journey of unravelling personal obstacles enabling them to create magic in their lives and enjoy a better life, better relationships and a better business. 07918 022387

The Business Bulletin

Have you ever wondered why some businesses continually flourish whereas others become stagnant? It often comes down to the person in the driving seat. The driving force of the business.

as if you were looking through a lens.

why things don’t get finished, you

you don’t want to upset someone

What do you see?

will find a deeper underlying belief.

will often lead to you being the one

These deeper beliefs are not obvious

who fails or feels let down. It will lead

and can take a bit of digging to find

to an unhelpful outcome where it’s a

and acknowledge. Common beliefs

struggle to get what you want, or you

include feeling unworthy, not being

don’t get it at all.

Your vision is restricted by the small gap of your tightened fist, so the whole picture in front of you is limited. The focus is too narrow. This is how making assumptions causes you to see things in the world. It limits your perspective by showing only a small part of what is available to you. Being curious and asking questions, listening, connecting, and communicating with others will help you to ditch assumptions. Seeing the bigger picture will enable you to make better decisions. Expanding your thinking and progressing in life and business is possible because of a much richer awareness of the world.

Finally finish what you have started There are many reasons why people don’t finish what they start. On the surface, the reasons might seem obvious, such as having no time, not having the right skills available, coming up against an obstacle or

good enough or capable enough, the need to be perfect or feeling powerless. There are many more but once you understand what your limiting beliefs are (and we all have them) you have a point at which you can grow from. Infinitely.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you communicate clearly, effectively and that the receiver fully comprehends. With full transparency everyone benefits.

and working through them removes

Take responsibility for your actions

blocks from your mind about what

You are 100 percent responsible

you can and cannot achieve. This is

for your actions. Blaming others,

the first step to finally finishing what

justifying, rationalising and denying

you started!

situations or actions are attributes of

Acknowledging limiting beliefs

diverting your responsibility.

Become open, honest and direct in your communication

in any given situation. It’s true that

Effective communication is necessary

the choice in how you react to it.

You can choose how to respond something out of your control may

in your personal and professional life. Are you being assertive? Are you asking for help when you need it? Avoiding issues and conflict with

happen, but you will always have If you are at ‘cause’ in life, you are creating the outcome that you want by taking responsibility. If you are at ‘effect’ in life, then you will become a

not having enough money. If you

other people because you think they

victim of circumstance and/or place

look more closely at the reasons

will eventually go away or because

the outcome firmly in the hands of

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 25

The Business Bulletin

others. This latter option is giving

you be fearful? It’s either because

away your power to others and letting

you are drawing from an experience

them determine what happens to

that didn’t go so well, or because

you. Why would you want someone

you are assuming the worst. Neither

else to rule your decisions?

of these thoughts are real for what is happening now. Remember

Do not fear the future

what you read about assumptions?

Feeling doubtful or fearful will prevent

identify potential risks and create

you from taking positive action. It’s a bit like shutting off the valve to stop the free flow of water. Eventually, things will dry up because the flow isn’t progressing forward. What happens to a plant, terrain or creature starved of water? Not acting can be through the

The best way to mitigate fear is to

Eliminate bad habits in your business today This article has hopefully sparked a few home truths and encouraged you to think of the big picture and question the entrenched beliefs that might be stumping your progress. If you relate to any of the notions

a contingency plan. You may be

discussed and think you could benefit

aware of potential setbacks from

from working on removing some

experience, but that doesn’t mean

of the bad habits in your business,

the same will happen this time, so

why not consider working with

get creative. By outlining all possible

an experienced guide to help you

scenarios you can be confident in

overcome them?

taking action, knowing that you are well-equipped to handle challenges

fear of what might happen. But if

and uncertainty. Remember, with

nothing has happened yet, how can

action comes learning.

Securing your business

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The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on… 28 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on…

Spotlight on Liz Murphy Liz runs I Cook You Serve, a family catering business, providing healthy pre-prepared meals for those who don’t want to cook or can’t cook! They also provide buffets as well as being trained in nutritional therapy.

How did you get to be where you

daughter Shannon, to prepare the

myself as a single parent with two

are today?

evening meal for the rest of the family.

further children at that point, and

The idea for the business dates back

Having picked her up from nursery

the time was right to get this idea

at the end of the working day, time

off the ground. I needed something

with her was precious and having

that would work with the family not

to sacrifice that time to cook was a

at the expense of the family, I was

step too far. So that’s how the idea

not prepared to sacrifice my time

of the business came about, creating

spent with them. They were my non

nutritious and often time consuming

negotiables, I needed something

preprepared meals that were ready

that would fit, and I Cook You Serve

to reheat and eat. However, it took

fitted perfectly. So, I picked up a knife

another ten years before I got it

and I picked up an onion, and then

started! Life got busier and one learns

I picked up a recipe. Looking back, I

to live with what’s available. I found

struggled with nerves and was terribly,

20 years. At that time, I needed meals that would ordinarily take an hour to prepare to be ready to get on the table in less than 20mins. I realised a business like I Cook You Serve that supplied what I needed at that time simply didn’t exist. My options were a ping meal or takeaway or something deep fried, none of these offered good, nutritious food. I wasn’t prepared to compromise on quality. My history is in hospitality, I didn’t go to university, I had an absolute blast working up and down the country in pubs, restaurants, and casinos. It was brilliant, really good fun! Those years taught me the fundamentals of running pubs and restaurants. From hiring, firing, training, ordering, stock control, budgeting not to mention customer service and of course a bit of cooking. I Cook You Serve is based on that expertise gained all those years ago. I had a busy young family and was working full time in an office. I found

At the time the business started all that was available were “ping” meals, takeaways and deep fried food.

myself frustrated and compromised, having to balance time with my

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 29

The Business Bulletin

Spotllight on… Shannon, Nutritional Therapist - I Cook You Serve

terribly shy - I apologetically handed out menus to my friends locally, and in the school playground, shop windows and notice boards. Everybody jumped on it. Everybody supported me. I greatly admire those who take that great leap of faith, leaving a big corporate job, risking it all - I think that’s amazing. But that wasn’t my story, I just knew deep down that I Cook You Serve was a great concept. I knew I just had to get started and keep going until somebody told me I couldn’t do it anymore. Over ten years later nobody’s told me that, and so I’ve continued, the business has grown and developed to what it is today. I am proud of I Cook You Serve and often refer to it as my fourth child. And I challenge anyone to tell me that I can’t do it now! How have things changed over the last 10 years? Has food provision got better?

to help people to eat well. I don’t see

I get creative in the kitchen. Shannon

it as competition, in the end everyone

is at the keyboard, and at the end of

deserves to eat well and that’s what

an email, phone, and all social media.

we celebrate most. Labelling is much

She is first contact with everything that

better now; we are better informed

is business related. She made it her

can see the ingredients were used

business to find out what she didn’t

to make the slurry that used to be

know about running a business. That

packaged up with a wholesome

is all Shannon’s department! Because

picture on the front. It’s now a legal

our areas of expertise don’t overlap, we

requirement to list ingredients, as

bounce off each other well and are

a result we can make informed

hugely supportive and celebrate each

decisions on what we’re putting

other. Our business meetings are good,

into our bodies. I’m happy to see

fun, short and to the point - sometimes

this development, people are more

we only require an eyebrow or

empowered, better educated, which

sideways glance to answer a question!

means we can make better choices.

Decisions are made quickly, it’s brilliant,

So, your daughter is now part of the business? Yes! I’m so happy Shannon chose to join I Cook You Serve three years ago. Because I have predominantly worked from home, Shannon had grown up with the business for several years already. She understood how it all worked and upon finishing her University degree she walked straight in and transformed it. She has been an incredible addition to the I Cook You Serve family. We are both trained in Nutritional Therapy, I took the course for my own personal development. I had a LOT of knowledge, but I didn’t have anything to back it up. I wanted to understand why eating colourful food was a good thing to do, and what exactly these foods did to our bodies. Shannon was home on a reading week from Uni, and like she didn’t have enough to do, she looked over my shoulder and said, “that looks quite

she’s transformed the business and I respect her enormously. What’s your “why”? At the risk of sounding like an angry middle-aged woman, it’s the same frustration I felt twenty years ago at what was available to eat. It was just not good enough to have to compromise time and energy to eat well. It’s the passion and uncompromising attitude that nutritional education and good food should be available to all. I Cook You Serve has been going for over ten years now, we have found that the more we know and understands where food comes from; the less accepting we are. It’s just not good enough, for example, we have fruit and vegetables imported from across the globe. All the air miles and packaging that goes with it, none of which benefits us as the consumer. If we just ate seasonally, locally, and

Yes, so much better. I’m happy to

good, I might do that too”. Nutritional

see that information has significantly

Therapy had absolutely nothing to do

improved and generally people

with her degree, but she was hooked

are better educated in terms of

in no time! We recognised this was

traceability, environmental impacts

a service that would not only benefit

the flexibility of our menu changing

of food and ingredients. Twenty years

our existing clients but was an offering

weekly and I celebrate being able to

ago, there were no food delivery

we could market. Shannon joined the

offer that to our clients. It offers me

services delivered to your door, there

business to head Nutritional Therapy

freedom in the kitchen to experiment

were no recipe cards with ingredients

service. The reality is she does that

and research new ingredients and

all measured out. We’ve come a long

and soo much more in addition! I’m

food trends. While I’m in the kitchen

way and I think these are great tools

the one with the business ideas and

and Shannon’s doing everything else

30 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

more simply we would inevitably be healthier not to mention the planet. My other “why” is being flexible. I like

The Business Bulletin

following her passion of Nutritional Therapy, I couldn’t be happier. What distinguishes you from your competitors? There are four things really. 1. We serve fresh, not frozen. There’s nothing wrong with frozen, but ours is fresh. That gives the client the flexibility to choose what to do with their food. Whether serve it there and then or just pop it in the freezer to eat later. It’s ready to eat and reheat. 2. The menu changes weekly, that is quite fundamental. It’s exciting,

… the more you know, the more you come to understand how food comes about, and where it comes from; the less accepting you are.

we can capture national days or other celebrations and we are not stuck to a menu that may only change every 3 or 4 months. 3. The third thing is that it’s a family

by all sorts of talented people with

people who want you to succeed. The

that exact same amount of time.

most supportive people around us

First and foremost, without a doubt,

business, that is pretty special

is prioritising and balancing time as a

and unique. We couldn’t be more

single parent. Having a young family,

invested in each other which can

the changes that happened within

only benefit our clients.

a family as they get older, such as

4. Everything around the business is Northampton based. Everyone that touches or has anything to do with our business is generally Northampton based, we all do a little happy dance when an order comes in. From our suppliers to our accountant, from our graphic designer to our VA we are all of and from Northampton. As a side, we have noted we are predominately female.

in our business, want our success as much as we do. Likewise, we want to see our colleagues succeed and are ready and willing to help. Beyond that, I would say maintain

different schools. Managing a house,

an element of personal development,

being a daughter to ageing parents,

identify something that you can tap

along with running a business, it

into, that will get you through the

often felt like one step forward two

tough days. For me, that’s Taekwondo.

steps back because it can, and did,

It just gets me through hard days, I

all stop on a heartbeat with a single

tap back into that energy, I tap back

phone call. That has been a massive

into that philosophy and that way of

challenge, just managing time. Having

thinking. Find something that isn’t

gone through that, we understand

related to your business, something

what it’s like for our clients that live

that is completely separate, so you can

with those same pressures. I’ve done

leave your “stuff” at the door. It could

the working full-time bit, I’ve done

be swimming, it could be ballroom

the stay-at-home bit, I’ve done the

dancing, anything that works for you.

hospital calls, and I know it can be What has been your biggest challenge that you have faced as a business owner? Time, or lack thereof. My philosophy used to be “there are 24 hours in a

hard. Because of this we are here to help with actionable steps to help and support our clients.

Watch the interview

What would be your one top tip for

This is an extract of a video

day and there are seven days in a

small businesses?

week. Unless you’re using all of them,

Ask for help. Just recognise that you

session, visit: https://www.

then you do not have the excuse of

don’t have to do everything yourself.

not having enough time.” Brutal, eh?

As I’ve got older, I now see the


Amazing things have been achieved

value in a surrounding yourself with

interview – to watch the full

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 31

Spotllight on…

that makes a business a business while

The Business Bulletin

How to create a diverse and inclusive working environment It’s safe to say this is at the forefront of all of our minds. The world is ever changing, technology continues to evolve but people also evolve with it.

We all know we SHOULD be inclusive, but perhaps we are not, and maybe

1. What is diversity an inclusion?

really means nothing with the concept of inclusion. Inclusion allows all types

that’s down to lack of awareness of

Diversity refers to differences in people

of people to be celebrated, recognised

our responsibilities. So, today, I want

including the differences in race,

and INCLUDED. So, inclusion in the

ethnicity, marital status, gender, etc.,

workplace means to actively and

and goes even further to considering

consciously go out and attract all types

the different life experiences and

of people to be part of your workforce.

to share my top tips on creating an inclusive working environment.

circumstances of people. But diversity

2. Recruitment What specifics do you look for when hiring candidates? Do you state

32 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

The Business Bulletin

‘preferred degree holder’ or ‘preferred

such as Eid (Islam) and Hannaka

law experience’ for say, an admin

(Jewish). But don’t stop there – there

assistant? The laws around HR and

are national and international events

employment say that this both

to raise awareness on such as World

unlawful and unethical because is a

Diabetes Day and Black History

law degree essential for this role? This

Month. Talk about what these mean

flamboyant and unjustified desire of

and allow for people to share stories (if

law experience and a degree mean

they feel comfortable in doing so).

that you lose the talent of those who have comprehensive experience and skills in the administration field (with no law experience or degree), and this really does an injustice to your organisation. Assess the role you are hiring for and create an appropriate advert considering the role responsibilities. Another element to think about is where you are recruiting. Use methods that allow all relevant candidates to apply. For example, if you are recruiting via a local agency, then be mindful that the potential

5. Education Bring in the HR and Diversity and Inclusion Specialists to talk about unconscious bias – it is a concept not all of us are aware of and refers to a behaviour that groups people in categories which is done outside of their conscious awareness. It is something almost all of us are guilty of but it takes an expert to open our minds on when we might be guilty of this. This allows your team members to consciously be aware of their language and behaviour around each other.

candidates you receive will be only

6. Social events

from the surrounding locality. It

Team building exercises are not

completely dismisses the talent

just there for fun – they create

sitting just outside of the agency’s

opportunities for staff to get to

catchment area- that’s a huge loss of

know the backgrounds of each

possible talent.

other. People of all races and

Last, but certainly not least, think about adverting roles in charity organisation to access a hard-toreach community.

Inclusion) and 1 of 500 FIR Ambassadors in the UK (Fairness, Inclusion & Respect). With over 10 years’ experience, naturally I have come across many horrific stories of what goes on in businesses. Stories that make you lose sleep at night, stories around inequality towards women, or discrimination towards people of all backgrounds, races & unfair treatment, etc. Sadly, these are all very much still a taboo. So, I knew I needed to do more by adding the ‘human’ back into Human Resources. Tina shares a lot of valuable

07572 027639

religions can really get to know each other’s personalities which directly

by ethnic minorities and those who

contributes to teamwork on projects.

share a similar mission to you.

Different experiences of life mean that all of us have different ways of dealing matters. These different approaches

language that speaks to all. Does

to life mean that each staff member

your policy allow room for mums,

will have a different to work, such as

or does it speak to people of all

problem-solving techniques. This

religions? Use words like ‘equal

is your key to success – your key to

opportunities’ and avoid using social

delivering targets by allowing all staff

stereotypes such as ‘women should

to contribute.

you’d be correct.

recognised) Human Resources & EDI Consultant (Equality, Diversity &

Use language that is inclusive, i.e.

sounds like prejudice to you then

A CIPD accredited (internationally


with work, family and personal

ask a male colleague to help’- if this

HR Habitat

information via her Instagram channel:

3. Policies and procedures

not lift heavy equipment and should

Tina Rahman

8. Stakeholder management With all, it is vital to understand that all stakeholders should play a leading part in your mission of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. Company culture comes from the top down – make arrangements for awareness programmes around these global issues on discrimination. We must all collectively contribute

7. Supply chain analysis

to an equal and safe working

Who are your partners and suppliers?


Do they range in geographics, or do you stick to your local area only?

4. Highlighting key dates

While it’s great to support local

Despite the demographics of your

businesses we should also endeavour

workforce, you should get into the

to contribute to our economy.

habit of celebrating key dates. Openly

Develop relationships with businesses

talk about religious celebrations

outside of your local area, those run

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 33

The Business Bulletin

How do you manage overwhelm? What is overwhelm? Here’s an official definition: “If something overwhelms someone, it is too much, or almost too much, for them to manage”

If you are running a one person or

The obvious solution is to

about to share it with you but…the

small business then this may sound

outsource some of the other stuff to

fact that I am writing this on a Sunday

very familiar. Most of us start our

experts but we need to be earning

morning is evidence that I haven’t!

business because we love what we are

enough money to be able to do that!

However, I have learned some ways

doing…and then we discover that we

Lack of time to focus on sales and

of managing so that I can generally

have to do lots of other things as well –

marketing may inhibit our ability to

stay below the “too much to manage”

marketing, sales, admin, accounts, etc.

grow our business sufficiently to have

ceiling and other ways of minimising

the money we need and so we can

the effects on my mental and

end up in a vicious circle, which often

emotional health.

It’s so easy to find ourselves working 7 days a week and still not seeming to make any real impression on that to-do list, often finding that it’s getting longer rather than shorter!

leads to…overwhelm. I wish that I could say that I have found the perfect solution and am

34 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

So let’s start with some practical ideas. I am a great believer in lists, though they can make things seem

The Business Bulletin

I include personal activities

Judith Hanson Therapies For The Mind Judith is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist (DipCHyp, HPD, MNCH), and NLP Master Practitioner and Coach. As a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and the Complementary and the Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) she is bound by their Codes of Conduct. She also undertakes regular training, as well as frequent supervision, to update her knowledge and skills, in order to provide a professional and effective service. She treats everyone as an individual and by

“real job”. When those tasks get done

because they can add to overwhelm

then you have achieved that day’s

(I need to paint the decking!) and

goal. If you have more time, you can

also may be important for your

do other things on your list and, if an

wellbeing (re-organise that holiday

emergency arises, accept the fact that

I planned and paid for 2 years ago!).

something more urgent took priority

I also find it’s so easy to focus on

over you chosen items. I find this helps

the urgent and just worry about the

me to stop feeling that I’m climbing

important (getting my accounts ready

up a hill that is just getting taller and

for tax deadlines!). You may, or may


not, know this quadrant:

That last point moves us on to how to manage your mental and

Known as the “Eisenhower Decision Matrix” (see Figure 1), with thanks to Steph Covey (“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”) for this version. Planning MUST include diary space to do what you have planned. For Delegate, you may not be able to afford an expert yet but I find granddaughters can come at an

developing a good relationship, based

affordable price (to update my CRM

on mutual respect and trust and always

database, for instance) and partners

does the best for her clients. 07881 620586

may help so that you can be free for some family time. Eliminate are the ones that, if you don’t get rid of them, just sit at the end of the to-do list and never get done but continue to haunt you!

worse when you get to page 3 of your A4 notebook and still haven’t finished writing all your tasks down! Firstly, it’s better for you mentally to have it on paper rather than trying to manage it in your head and worrying that you might have lost that “mental note”. Talking about notes…lots of Post It notes cause me to feel overwhelmed! So you’ve made your list (probably electronically these days!) what do you do next? Here are some options, not necessarily mutually exclusive: 1. Prioritise – when you’ve done the brain dump, sort it into some kind of order. I start by just numbering each item to begin with and then perhaps reordering it. 2. Categorise – maybe into

Tools like this can help (and there are other methods that can be found online and Apps to help – I would recommend asking an expert about these) but I believe in keeping things as simple as possible. Managing your to-do list can become an “art form” and an excellent reason for procrastination. We’re looking for efficiency here, so

emotional state when you are busy trying to build and run a successful business, so here are a few tips 1. Find ways to remind yourself why you are doing this, particularly in the early days when you may start to question your decision! 20% of businesses “fail” in their first year and 60% in the first 3 years and, I believe, many give up just as they are about to be successful. Assuming you have quality, marketable products or services then maintaining a positive mindset is important. Keep your “why” visible on the wall or on your screen saver; accept that you will work a lot harder and earn a lot less in the early years and get support. I found that, through networking, I got a lot of practical help and mindset support in the beginning and those of us that have been around for a while are

don’t have an App/Method that takes longer to manage than doing some of the items on your list! Finally, one of the factors that can contribute significantly to overwhelm is that feeling you can get at the end of each day that you haven’t actually achieved anything because there is so much left on the list. A good trick I learned years ago was to take a moment at the end of the day to pick

different business activities

the 3 items that you MUST do on the

and then (or maybe just) into

following day. Be realistic about what

urgent and important.

you can fit in on that day around the

Figure 1 Eisenhower Decision Matrix

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 35

The Business Bulletin

very happy to “pay back” for the

my particular “hobby horse” – it’s

and eating healthy protein, fresh fruit

help we received.

as important to take care of your

and vegetables can have the opposite

mental health as your physical

effect. Sugar can become addictive;

aspects of running a business

health, maybe even more so!

caffeine can as well and tends to

that are new to you. There are

There is probably less advice out

2. Spend money on learning the

very reasonable (and free!) offerings around and knowing what you are meant to be doing (and how to do it!) can take off some of the mental pressure, stop you procrastinating and make you more efficient. 3. Don’t forget that you need to

there for looking after your mental health, we probably all know what we should be eating and how much we should be exercising but what should we be doing to maintain our mental health. For a start, there is some overlap – exercise has mental as well as physical benefits. How often do

take care of yourself. In the early

you take time out of your day to go for

years, you are your business! If you

a 15/20 minute walk to give yourself

are unable to work, your business

a mental as well as a physical break?

will disappear. Take time off (and

Are you aware of the affect that food

relax and enjoy it!), look after

has on your mood. It can be worth

yourself physically (diet, exercise,

keep a food/mood diary for a couple

etc.) and look after yourself

of days to find out. Generally eating

mentally. Not surprisingly, this is

junk food can act as a depressant

increase anxiety. How quickly can you form a new healthier habit? There are various numbers out there but a simple answer is you can “make” a new habit in 3/4 weeks but it takes 90 days for it to become a permanent lifestyle change. So how about taking an hour off in the middle of the day for a walk (or a run or cycle) and a healthy lunch. The break, the activity and the food will make you more efficient in the afternoon as well as mentally and physically healthier.

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The Business Bulletin

We hear the phrase ‘personal

occurs through a process called self-

with a date becomes a goal. A goal

development’ in many areas of our

actualisation. As a manager, if you can

broken down into steps becomes a

lives nowadays and it is such a useful

see the potential of your own team,

plan. A plan backed by action makes

phrase that it can be adapted to

it’s a great way to help them see their

your dreams come true.” Be realistic

many scenarios. My own personal

own potential too – or, in Maslow’s

with your timeline and review on a

development might now be an on-

terms, their self-actualisation. This

regular basis to ensure you’re on track

line podcast or live or interactive

isn’t always easy, on either side of

and progressing at the right pace.

webinar about bee-keeping or from

course and takes time, dedication

a well-loved author; but it could easily

and strategy to establish the correct

be an aspect of something that

results. The best way to ascertain

relates to improving my interpersonal

reaching self-actualisation is to create

skills or being a little bit more mindful.

a personal development plan – a kind

Thankfully personal development is a lifelong process. It is a way for

of business plan for yourself. To begin, define the goals that

us to review our skills and qualities,

are really important to you. Whether

consider our aims in life and set goals

the goals are career-related or focus

in order to realise and maximise our

on something that will enrich or

potential at one end of the scale and

improve your personal life (starting

perhaps to just experience joy and fun

a new hobby/activity or learning a

at the other!

new language perhaps), it is vital

A popular model for describing and discovering personal development is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need which suggests that all individuals have an in-built need for personal development which

to understand that only you can determine what your goals are – it’s a personal plan so don’t let anyone else plan for you! Secondly, just like a business plan, set deadlines. “A dream written down

38 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

As managers and leaders, we know there can be skills gaps in many of our roles – but which skills or knowledge will help you to achieve your goals? Until you know where the gaps are (in skills and knowledge), you can’t fill the gap. Once you’re confident that you’ve planned, it’s time to take action. The chances are every goal you have identified will require several actions to achieve it, which can be a bit daunting. It’s helpful to list the 3 most important actions to help keep you focused. Just make sure you read and pay attention to the list to make it all happen! We all know that completing a task isn’t the end of it. We have to monitor, progress and improve as we go. There will be

The Business Bulletin

What’s your personal development journey? Working with a senior leader recently we started to think about personal impact. Was she completing her role to the best of her ability? How could she measure her impact? How did she know she was making a difference? This led to a cursory discussion about the usual metrics – 360 degree review, appraisal, etc., but she was particularly interested in having a way to look differently at her own personal development. That got me thinking….

times when things seem to be going

can provide support for specific

well and your progress is clear to see.

goals. Be brave – ask someone you

It’s important to recognise this to help

admire in a particular area to mentor

you stay motivated.

you or to be there for the odd email

On the flip side, there will be times when progress appears to be slow or worse still non-existent. An important part of the measurement stage in your plan is to make lists of both things that are working well and can be seen as accomplishments as well as areas for improvement and things you need to change and do differently. Finally, the thing lots of us aren’t so good at is the realization that we can’t do this alone – we need to get support. Identify who can help you with specific goals. If one of your goals is to undertake work

now and then providing support and encouragement in a particular direction. Fortune favours the brave they say, and fortune can so easily refer to the richness of our lives, not just the bank balance! Indeed, I would say that the former is more rewarding and leads to greater happiness.

Rachel Mallows MBE The Mallows Company Rachel Mallows MBE is a Northamptonshire businesswoman with over 30 years’ experience in delivering

So, some simple steps to create and recreate your own personal development plan that can be used at work or at home. Just remember though, there is very little point

training, coaching, mentoring and business support. The Mallows Company provides careers guidance to adults and in schools; training, mentoring, project management and consultancy to SMEs and larger businesses of

putting a personal development plan in place if you are not going to use it!

experience in a new industry, take

Try dedicating 5 to 10 quiet

a look at your network of contacts:

minutes at the end of every day to

you may already know somebody

look at your plan and we have no

working in that industry who can

doubt it will serve you well. Why not

help you. As part of your personal

share that plan with someone else

development plan, make a list of

and enable them to help keep you to

organisations and individuals who

account. Happy planning!

all sectors. Rachel was awarded the MBE for her services to Business and Entrepreneurship in the Queen’s 90th Birthday Honours List in 2016 and was made a Deputy Lieutenant for Northamptonshire in the same year. 01933 664437

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 39

The Business Bulletin

How can you use nutrition as personal development? When we hear or think about personal development, we often consider the realms of meditation, further education, counselling, and exercise. Nutrition is often an afterthought or is considered as a supporting role in a goal set in the aforementioned areas.

We’d like to make nutrition the star

We have reams of information

of the show, the Oscar nomination

about the basic steps that will help

not always be at the forefront of your

rather than the supporting role. We

you to improve your eating habits. So

mind. Here are a few steps that will

are fortunate to have access to food

why is nutrition so far down our list

both help you to bring your eating

such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and

of tools to bring us health benefits?

habits to the forefront of your mind

seeds that will improve our nutrition.

With the constant adventures of life,

and to help you improve.

40 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

I think it is fair to say nutrition may

The Business Bulletin

sensations don’t appear

you actually eat so that

always the first step when working

Completing a food diary. This is

until we are already 1-2%

you can make informed

with a Nutritional Therapy client. A

dehydrated. This means that

decisions when it comes to

food diary is where you write down:

when you feel dehydrated,

what you put on your plate

your body is already being

and your health.

■ What you’ve had – to eat or drink ■ When – time of day

impacted. When you are dehydrated it affects your

■ Quantity – rough portion size

body in a wide variety of

■ How you are feeling

focus and energy levels to

A food diary can be handwritten or digital or a hybrid of both. It is a tool in recording data, this data offers valuable insight into not only what and how you eat but why.

When you eat well, it ripples out to those around you.

ways, from impacting your impacting your body at

When we shine a light on an area we

a cellular level. If you are

are looking to improve on, that light

looking to improve your nutrition, drinking water is a great place to start.

is shared with those around us. This happens through the conversations we have, others seeing the changes we

Using a food diary will give you a full

■ Do you have 10 fruit and veg

make and through the physical results.

picture of what you eat, rather than

a day, with 7/8 of these ten

When we improve our nutrition others,

what you think you eat. Many of us

being vegetables? When you

it encourages others to become more

eat so mindlessly that we don’t pay

aim for 5 and hit 3 fruit and

aware of their own nutrition.

attention to the extra snacks we have

veg portions, you think you’re

or what our portion sizes are. A food

doing well. When you aim

diary is more than noting the number

for 10 and hit 8 fruit and veg

of veg portions we have in a day, the

portions, you know and will

act of recording this information

feel that you’re doing very well.

makes us mindful. When you take a small amount of

■ What are your food goals? For some people going to 10

time to write a food diary, you aren’t

fruit and veg, per day, maybe

just tracking what you have eaten

difficult, so start at your level.

but are reflecting on whether you’re

This could be having one

eating for convenience, boredom,

extra veg portion per week or

or emotion. We would recommend

replacing tea and coffee with

recording your eating habits as they

water after lunchtime. Whilst

are for a fortnight, before making

it is important to push yourself

any changes. This will offer enough

to make positive changes,

information for you to reflect upon,

it is also important to turn

identify patterns and reconsider your

any positive changes into

food goals

lasting habits. Working with a

I Cook You Serve

Nutritional Therapist can help.

Some areas to consider when reflecting on your food diary. ■ Do you drink eight glasses

Shannon Howe

■ Are you being honest with

Shannon works alongside her Mum, Liz, at I Cook You Serve. Having taken a nutritional therapy course, she realised how food can have such a huge impact on our body and state of mind. As clients

your food diary? This is

are presented with so many diverse

extremely important. It can

requirements, she studies the very latest scientific research in order to pass on the

be easy to not write down

best and most up to date information.

the sweet treat or savoury

of water a day? Not coffee

snack you enjoyed. Or to add

or tea, water. Drinking

a few veg portions that didn’t

water and staying hydrated.

make it to your lunch and

When we are dehydrated

dinner plate. A food diary and

the impact begins to take

working on your nutrition

place when there is a 1.5%

and eating habits isn’t about

loss in our normal water

only eating ‘good’ food, it is

volume. However, our thirst

about understanding what

Shannon takes huge satisfaction from identifying potential nutritional deficiencies in otherwise perfectly healthy individuals and those who want help with symptoms of a pre-diagnosed condition 07504 558 994

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 41

The Business Bulletin

Ask the experts Do you have a burning question that you would like the answer to? Or maybe you’re looking for some advice to help your business? In each edition some questions will be shared and answered by some of The Business Bulletin experts.

Q. What mindset do you need to be successful in business? A. When you look at why businesses are successful, it’s normally because they have disrupted the market, e.g. Dyson, Easy Jet, etc. So having that disruptive mindset is one of the keys to unlocking success. You may think this is difficult to have but in reality it’s not. Simply…:

1. Move away from negative business relationships that are sapping your time and energy 2. Shake up some of your own

Finally it’s ok to fail, be rejected, but keep focused and you will win. Roger Eddowes Essendon Accounts & Tax

practices and routines that may have become habitual and lead to unproductive time; and 3. Focus that valuable energy on important goals.

42 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development

A. I think you need resilience. Not everything will go as planned, and the flipside of being in total control is that everything also falls on your shoulders. An ability to view every

The Business Bulletin

Contributing experts

‘mistake’ or issue as a opportunity

not have. Yet they all seem out of the

for learning and improvement is very

copywriter’s remit.

useful I’ve found.

Roger Eddowes Essendon Accounts & Tax

One of the restrictions of CPD is

Additionally I think your desire

that it is hard to justify spending CPD

for a challenge, to improve yourself

points outside your own professional

and to do something new needs

sphere. Yet there have been many

to utterly outweigh your need for

examples (chaos theory for instance)

security and certainty. If it doesn’t the

where if practitioners of different

draw to return to employment will

disciplines had conversed they would

be too great. I suspect most people

have found common ground.

leave employment with the aim of earning more, working fewer hours and having a better work-life balance, but the reality is often quite (or very) different. Especially in the beginning. Over the years you’ll often be faced with challenges that may question your choice to ‘go it alone’, but a


‘prove yourself right’ (no matter what it takes) will help you deal with this

number one question that would stem off of the back of this would be, how without firstly improving yourself? Many look at CPD as having to

and face it head on. Mark Coster Pixooma

reading a book on a business element

to be that way. It can be as simple as that you aren’t quite certain on. Perhaps finding an influencer from your sector. Follow them on social

is continuous professional development (CPD) important?

when running a small business. The

take courses however it doesn’t have

Q. As a small business owner,

Kevin Robinson

A. CPD is most certainly important

do you expect to improve your offering

resilient mindset and a desire to Mark Coster

Kevin Robinson

A. Development is vital. In fact, not only is development important I think you should look outside of your main business interest to expand your experiences. The professional

media, subscribe to their YouTube channel, absorb the content learn from their experiences. Simply don’t have the time to do it… RUBBISH! Take a look at your day and the things you can do without

demands of CPD sometimes do not allow for this. Within your profession, there is a ceiling of competence and

Got a question?

then expertise beyond which you are just adding minor additions to Charles Jones JPAD UK

your skillset. If you look outside that you may find that you experience things that you can build into your professional practice that produce hybridity and unexpected results. I learned a huge amount about how to message effectively in copywriting from semiotics and from my training as a television scriptwriter and just as much from studying the basic

James Tarry Scottsdale Moneywise

principles of psychology. Combined, they make a different approach and

If you have a question – then email us and these experts will set about answering it for you. It can be on any business topic you like, be it finance, sales, marketing, operations, resources, strategy or personal development. If you would like a more immediate response, then raise your question on the “Ask The Experts” forum.

offer options that I would otherwise

Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development | 43

The Business Bulletin

timewise. Replace an episode of your

add value to our service by coming

A. In my job, CPD is obligatory.

favourite series a night with a bit of

up with areas that our clients

Without recording structured CPD

valuable content and your sorted.

should also educate themselves on.

of the right quality and spectrum of

Intelligence can have a huge added

learning, I wouldn’t be able to obtain

benefit. For example passing on

the certification to trade. However,

the fact from our wine merchant

what I have noticed is that when I do

client to our restaurant client that

CPD there’s evidence of knowledge

Sauvignon Blanc is an upward trend

decay, which I probably wouldn’t have

with the millennial generation is a

noticed had I not taken the tests. So in

simple thing to do, but adds such

summary, CPD is worth doing to keep

people as well.

a lot of added value to our service.

on top of your subject, even if it’s not

Charles Jones JPAD UK

The restaurant can go away and

formalised and structured, to keep up

refine its wine menu and we can

with changes and developments as

show the benefits of an uplift in say

well as to keep your knowledge fresh.

As well as the above I would add the following which I have heard floating around many of times. We each become the average of the 5 people we spend most time with. If you surround yourself with the right people you will learn from these

A. Absolutely CPD is important in our business to keep up-to-date with the latest changes in legislation and general practice. We need the knowledge and expertise to pass

a 10% increase in wine sales purely by getting an attractive bottle of Sauvignon Blanc on the menu!

James Tarry Scottsdale Moneywise

Roger Eddowes Essendon Accounts & Tax

onto our clients, but we can also

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The Business Bulletin

SME Survey Are vision, mission and values statements important/ relevant for small business? It might be worth just clarifying

As can be seen in figure 1, less than

business that could help with focus,

the difference between a vision and

half had the “full set” of statements

direction and strategy. Having such

mission statement before diving into

and 17 respondents had nothing at all.

statements in place also helps attract

the survey; as there is sometimes confusion. A vision should outline where you want your organisation to be or how you want to be perceived in the domain in which you operate - this could be an idealised view of the world from your perspective. It’s a long-term view and concentrates on the future. It could be the basis of why you’re in business.

employees and stakeholders in the

Interestingly though, 80.9% deemed these statements to be

business that can align behind them.

important (see figure 2). So the

If you don’t have any of these

final aspect of the survey was to

statements for your business, they

understand why those surveyed

can help you make choices within

responded as they did. Of those

your business because your choices

that indicated that such statements

should be in line with the statements

weren’t important, the consensus

you have made. Why not give it a try?

was that such things are more for corporate businesses, that a small

Mission statements define the

business’s focus should be on more

fundamental purpose of a business;

practical things and that if a business

briefly describing why it’s in existence

plan is in place, arbitrary statements

and what it does to achieve the vision.

make little difference.

It’s more practical than a vision as it could contain how the vision is going to be implemented.

The “don’t knows/unsure” emulated some of what was said above, but for some the importance had not been

The intention of this survey of 47

considered or it was on the “things

respondents was to establish what

to do pile”! The majority of those

small business owners’ opinion was

that deemed having statements as

with regard to vision, mission and

important, broadly speaking, thought

values statements.

they provided a foundation for the

Figure 1

46 | Issue 16 – Strategy and Personal Development


Get involved To take part in the next survey about your turnover – visit here: DzwsuorcQzoJSMdq7. The results will be shared in the next edition of this magazine.

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