Reprappro huxley to 2012 06 07

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RepRapPro Huxley Melzi wiring - RepRapWiki

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The wires will ultimately be attached using coil strip and cable ties. But at this stage attach then using sticky tape (the tape called "pressure tape" works well). If you do this you can build things up incrementally without sacriďŹ cing ties when you need to move a wire.

Step 1: The PTFE tube shield

Run a length of the curled wire retaining strip along the back M6 threaded bar at the top. This should completely cover the threads. It prevents the extruder's PTFE tube from rubbing on them.

Step 2: The controller Take a piece of thick cardboard and draw round the main controller printed circuit on it. Cut out the shape with scissors.

07/06/12 22:49

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