1 minute read


"DUROID" Etectro Gatvanized

"DURO" BnoNze

ing joking remarks. Finally one of them asked:

"Boy, what are you holding so tight to your brother's bridle for?"

The country boy said:

"To keep him from enlisting."

And let it be said in favor of the joking soldiers that their laughter fairly shook the earth.

Visit Los Angeles

Gerald F. Wetzel, resident sales manager of the McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif., and Mrs. Wetzel, were recent Los Angeles visitors. They had a short visit with one of their sons who is stationed at the Santa Ana Air Base.

Mr. Wetzel, and L. S. Turnbull of Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the Shevlin Pine Sales Company, spent a few days calling on the trade.