1 minute read

Charlie Bucknor; Prophet .

Time flies so that you can never be sure, but it seems about twentyfive years ago that Charlie Buckner began telling us about p'lywood. "Plywood," said Charlie, "has not even scratched the surface of its possibilities."

Just the other day Charlie blew into the office again, and after relating in his straightforward manner numerous almost unbelievable things about plywood, he offered this entire'ly new and sage remark, "P-lywood," said Charlie, "has not even scratched the surface of its possibilities."

And the fact is that while plywood has probably made unsurpassed advances and improvements in the generation that elapsed between the first and the last time Charlie made,that remark to us, the statement stitl holds and stands. Plywood, after all that it has done, still stands at the gateway of its opportunity,.and what wonders it will work in days to come "no man knoweth."

Most of us know what plywood has done in the war effort. No known material has played a mightier part. In a thousand different and previously unheard-of ways, it has given us things to fight with. And the story is yet untold. But Charlie Buckner can tell you a lot of it. If you doubt ig spend an hour or so with Chirlie, and look, and listen.

For verily this Charlie Buckner is a prophet in his own right. And this is one time and place where the Biblical statement that "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country" doesn't hold water. In his own countrythe plywood production country-Charlie is known as prophet, engineer, economist, merchandiser, and all-around plywood specialist. He knows his stufi from all angles, scientific, practical, and otherwise. We have come to the conclusion after long years of watching and listening to him and then noticing how his opinions turn out, that he