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Hordwood Men Meet in Houston

(Continued from Page 14) be shown for the year. He also reported that the Corps of Engineers' contract had been renewed; that the field representative instructional program had been well used by the membership, and that the Training School had graduated 98 students during the past year.

James C. Walsh, r,ice president of the association, was requested to present the recommendation for the revision of the constitution and by-laws. He urged that the amendment to the by-laws, article 111, section 1, which limited the term of any director to two terms of three years each, be adopted. The amendment rvas adopted unanimously.

'On the proposed amendment to Article 111 of the constitution to limit the expenditure of the association's funds, it was moved that it be tabled for one year for further consideration. The president appointed a committee trl give further study to this proposed amendment and to report to the Executive Committee on it at a later date.

John L. Dawson, Jr., chairman, gave a brief report on the Junior Conference.

Omar Hilton, speaking for the Nominating Committee, proposed a signal honor for three directors of the association by voting them lifetime honorary directorships in recognition of their distinguished service to the association. These men are Joseph J. Linehan, Harry E. Klirre and Fred S. Underhill. His suggestion met lvith unanimous approval.

On Tuesday, October 5, the ladies attended a teir and style show at Sakowitz Bros. Salon, and on the follorving