2 minute read

"Redwood Cargo" Program Seen as Boon to Dealers

In keeping with their constantly expanding distribution of redwood, Jewett Lumber Sales of Redondo Beach. Calif.. has started a continuous Redwood Cargo program.

The result of a great deal of planning, the Redwood Cargo program has manY make-sense advantages.

"W'e are working from an inventory that's in existence, not from what a mill may produce in the future," says Don Jewett who heads the firm. "We keep a large supply of redwood commons at our dock loeation at berth 200 in Wilmington. Also available are dry uppers for milling or in the rough. When we talk delivery with the southern California dealers we mean 2 or 13 days not 2 or 3 weeks via rail or truck and trailer."

Under the Redwood Cargo program orders normally will be processed in 2 or ll days, as quick service is one o{ the funda' mentals of the program,

Fast delivery service is operated by several methods for the ease and convenience oI the buyer. Jewett Lumber Sales can deliver the Redwood Cargo from the dock to the customer, or the customer can pick it up himself at dockside if he prefers. When it is better for the buyer, de' livery can still be made either by rail carload or by truck and trailer as before' Shipments from the mill level will be made every two weeks from the fine, olderowth redwood of Del Norte and Hum' Loldt Counties. The wood is of uniformly excellent grade and manufacture and a{' fords a large and convenient inventory o{ redwood for the dealers.

Jewett Lumber Sales is virtually the only firm in southern California stressing Redwood Cargo and believes that their "lift" packaging and prompt milling expedites yard orders, plus keeping prices at a very competitive figure.

Jack o'Cargo" Campbell is in charge of the distribution off the dock and will dis' cuss future bookings in regard to specific sizes, grades and amounts at any time.

Also, he says, that when the coastal vessels go on to San Diego, Redwood Cargo discharge can easily be arranged for dealers in that area.

Don Jewett adds that Redwood Cargo is a real and demonstrative benefit to the dealer as it saves his time. his money and avoids the need of excessive inventory.

The firm's address is 306 Vista Del NIar, Redondo Beach, California. The multi-liIte telephone number is FRontier 8'8292.


(Continwed, lrom Page 55)

The Association's Production Committee seeks new and better safety practices, more efficient packaging, loading and shipping methods. It is a new committee, just a little over a year old.

AHA has just marked its tenth anniversary ag a harmonious, efiective body working to expand hardboard markets through promotion and in other ways. Its Promotional Committee has a single overall objective: to create sales acceptance for hardboard. Its programs are being directed at specific and individual market targets, but the aim is always to sell hardboard- not by any brand name, but as a distinct material with its own distinctive advantages.

This year the Association is making a new motion picture, "Time of Change," for television, club and school showings. The new movie replaces an earlier film, t'Out of the Woodso" and concentrates on the new products and applications for hardboard which have been developed by the industry in the past few years.

A great deal of the Association's promotional effort goes into consumer publicity, to tell the public what types of hardboard are available and where hardboard ean be used in the home. in new construc-