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NPDA Members Meet in Vegos

The National Plywood Distributors Association held the last of its current series of Regional meetinpp at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas on February l4th and l5th.

The Western Regional Meeting started with a social hour followed by dinner with First Vice President Leonard H. Crofoot presiding. NPDA President Joseph R. Gray of Tampa, Florida gave a report covering the meetings held in Washington, D.C., Chicago and Atlanta. Richard Fenton of Southern California

Plywood Association presented some observations on the unionmanagement relations and the impact the unions are having on businesses across the nation, The remaining portion of the meeting was devoted to story telling and nobody knows to this day who is the best "yarn-spinner" in our industry.

Friday morning was devoted to golf on the fine Las Vegas courses with luncheon at l:00 P.M. followed by President Gray calling the general business session to order at 2:00 P.M. The a{ternoon program included talks on the following:

Modern Internal Security by Jonas Heaton, Assistant General Manager, Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Inc., San Francisco.

Treated Plywood and Industrial ltems-Jobber Sales Helps by Richard E. Anderson, Regional Manager, Douglas Fir Plywood Association, South Gate, California.

Are Your Salesmen Properly Trained? by Walter C. Jennison, Vice President-Sales, Pacific Wood Products Co., Los Angeles, California.

Idea Gleaner Forum with audience participation where many of the problems of plywood distribution were covered, with Leonard E. Hall, General Manager, Lumber Products, Portland and Dean Trumbo, of the Trumbo Company of Portland.

The general session was adjourned by President Gray and all in attendance were joined by their wives for a social hour prior to dinner.

Mr. Mahlon Munson, Managing Director of the National Plvwood Distributors Association handled the arrangements for the meeting. Ninety acting and associate members of the NPDA were present.


To those who feel special 'monthst and 'weeks' are even now too much to endure, Oylmpic Stain is creating a monster.

It is "National Get Your Neighbor To Help You Stain The Fence" Month. Once considered the month of flowers, May has been selected for this signal new honor.

And even if some folks continue preferring flowers to neighbors, NGYNTHYSTF Month carries a special interest {or paint and stain dealers: Olympic Stain is backing up the observance with a compelling advertising campaign in Sunset and other magazines.

The ads are part of a complete program featuring product quality, dealer support, impact advertising and strong merchandising designed for maximum dealer profit, according to John Anderson, president of Olympic Stained Products Company.

"We are dedicated to making more consumers stain-conscious and to developing the tremendous potential for wood stains," Anderson said. "We believe dealers will agree this is a noble cause."

o'Ours will be a 'month' to end all omonths'," he added.

In some quarters this, too, was considered a noble cause.

Wood is our only natural resource being replenished faster than it is being used. This is good news for Americans because nine out of every ten homes are built of wood.

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