2 minute read


How con o Moore syslem cut your costs? lt con cul your cosls becouse the syslem is cuslom designed to fit your plont ond your problems. All the equipment used in the syslem is engineered to give you moximum produclion ql minimum cosls . , without socrificing quolity.

A Moore syslem includes mony componenl porls which qre recognized by the industry os being the besl engineered, best built, most productiye equipment ovoiloble. This includes such equipment os kilns, unslockers, sorlers, slockers, forced oir dryers, ond conveyors which ore monufoclured by Moore,

Why do lhese syslems work so hord for you? Becouse lhey ore bocked by more lhon 80 yeors of reseorch ond development for solving lhe drying ond hondling problems of the wood products industry.

Call yat llloore rcpretentatiae today and get the conplete !tor|.

U.5. Plywood Joins Americqn Hordboord Associotion

I nittrl Statt's ['lr rvootl (]orporatiorr lrls joirred the .\tntrit'att llarrllrotrrtl Associaliorr- I't'r'oming its trrr'lItlr nrernlrer" rt'r'r,t'rlittg to inr illlnoun( ('rnl'nI l,t J)r,rralcl Lini illt'. llrt' tratlt' 9r(]ul): ('\('('rl lirt'st'r'retarv.

G. E. 'I-on,cr. rnanilger. Lehtrnitt' I)larrt. Lelranon. Olt'gon. uill lt'prcsent L nitt'ri Sttrtcs Pll.rvoorl as arr Association dirt'r'tor. A. H. Rtruch has lrt't'n alrpointed to tht' Asso<'itrtion's Techrrical (lommitte. .Appointrnt'nts to the Assot iatiorr's l)roductiorr and l)romotional (lommittt'es lvill be made at tr later datt'.

With the adrnission of I rritetl Statt's Plvrr'ood. Lirrvillt, r't'porterl that 12 of rlrc nation',* hartll,olrrl Producer,. har.' 1,,','orn,' nrpmlrer'; of the Associatiorr rvhich r('l)r'('s('nts nt'arlr'9[i I)('r('('nI oi the harr'1. board rnurrrrfacturcd in this ( ounl.r\'.

to Right) Chorles A. Iewis, Director, Consiruction qnd Moteriols Ofiice. Depqrlment of Ccmmerce; Pqvl B. Shoemoker, Presidenf of the Americon Hordboord Associolion, qnd Tom Moson, Direclor, Forest Products Division, Deporlmenf of Commerce, inspect one of the new ponel producfs monufoclured by one of the Associotion's member componies. Occosion for lhe meeting wos the speciol preview showing in Woshington, D.C. of the Associolion's new molion piclure, "Time of Chonge," for more thon 60 government represenlolives. Eorlier in lhe some week,54 New York-hmdquorlered trode ond (onsumer mogozine editors ottended on eorly-morning "Time of Chonge" showing ol the Goslight Club in thot cily.

Big Turnout for Dubs Son Jose Colcutto

Dubs. Inc.. hcl<l its I66th monthll-orrting at the San Jose Golf CIub on Febnrarv -|5. The meeting was sponsored br'"the Cheinr Bovs" and rvas organized bt, F.ddie l)uino. the congenial Pro o[ the San Jose Clulr.

As usual at tht' San Jose mt'etings of Dubs. everything rvas perfect; nice n't'ather. ercellerrt ('ourse condition. and a delicious dinner. liddit' I)uino rigged u1i t]re annual Calr:utta l)ool and the big monev winrrt'r was the team of 'lom Grav. Cord,rrr Davis. John Prime and .l-d Perton.

The second place team ('onsistcd of Chas. Lar-.orr. J. Barnett. A. Erickson and Tom Crar (he rvanted to be srrre of winning). Third lilace *'inners 'rvere J. I)estruel. Valt Hjort, I-lovd Swiger and Dick NIerritt. In fourth place, but still in lhe scratch, were Ernie Pieper, Paul Cabonly" Ilov Sjolund and llob Kilgore.

Dulrs played its l67th tourney on }Iarch 22. at the N{enlo Country Club in S'oodside, anti has scheduled a big no host met-'t at the Silverado Country Club near Napa on April 19.