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Clqssified Advertisemenfs

SAN DIEGO Lumbermen's Assn. (now in its 48th yr.) seeking manager. Lumber management & organizatlonal exp. desirable. Salary, car, expenses. Submlt resume of exp. & photo, if available, with applicatlon. No phone calls please. Wrlte: San Diego Lumbermen's Assn., 802 Terminal St., l0th Ave. Marlne Termlnal, San Diego, Calif. 92101.

COMMISSION SALESIITAN to contact hardware, paint stores & disc. operations ln So. Calif. with new llne o! Deco Trim & other prods. Supply own trans. Excel. commls. Box 215. SO, CAIIF. whlsle. lbr. co. would like salesman to call on retail lbr. yards. Salary, commis., benefits. Box 213.

wE IIAVE openings for salesmen in Los Angeles & San Francisco, LcL & direct sales exp. desired. Excellent opportunities to earn above industry B"verage with our compensation plans. Call or wrlte Hallinan Mackln Lbr. Co,, 1485 Bayshore Blvd., San Francisco, r.4a5) 467-4440.


I'OR SALD-1955 Ford truck; 3 axle, $495. Can be seen at 7725 Telegraph Rd., L.A. Phone: 283-16?5. ask lor Doris.

FOR SALE-1964 Ford roll olf lbr. truck & Gerllnger 15,000 lbs. fork llft. Phone: (213) 753-452!.

Services Offered


C Q TRUCKING cO., (213) RA 3-6557 and RA 3-2138, ?151 Telegraph Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90022.,

Lumber & Bullding Motariqls MERCHANI

Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released. Address all replles to box number shown in ad ln care of lhe Morchant ltl.egazine, 578 So. Lake Ave., P&sadeno, Callf. 91101. Doadllne for copy ls the 20th' To call ln an ail: (213) ?92-4098.



Specializlng in danger flags, sid€-load signs, Job cards, etc. John Weilet's Printlng' :.442 .w. 169th St., Gardena, Callf. 90247. Phone (213) 676-7522 or 323-7606'

Business Opportunities

xlOR SALE: Located in booming Antelope Val' lev on Pearblossom Hl-way at SOth St' E. cdnter ol 10OO homes butlt to house alrcralt mfg. employees. Established bldg' supllies & lbr. yard. Owner deslres retirement. Reasonable ient-long lease, Cash lor lnventory only. Time payments on equip. lf needed. Phone: (2L}> 5aa-a221, ask for G. C. Cable.

IiEDI-MI]( CEMDNT PLI\NT-two 10 yd. storage bins, 144 barrel cement 8ilo, % yd. cem-ent mlxed with scales and water meter. All electric. Includes 1 scoopmoblle and three 1 yd. steel trailers for U-haul. Sllghtly used; wlll sell at sacritlce price. McDaniel Lumber @.' 240 River Rd., Eugene, Ore. Phone: (508) 688-5311.

FOR SALE good estab. business, lnc. over 1 acre of land; 9'O0O sq. ft. ol covered lbr. storage sheds; complete mllltng equlp. & storage; rail siding & good olfices all in Los Angeles. 29qo down. Can carry unpald balance at 47o lnterest. Box 216.

Wanted To Buy

TTUNTEB WOODWORf,S, Inc., wants to buy 4x4 & wtder, economy & better, twlsted & weatlrered Douglas Flr. Phone (ZL3l 775-%t44 or 835-5671.

4t sl 982-9727