1 minute read


By FRANK DAVIS SecretaryManager

THE ASSOCIATION'S lien law commitr tee, chairmaned by Charles Mann of the Arizona Sash Door and Glass Co., has been very active the past month coming out in opposition to a lien law bill'proposed by a committee of the Arizona Bar Association, which would be introduced in this year's session of the legislation.

The proposed bill would virtually strip the materialman from any lien rights he now has in the present lien law.

The lien law committee, with the association's attorney, prepared a set of objec.

Pert Miss is o Speciolist ooWhat's an attractive girl like you doing in this business?" is a question frequently asked of petite Betty Shevlin. Miss Shevlin, recently appointed technical advisor on the sales stafi of Chemstop Manufacturing Corp., is conducting seminars, and providing technical and sales assistance on applications of waterproofing and stains to all types of masonry and wood. tions to the proposed law and our attorney presented the objections to the bar committee on January 21. The objections presented at the meeting on behalf of our association forced the committee to table the bill.

Every Arizona lumber dealer should be aware of the fine work per{ormed by the lien law committee in getting this piece of legislation stopped. Just another good reason for belonging to our association.

Congratulations are in order for the following men of the Arizona association appointed to committees of the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association; th"y are Larry Hamman of Hamman-McFarland Lumber Co., Phoenix -marketing and marketing trends committee; Virgil Hunt of O'Malley Companies, Phoenix-marketing and marketing trends committee; Jack Sullivan of Midway Lumber Co., Tucson-legislative advisory committee and James C. O'Malley of O'Malley Companies, Phoenix-research committee.