2 minute read



Ponderoea Pine Woodwork-February 9-11, 28t} annual meeting' Fairmont Hotel, San Franciscb.

Hoo-Hoo-Ette Club l0-February 13, business meeting, Royal Peso, Inglewood, Calif.

Sierra-Cascade Logging Conference-Feb. 13-15, Cal-Expo, Sacrauento, Cal.

Humboldt Eoo-Hoo Club 63-February 15, Ladies night' Baywood Golf & Country Club, Eureka, Calif.

California Retail Eardware Aesn.-February 16:18, 20th annual , Western States ha,rdware, housewares, paint & galdanr,supply sho\r, Brooks Eall, San Fr:ancisco.

Westsrn Buikllng Material Assn-Februor! 20-22, 66th Annual T9'estera klpgition, Spokane Coliseum, Spokane, Wash.

East Bay Eoo-Eoo CIub 39-February 21, ladies' night dinner da:nce, Castlewood Country Club, Pleasanton, Calif,

Los Angeles Eoo'Eoo Club 2-Febru*y 21, Valentine's Day dinner damce, Pomona Natlonal Golf Club, Walnut, Calif.

Eoo-Iloo-Ette Club G-February 27, bosses' nite, place to be announced.

Pacific Southwest Section, Forest Products Research SocietyFebruary 27-28, meeting, Disneyland Hotel, Anaheim, Calif.

Lumber Assn. of Southern California-February 28, boanl of directors meeting, Del Coronado Hotel, Coronado, Calif.

Pacific Southwest llardware Assn.-February 28-March 2, West coast hardware-housewares exhibit, Anaheim Convention Center (across from Disneyland), Anaheim, Calif.


Lumber Assn. of Southern California-series of regional meetings beginning March 3. Contact Assn. for date, place.

Western Tltood Proilucts Assn.-March 4-7, annual meeting, St Francis Hotel, San Francisco.

Forest Products Research SocietyMarch 6-7, executive board meeting, San Francisco, Cal.

It's on outdoor sloroge unit! lt's o fence! lt's o proiect your customers will love becouse they con build ond odd on eoch 3-foot scction os they need it. The "Stow-it-All" is construcled of stondord Western boords ond dimension, so you con fillyour customer's orders righl oul ol your rnventory. (You con olso supplyollthe plons, necessory hordwore, wood finish ond tools they'll need for the iob.l lf you'd like more Western Wood outdoor storoge proiects ond o complete merchondising kit to help sell the bocrds thot build them, iust moil the coupon. We'll send you free copies of our new full-color idio

Remember, people hove more of everything this yeor. The Western Wood "Stow-it-All" is iust one ideo for the cuslomer who wonh o ploce to put his hord-to-storc items.

IR Charles Higman, who comes to America every year to spend a million advertising tea, said at a banquet in New York: "I learn many advertising lessons every time I visit your hospitable shores. Advertising is in the very air here. Even the children breathe it in. I was taking tea with a great editor Sunday afternoon when his little daughter came back from Sunday School with an illustrated text card in her hand. oWhat's that, little one?' the editor asked. 'Oh,' said the little girl, tjust an ad about Heaven.' " ***-

First Chorus Girl: 'ol'm thinking of marrying Jack."

Second Chorus Girl:'oSo am I. Do you know anyone that's got it'"

What this country needs is a lower rate of interest on money and a higher rate of interest in work.

some otN'rJ ro**orolr*,

Don't advertise, Don't merchandise. Don't improve your place of business and make it efficient. Don't give your trade modern service. Don't try to create any business but simply take what


r882-1966 comes. Don't put yoursell out. Just be fashioned. These, and a few other don'ts, any dealer out of business.*

The darkest hour in any man's life is plan how to get money without earning bull-headed and oldare guaranteed to Put when he sits down to it.-Horace Greeley.

The mustache is the pioneer of the part'payment plan now so popular-a little down, and after that a little more every week.

"Are you positive," inqlir"a ln* ",1o..,"r, "that your husband was home with you t}le night this crime was committed?"

"Efen he wasn't," replied Mandy, "Ah done busted a rollin'pin ovah some innercent man's haid."

According to science, "iut ,rrJ."ur"r"i.t quuti,y with increasing age; and the longer it stays in the ground, the better it is. Which goes to show you there's no fuel like an old fuel.