5 Key Considerations in a Luxury Home

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5 Key Considerations in a Luxury Home Are you someone fascinated by all those celebrity homes that you see? Well, a home like those is a dream of many. But how does one go about building one? Well, here are some key considerations that you need to keep in mind when you build one. Choose your builder with care While it is true that there are several good builders available, it is important that you narrow down the choice to a few and then make the final choice. How do you do it? It all depends on the kind of research and efforts that you put in. One of the best options for you would be to go around people in your close circle. You can for example, ask someone in your family, who may be knowing a good builder. The internet is also a good place to start the search process. There are some great online forums on builders where you can get information on the top ones. Choose someone with relevant experience It is not enough to choose any builder. The builder that you choose should be someone who has got experience building premium homes. Remember, Luxury Homes unlike the case with other types of homes require lots of additional features. To give you a simple example, a bathroom in such a home would need several types of fittings and therefore specialized plumbing work, that is not the case with a conventional home. What this means is that the builder should be well versed with all these variations. Focus on energy savings

It is also important that the builder focuses on having an energy efficient design. This is where an architect plays an important role. Remember we are living in the day and age of sustainable solutions. People all over the world are concerned about rising energy costs. The architect should come up with a design which ensures that there is optimum cross ventilation in the building, which will ensure reduced heating and air-conditioning charges. The design should also focus on allowing lots of natural daylight inside, which will again help in reducing energy bills. Plan for the future When you sit along with your builder designing

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architect house,

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important that you take your future



consideration. For example, you could leave some space on the first floor in order to construct a room later on, when your family expands. There could also be provisions made in the ground floor for future expansion. One good way to go about the process would be to involve the whole family. Each one of them could be having a suggestion. A brainstorming session with everyone pitching in with their ideas is the best way to go about the process. Go through the agreement carefully Before you sign along the dotted lines, make sure that you go through the agreement thoroughly. If you feel that you seek the help of someone to understand certain clauses of the agreement then do so. Make sure that the terms and conditions are spelt out clearly. The builder should have mentioned the different stages of the project and the cost that will be incurred by you during each one of them.

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