HRC Newsletter Feb. 2023

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Celebrating 40years ofHRC



















On June 3, 2022, we presented teacher Justin Loeber with the Toby Ticktin Back Education and Excellence Award. Named after the founder of the HRC, this award is given each year to an outstanding educator who has dedicated a significant amount of time and energy teaching the history and lessons of the Holocaust Justin has been teaching Social Studies at Pembroke High School for 22 years and started a Genocide Studies elective, which he has been teaching for 15 years. In addition, Justin has served as HRC’s Teacher Support Chair for the past 2 years where he planned two conferences for educators with the themes: America and the Holocaust and Antisemitism: Its Origins, During the Holocaust and Today Justin has been instrumental in our Joe Diamond Training Program for 2Gs/3Gs where he has given feedback to 2nd and 3rd generation descendants before they present in classrooms. The HRC is deeply grateful for the incredible work and dedication Justin Loeber has shown in Holocaust and human rights education


Modeled after a national program initiated in St. Louis nearly 20 years ago, Student to Student ® uses peer-to-peer dialogue that strives to foster understanding, empathy and connection by educating others about what it’s like being Jewish The program trains Jewish students to talk about their lives as Jewish teens, facilitates discussions that dismantle antisemitism and puts a human face to Judaism. During the past year, LiNK Jewish Buffalo worked with twelve teens to make 25 presentations and 9 new teens have been trained for 2023. Contact Mike Steklof at mike@buffalojewishfederation org to schedule a Student to Student® presentation for your classroom or community group

SpeakersBureauofHolocaustSurvivors andDescendantsofSurvivors

This year, members of our speakers bureau were happy to return to in person presentations in both the schools and community, reaching over 6,500 students, teachers and community members. They include: Survivors: Renee Joffe, Nick Leibovic, Martin Lewin, Dr. Sol Messinger, Greg Shershnevsky, Dr. Herman Stone and Sophia Veffer. Second/ Third Generation Speakers: Lily Bink, Dr. Bill Lin, Jessica Traub and Wendy Weisbrot


On June 8th, we held a virtual ceremony to honor the winners of the 2022 Arts and Writing Contest Fifty students submitted entries around the theme of Antisemitism in Today’s Society. We are grateful to our generous sponsor of the annual contest, the Mary Dean Freeland Foundation.

Students responded to at least one of the following prompts: Where have I seen or experienced antisemitism? Why does antisemitism still exist? What can I do personally and/or we do as a community to combat antisemitism? How does antisemitism threaten a society that does not address it?

The student winners came from a variety of schools including Barker Central School, Geneseo Central School, Mount St. Mary Academy, Nardin Academy, Orchard Park Middle School, Starpoint High School, and Universal School The judges of this year’s contest, Bob Freeland and Reed Taylor, noted, “This year was especially difficult to judge since all of the entries were of such high quality.”

Best of Show Winner for Art, Zorianna Menclewicz, a 12th grader, Mount St Mary Academy, writes: My piece “prejudice has no name” is a mixed media project that utilizes both watercolor and gel pen. It depicts a blackboard with the definition of antisemitism.

“Prejudice is spray painted over the board in graffiti This is a representation of the education students receive about antisemitism and the idea that systematic issues are never truly addressed. It is a metaphor for vandalism of human dignity.

Best of Show Winner for Writing: Elle Soltiz, 7th grader at Orchard Park Middle School



NYS Grant for WNY Holocaust Survivors Initiative

Through our re-established NYS Holocaust Survivors Initiative grant in partnership with the Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo and Jewish Family Services of WNY, we support local Holocaust Survivors with services and socialization opportunities ranging from meal deliveries, transportation needs, cultural art events, in-home services and medical necessities If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Bloomberg at or Matthew Stewart at

Holiday Meals

This year, HRC volunteers delivered holiday meals to over 50 local Holocaust Survivors for Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. We are grateful to the Center for Jewish Life for preparing the beautiful packages and meals and to our dedicated volunteers who delivered packages. If you would like to sponsor meals or help deliver them, please contact Lauren Bloomberg at lauren@buffalojewishfederation org


On March 15, in partnership with Erie 1 BOCES, over 50 teachers from school districts throughout WNY participated in our annual Conference for Educators Chaired by Justin Loeber and Naomi Haefner, the theme was Antisemitism, Its Origins, During the Holocaust and Today The conference explored historical and contemporary antisemitism. Virtual presentations from Sheryl Ochayon, the Project Director of Echoes and Reflections and Scott Richman, Regional Director of Anti-Defamation League, NYC/New Jersey Office. Educators heard in-person presentations from survivors Sophia Veffer and Greg Shershnevsky, 2nd generation speakers, Bill Lin and Lily Bink and Student-to-Student


On Sunday October 2nd, community members gathered at B’rith Shalom Cemetery to continue the tradition of visiting the graves of loved ones between the holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur The service, known as Kever Avot V’Imahot, was led by Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum of Temple Beth Tzedek at the community’s Holocaust Memorial in the back of the cemetery Names of the deceased were read by second generation descendants Iris Danziger and Jeff Blum and third generation descendant Edward Hilfstein.

Wendy Weisbrot, Chair of the HRC, spoke of her memories of attending the memorial service annually with her parents and brother and how grateful she is that the tradition has continued each year The service ended with everyone placing a stone on the monument Second generation descendant Carol Schmeidler left a stone on the monument from a recent trip to Theresienstadt concentration camp which concluded an emotional service.

HRC is grateful to Charlotte Gendler and Debbie Pivarsi, of the Buffalo Jewish Federation Cemetery Corporation, and Michael Komm, of Leon Komm and Son Monument Company, who generously donated time and materials this summer to repair the aging monument.


Our Descendants of Holocaust Survivors Group started three years ago. Today, there are over 30 active members who meet monthly to have discussions around relevant topics and share the stories and legacies of their parents and grandparents If you or someone you know is interested in joining our Descendants of Holocaust Survivors group, please reach out to Lauren Bloomberg at

UnitedNationsHolocaust RemembranceDayProgram

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which coincided with the 77th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz, January 27th marked the opening night of The Girl in The Diary: Searching for Rywka from the Lodz Ghetto exhibit at the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum. This interactive exhibit featured the diary of Rywka Lipsyc, an adolescent Orthodox Jewish girl who kept a diary while she was in the Lodz Ghetto from October 1943-April 1944 It is easy to connect with Rywka because in her diary, she describes her friendships, hardships and her hopes for the future. In the exhibit, her journal entries were accompanied by artifacts and commentaries from expert psychologists, doctors, Rabbis and historians Through the exhibit, viewers learned the journey of both Rwyka’s story and the diary itself, which was discovered in January 1945 during the liberation of Auschwitz. Jakub Nowakowski, the Exhibition

Curator and Director of the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow, Poland traveled to Buffalo to train docents that guided school groups and adults through the exhibit The Girl in The Diary was on display through the end of May

The exhibit was made possible by: The Galicia Jewish Museum, Buffalo Jewish Federation, The Permanent Chair of Polish Culture at Canisius College, The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum, The Koret Foundation, Daemen College’s Center for Polish Studies, Sharon Miller the Polish Arts Club, and the Rose H and Leonard H Frank Cultural Arts Fund Thank you to Mary Lou Wyrobek, former HRC Board Member and President of the Permanent Chair of Polish Culture at Canisius College. The HRC is thankful for its wonderful volunteer docents that led students and community members through the exhibit: Lauren Bloomberg, Ann Marie Carosella, Riccardo Cingh, Larry Jones, Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum, Nancy Rosenbloom, Elizabeth Schram, Karen Snyder, Wendy Weisbrot and Mary Lou Wyrobek

YomHaShoahCommemoration (HolocaustRemembranceDay)

On May 1st, the Buffalo Jewish Community held its Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Commemoration featuring six local Holocaust Survivor couples/individuals These individuals were part of a film created by Brenda Feldstein and streamed especially for Yom HaShoah, titled We are Here.

They were also invited to experience the event in person with their families at the Amherst Dipson Theater. “To be in that theater with our survivors and their families was beautiful and emotional,” noted Wendy Weisbrot, chair of the program. “We have all had tremendous feedback from the community that watched at home, as we’re grateful for these individuals who helped to remember the Shoah and take that message forward ” Wendy added: “There are no words that can sufficiently describe the love, depth of thought, precision, and artistic skill that director, editor and producer Brenda Feldstein put into the masterpiece that she created ”

Kristallnacht(NightofBrokenGlass) CommemorationProgram

On November 9th, the 84th anniversary of Kristallnacht, 150 people attended the commemoration where Dr Michael Bryant of Bryant University presented his lecture, Malevolent Intentions and the Play of Circumstance: The Pogrom of November 1938 and Hitler’s Plan for the Jews. His presentation discussed the evolution of Nazi Jewish policy and he discussed the two forms of antisemitism - the antisemitism of reason and the antisemitism of emotion Earlier in the day Dr Bryant gave a lecture to students at Daemen University. The program was made possible by the generosity of the Wise Democracy Fund and co-sponsored by the HRC, Robert H Jackson Center, Global Studies Department at Daemen University, JCC, Academy for Human Rights and the Anne Frank Project


Marmorale discussed his 18-year process of creating this film, depicting heroes in Italy who risked their lives to save Jews and refugees during the Holocaust. He made it known that though Italians did as much as they could to save Jews, it was an imperfect story For the Italian people, even one Jew dying was tragedy for them The Italians were able to save 32,000 out of the 40,000 who lived in Italy at the time.

As a former history teacher with an Italian heritage, Marmorale got the idea to create the film in 1994 and traveled all over the world to obtain firsthand accounts from the heroes themselves, as well as those who survived because of their help. “I made this film because we wanted to show the world the people we are,” Marmorale said. “This is who we are.”

The film features testimony from Gino Bartali, an Italian cyclist who won the Tour de France and transported documents to save Jews Yad Vashem recognized Bartali as a “Righteous Among the Nations.” The film also featured Ursula Korn Selig and Charlotte Hauptman who were hidden and saved by virtuous Italians

On October 20th, The Holocaust Resource Center of Buffalo partnered with The Italian Cultural Center for a film screening of “My Italian Secret: The Forgotten Heroes,” produced by Vincent Marmorale, who was in attendance for the screening.


Representatives from Holocaust Resource Center of Buffalo (HRC) and Jewish Family Services of WNY (JFS) had the pleasure of celebrating local Holocaust survivor Ruth Lansing’s 104th birthday in November!

Lauren Bloomberg, of HRC, and Sara Mintz, of JFS, surprised Ruth with balloons, flowers, and a birthday hat, and celebrated a special woman who endured so much hardship with such bravery.

According to Sara, Ruth was so shocked when she saw her and Lauren, and she thanked them endlessly for coming to celebrate with her.

Sara’s excitement to celebrate Ruth’s birthday was all she could think about that whole week As a descendant of Holocaust survivors herself, it is very important for Sara to know about the Holocaust, know her family’s history, and celebrate our local survivors.

“My favorite moment of celebrating Ruth’s birthday was when she told Lauren and I how despite the first half of her life being hard, it’s been a long, good life,” Sara said. “I thought that was a beautiful way to look at life, that despite the hardships, her life was still a good one.”

Ruth survived Kristallnacht, “Night of Broken Glass,” where Nazis torched and vandalized thousands of Jewish-owned businesses and synagogues and killed 100 Jews Ruth also survived deportation to concentration camps, as she was able to escape to England through help from her cousin. She was also a translator during the Nuremberg trials.

“It is important to talk with and celebrate our local Holocaust survivors because they deserve to be remembered,” Sara said “They have experienced so much, and just being able to sit, listen, and talk with them is so very important This is part of the reason I do the work I do; I want to be able to help my own community in any way that I can. My goal is to one day have all their stories documented so that they can be remembered forever.”

Hope Rises Network, a global “good news” publication even shared Ruth’s birthday tribute, and 20,000 people across the world continue sending Ruth birthday wishes

CircleofCareteamresettlesfirst JewishUkrainianfamilyinBuffalo

In December, the Holocaust Resource Center’s Circle of Care team, working in partnership with Jewish Family Services of WNY and with support from the Buffalo Jewish Federation, welcomed the first Jewish Ukrainian family to Buffalo. The family of 8, including the grandmother, mother, father and 5 children (ages 3-15), arrived with almost nothing, making our community’s effort an opportunity to show that Buffalo, which has a history of welcoming immigrants with open arms, truly is the City of Good Neighbors. The Circle of Care team includes members of the HRC Descendants group and is led by Judge Lisa Bloch Rodwin, Wendy Weisbrot and Heidi Yellen The group includes Ann Marie Carosella, Marnie Cerrato, Andy Feldman, Brenda Feldstein, Brenda Fox, Ashirah LazarusKlein, Monica Neuwirt, Ken Rogers, Brenda Rosen, Maxine Seller, Deborah Shiffner, Marilyn Toth, Sephra Vigna, as is supported by HRC staff members Lauren Bloomberg and Mandy Weiss.

Each member of the Circle of Care team took the opportunity to reflect back on his/her own family’s history of arriving in America: all of whom are in America because of the courage and fortitude of parents, grandparents or great-grandparents.

With this in mind, the tireless team of volunteers raised money, collected donations of furniture, household appliances, bedding, clothes, toys and more, welcomed the family at the airport, visited them during their lengthy hotel stay, helped to search for and then scrub, furnish and set up their new home. They were also assisted by a number of UB students involved with Hillel. While this is just the beginning of the resettlement process, the Circle of Care team has already united to help provide everything for this first Jewish Ukrainian family so that they too feel the sense of community, friendship, and empathy that defines Buffalo

Wendy Weisbrot, Chair of the HRC Leadership Council, noted “I must say that it was a beautiful and emotional experience…we are overwhelmed by the extraordinary community support.” The HRC and JFS leadership would like to thank everyone in Jewish Buffalo for all the generous support and to the entire Circle of Care team for their support and love in making this family’s transition to Buffalo as seamless as possible Your generosity and genuine concern continue to propel all of us forward and the family is incredibly appreciative and forever grateful, see the end of this newsletter for our list of contributors.

HRC Director Elizabeth Schram left her position last summer to begin graduate studies in Social Work at the University of Buffalo. Elizabeth led HRC for three years after coming to Buffalo from her hometown of San Antonio, Texas.

“When Elizabeth travelled to Buffalo to interview it was during a blizzard!” remembered Wendy Weisbrot, current HRC chair “We saw a young woman who had an impressive education in Holocaust Studies and had the skill and passion to take us forward ”

During Elizabeth’s tenure, she has strengthened HRC’s Speakers Bureau impacting a record number of community members. “Elizabeth brought energy, warmth and passion to our community building on HRC’s legacy of impact and growing the entire enterprise,” noted Rob Goldberg, Federation CEO. She collaboratively helped to establish needed social, emotional, and medical support for our community’s Survivors, reached out to the corporate sector for HRC’s Speakers Bureau to fulfill DEI initiatives, trained 2G/3G Holocaust Survivors to be speakers, established a vibrant Descendants Group, planted a foundation for the establishment of Upstander Clubs in schools and brought an international exhibit –The Girl in the Diary from the Galicia Jewish Museum – to Buffalo that was experienced by over 5,000 individuals

A consummate professional, Elizabeth assured the on-going presence of HRC through Covid and increased its outreach through numerous virtual and in-person events, all the while addressing the needs of survivors in these difficult times.Survivor and speaker Sophia Veffer said: “When Elizabeth entered HRC she energized our program from day one. She brought sunshine, happiness and professionalism to HRC ” Another survivor, Nick Lebovic added: “Elizabeth herself, as an offspring of Holocaust survivors, has a perspective formed by personal empathy And, she has been very helpful in every aspect of the Speaker’s Bureau, of which I am a part Her social skills have stood her in good stead when making connections and I know that her qualities and experience will help her in making a success in whatever path she takes next.“

Elizabeth’s monumental impact on the HRC can directly be attributed to the authentic relationships that she makes with all community members she comes in contact with where people feel valued, engaged, and invested in. “I’m extremely grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to work so closely with a partner that has inspired me and has also become a treasured friend,” concluded Wendy Weisbrot “We owe Elizabeth a debt of gratitude that she took a chance on snowy Buffalo, and as a result put her heart and soul into the Holocaust Resource Center to educate our community and help make this world a better place.”


HRC&WNEDPartnertoDiscuss NewDocumentary

On September 8, HRC partnered with WNED PBS for an in-person screening of clips from a new threepart documentary called The U S and the Holocaust by Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sara Botstein

The film series focused on the U.S. response to the Holocaust including the issue of whether to welcome refugees to the States. The eye-opening documentary also featured witnesses from the U S Army at the time of liberation, as well as testimonies of survivors who reunited with their families, as refugees, when coming to the U.S. The film also highlighted the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, both working to fund refugees’ trips to the U.S.

120 people attended the screening that included a panel discussion led by veteran WBFO news director, Dave Debo, and panelists Grigory Shershnevsky, a Holocaust survivor and member of the HRC’s Speakers Bureau, Andy Feldman, a second generation Holocaust descendant and lawyer, and Larry Jones and Nancy Rosenbloom, both history professors at Canisius College. The panelists shared their reactions to the documentary and provided their own experiences to the discussion on whether the U.S. could have done more to save Jews from the atrocities of the Holocaust. Grigory and Andy concluded the discussion by sharing their personal Holocaust stories, becoming emotional when recalling how the U S saved their families lives and gave their families significant opportunities.


The Buffalo Jewish Community was grateful to spend two full days with Eva Wyner, deputy director of Jewish Affairs for NYS Governor Kathy Hochul last fall. Eva Wyner is a third generation Holocaust survivor, a graduate of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS). Her role with the Executive Chamber is to help advocate for the needs of the Jewish community whenever possible Jenn Dunning, WNY regional representative for Governor Hochul, was able to join Eva for much of the visit, an overall effort by Governor Hochul’s constituent staff outreach to engage and learn more about communities across the state.

After a day of meeting many volunteers, clergy and professional leadership, Jenn, who has also worked for Senator Sean Ryan and Assembly member Karen McMahon was impressed with the breadth of our local Jewish organizations and how well they work together. Eva remarked, “The Buffalo Jewish community is very collaborative and open to sharing in each other’s growth.”

Brand new updated website!

The Holocaust Resource Center of Buffalo will be launching a new website this March be sure to check it out!


Holocaust by Bullets: Exploring the History of the Undocumented Victims in Ukraine

Featuring: Todd Hennessy, Educator with the Colorado Holocaust Educators & US Holocaust Memorial Museum Teacher Fellows

Tuesday, March 21 | 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Erie 1 BOCES

355 Harlem Road, West Seneca, NY 14224


YomHaShoah (HolocaustRemembranceDay)

Passing the Torch to the Next Generation

Sunday, April 16 | 12:00 pm

Temple Beth Zion

805 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209

Registration link to follow


Do you know of an individual who has strongly impacted the Buffalo region by focusing on standing up for others while promoting equality, social justice, and human rights? We're looking for Upstander nominations of all backgrounds (does not have to be connected to the Holocaust Resource Center)

The deadline to submit your nomination is March 15th, 2023.



Application and submission deadline is April 14

The Award Ceremony will be held Thursday, June 8 For more information, visit


June 2023

More information to follow


Thank you to all those who contributed to the HRC. Our programs would not be possible without your support. Below are gifts that were processed between December 1, 2021- January 12, 2023. We apologize for any error or omission.

Please contact & a correction will be made for the next edition.

$1,000 and above

Toby Ticktin Back

Richard and Lauren Bloomberg

Jeff Lackner and Ann Marie


Rebecca Dolan

Sanford Eisen

Frank G. Raichle Foundation


Douglas and Caryn Berkun

Jeffrey and Leah Blum

Suzanne and John Bourdeaux

Andrew and Joy Feldman

Eric and Brenda Feldstein


Morton and Natalie Abramson

Allegra Cheektowaga

Amherst Memorial Chapel

Anna and Bernard Gross

Memorial Fund

Helen and Larry Aronoff

Lisa Balderman

Raymond Bernhardt

Fern and Steven Bernstein

Mark and Paula Bezbatchenko

P Jeffrey and Wende Birtch

Peter Bloom

Ann Marie and Chas Bowman

James Braun

Arlene Burrows

Ellen Capell

Mary Liz Carosella

Robert Freeland

Amy and Eduardo Heumann

Renee Joffe

Warren Lippa

Linda Paull

Rose and Leonard Frank

Cultural Arts Fund

Irving and Marilyn Sultz

Andre and Marilyn Toth

Aaron and Wendy Weisbrot

Jerri Williams

Andrew and Gloria Wise

Jane and Stuart Fischman

Rob and Shira Goldberg

Dan and Gunilla Kester

Veronica Kraus

Alan and Isabell Posner

Maxine Seller

Scott and Deborah Shiffner

Bruce and Marianne Wisbaum

Marcia Lipsitz and David Carr

Alan Carrel

Howard Cohen

Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo

Sharon Cramer

Tara and Stephen Cross

Susan DeMari

David and Janet Desmon

Michael Diamond

Shelley Drake

Ruth Dressler

Patricia Duffner

Shane and Josh Eisen-Grant

Murray and Pepy Ettinger

Explore Buffalo

Edward Fine

Eugene and Joan Finton

Howard and Laurie Foster

Victor and Maureen Fradin

Ken Frank

Carol Froehlich

Stuart Gellman

Andrew and Pam Gewurz

David Glina

Robert Gluck

JoAnne Goldfarb

Mark Goldman

Leslie Greenbaum

Esther Greene

Sharon Greenfield

Regina Grol

Marc Halfon and Eunice Wang

Ralph Halpern


Stephen and Elizabeth Halpern

Kathleen Heffern

Jeffrey and Shelly Hirshberg

Marilyn Hochfield

Kathi Hoffman

Karen Houser

Evelyn Hurvitz and David Blum

Larry Jones and Nancy Rosenbloom

Mark and Elaine Karlin

Lucy Kogler Kempner

Lynn Alan and Debrah Konovitz

Paula Kopstick-Ames

Michael and Ruth Kozower

Alan and Paula Kranitz

Tova Kristal

Nicholas Leibovic

Jeff Levy

Susan Levy

Martin and Elizabeth Lewin

Harvey Lichtblau

William Lin

Andrew Lipkind

Jack and Inez Lippes

Leonard and Sheila London

Kelly Maley

Lance and Patricia Mark

Morton and Arlene Merowitz

Sarah Metzger

David and Catherine Miller

Michael Millman

Naomi Mintzer

New Era Cap, LLC

Rich and Lori Newberg

Margery Nobel

Carol Oleshansky & James Myers


Miriam Abramovich

Rosalyn Algase

Laura Asher-Knipfing

Linda Bayliss

Keith Boerner

Mary O'Sullivan

Sanford Perlmuter

Ann and Howard Pikoff

Eric Pleskow

David Polino

Linda Pollack

Steven Polowitz

Kevin and Merle Pranikoff

Janet Presser

Thomas and Lindy Redmond

Edward and Elinda Reich

Shari Jo Reich Esq.

Lisa Bloch Rodwin

Richard Romer

Brenda Rosen

Howard Rosenhoch

Leonard and Phyllis Rosokoff

Elaine Rubenstein

Yetty Sachs

Barry and Janet Safier

Ina Sanders

Scott Saperston

Melinda Saran

Hyman and Marjorie Scheff

Marjorie Scheff

Carol Schmeidler

Diane Schwartz

Jeffrey and Susan Schwartz

Morton Sclair

Stanley and Miriam Shainbrown

Lori Shapiro

Grigory and Raisa Shershnevsky

Kevin Shine

Charles and Penelope Shuman

Kenneth and Amy Shuman

Marilyn Shuman

Hope Bongiorno

Jerry and Marilyn Brenner

Elyse Brown

Pamela Buehler

Sheila Carrel

Robert Silkes

Roger and Joan Simon

Barry and Marilyn Singer

Robin Stall

Starry Night Theatre, Inc

Richard and Robyn Steinacher

Mike Steklof

Ellen Sterman

Kathleen Sweet

Barb and Don Sykes

Temple Beth Tzedek- Women's Network

Richard Teplitsky

Diane Tiveron

Michael Trachtenberg

Esther Trachtman

Amy Troy

Sophia Veffer

Kathleen Vester

Sephra Vigna

Gene Warner

Margit Weinmann

Milton and Helen Weiser

Everett and Mandy Weiss

Richard and Elaine Werner

Gail Willsky

Howard and Karen Wiseman

Steven and Ronna Wiseman

Ruth Wiseman-Spivack

Harris Witkin

Richard Wolin

Martin Wolpin

Nina Wright

Mary Lou Wyrobek

Karen Leeds and Steven Yellen

Shelly Yellen

Fredricka Cheek

Sanford and Diane Church

Jerry and Edith Chutkow

Amanda Cianflone

Lynn Clarke


$1-$99 cont.

Therese Clarke

Allan and Karen Cooper

Mark and Randye Danziger

Sherri Darrow

Bette Davidson

Carol Davis

Laurie Dohn

Lynn and Terry Domachowski

Paula and Kenneth Douglass

Ann Earne

Melinda Easter

Jonathan and Judith Epstein

Mark Faber

Alexander and Ayala Farkash

Marwin Feldman

Rita Fersztman

Marilyn Feuerstein

Ruth Fleming

Marvin and Marcia Frankel

Richard Friedfertig

Hannah Friedler

Danny Friedman

Frida and Alexander Gelfer

Mara Koven-Gelman and Irwin Gelman

Ida Goeckel

Wendy Graczyk

Donna Green

Brad Hahn

Debra Hilfstein

Dennis and Karen Hirnle

Richard and Lynn Hirsch

Cheryl Hughes

Sharon and Steven Jacobs

Eileen Katz

Martin and Shelly Kerker

Larry Kerman

Jill and Michael Komm

Leon and Cindy Komm

Bernie and Jill Kornmehl

Debbie Korwin

Francine Kurtz

Julie and Rion Kweller

Joan and Thomas Lansing

Andrew and Bonnie Levine

Ellen and Steven Levine

Jutta Lewkowicz

Barbara Libby

Janice Liebowitz

Louise Lipton

Justin Loeber

Hillel and Annette Magid

Barbara Markel

Lenore Marx

Tom Matheny

Emma Montague

Simon Moverguz

Naumburg/Herzig-Marx Family

Joan Nemirov

Ann and Gregory Neumann

Monica Neuwirt

John and Esther Northman

Patricia O'Donnell

William Pierce

Roz and Harvey Podolsky

Sheri Poole

Robert and Susan Portin

Lance Pozarny

Melania Puius

Alissa Rabach

Barry Radlin

Deborah Raiken

Steven and Laurie Rashkin

Susan and Eric Recoon

Bernard Redlich

Jonathan Reichert

Tova and Andrei Reinhorn

Elizabeth Abramson and David Reisman

Pauline Rogers

Alice and Robert Rosenthal

Joel and Sheila Ross

Inna Rozov-Ung

Velina Ruckenstein

Ellen Silver and Russell


Jan Sandberg

Ken and Wendy Sass

Ruth Schap

Shelly and Howard Schapiro

Ina and J. Herbert Scheer

Harvey Schiller

James and Marilyn Schillroth

Elizabeth Schram

Gertrude Schwab

Anita Sclar

Joseph Selevan

Carol Sellers

Harvey and Doris Serota

Rebecca Shaw

David Shumaker

Carol Silverman

Warren Simon

Max and Elizabeth Sloan

Karen Small

Carl Snitzer

Anita Snyder

Debra Soman

Ronald Somogyi

Sheryl Stapleron

David Stemerman

Gary Mitchell Sterman

James Sterman

Gerald Sufrin

Robert and Linda Syracuse

Reed Taylor

Juliana Teibel

Sheila Trossman

Carolyn Weil

Pamela Weinrieb

Barry and Evie Weinstein

Bernard and Helen Weinstein

Herbert Weiss

Norman Weiss

Samantha White

Max Willig


Clayton L. Adams z”l

Stephen and Eleanor Ash

Gordon Baum

Eric Brunger

Christian Foundation for The Performing Arts

Charles Goetz

Marcia Kraden

Rachel Munoz

Cheryl Robbins

Andre & Marilyn Toth

Sophia Veffer

Aaron and Wendy Weisbrot

Albelrt and Catherine White

Barbara Wier

Di Zhang

Jack Danziger

Cindy Hirsch and David Kowalsky

Dr. Neil Dashkoff z”l

Naomi Cohan

Julius Diamond z”l

Lori Shapiro

Jack Feldman z”l

Stuart and Karen Blume

Eric Feldstein

Stuart and Karen Blume

Donna Garr

Peter and Renee Weinrieb

Howard Wolf

Marie Wolf

Penny Wolfgang

Susan Wright

Edward, Dina and Howard

Hilfstein z”l

Shelly and Howard Schapiro

Howard Hilfstein z”l

Sharon and Steven Jacobs

Gerda Weissmann Klein z”l

Marvin and Marcia Frankel

Ethel Melzer

Deborah Raiken

Rabbi and Mrs. Isaac Klein z”l

Gerald Berkowitz

Frances and Nathan Kornmehl z”l

Bernie and Jill Kornmehl

Ruth Lansing

Renee Klein

Albert Lettman z”l

Amy Lettman

Bill Eisen z”l

Brian and Marcia Ergort

Martin Lewin

Brian and Marcia Ergort

Stephan Lewy z”l

Andrew Bass

Nicolas Liebovic's 101st birthday

Alice and Robert Rosenthal

Jack Yellen

Rob Yunich

Richard and Karen Zakalik

Rubin and Luba Literman z”l

Kevin & Connie Literman

Matilde Neuwirt z”l

Jeffrey Blum

Rob and Shira Goldberg

Tony Pariso

Pieter and Renee Weinrieb

Louis G. Rogers z”l

Kenneth and Kathy Rogers

Pauline Rogers

Elizabeth Schram

Rob and Shira Goldberg

Grigory Shershnevky, Wendy

Weisbrot and Lauren


Laurel Oliver

Sophia Veffer

Randolph Donatelli

Lillian Wayne

Marianne Tyree

Cantor Charles Gelman z”l

Irwin Gelman

$1-$99 cont.


Rose Weisbrot z”l

Mark and Paula Bezbatchenko

Stacey Block

Lauren and Rich Bloomberg

Amanda Cianflone

Tara Cross

Michael Diamond

Laurie Dohn

Lynn and Terry Domachowski

Melinda Easter

Daniel Feldman

Marvin and Marcia Frankel

Andrew Gewurz

Ronna and Andy Glickman

Rob and Shira Goldberg

Linda Haniford

Debra Hilfstein

Richard and Lynn Hirsch

Rich and Ellen Kayton

Ilene Levine

Amy R Lipson

Patricia O’Donnell

Sanford Perlmuter

Sheri Poole

Janet Presser

Susan and Eric Recoon

Shelly and Howard Schapiro

Elizabeth Schram

Stephen and Helena Schwarz

Lori Shapiro

David Shumaker

Karen Small

Hannah Friedler Sokolof Family

Robin Stall

Richard and Wendy Teplitsky

Kathleen Vester

Harris and Lisa Witkin

Marie Wolf

Pamela Weinrieb

Speakers Bureau & Educators Conference

Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart

Buffalo Teachers Federation, Inc.

Clarence Central School District

Cleveland Hill UFSD

Erie 1 BOCES

Fredonia High School

Springville Griffith Institute Central School District

SUNY Buffalo State

Veronica E Connor Middle School

Williamsville Central School District

Wilson Central School

Circle of Care

Community Members

Frima Ackerhalt

Helen Aronoff

Jenny Bagley

Ben Balderman

Cynthia Balderman

Joan Baizer

Lily Bink

Andrea Bloch

Lauren and Rich Bloomberg

Tara Blumberg

Jody Brydalski

Gail Buch

Helen Capell

Ann Marie Carosella

Marnie and Louis Cerrato

Brenda Cohen

Eyal Cohen

Sharon Cramer

Sherri Darrow

Glenn Diamond

Michael Diamond

Camille Eichhorn

Enid Edelman

Sandy Eisen

Andrew Feldman

Brenda Feldstein

Howard Foster

Laurie Foster

Mara Koven-Gelman

Rob and Shira Goldberg

Laurie Greenspan

Leah Hughes

Michael James

Linda Johnson

Shelly Kerker

Helene Kershner

Dana Kurtzman

Rabbi Alex and Ashirah


Renata Lefcourt

Ellen and Steven Levine

Ilene Levine

William Lin

Andrew Lipkind

Beth Marcus

Barbara Markel

Eileen Markzon

Catherine Miller

Lori Morrison

Monica Neuwirt

Kathy Pace

Jill Palmeter

Benjamin Rodwin

Lisa Bloch Rodwin and Mike


Ken and Kathy Rogers

Circle of Care Cont.

Community Members Cont.

Brenda Rosen

Jennifer Rosen

Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum

Susan and Eric Recoon

Rabbi Adam Scheldt

Dan Sack

Maxine Seller

Deborah Shiffner

Cheryl Stein

Corporations and Organizations

Buffalo Jewish Federation

Buffalo Museum of Science

Calvary Episcopal Church

Center for Jewish Life

Forbes Capretto Homes

Hillel of Buffalo

JCC of Greater Buffalo

Jewish Discovery Center

Jewish Family Services of WNY

Lori Stein

Ellen Steinfeld

Einav Symons

Emily Tall

Linda Todd

Marilyn Toth

Vilona Trachtenberg

Esther Trachtman

Sephra Vigna

Wendy and Aaron Weisbrot

Mandy and Everett Weiss

Laura Wicket

Marci Wiseman

Ruth Wiseman

Logan Woodard

Heidi and Shelly Yellen

Kadimah Scholars at Park

Luscious by Lori

Maureen’s Buffalo Flower Market

Natale Builders

Ophthalmology Associates of WNY

The Park School of Buffalo

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Ukrainian Cultural Center

Yellen Metals

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