Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 369– November 1 fortnight – 2018

Page 44

Systema The magic actions of Magi Magicians were attributed to the influence on all forces of nature <...>. Witchcraft - a magical action with water and various herbal decoctions, which require a special vessel "charms." There are well-known circular charms designed for a hundred participants in the feast. Such, for example, is the charm of the Chernigov prince Vladimir Davidovich in the mid-twelfth century. with a wish of health to everyone who drinks from it. Sometimes sorcery was understood as poisoning: "... emanate ... enchantresses through meadows and swamps ... looking for mortal herbs" <...>. To the cigar-lovers and the charmers, they sometimes add "kobnik", "deliberate knaves". "Kob" - fortune-telling fortunes , fortune-telling on the flight of birds ("enchantment deyahu and kobi to the eye"). It is possible that the fortune-telling ceremony was accompanied by some actions, maybe ritual dances, since the modern verb "kobenitsya" is associated with unusual gestures[6] . In all likelihood, the Magi, scammers, basslovy, custodians and other ranks of the pagan clergy of the village, the city and the prince's court were very numerous, and all this "estate" was multistage. The Supreme Priest, the state "leader of the religious life" of the country, we should imagine ourselves resembling the chronicle Dobrynya, the brother of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich's mother. The brother of the housekeeper Princess Olga, Dobrynya, left the palace ministerial schools. Bylina speaks of him like this: "Yes, Dobrynyushka and the groom lived for three years. Yes, Dobrynyushka lived with him for three years. Yes, Dobrynyushka lived with the housekeepers for three years. A clavier. Dobrynyushka, the castle Gold-de-treasury and lived as an accountant. For ten years I can hardly go to a clean field "[7] . BA Rybakov (on the basis of the information of the XI-XIV centuries) subdivides the men involved in the pagan cult into magicians, wizards, cloudcasters, priests, guides, sorcerers, enchanters, custodians, pogers, scammers, bayans, magicians and knaves. The researcher classifies women engaged in religious and magical practice in the following way: the Magi (unit number of the "sorcerer"), witches, sorceresses, enchantresses, obavnitsy, naznitsy, poktory and pomotnitsy[8] . (to be continued‌)

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