Vol 51 issue 1

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The Centurion

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The Award-Winning, Student-Run Newspaper of Bucks County Community College

Part-Time Advising Volume 51 Issue 1

Week of September 24, 2013 www.Bucks-news.com


At an open forum, Bucks President Stephanie Shanblatt proposed a new emphasis requiring academic advising for part-time students to better their futures. by: MANuEl A. roDrIGuEZ Centurion Staff

Bucks President, stephanie shanblatt, proposed new ideas on advising for parttimestudents during an open forum on sept. 19, but her plan sparked more questions than answers. “We cannot forget about our part-time students any longer,” shanblatt said. as shanblatt explained it, 60 percent of Bucks students are part-time and only 40 percent are full-time students. the issue is that only fulltime students are required to see an advisor before they register for their courses. the part-time students are encouraged to seek out advising, but are not required to do so. some say the different treatment sends the message that only full-time students need advising. shanblatt’s proposal is to make advising for part-time students mandatory. this would keep the part-time studentson the right track to get their degree or continue on through transferring. students who see an academic advisor of some sort usually have a much better handle on what program of study they want to specialize

Sydney Tasey profiles the Open Door club at Bucks. Pg. 4

Nikki Futer alerts Bucks students about the gluten free menu in the cafeteria. Entertainment

Pg. 5

Derek Frazier profiles the Improv club for Bucks students. Pg. 7


This is file photo of College President Stephanie Shanblatt at her faculty induction to staff.

in, and have a better chance at graduating. students who don’t receive advising can end up taking classes that don’t relate to their major. such students may be more likely to drop out of college altogether. shanblatt referenced a quote from kay McClenney direc-

tor of Community College student engagement that properly summed up the situation. “students don’t do optional, shanblatt said. if it’s optional, students won’t do it. if students don’t have to see an advisor, how many of them actually do?”

by: jEFF GADZINSKI Centurion Staff


Bucks News


Photo Credit: GreG ProBst

the grim reality of this statement resonated with most of the faculty present in the room in founder’s hall. Many nodded their heads in agreement. the opposing view on this new idea is the fact that mak-

Musical distraction

Music can be an amazing part of many young people’s everyday lives, especially on campus. But is listening to your favorite song while studying really a good thing? recently, stanford University did an experiment with the Washington Post to discover whether or not multitasking media with work was effective. the experiment concluded that “those doing more tasks at once performed more poorly on a test of taskswitching ability.” researchers concluded that this was “due to a reduced ability to stop focusing on one task as they moved to another

What’s Inside

Music and studying can be a powerful temptation,but one we should resist.


Photo Credit: Jeff Gadzinski

Continued on page 2

one.” those results have not hampered college students from listening to music while studying, however, but all have different tastes. Listening to music is just as distracting as having someone talking in normal conversation while taking a test or doing homework. it can take away from the quality of your work, bringing your efficiency down, according to www.mindthesciencegap.org. “Music is just a distraction, when i do homework,” Matt Miglorino said. “it’s best for me to do it in a quiet, calm environment with no one around to bother me.” Continued on page 2

Stephen Godwin Jr. lets us know how the men’s soccer team is doing so far. Weather

Pg. 8

Monday- Sunny with a high of 72. Tuesday- Sunny with a high of 71. WednesdaySunny with a high near 72. Thursday- Sunny with a high near 75.

Friday- Sunny with a high near 76.

Saturday-Sunny with a high near 78. Sunday- Cloudy with a high of 73 and a 10 percent chance of rain. Weather CoUrtesy of the nationaL Weather serviCe

Visit us at Bucks Newtown Campus Rollins Building Room 127

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Photo Credit for Both Photos: stePhen GodWin Jr.

Part-time students gaining recognition The week of September 24, 2013


If Bucks students are unsure about their future, student services is another great form of advising.

Continued from page 1

ing all students see an advisor before registering could lower enrollment that is already down from last semester. “We’re focused on certificate or degree-seeking students for advising,” shanblatt said. We don’t want to create hurdles for the community students.” the other concern is the ability to reach all students to make them aware of the

Clubs are also being affected by low enrollment.

change. “how are we going to communicate this to our students, asked a member of the audience? “We’re not meeting (students) where they are, communication for our students are mobile; they are no longer using emails.” this issue was answered by andrew Lawlor the vice president and Cio of information and technology services at Bucks.

“this is definitely on our radar, said Lawlor. We’ve been working on refining a mobile application so students can do all of this from their phones without using their mobile browsers.” as exciting as such a development sounds, no estimated launch date was announced by Lawlor. if academic advising is mandated for part-time students, then there has to be an easier

way to get these students the advising they need in order to register, especially with the significant drop in registration, yet again, this year. “this fall, credits were down by 3.5 percent and every dollar counts,” shanblatt said. “When there is a drop in students then there’s a drop in (the budget). the school is going into a $1.7 million deficit next year and when expenses go up and income

stays the same, sacrifices must be made.” Because of this, student clubs and organizations have seen a decline in their funding from the college; a discussion sure to come back up sooner than later. “We are doing all these things but there are only so many students,” said shanblatt.“We all need to make sure we work together for the future of our students.”

of music, with or without lyrics. some students can study effectively with music playing,

while others are distracted by any outside stimulus. studying, doing homework and testing are all totally different

things, but music can help some people while studying or looking over a paper. Many Bucks students de-

scribed listening to music while working as “helping them concentrate, and stay focused.” for example, Michael Caro enjoyed listening to calm music in his headphones as it helps him relax, and get his assignments done. Music in general can help Bucks students stay away from outside distractions and helps them get into their “zone.” “Listening to my headphones generally avoids distractions,” student Cameron owens said. “My favorite is to search the “Crazy train” guitar riff on youtube, and the constant melody helps me stay focused. i can’t seem to ignore the outside world otherwise.” at the end of the day, it may actually prove to be a better idea to complete these assignments in a calm, quiet, comfortable environment rather than be distracted by the music in the background.

Does music really help students concentrate? Continued from page 1

that could be because many songs have different meanings for different people. Music can make you think of that ex-girlfriend, that vacation you took last summer or simply your younger years. Meanwhile you have a 1,000word paper that is due at midnight. “Lyrics can be distracting for some students,” student Matt frickmann said. “Loud instrumentals on my headphones help me to complete the task at hand. Lyrics aren’t there to distract me from my assignment, and it helps a lot to have a melody to listen to while working.” in all cases music is used as an outlet to ease the mind, and help to get work done efficiently, but is this concept truly justified? scientifically speaking, it is actually better to have someone giving a lecture in the background of your setting while working, than it is to listen to any type


stephen Godwin Jr. Craig Miller Managing Editor kelly armstrong erich Martin

Web Editor

Luther anderson


tony rogers

Studying can be tough on students and music is hard to resist with it just a click away.

Photo Credit: Jeff Gadzinski

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Letters should be limited to 300 words.  they will be edited for spelling and malicious or libelous statements, and may be edited for space. Letters must be the original work of the writer and must be signed. for identification purposes, letters must include the writer’s full name, address, and telephone number, although the address and telephone numbers will not be published.

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the Centurion 275 swamp rd newtown, Pa 18940 Centurion@bucks.edu 215.968.8379

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The week of September 24, 2013


Open door to anyone

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The week of September 24, 2013


The Open Door Club (ODC) has much to offer this year and is trying to get the Bucks community more involved in their events. “The primary goal for the club is to grow, support and educate,” said Bert Mastropietro, biology major and ODC vice president. “The other objective is to stop the hate and to make the hate factor quieter,” said the eight-year Marine veteran. Mastropietro grew up in a closeted environment and told of how there was no gay leadership for him. So therefore he wants to give other students the leadership that he never had. As far as involvement in the club, everyone is welcome. Just because the Open Door Club has a reputation for being gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender doesn't mean straight people aren't welcome. Mastropietro says, “Faculty and students, straight or gay" are welcome to join and support the ODC club at Bucks. “What everyone should know about the ODC club is that it's not cheesy and we are really involved with the community, and the more people the better,” Mastropietro said. Mastropietro plans on being more proactive about the community. He plans on getting out to the schools and

The Open door club drew rave reviews from their prom last semester and is looking to continue the good feeling this year.

local communities. He also wants to support and do some charity work. The drag show is a staple of the ODC and Mastropietro wants it to be a more polished and have a broader base this year. With more support it will be a good time for everyone. Other students are looking forward to getting involved with the club this year.

“I am looking forward to both. I kind of want to be in the drag show, but I most likely won't do it,” Dylan Myers, psychology major said. “I am looking forward to the prom because I am running for king.” Myers also gave his thoughts about why people should be open to joining the club. “More people should join

because it is a lot of fun.You meet people all over the gender spectrum and sexuality. No one is boring in the club.” The ODC also offers a form of comraderie for its members as the everyday college life can be lonely at times. “The best part about being in the LGBT community is knowing I am not alone,” Myers said. “It is lovely knowing I am not the only


Centurion Staff

person to feel as though I was born into the wrong body. I have guys I can go to for advice on being transgender or ask them anything.” For more information you can check out the club’s Facebook page, or contact advisor Max Probst at: probstm@bucks.edu

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Gluten-free advertising Bucks-news.com

The week of September 24, 2013





The cafeteria at Bucks offers a gluten-free menu, but you wouldn’t know it because it’s not advertised. In fact, if you don’t ask, they won’t tell. If more people know about this and demand it, the college will have no choice but to make this menu better known. Advertising is huge when it comes to informing people about the menu and what kind of foods are offered. “I know too much gluten isn’t great for us, but I’m not sure how important it is to the college,” Joshua McCoy, 19, a business management major said. “I mean look, there isn’t even a poster or anything about it,” said McCoy as he pointed to different corners and walls within the cafeteria. Gluten intolerance is more common than people realize. Gluten intolerance is a sensitivity to foods that contain wheat. About 10 percent of all people may suffer from a gluten sensitivity of some form, ac-

Bucks offers a gluten-free menu, but few people know about that makes life harder for students who suffer from Celiac disease

cording to statisticbrain.com. To be able to go to a college

Breads, chips, and crackers are among the dangerous food items.

or a public dining place and have almost the same foods

as other people makes a world of a difference to a person with such a sensitivity. Celiac disease is another gluten allergy that is more severe than gluten intolerance. Celiac disease is when wheat is not tolerated at all in the body. If someone has celiac disease and wheat foods are consumed, the after-effects are most severe. They can result in bone weakness and infertility problems, according to mayoclinic.org. One in 100 people in the United States are diagnosed with this disease, according to gluten.net. Let’s face it, food is essential for our existence. Some people live to eat, others eat to live. Either way you look at it, food is vital to our survival. If there are food op-


Centurion Staff

tions that are available to us that make us feel better, why not take it? “It is more about demand than anything else,”said Steve DiSalvio director of dining services at Bucks Café. “If people buy the gluten-free foods then I am able to order more.” DiSalvio is planning on advertising this menu in the near future, but did not give an exact date. “I can tell you is that it’s going to be on the website soon,” DiSalvio said. It’s not just Bucks that’s offering a bigger selection of gluten- free foods; other college are restaurants across the country are doing so as well. Bucks just has to get better at keeping its students informed.

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The week of September 24, 2013

Larry McKenna & Tom Lawton Saxophone and Piano Duo

Photo courtesy of Melissa Gilstrap

Photo courtesy of Fran Lawton

Tuesday, October 8 Master Class • 4:30 pm Concert • 7:30 pm Presser Room MMMC001 Free and open to the public For more information contact: Jeff Baumeister at baumeist@bucks.edu or 215.968.8135

Bucks County Community College Newtown • Bristol • Perkasie • Online

Where to learn. Where to return. 13196

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Improv Improvement 7 ENTERTAINMENT


The week of September 24, 2013

Some of last year’s improv club members as they rehearse for one of their then upcoming Spring peformances

BY: DEREK FRAZIER Centurion Staff

What if you were told to act out a play, only there were no props, no lines and you had to come up with your own character in a matter of minutes? Hilarity ensues- especially when you are a part of Bucks’ Improv club. Reminiscent of an episode of “Saturday Night Live,” students create scenarios and characters for each other and

act out scenes, which in most cases leave the audience in stitches. The Improv club also serves as an outlet for Bucks students to escape the academic stress of college life. The president of the Improv Club, Andrew Frasier, 21, said that improvisational acting is a way to express yourself in acting without using props or scripts in a scene. Instead you use your body as your prop.

“Improv is another way of fun comedy acting with games. These games are meant to help you with being comfortable in front of an audience or group of people,” Frasier says. The club meetings usually consist of games, trust, stress relief exercises and improvised skits meant to help actors think on their feet. An all-time favorite game the actors play in the club is one known as “Zip Zap

Zop.”In the game a group of actors stand in a circle and use pointing gestures and the phrases zip, zap and zop to improve on eye-contact and reacting to statements and gestures in a quick manner. Fraser said the main goal of Improv Club is to "expand your mind in acting and have fun while doing it.” “It also allows students to just be able to act without fear of being judged.” Future plans for the club in-


clude the club’s yearly production called “Bucks Live,” a two-day event that includes sketches developed by members of the Improv Club. A definite date for this year’s production has not been announced. Meetings for the Improv Club are on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Gallagher Room. For more information, please contact Bill McLaughin at mclaughw@bucks.edu.


Tuesday 9/24 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D - ABC - 8:00 NICS: Los Angeles - CBS - 9:00 Chicago Fire - NBC - 10:00 Wednesday 9/25 The X Factor - FOX - 8:00 Criminal Minds - CBS - 9:00 Nashville - ABC - 10:00

Thursday 9/26 The Big Bang Theory - CBS - 8:00 Glee - FOX - 9:00 Grey’s Anatomy - ABC - 10:00

Friday 9/27 Undercover Boss - CBS - 8:00 America’s Next Top Model - CW - 9:00 Haven - Syfy - 10:00 Sunday 9/29 Once Upon A Time - ABC - 8:00 Family Guy - FOX - 9:00 The Mentalist - CBS - 10:00 Monday 9/30 Bones - FOX - 8:00 2 Broke Girls - CBS - 9:00 Castle - ABC - 10:00

“Doctor Sleep”

Written By: Steven King

On highways across America, a tribe of people called the True Knot travel in search of sustenance. They look harmless—mostly old, lots of polyester, and married to their RVs. But as Dan Torrance knows, and spunky twelve-year-old Abra Stone learns, the True Knot are quasi-immortal, living off the steam that children with the shining produce when they are slowly tortured to death.

Release Date: 24 September




Gravity (PG-13)

Two astronauts (Sandra Bullock and George Clooney) find themselves stranded on a space station after a disastrous accident wipes out the crew and most of the structure.

Directed by: Alfonso Cuarón Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney Release Date: 4 October


World War Z (PG-13)

Retired U.N. investigator Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) and his family are sitting in what appears to be a typical Philadelphia traffic jam when helicopters began to circle ominously overhead, and an explosion throws the city into panic. Soon, it becomes a race around the world to halt a global zombie pandemic.

Directed by: Marc Forster Starring: Brad Pitt, James Badge Dale, Matthew Fox Release Date: 17 September


“The Quest”

Written by: Nelson DeMille

From the locked archives of the Vatican to the overgrown jungles of Ethiopia, an unlikely trio begins a deadly search for the Holy Grail. Two journalists and a beautiful photographer are traveling together in a broken down Jeep while covering the 1975 Ethiopian civil war. Both men fall in love with the woman and that complicates things.

Release Date: 17 September


New Album “Nothing Was The Same” 24 September

Kings of Leon

New Album “Mechanical Bull” 24 September

Dr. Dog

New Album “B-Room” 1 October

“Kate: The Future Queen” Written by: Katie Nicholl

This book gives an inside look into the life of the future Queen of England, Kate Middleton. Since becoming Duchess Catherine of Cambridge in 2011, Middleton has captivated royals fans around the world and now, Nicholl delivers the story of her early life, first romances, and love with Prince William. Nicholl will reveal new details on Middleton’s initiation into royal life and, of course, her first pregnancy.

Release Date: 17 September

First-year soccer stars

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The week of September 24, 2013

BY: STEPHEN GODWIN JR. Centurion Staff

As is the case with any sports team, a transitional period from seasoned veterans to the up-and-coming rookies raises many questions, and, in most cases, offers few answers. But for Bucks Men’s soccer coach Justin Burroughs, those answers have been provided with outstanding success. “There are some first year players that are playing some major roles for us this year,” Burroughs said. At the end of last year Bucks Men’s soccer coach Justin Burroughs said goodbye to some of his main stay all-conference players in forwards James Trainer and Jared Dickson and goalie Michael Klimowicz. This year Burroughs feels the loss of those players is lessened because of some promising first year players. When asked who was standing out in particular Burroughs did not hesitate when he would mention the man guarding his net, goalie Trevor Hopf. “Losing an all- conference goal keeper is tough, but Trevor is doing a fine job in net,” he said. After Hopf, the Centurion defense looks like the strong point of the team. With first

The 2013 Men’s soccer team after a dominating win against the Delaware Pride this past Saturday.

year mid-fielders Ryan Mason and Matt Zarro playing like veterans, it could be tough sledding for opposing offenses. Mid-fielder Joey Cantillio is another player that is impressing early. “He (Cantillio) has really stepped up. In the beginning it was like a deer in headlights, but now he is now he is a lot better is productive every time he is in the game,” Burroughs said. The offense boasts a new scoring threat, as forward Jimmy Haslett is leading his team with four goals already. The ball really has a way of finding him as he spends a lot of time in front of the other team’s net. As far as the offense as a whole Burroughs believes

they are starting to click together. “Now we are starting to put some things together and playing better,”Burroughs said. “Everyone is starting to get to know each other and understand their roles and understand what the college game is about.” Burroughs is not alone though as he does have some returning players to boost his team and inspire the young players. Headlining them is mid-fielder Stefan Hofmann who was elected second team all-region. The others feature tri-captains forward Sean Kurtz, back Wayne Horger Jr, and back Erik Mazurkiewicz. Mid-fielder Shane Nicolo is also returning, but has joined the team late as he tries to


shake off rust. Schedule-wise, the Centurions are 2-3-2 with two of the three loses coming against Division I schools who offer scholarships to incoming players. Bucks does not offer scholarships and their players often have to work keeping soccer from being their primary focus. The first two losses came at the start of the season, but the Centurions went four games since without a loss. This is something Burroughs credits with the maturation of his team. “I think everybody is starting to figure out that this is not high school anymore where if your fast you’re faster than everybody else and if you’re good you can

dribble past everybody so just understanding the difference in level of play,” said Burroughs. The Centurions did have early season scoring trouble by being held to one goal in each of four straight games. They have since exploded for nine goals on Sept. 14 against Harrisburg Area Community College. “Now we are at the point where we really need to start winning some games if we want to make the playoffs and get a halfway decent seed,” Burroughs said. For Burroughs and all of Bucks, the Men’s Soccer team looks poised for some dynasty-level success with contributions all over the field.

Haslett would tie the game on a well-placed kick. “I got the ball on my feet and I saw the other team was coming in hard so I just started cutting it back and then just put it in the net,” Haslett said. The level of play rose in Centurion players from there and they would keep Mustang goalie Brett Bosler busy for the rest of the afternoon. The mostly-freshmen Centurion squad would come out of the gate aggressive, but that early eagerness translated into angst. After some pregame-jitters wore off, they were able to get the ball into Those missed opportunities would keep the Mustangs alive long enough to match the Centurion’s intensity. During overtime the two teams would also be battling the elements as a heavy rain began to fall. The Centurions kept the ball in the Mustang zone longer, but would come away empty. After the game, Burroughs seemed impressed with his team’s rally. “It was probably one of the best halves we played in the second because we actually played with some intensity, Burroughs said.

the Mustang zone, but had trouble getting a shot on goal. The Centurion offensive strategy seemed to be to rush the ball off one of first time goalie Trevor Hopf’s booming kicks. The Mustang defense would let the Centurions in deep, but had a “bend don’t break,” mentality. The Centurion defense did impress in front of their rookie goalie as they would squash a couple of breakaway attempts by the Montgomery forwards. After a Centurion penalty, Mustang forward Sean Treacy would open the scor-

Centurions tie Mustangs in double overtime game BY: STEPHEN GODWIN JR. Centurion Staff

The Bucks County Centurions (1-2-2) gave the Montgomery Community College (1-2-2) Mustangs all they could handle, but would settle for a tie after double overtime for a 1-1 score on Sept. 12 at Montgomery. The Centurions had played a solid first half of soccer, but still found themselves down 1-0 at the break. That’s when head coach Justin Burroughs would rally his team with a fiery half-time speech. Three minutes into the second half, Centurion forward James

BUCKS SCORES Men’s soccer September 12 Bucks 1-1 Montgomery

September 14 Harrisburg CC 1-9 Bucks September 17 Bucks 0-5 Burlington Women’s soccer September 10 Bucks 0-3 Union

September 17 Raritan Valley 1-0 Bucks

Centurion mid-fielder Geremy Sholtz battling fo the ball.

ing on a free kick that gave his team a 1-0 advantage. “I just tried to bend it to the wide post because he (Hopf) left the wide post open, Treacy said. There (Bucks) wall was not centered so I just went right for it.” Injury to insult followed the Centurions into the locker room when mid-fielder Daniel Robinson would injure his hamstring at the final gun. Burroughs was not happy with his team’s lack of urgency and preached more teamwork and less selfish play. The team responded, and changed their strategy as


they were playing off their defense to get additional chances for their already hungry offense. The Mustangs were forced to rely on their defense to ward off the swarming Centurions that repeatedly threatened their net. On one such play Treacy would help out his goal tender by making a diving stop in the net’s crease. For the most part it was the Centurions who would keep themselves out of the net. “It was just unlucky really, Haslett would later say. We were hitting the crossbar and the one I had on the goal tender I just put it wide.”


Philadelphia Eagles September 15 Chargers 33-30 September 19 Chiefs 26-16

Philadelphia Phillies September 22 Mets 4-3 Phillies September 23 Phillies 0-4 Marlins

September 24 Phillies 2-1 Marlins

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