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379. Pietrzak RH, Tracy M, Galea S, Kilpatrick DG, Ruggiero KJ, Hamblen JL, Southwick SM, Norris FH.

Prevalence and longitudinal course of mental disorders following Hurricane Ike. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(6);e38964. PMID: 22761716. PMCID: PMC3383685. 380. Goodwin R, Demmer RT, Galea S, Lemeshow AR, Ortega AN, Beautrais A. Asthma and suicide behaviors: Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2012;46:1002-1007. PMID: 22682509. 381. Pietrzak RH, van Ness PH, Fried TR, Galea S, Norrish FH. Diagnostic utility and factor structure of the PTSD Checklist in older adults. International Psychogeriatrics. 2012;24:1684-1696. PMID: 22647669. 382. Marshall BDL, Packowski M, Seeman L, Tempalski B, Pouget ER, Galea S, Friedman S. A complex system approach to evaluation HIV prevention in metropolitan areas: Preliminary implications for combination intervention strategies. PLoS ONE 7(9):e44833. 383. Kotha SR, Johnson JC, Galea S, Agyei-Baffour P, Nakua E, Asabir K, Kwansah J, Gyakobo M, Dzodzomenyo M, Kruk ME. Lifecourse factors and likelihood of rural practice and emigration: a survey of Ghanaian medical students. Rural and Remote Health 2012;12:1898. PMID: 22967220. 384. Walsh K, Galea S, Koenen KC. Mechanisms underlying sexual violence exposure and psychosocial sequelae: A theoretical and empirical review. Clinical psychology: science and practice. 2012;19(3):260– 275. PMID: 25762853. PMCID: PMC4353631. 385. *Karasek D, Ahern J, Galea S. Social norms, collective efficacy, and smoking cessation in urban neighborhoods. American Journal of Public Health. 2012;102(2):343-51. PMID: 22390449. PMCID: PMC3483989. 386. *El-Sayed AM, Galea S. Temporal changes in socioeconomic influences on health: The example of maternal education and preterm birth. American Journal of Public Health. 2012;102(9):1715-21. PMID: 22742063. PMCID: PMC3482027. 387. Foltin GL, Richmond N, Treiber M, Skomorowsky A, Galea S, Vlahov D, Blaney S, Kusick M, Silverman R, Tunik MG. Pediatric Pre Hospital Evaluation of NYC Cardiac Arrest Survival (PHENYCS). Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012;28(9):864-868. PMID: 22929131. 388. Tunik MG, Richmond N, Treiber M, Skomorowsky A, Galea S, Vlahov D, Blaney S, Kusick M, Silverman R, Foltin GL. Pediatric Pre Hospital Evaluation of NYC Respiratory Arrest Survival (PHENYCS). Pediatric Emergency Care. 2012;28(9):859-863. PMID: 22929130. 389. Cerda M, DiGangi J, Galea S, Koenen KC. Epidemiologic research on violence and common psychiatric disorders: where do we go from here? Depression and Anxiety.2012;29(5):359-85. PMID: 22553006. PMCID: PMC3375609. 390. El-Sayed AM, Scarborough P, Galea S, Goldacre MJ. Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood obesity in the United Kingdom: A systematic review of the literature. Obesity Facts. 2012;5:671–692. PMID: 23108336. 391. Roberts AL, Galea S, Austin B, Cerda M, Wright RJ, Rich-Edwards JW, Koenen KC. Posttraumatic stress disorder across two generations: concordance and mechanisms in a population-based sample. Biological Psychiatry. 2012;72(6):505-11. PMID: 22521146. PMCID: PMC3412195.

Curriculum Vitae: Sandro Galea; page 58 of 118

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