The Baltimore Teachers Union 2019-2020 Calendar

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the increased engagement of BTU members, as a record number of PSRPs and teachers turned out for the May 15th Union election. But our work is far from done. I ask you all to double down on the power and ability of our Union. Sign our membership card to ensure full membership. Participate in your school’s Union Chapter Committee and start organizing within the very walls of your building for better working conditions for educators and better learning conditions for our students. Read your contract and ENFORCE your contract! Don’t be afraid to file a grievance if you see a clear violation being done in your building. We will support you! Stay engaged! Go to the school board meetings, pay attention to City Hall, and follow the policies being proposed in Annapolis. Vote! Vote every year no matter how big or small the election may be. We know our democracy is under attack and it starts with grassroots campaigns and local citizens becoming educated and engaged to ensure equality, equity, justice, and compassion for all. In closing I say, our students and families need us now more than ever. They need us to fight with them in this world of great wealth disparity and bigotry. We’ve always known that educators are on the “frontlines” or “in the trenches,” and that has never been more true than it is today, but I do believe that we educators have never been more fired up, engaged, and educated about the issues we face. We will make change! We will have an impact! We will, in solidarity, rise up and fight! In Solidarity, President Diamonté Brown

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