BTS Book Reviews September 2013

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The Lowdown with Laurie 9 Romance vs. Erotic Romance vs. Erotica

So many readers and retailers are confused with the differences between romance, erotic romance...

Organized Terror Pedro Cerda and Daniel Stiles

Why I Love Regency England 35 The Clothes: Part I

Sometimes people ask me, why Regency novels? Why not write about some other time period, like...

Chic Trends in Romance 37 A Five Course Meal of Romance

Let’s face it, folks: Food is sexy! I love good food. Who doesn’t? While editing my last book, I realized my...

The Heat Diva 47 Not Your Mom’s Historical Romance

We all started somewhere in our reading career. I loved books from an early age, but the kind I...

The Scrying Eye 83 Are You Prepared?

The Scrying Eye opens! You’re just in time, dear, precious hearts, for a glimpse into the future, the past...


99 Rain always makes me nervous. Only so many places exist nowadays where a man can smoke in peace. Can’t smoke in buildings. Can’t smoke near entrances. I have to wander from society, isolate myself, exposed. Whenever it rains, the chance always exists that my cigarette will die, ruined before I can claim its poisons. I’m at war, and I’m under the impression that Mother Nature’s on the other side. She’s not a patriot like me. How could she be? Maybe I should buy a hat. Walking the soaked sidewalk, streetlights bringing sparse illumination to the city’s night, I experience the wet chill...

63 Join us as we continue our search for: MR. BTS


I sat at my keyboard, listening to the humming of my hard drive while I tried to muster the mental fortitude to get some work done. My mind had been wandering aimlessly in a million different directions ever since Jack had abruptly left just an hour before. My entire week had been stressful...

September 2013 | 5

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