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News of Old Girls

If you would like to get in touch with any of the Old Girls featured – or any other Alumni – please contact the Development Office.

Class of 1970-1979


Dr Susan Booth (née Simm, 1969-1976) Susan studied medicine at Manchester medical school and qualified in 1981. She and her husband relocated to Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada in 2009. Susan currently works in Addiction medicine and on Friday nights goes out with the local outreach team to take food, water and clothing to between 50 and 100 homeless people living in the Comox valley. Susan gives medical advice when required. This is a relatively wealthy area of Vancouver Island, but nevertheless there are over 100 people who are homeless. The vast majority of them are suffering with addiction issues, but not all – indeed, many people are one pay cheque away from living in their car or on the street. The work is very rewarding and the majority of people that the outreach team helps are very friendly and grateful for the support. She may be a long way from Bolton School Girls’ Division, but the values instilled there are still with Susan today!

Class of 1980-1989

Debbi Morgan-Jones (1983-1988) Congratulations to Debs who is thrilled to have been honoured by FosterTalk for her outstanding contribution to social work during lockdown. Debs is a senior supervising social worker with FCA Fostering and was nominated by the carers who foster the looked-after children for her professional, caring and empathetic attitude. FosterTalk is recognised as the ‘go to’ organisation for fostering advice, guidance, training and support. Debs loves her work and having her dedication and commitment acknowledged in this way makes it all the more rewarding.

Class of 1990-1999

Julia Miskelly (née Gorski, 1985-1995) Julia is the Manager of the Faculty of Medicine Health and Life Sciences (FMHLS) Genomics Core Technology Unit (GCTU) at Queens University Belfast. She leads a team of highly skilled technicians providing consultation on the newest technologies and best approaches for researchers and their collaborators on experiment design. Julia graduated with a First Class degree in Biochemistry from the University of Dundee where she developed an interest in gene transcription which led to Doctoral work in transcription and gene regulation. She subsequently moved to Queens University Belfast, where she studied the transcriptional regulation of the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA1. She then focused her studies around Next Generation Sequencing technologies (NGS) and application. Since 2010 she has been developing NGS processes in Belfast, and in 2014 was seconded to pharmaceuticals company Almac Diagnostics as Team Leader for NGS development in Internal Products. Julia returned to QUB in 2017 to manage the GCTU. Her team at Queens has been heavily involved in supporting Covid testing and is currently part of the COG-UK initiative sequencing all the Covid-19 variants in Northern Ireland. Julia has recently been highlighted in 101 jobs that change the world – UKRI a UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) wide campaign aiming to recognise the diversity of roles which make major contributions to the wider research and innovation ecosystem (ie not just researchers and innovators). Annie Percik (1990-1996) Following the success of her debut fantasy novel, The Defiant Spark (reviewed in the Spring 2021 edition of this Newsletter), Annie’s second book, A Spectrum of Heroes, was published in September. Biochemist Anushka Mahto is accidentally contaminated by a mysterious substance, while attempting to dispose of it. On the run from the lab where she used to work, Anushka must learn to control her multiple new powers while being hunted by lab security chief and former lover, Charlotte. When alien Ergo comes onto the scene, Anushka suddenly finds the fate of humanity resting in her hands. Can she navigate her personal relationships and also prevent an interstellar war? A Spectrum of Heroes will be reviewed in the Spring 2022 Newsletter.

Class of 2000-2009

Naomi Birchall (2007-2009) Naomi is a Technical Digital and Innovation Consultant at North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust. She has a passion for property development and the evolution of smart cities and has recently graduated from the University of Manchester with a Masters in Real Estate – congratulations! Naomi is now focusing on how she can bring together her new real estate skills and knowledge with technical and digital experience. Cherie Cunningham (1998-2005) Congratulations to Cherie who has been appointed as the new Channel Director for UKTV’s award-winning comedy entertainment channel Dave. She will be responsible for the commissioning of all of the channel’s new programming and marketing, including shows such as Meet the Richardsons, Big Zuu’s Big Eats and Hypothetical. Antonia Heap (2002-2009) Antonia recently enjoyed taking part in the Ironman 70.3 triathlon in her hometown of Bolton. The event involved a 1.2 mile open water swim in Pennington Antonia celebrates with her partner and fellow Ironman Mark Morgan Flash followed by a 55 mile bike ride through the rolling northern hills of Bolton and the famous Sheephouse Lane, before finishing with a 13.1 mile run through Bolton town centre and along Chorley New Road, passing Bolton School several times along the way. The local support throughout the day was brilliant as always and whilst completing the 70.3 was a challenge in itself, it has paved the way for the challenge of full Ironman distance which Antonia plans to complete in July 2022 – again in Bolton and which will be twice the distance of the 70.3.

Class of 2010-2019

Thorrun Govind (Class of 2010) Congratulations to community pharmacist Thorrun who has been elected as Chair of the English Board of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. The society is the professional body for pharmacy and pharmacists.

Thorrun, who regularly promotes the pharmacy profession in the national press, TV and on radio, is the youngest official to hold this position in the history of the organisation. Eleanor Senior (1998-2012) Congratulations to Eleanor who has graduated from the University of Liverpool with a PhD in Infection and Global Health, specialising in Veterinary Parasitology. Chloe Wynne (2007-2013) Just before the pandemic, in February 2020, Chloe had a career move from PR to working on the frontline of sexual violence support services in London, risk assessing and triaging survivors. In August this year she moved into another role within the same sector working as an Independent Sexual Violence Advocate with a charity called SurvivorsUK which works specifically with male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence. Her new role involves challenging police decisions, attending court, and being a point of contact for survivors going through the criminal justice process. Alliya Ghanchi (2008-2015) Congratulations to Alliya on the attainment of her Medicine degree from the University of Leicester. Alliya also achieved an intercalated MSc in medical research with Distinction in January of this year. Kendal Watkinson (2005-2015) Congratulations to Kendal who has officially been called to the Bar of England and Wales. Kendal has also commenced pupillage at Hogarth Chambers, an Intellectual Property set. Charlotte Fielding (Class of 2016) Congratulations to Charlotte who has completed her PGCE in Secondary Modern Languages (German and Spanish). It was not a normal training year by any means, what with the pandemic causing schools to close, and some of her first experiences of teaching being online, then in person with masks on! Nevertheless, she was recommended for QTS and took up a position as a Spanish Teacher in Manchester in September. Charlotte is pleased to be back in the North West after five years of living in Newcastle – after leaving Bolton School she studied Modern Languages, Translation and Interpretation at Newcastle University, from where she graduated last year. Emma Hailwood (2009-2016) After completing a Master's course at UCL in Drug Design and doing research within the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, Emma is now a Research Assistant at the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, focusing on methods of biomarker detection to catch the early signs of cancer. Riya Kalhan (2009-2016) The debut single Look My Way has been entirely written, produced and independently released by RIYA on all streaming platforms, amassing close to half a million views within the first month of release. It’s won the top 9% ISM song writing spot from over 30,000 applications attracting the attention of national TV and radio stations. After completing her diploma at the age of 17, Riya taught herself how to produce and write music, drawing upon her Bollywood influences both in her music and image as an artist. She utilises rhythmic tabla percussion and sampled synth sitar drones as part of her production, particularly in her follow up singles Reality and Give Into You, creating a truly unique sound. She has since been scouted to perform live for the infamous Sofar Sounds, with her rendition of Sam Smith’s Promises featuring a tabla twist, uploaded to their global platform. Having previously performed at prestigious venues with huge capacities such as The Macron Stadium, XOYO London, Troxy London and the Tate Modern Museum, RIYA is delighted to have been chosen as BBC’s introducing Artist of the Week. She has been invited for numerous live BBC interviews and is excited to release her upcoming song Escape in November 2021. Abi Sikorski (Class of 2016) Abi left the Girls’ Division during Year 12 after the sudden death of her father. She gained a diploma in Hair and Make-Up, worked in a salon and taught her skills to others. However, she was keen to use her commercial brain and become involved in her Dad’s business, the Lavender Hotel Group. With insufficient UCAS points, Abi enlisted the help of Head of Sixth Form Mrs Winder and in view of her circumstances and excellent CV was offered a place at the University of Salford. Alongside her studies she worked for the family business, progressing to General Manager during the second and third years of her degree. This Summer she graduated with a First Class degree in Business and Management. Abi is indebted to Bolton School, especially Mrs Winder and former Headmistress Mrs Richards, for instilling in her the belief that no Bolton School girl would be ever be average and that with hope, determination and confidence anything is possible. She says: “‘I realise that when life deals you a bad hand it’s what you do next that counts, and I can now take great satisfaction from knowing that the tough decision to leave Bolton School at the end of Year 12 has eventually paid off.” Sannah Ali (Class of 2017) Congratulations to Sannah who has graduated from the University of Central Lancashire with a First Class Law LLB (Hons) degree. Due to her academic achievements, Sannah also became a Dean’s List honouree. After graduating, Sannah has taken the next step in pursuing her legal career and is now studying the LPC LLM at the University of Law in Manchester. Once Sannah has qualified as a Solicitor, she wishes to work within the fields of corporate and commercial law and once this has been achieved, she would then like to change course and become a practising Barrister. Louisa Brophy (2003-2017) This Summer Louisa graduated from Newcastle University with a 2:1 in International Business Management with French (BSc). During her time at university she continued playing lacrosse, representing the first team in the Premier A division of BUCS, where she also took on a number of roles within the Committee, including Vice Captain, Treasurer and President. During the Summer of 2019, Louisa represented Ireland in the U19 women’s lacrosse World Championships in Canada.

Charlotte doing Louisa has recently started a graduate teacher scheme with Babcock International training in the Aviation sector, with her first of during the four six-month placements working as pandemic a bid coordinator in Paris. Grace Ball (2010-2017) At the University of York Grace studied Chemistry (MChem), with a year abroad in Grenoble, France. Her masters research year was carried out at the Université Grenoble Alpes, where the research consisted of creating small drug compounds to produce anti-inflammatory properties, fuelling her interest in