3 minute read

Story of a Gown

The Prefects’ gowns are one of the enduring symbols of the Girls’ Division, and the Gowning of the Prefects, held in the Great Hall each May, has become one of its most special traditions. Here Fiona Day (née Macnab, 1986-1993) and Natasha Street (2003-2010) describe wearing their gowns with pride.

What was your favourite moment whilst wearing your gown?


Fiona: Swishing down the aisle in assemblies.

Natasha: My favourite moment and one I remember really clearly is walking down the centre aisle with the organ playing at the start of each assembly. As a younger pupil I always looked up to the Prefects and aspired to be in assembly wearing a Prefect gown one day. It felt equally as special every time, and I feel so nostalgic thinking of that now. What were your hopes/plans for the future, as you passed on your gown? Fiona: I wanted to travel as much as possible. I’d also recently been to Paris with Alex Ellis on work experience organised by School and really wanted to live there. Natasha: I wondered sometimes when I was at School about all the Old Girls’ names in the gown and what they were up to years later, and wondered if future Prefects would ever have similar thoughts about me! I left School excited to go to university and looking forward to living abroad which I was able to do a few years later. What did you do after leaving School? Fiona: I took a gap year which was not very common in those days. My university place fell through at the last minute as it was a new course which was postponed for a year. Instead, I went to work as an au pair in Paris which was a fantastic experience. I then went on to Newcastle University and studied Law with French, spending another year in Paris.

Natasha: I studied German, Spanish and Economics at Newcastle University with a year abroad split between Frankfurt and Murcia, before joining Nestlé on the Graduate Scheme.

What are you doing now? Fiona: I live in London and am a busy mum to Isla, Tom and Phoebe. I qualified as a lawyer and am Head of Legal for commercial lending at Lloyd’s Banking Group. Natasha: After seven years with Nestlé Purina Petcare, I am just starting a new role as Head of Sales for Terrafertil, a Nestlé subsidiary in the healthy snacking/plant based area. After relocating south for seven years, my partner and I recently moved back to the North West and it’s brilliant being back here.

L-R: Helen Scott, Kate Fawell-Comley, Natasha Street, Daisy Hill (all Class of 2010) Natasha with Sara Ward (Class of 2010)

Natasha with Kate FawellComley (Class of 2010) What one piece of advice would you give to this year’s Year 13 pupils?

Natasha was thrilled to find ‘her’ gown at the Grand Reunion in 2015! Fiona: Work out what you are truly good at and what you enjoy – academics will provide a great platform, but your personal skills and motivation will distinguish you in the longer term.

Natasha: I would say the world really is your oyster and you can do anything, if you set your mind to it.

Are you still in touch with friends from School?

Enjoying cocktails at the Grand Reunion in 2015 L-R: Kate FawellComley, Sara Ward and Natasha

Fiona: Yes, I am still in regular contact with Heather Jordan (née Barlow), Jen Johnston (née Ramsdale), Alex Moon (née Ellis), Rachel Hartley (née Lewis) and Vics Sykes (née Edwards). Mrs Hayes (Maths), We see each other a lot and still Natasha and Sara go on holiday together. We’ve Ward in 2010 helped each other through all sorts – definitely friends for life. Natasha: Yes! I spent last weekend celebrating my birthday with Sara Ward and Kate Fawell-Comley (both also Class of 2010), and loved the Grand Reunion in 2015.

Fiona in the Upper Sixth, 1993 L-R: Alex Moon (née Ellis) Vicki Sykes (née Edwards), Dawn Holmes (néw Bennett), Jill Satchwell (née Hargreaves), Alison Webber, Heather Jordan (née Barlow), Katie Partington, Fiona Day (née MacNab) Fiona and friends in the Sixth Form Common Room L-R: Alex Moon, Jill Satchwell, Heather Jordan (front), Fiona and Vicky Sykes

L-R: Vicky Sykes, Fiona, Alex Moon, Jen Johnston (née Ramsdale) and Heather Jordan on a ‘Bolton girls’ trip to New York