MIAD Bridge

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B RID GE Community Building Through Design

OrangeAid | Building More Green Space | Repairers of the Breach

MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Letter From The Editors We teamed up on this extra special issue of MIAD Bridge to spotlight the benefit design has in the Milwaukee community. More specifically, the impact students are having in the Milwaukee area through their design contributions. Many of the students here at MIAD are devoted to donating their time in a way that not only utilizes their skills as artists and designers, but lifts the local community in a beneficial way. You are about to learn how several students from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design are creating some serious impact in the area by donating their services to a community in need with quality design. We hope you enjoy the content and designs we created for you in this edition of MIAD Bridge. Check out the back pages to see a list of talented contributors that have been helpful in making this magazine happen. THANK YOU, Bryan Padovano & Anthony Padovano


Letter from the Editors | Table of Contents

Table of Contents

4 10 12 15 16 18 22

Feature OrangeAid An interview with several OrangeAid interns from different semesters and the projects they have worked on in the community.

Department Infographic: Milwaukee An infographic about the crisis in Milwaukee and the insane statistical analysis the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee.

Feature Building More Green Space A story of how OrangeAid gave back to the city by working with Juneau Park Friends, a nonprofit organization renovating Juneau Park.

Did You Know Infographic: Green Space A brief story and graphic that show the benefits of having more green space in an urban environment.

Department Movie Review: Art & Copy A review of the documentary Art & Copy which focuses on advertising in the 60’s when many famous campaigns were unleashed.

Feature Repairers of the Breach A student helps to design and paint a mural at a local homeless shelter all while learning more about himself and his community.

Who is Who Contributors A thank you to all those who participated in making this magazine possible. I could not have done it with out them. Thanks Friends!

MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Dave Hoffman

Feature | OrangeAid

The Blazing Diamond Zenith Edited by Anthony Padovano Photos by Robert Kjendlie

OrangeAid is the mischievous little brother to the local advertising agency, Jigsaw. It’s an internship program built for interns by interns with principles of working hard, having fun, and giving it all back. They are an art and communications students mashup, where young people fast–track their personal and professional discovery. Each OrangeAid team gets one semester project in which they are handed a pro bono project that they create, execute, and see used throughout the city. The internship is unpaid, so you don’t get the green, but you get the orange—the opportunity for school credit, real world experience, and access to a network of talented passionate professionals who are willing to go the extra mile to help the community. The following is a series of interviews with three uber talented students who have been a part of OrangeAid over the past three semesters.

I remember the moment I realized that I was working with total geniuses. tan. Jigsaw had chosen some incredible people, and I felt really lucky to be in that room. Q: You were a part of the team who created the OrangeAid identity. Can you explain the identity system a little bit? A: We went a little nuts on the OrangeAid iden-

Dave Hoffman, OrangeAid (Spring 2011) Communication Design Student, MIAD.

tity system, but I think it was appropriate see-

Q: What was your most memorable experience

innovative and experimental kind of internship,

from OrangeAid during the spring semester?

so our guiding force was this sort of mad sci-

A: I remember the moment I realized that I

entist in our heads going, “Mua ha ha ha haaa!”

ing as how OrangeAid is a little nuts. It’s a very

was working with total geniuses. I mean, we were all just students, but something clicked when we all sat together at the table and these ideas started shooting back and forth and suddenly we all shared this massive radiant source of genius in the room. By the time Roxanne spoke the words, “OrangeAid is a blazing diamond zenith beneath which every other internship squirms,” the brilliance of the other interns had begun to burn so white-hot I got a


MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Not necessarily a malevolent mad scientist, but certainly someone practicing a kind of unhinged science. The identity wasn’t so much designed as it was mutated from our collective madness. The various illustrative icons are our

Never hold back. Leave no idea behind. Speak up.

little mutant brain children, impossible creatures that embody the direction, goals, and

the improvements they are making. We cre-

energy of the group. We really let our imagina-

ated an amazing brochure that folds out into

tions loose on the identity because OrangeAid

a map of the park and comes complete with a

isn’t the kind of internship for restrained peo-

set of stickers for visitors to place on the map

ple. It’s about going wild and letting the little

showing where different activities can be done

mad scientist inside you make some mutants.

throughout the park. With a background in

Q: What does OrangeAid mean to you?

web design, I was lucky enough to get to work

A: OrangeAid is idealistic, experimental, and

on creating a website for Juneau Park Friends

maybe a little naive, which might not sound like

that highlights the location of the park, as well

solid ground for an internship to be built upon,

as educating visitors about the upcoming

but its untamed nature is the program’s great-

enhancements the park will be receiving..

est strength and I hope it manages to grow

Q: What

and find success without losing that. The folks

your team faced during your internship?

at Jigsaw are really interested in taking in stu-

A: That transition between doing work for

dents and sharing their expertise openly while

myself and doing work for a company that will

providing an environment for them to create

test you on your ideas and your reasoning was

great work that gives back to the community.

probably the biggest challenge I faced during

Joel Rottier, OrangeAid (Summer 2011) Graphic Design Major, UWM.

Q: Can you explain the project you were handed as a summer intern at OrangeAid, and the role that you played in it? A: Juneau Park is this great little stretch of land downtown that a lot of Milwaukee residents don’t even know exists. Our client, Juneau Park Friends, is working on making some significant improvements to the park through donations. Our job was to come up with a way to spread the word about Juneau Park and promote


was the biggest challenge you or

the summer at OrangeAid.

Feature | OrangeAid

Joel Rottier

MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Bryan Padovano

Feature | OrangeAid

Q: Any final thoughts or advice for future OrangeAid interns? A: Never hold back. Leave no idea behind. Think outside of the box. Speak up. Have fun. Prepare to learn more than you could ever expected to, and just because someone is challenging your idea doesn’t mean it’s not good, they are just

FoodFightMKE worked with the Hunger Task Force in hopes of raising money for them.

trying to push you further. Bryan Padovano, OrangeAid (Fall 2011) Communication Design Major, MIAD.

to care enough to donate $10 from their phone.

Q: Can you explain the project you were

has this internship changed what your plans

handed as a fall intern at OrangeAid, and the

were prior to joining OrangeAid?

role that you played in it?

A: This internship changed my future career

A: We decided to focus on a hunger project

plans. I now really want to get into advertising

for the city of Milwaukee for our semester

more than ever, and create things that benefit

internship at OrangeAid. We decided to call

the community in some way.

it FOODFIGHTMKE and worked with the Hun-

Q: Any final thoughts or advice for future

ger Task Force in hopes of raising money for

OrangeAid inters?

them. It really turned out to be a great fit since

A: Work hard and enjoy it! There are so many

their whole purpose is to be free and local,

talented people that work at Jigsaw, and are

and that is also what OrangeAid is all about.

more than willing to give back to you and the

We focused an ad campaign in an attempt to

local community. It is a great experience and

get more donations through texting. The text

one in which I will never forget. The more effort

to donate program was what they were hav-

you put into this program the more you will get

ing the most difficulty getting off the ground,

out of it. I seriously loved working at Orange-

so we took it upon ourselves to help get more

Aid and will miss everyone very much. \\

Q: What is your plan for after graduation, and

donations. The idea was to create an army of young millenials that would help fight the war on hunger in the city. Q: What

was the biggest challenge you or

your team faced during your internship? A: The biggest challenge was in getting people interested. Hunger is an issue that not a lot of people are interested in talking about. We needed to bring attention to it and get people


MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

All statistics found at the U.S. Census Bureau

Department | Infographic: Milwaukee

Milwaukee in Crisis Mode Edited by Bryan Padovano

Milwaukee continues to be a leader in so many

need, but still can not meet the demand. With

unfortunate measures that includes unemploy-

1 in 4 Milwaukeeans now living in poverty it is

ment, mortgage rates, incarceration and seg-

not hard to see why the demand is far greater

regation. Middle–income Milwaukee neighbor-

than the supply. The Unemployment rate is

hoods declined in number, while wealthy and

very high in Milwaukee and so is the number

poor neighborhoods increased over the past

of people living in poverty. The conditions that

5 years. According to U.S. Census figures, Mil-

so many people are forced to live with has

waukee’s poverty rate now ranks in the top 10

brought some people to the front lines that

cities, and 1 out of 3 children in Milwaukee Pub-

would like to make a change in the local com-

lic Schools is living in poverty.

munity here in Milwaukee Local organizations like FOODFIGHTMKE are

Milwaukee continues to be a leader in so many unfortunate measures.

working with the Hunger Task Force to raise money for families in need as well as promote awareness of the serious issue Milwaukee is having when it comes to hunger. FOODFIGHTMKE started a text to donate campaign that launched on Nov. 1st of this year to help raise

There are many local organizations that are

money. It starts with something small like a

aware of the growing need for free and local

simple text message but can change an entire

services such as The Hunger Task Force. They

families life by providing a nutritious meal they

distribute a great deal of food to the local com-

can not always afford. There are people push-

munity, but are still unable to meet the current

ing for a change, but the conditions are still

need in the city. The Hunger Task Force dis-

alarming and these statistics tell the story. \\

tributes almost 9,000 stokboxes monthly to the senior citizens, and over 8 million pounds of food to the people of Milwaukee who are in

Infographic by Bryan Padovano Statistics by Hunger Task Force September 2011 Quick Facts Chart available online a hungertaskforce.org


By Bryan Padovano

Feature | Building More Green Space

Juneau Park Friends & OrangeAid Give Back Edited by Anthony Padovano

Typical preconceptions about community service tend to involve someone donating time at a food pantry, or picking up trash on the side of the road. While, these are very valuable ways to donate your time, I have found a different way to provide a service to the community here in Milwaukee. I used my skills as a graphic designer to energize an important community project in Milwaukee. This past summer I had the honor of being an intern for OrangeAid, the curious little brother to Jigsaw LLC, an advertising agency in downtown Milwaukee. Jigsaw created OrangeAid in an effort to make Milwaukee a better place by offering pro bono design work to those in need, as well as give young design students a place to gain real world experience. Our summer mission was to work with Juneau Park Friends, a non-profit organization whose goal is to raise enough money to rejuvenate Juneau Park. They want to put in a new terrace with wifi, plant dozens of new shade and ornamental trees, and repave the walking paths throughout the park. Their highest priority is to


MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

restore the bluff over Veterans Park and Lake

provide the best possible product we could.

Michigan. This bluff has become unstable due

We worked with the creative geniuses at Jig-

to soil erosion. The many fallen or dead trees on

saw to be sure we were not only staying on

the bluff contribute to this. They want to clear

strategy, but also providing a service with the

some of this debris away to enhance the view

best overall concept and design execution. We

of the lake as well as provide a safer pedestrian

had weekly meeting with the client to show

path down the bluff. Providing citizens with a

our progress and they were extremely pleased

safe and friendly green space like they are pro-

with our efforts. The concept for the brochure

posing is beneficial to the city and its people.

focused on the different activities you are able to do in the park now, and the different activi-

Some of the major improvements include a new terrace with wifi, dozens of new shade trees, as well as a major effort to repave the walking paths through the park.

ties you will be able to do when the park is renovated. Once we completed the informational brochure, we switched our focus to creating a web site with similar content, as well as a place for people to donate money to the project. This was the most time-consuming portion of the summer. The process of designing the website was similar to the process of designing the brochure: We went through several revisions and client meetings. The online medium will allow the project much greater exposure than the brochure because a web site is easy to access, whereas the brochure was limited to an infor-

This was a perfect project for OrangeAid

mative direct mail piece to the people living in

to take on. I really enjoyed providing qual-

the area encouraging them to donate either

ity design work for an organization that is

time or money to the project.

attempting to make Milwaukee a better place to live. Our first mission was to create an

This project was a little tricky because we

informative brochure on the project that also

wanted to create beautiful designs that a proj-

included a map of the park and all of the pro-

ect like this deserves, without making the park

posed changes they are looking to make. We

look so beautiful that it looked as if it did not

went through weeks of work and revisions to

need donations for repair. It ended up being a


Feature | Building More Green Space

DID YOU KNOW ? The more green space you have in your area the healthier you feel.

This chart shows the relation between green

simple fix by adding a little piece of informa-

space and health is considerable. The people with

tion that was easy to see that read “gener-

their homes have better self perceived health

ously donated by OrangeAid.” The quality of

than people living in an area with green space

the material we provided was something not

rated by respondents by replying to the following

typically seen from a non-profit organization. At the end of the summer we had created quality design work for an organization that is

green spaces at a distance of 1 km radius from

3 km away. Perceived general health was self statement: “In general, would you say that your health is…” They could respond by one of the following categories: very good/good/neither good nor poor/poor/very poor. The practice population from 104 general practices in the Netherlands filled out a one page self administered question-

We wanted to create beautiful designs that a project like this deserves without making the park look so beautiful that it looked as if did not need donations for repair.

naire on sociodemographic background and perceived general health.

1 KM Radius from home | Good Perceived Health

looking to make Milwaukee a better place to be and live. I also walked away with some real world advertising experience, and some quality pieces for my portfolio. Still the aspect of

3 KM Radius from home | Less Perceived Health

this project that sits with me the most is that I helped make Milwaukee a better community through graphic design.­­\\

THE M THE B ORE GREE E THE C TTER THE HN SPACE OMMU NITY EALTH IN Westert GP, Schellevis FG, Bakker DH de. et al Monitoring health inequalities through general practice: the second Dutch national survey of general practice. European Journal of Public Health 2005;15:59–65. ILLUSTRATION by Bryan Padovano.

Department | Movie Review: Art & Copy

A Documentary for Change Edited by Bryan Padovano

Art & Copy has to be one of the top 5 documentaries I have seen in the last 10 years. It was released in 2009, and the issues raised are very relevant to this issue of MIAD Bridge. The film uses a series of interviews from well–known ad men who address the social, and economic

The commitment to social change through creativity and design ability...

phenomenon known as modern advertising, and the impact it has had on contemporary life.

ranging changes in contemporary lifestyle and social thought. The creators of Nike’s “Just do

The creativity, dedication, team playing abil-

it” ads claim their campaign encourages girls

ity, insights and commitment to social change

and boys to realize their dreams. All ideas that

shown by the advertising agencies in the film

inspire social change in a positive way.

are what make this relevant. The commitment to social change through creativity and design

The overall concept of advertising’s ability to

ability is exactly the point of this issue, and is

influence people and change the world make

part of the emphasis in this film.

this a film worth watching. It features some of the most innovative minds in the advertising

Doug Pray, the director, follows the advertis-

industry and promotes a style of design that is

ers around as they speak of the positive social

reflected in this issue of MIAD Bridge. Design-

effects that their advertisements have, and

ing for positive social change is the best use of

show off the crazy spaces in which they create.

creative talent, and this film features that spe-

The environments that they work in are meant

cific idea brilliantly. \\

to inspire creativity as the workers labor to concept and design campaigns that will determine public mind set. They talk about Lee Clow’s 1984 Apple hammer thrower commercial, broadcast just once during the Superbowl, claiming it initiated wide-

Director: Doug Pray Release Date: August 21, 2009, limited Running Time: 89 mins. Parental Advisory: Content advisory for parents Languages: English Company: Seventh Art Releasing Editor Rating: Image courtesy of Michael Nadeau | Managing Director, The One Club West Coast | Producer, Art & Copy


By Janson Rapisarda

Feature | Repairers of the Breach

Students Design Mural at Shelter Edited by Anthony Padovano Illustrations by Kou Khang Repairers of the Breach at 14th street and Vliet street in Milwaukee is a homeless advocacy shelter that aims “to bring forth homeless people to act collectively to change the present conditions under which they live through advocacy, education, and direct action.� My work at Repairers of the Breach involves corroboratively painting a mural that depicts the numerous services that Repairers of the Breach offers, such as shelter, food, rest rooms, clothing, shower, bible study, and access to a phone and a health clinic. I worked with facilitators at the facility to get an idea of what Repairers does on a daily basis in order to plan for the mural. Several of the experiences I had at the facility struck at the core of Repairers’ mission. Repairers offers the homeless a place to rest and relax, which provides them with a sense of safety and time for contemplation. Moreover, the bible study group provides a powerful outlet for the homeless to explore self-improvement, personal growth, and emotional healing. The facility also offers drug and alcohol counseling for the homeless by people who have experienced the same devastating effects of addiction and worked toward improving their personal lives

MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Feature | Repairers of the Breach

by eradicating their addictions. However, the

influenced the way I think about my art. Being

people at Repairers stress self-responsibility,

able to contribute in any small way to the solu-

urging the homeless to be responsible for their

tion is an important part of being a part of a

own homelessness and their own future.

community. In particular, being an artist in a community creates a lot of opportunities to

The personal stories of many of the homeless

create something that might inspire the type

I’ve met have made me reflect on the issue of

of chance in perspective that I’ve experienced.

homelessness. Repairers offers a vital service

Being able to use art to affect change in soci-

to these people who largely lack a support

ety is an important part of being an artist.

system, but it is difficult for the facility to offer the homeless everything they need. While the facility offers them the tools to become more self-reliant and lead a successful life, it is still largely up to the individual to provide themselves with a job and a home. Extenuating circumstances, however, make this impossible for

I now value the communication that I can have with the homeless in Milwaukee.

most of the homeless. It’s difficult to blame the facility or the individual for this reality, but it is comforting to know that at the very least,

Indeed, I have learned that charging my art

places like Repairers of the Breach exist to

with social consciousness has allowed for a

attempt to bridge the gap from homelessness

lot of personal and artistic growth in my work.

to self–reliance.

This mural project at Repairers of the Breach has taught me a lot about how art affects

It’s helped me be more understanding of the homeless in Milwaukee.

the world and how my own work can create change in today’s contemporary society. It’s been extremely rewarding and motivational to see that I can use my skills to create something that might help my community. This experience has pushed me to truly use my skills to better

All of these experiences have taught me a lot

the community is some way in the future. \\

about the reality of homelessness and given me a new perspective on the homeless people that I encounter on the streets every day in Milwaukee. This new perspective has really


MIAD Bridge | Fall 2011

Dave Hoffman

The Contributors Anthony Padovano

Joel Rottier

Anthony Padovano Senior – English \ U.S. History University of Wisconsin.

Dave Hoffman Senior – Communication Design Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

Anthony was the editor of the feature articles

Dave was one of the original OrangeAid

for this issue of MIAD bridge, and U.S. History

interns at Jigsaw LLC. He helped to create

buff from the University of Wisconsin. He is

the identity and set the groundwork for

in his senior year in Madison studying both

what OrangeAid has been doing in the local

English and U.S. History with a minor in Latin.

Milwaukee Community. His interview in this

No one wears more red than this guy as he is

magazine proved helpful in showing the time

always willing to show his love for the state of

line of OrangeAid and the benefits of the

Wisconsin and his beloved badgers. Also the

design work they create for various non-profit

best guy that I know. \\

organizations. \\

Janson Rapisarda

Kou Khang

Joel Rottier Senior – Graphic Design University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.

Janson Rapisarda Senior – Printmaking Major Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

Joel is a very talented graphic design student

Janson was the writer of the Repairers of the

from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee,

Breach article in this issue of MIAD Bridge.

Kou was the lead illustrator on this issue of

and also active AIGA member. He worked two

He helped direct and create the mural at

MIAD Bridge. He helped direct and create

semesters at OrangeAid. His interview for the

Repairers of the Breach. \\

the mural illustration for the Repairers of the

OrangeAid article proved helpful in showing the time line of their projects positive results in the Milwaukee community. \\

Kou Khang Senior – Time Based Media Major \ Illustration Minor Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.

Breach article. His talent is unmatched. \\

Who is Who | Contributors

Rob Kjendlie

Rob Kjendlie Senior – Communication Design \ Photography Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design Rob was the lead photographer for this issue of MIAD bridge. He is an uber talented Senior double major at the Milwaukee institute of Art and Design who is studying Photography and Communication Design. His photographic style and skill was perfect for illustrating the different people involved in this issue of Bridge. Specifically the OrangeAid article and the work they are doing in the local community. \\

Bryan Padovano Senior – Communication Design Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Bryan was the lead editor for this issue of MIAD bridge as well as the writer of the Building More Green Space feature article. The type illustrations were created by Bryan for the Building More Green Space feature article as well as the Repairers of the Breach article. He also created the illustration on the sidebar of pg 15. He worked two different semesters at OrangeAid which was beneficial in spotlighting not only what the folks at OrangeAid are doing, but showing how talented designers at the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design are benefiting the local community here in Milwaukee. \\

Bryan Padovano


B RID GE Community Building Through Design

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