castrofilippo a tavola

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5.2 Zuppe (Soups)

Zuppa di Lenticchie Secche (Dried Lentil soup) Ingredients: Onions, tomatoes, dried lentils, salt, pepper, zarchi or chard, (relative of beet) and water. Boil everything under a low flame until the lentils are cooked. Serve like soup with olive oil and hard bread or with "cavati o ditali." (ditali-thimbles)

Zuppa di Ceci Secchi (Dried Chickpea Soup) Put the chickpeas in water for 12 hours. Drain them and put them back in salted water. Boil until the chickpeas are softened. Serve with olive oil and bread.

Fave Secche Bollite (Boiled Dried Fava Beans) Put the dried beans in water for 12 hours. Drain them before cooking. Put them back in water and boil, until the beans are softened. Serve with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Maccu di Fave (Maccu of Fava Beans) Remove the skin from the dried fava beans. Soak them in water for 7 hours. Drain them. Boil the fava beans until the beans form a paste similar to being mashed. Serve as a soup with olive oil or with thimble size pasta.


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