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Page: 300 Format: pdf ISBN: 9781617294051 Publisher: Manning Publications Company GitHub - jordanbyron/react-native-quick-actions: A react-native react-native-quick-actions - A reactnative interface for Touch 3D home screen quick actions. ToolbarAndroid · React Native - Facebook Code React component that wraps the Android-only Toolbar widget. A Toolbar can display a logo, navigation icon (e.g. hamburger menu), a title & subtitle and a list of actions. The title and subtitle are expanded so the logo and navigation icons are displayed on the left, title and subtitle in the middle and the actions on the right. react-native-action-bar - npm Are you looking for React-native's ToolbarAndroid? To allow more customization, I do not use ToolbarAndroid, however, this might be what you are looking for instead of my package. react-native-action-bar is here to provide a similar top screen bar but that looks the same on Android and iOS. @2hats/react-native-android-action-sheet - npm Android. android/setting.gradle include ':react-native-android-action-sheet'. project(':reactnative-android-action-sheet').projectDir = new File(rootProject. projectDir, '../node_modules/reactnative-android-action-sheet/android'). android/ app/build.gradle. dependencies { compile project(":react-native-android-action- sheet"). mastermoo/react-native-action-button - GitHub reactnative-action-button - customizable multi-action-button component for react- native. GitHub santomegonzalo/react-native-floating-action: Material Material design action button for React Native. Contribute to react-native-floating-action development by creating an account on GitHub. react-native-quick-actions - npm A react-native interface for Touch 3D home screen quick actions. react-native-bottom-action-sheet - npm import RNBottomActionSheet from 'react-native-bottomaction-sheet';. Sheet View . let SheetView = RNBottomActionSheet.SheetView(). SheetView.setTitle(" Awesome!") SheetView.addItem('Facebook', 'Facebook App', facebook). SheetView.addDividerItem("Items");. SheetView.addItem("LinkedIn", "LinkedIN App", linkedin);. Issues · expo/react-native-action-sheet · GitHub A cross-platform ActionSheet for React Native. Contribute to react-native-action- sheet development by creating an account on GitHub. Position horizontally · Issue #205 · mastermoo/react-native-action react-native-action-button - customizable multi-action-button component for react- native. react-native-android-action-sheet - npm reactnative-android-action-sheet. react-native-android-action-sheet is a JavaScript library for React Native, it implements AcionSheet for Android relys on AndroidActionSheet. how? learn more · zongjingyao published a year ago; 0.0.1 is the latest release;; See @expo/react-native-action-sheet - npm react-native-action-sheet Slack. ActionSheet is a cross-platform React Native component that uses the native UIActionSheet on iOS and a JS implementation on Android. Almost a drop in replacement for ActionSheetIOS except it cannot be called statically. react-native-circular-action-menu - npm customizable circular action menu component for react-native. mastermoo/react-native-action-button - GitHub react-nativeaction-button - customizable multi-action-button component for react- native. React Native share action for Android with SEND intent Among an App essential features we can surely mention the "Sharing" ability. While we got it covered in iOS with react-native-activity-view and react-native-

social-share, we still missed an Android counterpart. Here is Esteban Fuentealba' s Component that is also an example implementation of Android's GitHub - Osedea/react-native-action-bar: An Android-like action bar An Android-like action bar for react-native. Contribute to react-native-actionbar development by creating an account on GitHub.

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