Happy september 17th part 2

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Happy September 17th!! : Theology, Ufology and Black Liberation in Minister Farrakhan’s Vision-Like Experience Part 2 By Demetric Muhammad The major religions today teach a belief in a shapeless, formless and immaterial God. But in part 1 of this article we demonstrated that the sacred texts of Judaism and Christianity describe God as a man. In the Bible, Adam’s God was a man. Abraham’s God was a man. Moses God was a man. And Jesus God was a man. As far as Classical Islam is concerned, they also teach that Allah (God) is shapeless, formless and immaterial. The problem with this position is that since the Holy Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad are chronologically after the Bible, and Prophet Muhammad claimed to believe in the same God as the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus, Classical Islam naturally inherits the same ManGod of those former prophets and the former scriptures. This is clearly the reason why the Holy Qur’an in Surah 2:2-4 reads: “This Book, there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty, Who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them, And who believe in that which is revealed unto thee (Muhammad) and that which was revealed before thee, and are certain of the Hereafter.” The only reason Muslims could be said to believe in the scripture revealed to Prophet Muhammad and the scriptures revealed before him (Bible) is because both the Holy Qur’an and the Bible were revealed by one and the same God. Abraham’s God is Prophet Muhammad’s God. If Abraham’s God was a man, so is Prophet Muhammad’s God. Ufology The question could be asked, at this point, what does all of this have to do with the modern field of study known as Ufology? Well consider that God is always described as being “above.” Most theologians agree that the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God is conceived of as being omnipresent yet he primarily occupies an “elevated” place. Scripture describes Him as having a geospatial position equal to being in the air or in the heavens. He is even colloquially referred to as “the man upstairs.”

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But how would a Man-God be up in the heavens or up in the clouds? He would occupy the heavens above our heads just as any other man would travel in the clouds. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan eloquently pointed out to us. “Men don’t travel in the clouds unless they are in planes.” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s series of internet broadcasts entitled The Time and What Must Be Done contains a wealth of in-depth analysis and commentary on this vitally important subject. They can be viewed here from the archives: http://www.noi.org/thetime/ Let’s take a look at the God of the Bible and the various descriptions of Him being in the clouds. God Rides Upon A Cloud The burden of Egypt. Behold, the LORD rideth upon a swift cloud, and shall come into Egypt: and the idols of Egypt shall be moved at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it. (Isaiah 19:1) And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the LORD. (Exodus 19:90) He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and darkness was under his feet. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind. And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. (2Samuel 22:10-12) And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. (Numbers 11:25) And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind. (Psalms 18:10) Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind (Pslams 104:3)

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The Mother Plane All of these passages of scripture which have amazed, perplexed and intrigued scholars and Bible believers for centuries have finally been clearly explained and vindicated through the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s groundbreaking teachings on the aerial phenomenon called UFOs, has made him a pioneer in the field of ufology. For it was Mr. Muhammad who is the first to teach to the masses the knowledge he was given of these objects more than a decade before public fascination over the sighting of pilot Kenneth Arnold in Washington state made the term UFO a household word. In fact when the federal government had Mr. Muhammad arrested in 1942 to quell his preaching that Blacks should abstain from America’s war efforts in World War II, it was Mr. Muhammad’s knowledge and teachings on UFOs that occupied a great deal of the interview and interrogation of Mr. Muhammad by federal agents. We know this because of Mr. Muhammad’s description of his arrest. “I sat down and I talked with them years ago about it. They asked me questions. They have the drawing on a blackboard that they’d taken from us when they arrested us and I had drawn the plane and written explanations on the blackboard, and they took it to the F.B.I. office. They have it there today. They know this to be true and they admitted to me that it is true.” (Theology of Time Lecture Series July 2, 1972) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said of his teacher, the Great Mahdi Master Wallace Fard Muhammad that, “He pointed out a destructive dreadful-looking plane that is made like a wheel in the sky today. It is a half mile by a half mile square; it is a humanly built planet. It is up there and can be seen twice a week; it is no secret.” (Message To The Blackman pages 17-18) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad would go on to describe these objects more accurately by introducing a new nomenclature for these objects, an act reflective of his position as an authority on this subject that from the 1940s onward, baffled scores of prominent Americans in government and science. From his teachings we learned that the large “humanly built planet” that his teacher pointed out to him is called the “Mother Plane” or “Mother Wheel.’” This Mother Wheel he said was so large that it contained within itself 1500 smaller spheres called “baby planes.” More important than the status of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as being the first to introduce and explain a definitive knowledge of UFOs to the public, is that within his teachings is the harmonizing and intersecting of the seemingly non-related subjects of scripture, Black Liberation Page 3

and the aerial phenomenon of UFOs. That these popular subjects could be interconnected and co-related is an uncommon premise that provides intrigue and beauty to Mr. Muhammad’s teachings. In his teachings on this subject he brilliantly provides for us the context, a definite Black Liberation Theology context, for the appearance of these “flying saucers” inside of America. Consider some important quotes from Mr. Muhammad’s catalog of teachings on the great Mother Wheel. “It will be the work of the wheel. The wheel is the power of the four creatures, namely the four colors of the Black man (Black, brown, yellow and red). The red Indian is to benefit also from the judgment of the world.” (The Fall of America page 239). “As Ezekiel saw and heard in his vision of it (Chapter 10:2) the plane is terrible. It is seen but do not think of trying to attack it. That would be suicide!” (Message To The Blackman page 291) “He [Prophet Ezekiel] said he saw a wheel in a wheel and that this wheel rose up from the Earth. He didn’t say nothing about where it was made at on the earth, but he said a wheel rose up from the earth and that it got so high that it looked dreadful.” (Theology of Time July 9, 1972) “The like of this wheel-like plane was never seen before. You cannot build one like it and get the same results. Your brains are limited. If you would make one to look like it, you could not get it up off the earth into outer space. The similar Ezekiel’s wheel is a masterpiece of mechanics.” (Message To The Blackman page 290) “Allah (God) Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that this Plane is capable of reaching a height of forty miles above the earth. His words could have been a sign meaning forty years, in which the Plane would go into action and not referring actually to forty miles. Allah (God) does not speak one word that does not have meaning. Every word that He speaks has meaning.” (Fall of America page 237) “They (devils) see the end of their world and they see the signs of the Son of Man coming in the sky with power and great glory (the great Ezekiel's wheel and the unity of the Muslim world and the distress of nations).” (Message To The Blackman page 293) On this wheel in a wheel here that Ezekiel prophesy of, that it got so high up in the air that it look dreadful. This wheel is up in the air now. This is what they’re trying to locate from the moon, if they could get a good stationary place on the moon and watch for this plane. Drop that bomb on the Earth and that his height would be something about twenty miles above the Earth when he Page 4

dropped it, not getting too far out the atmosphere because he wants to use the atmosphere to help guide his bombs. So that this bomb, when it strikes the Earth, it will start right into the Earth. It has a bomb that is timed and that it has a little motor to the bomb that when it strikes the Earth that motor automatically goes on and takes that bomb one mile into the Earth before ever it explodes. When it explodes, it set up a mountain one mile high. That’s a powerful bomb. Allah taught me that that’s the same type of bomb that God used to make mountains on the Earth. It’s the same thing. It goes into the Earth with a very speedy motor taking it right on through like an air hammer. It doesn’t dig out. It just sucks itself right on into the Earth like a air hammer chiseling down into the Earth and when it gets it’s time, it’s not to explode until it gets a mile into the Earth. They have in this bomb, the type of dynamite that they used to bring up the mountains of Everest mountain range. Powerful dynamite. It’s more powerful than America is using. America uses 30% dynamite. These people have their bombs equipped with 100% dynamite today to blast just a few mountains across the continent of North America. And that these mountains pulling up out of the Earth from that blasting away bomb, it will kill people for fifty miles around. That crater it makes pushing up the mountain on each side, and this will go into action when America start using her high explosives, dropping it from the air. This thing will come out and get us. It carries fifteen hundred, or rather this thing carries fifteen hundred of these small bomb planes. Each one of these bomb planes carries three bombs and these three bombs will take these bombs over an area of just what I said. Everyone that’s dropping a bomb at the covering to destroy us for one hundred and fifty miles that it was dropped. Excuse me for my lengthy time but I want you to try and understand this and I want you to be looking out for it any day. I have seen that plane. This is no perfect drawing of it but the brother did the best he could. That’s a powerful plane. It can dart in the sky. It’s just like you see what they call those wheels––those flying saucers. Right through the plane measures one mile. Allah showed me this thing. As I tell you, if you find me lying on what I tell you He said, I’ll give you $10,000 out my brother’s vest pocket. If he don’t happen to have it, I’ll ask you to loan it to me then I’ll pay you back. I saw this plane. This thing can move about into space so wisely until their way of trying to shoot him out of the sky never touch this one. There is a scientist, more than a scientist, I think there are four or five on this Plane. It’s a ½ a mile by ½ a mile. And this Plane will make these look like us here but it been can dart out your eyesight so fast until it didn’t look like nothing was there. You will see this Plane one day because this Plane have a civilization on it. They stay up there a year and sometimes a year and a half in that Plane. It’s a wonderful thing. Dreadful looking Plane. I’m not trying to deceive you, I’m trying to show you what you’re going to see pretty soon. (Theology of Time July 2, 1972)

The more we look at and critically analyze the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teaching on the prophecy of Ezekiel’s wheel, we come to the glorious conclusion that he is indeed the man to whom the God of the Bible and the Holy Qur’an gave special knowledge about the most fascinating and important of all developments in human history! I would imagine that our enslaved fore-parents, who toiled and suffered the inhumane treatment of chattel slavery, would rejoice over Mr. Muhammad’s teaching and agree that Ezekiel’s wheel and the Mother Plane were one and the same Page 5

“Sweet Chariot” of God, that so many of them sang about. “Swing low sweet chariot, comin’ for to carry me home…” In part 3 we discuss further into the Chariot of God, Minister Louis Farrakhan and the liberation of the Black man and woman of America.

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