Bradley Stoke Voice - February 2024 - Issue 16

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February 2024 - Issue 16






Nick Chater with his father Tom, mother Jane and brother Ben Tel: 0117 239 9683

See our ad on Page 6

Dental crisis keeps on growing Page 3

Foodbanks need your support Page 4

More time to have your say

Waiting to live ...

One of the campaign dolls

PATCHWAY teenager Nick Chater, who is awaiting a kidney transplant, is backing a campaign to find more child organ donors. Nick and his family are supporting Waiting to Live, which aims to highlight the 230 UK children who need organ transplants. To raise awareness of the need for more donors, Waiting to Live will use dolls that wear badges inviting people passing by to scan a QR code and find out more about children waiting for transplants.

Page 7

Bradley Stoke mayors’ column Page 9

Latest local Ofsted reports Page 10

Full story: Page 6

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February 2024


February 2024 Issue 16

EDITORIAL Jane Williams

ADVERTISING Shaun Edwards Tel 07540 383 870

PUBLISHER Brookfield Publishing Tel 07540 383 870

Facebook bradleystokevoice

MARCH DEADLINE To ensure your news or letters are included, please contact us by noon on Monday February 19. Advertisers are asked to contact us by the same date. LOCAL INFORMATION South Gloucestershire Council 01454 868009 Police general enquiries: 101 Emergency: 999 Fire General enquiries: 0117 926 2061 Emergency: 999 NHS 111 Safer Stronger team 01454 868009

Anti social behaviour team 01454 868582 Streetcare/litter/vandalism etc Environment/trading standards 01454 868001 Well Aware Health and social care information Tel: (Freephone) 0808 808 5252 We Are Bristol helpline Tel: (Freephone) 0800 694 0284 Mon-Fri, 8.30am - 5pm Weekends, 10am - 2pm

Staff thanked for making children’s services better A FORMAL Improvement Notice for children’s services in South Gloucestershire has been lifted. The Department for Education said that while the council still had work to do to ensure that all children and families get the right support at the right time, the pace of improvement over the last 12 months was “encouraging”. The DfE said the authority must now continue to focus on and invest in the areas of children’s social care where further improvements are required. Executive Director of the Department for People, Chris Sivers, said: “This is really encouraging news and marks significant efforts to improve services for children and families in our area. For this, I want to say thank you to every one of our staff for their hard work. Change and improvement doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and support at every level, and they should all feel proud of their contribution.” Cabinet councillor for children’s services Maggie Tyrell

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said: “This represents a real team effort, from teams across the council who have supported our children’s services. This is a huge step forward and is testament to the commitment and hard work of all staff, both within the department and across the council. “Of course this does not mark the end of the improvement journey, there is more to do, but this is an important recognition of the progress made. It is also an encouragement that if we continue to give this work the level of focus and commitment we are, that we will see further improvements, which will benefit the children and their families in South Gloucestershire who most need our help.” The council’s children’s services teams are responsible for supporting and protecting vulnerable children, by providing additional help and support to young people in need and their families, and ensuring that children and young people are kept safe if they are considered to be at risk of harm.

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February 2024

n NEWS PEOPLE in the Bradley Stoke area are facing a 36-mile trip to reach the nearest dentist accepting new adult NHS patients. The NHS Find a Dentist website says the closest practice currently open to new adult patients is in Marlborough in Wiltshire. For children aged 17 and under, the nearest practice open to new NHS patients is 18 miles away, in Bath. A spokesperson for NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board, which is responsible for NHS services in the area, said: “We are aware that access to NHS dentistry in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is challenging and we are working hard to try and improve the situation for local people. “We continue to engage extensively with local dental clinicians, their representatives and partners, as part of a wider South West Dental Reform programme, to encourage and support them to continue to provide services for NHS patients.” The ICB said people with an urgent dental need could call 111 to access one of 64 appointments available each week. The profession’s official body, the British Dental Association, says the “access crisis” facing the area is typical of the situation around the country. It blames the “long discredited” NHS dental contract first introduced in 2006, which has led to severe recruitment and retention problems. Parliament’s Health and Social Care Committee recommended in July last year that it should be reformed, after carrying out an inquiry. The government said in December that it accepted the committee’s recommendations and “must do more to ensure that everyone can access an NHS dentist”. But the BDA said it was still waiting for the government to publish its recovery plan and said it had “singularly failed to show it shares the aspirations of the Committee”. BDA chair Eddie Crouch said: “The Government claim they want access for all but appear unwilling to make any commitments that could actually achieve that.


Nearest NHS dentist? Just 36 miles away ... Local dental woes highlighted by Claire Hazelgrove were mentioned in the House of Commons “We’ve heard big ambitions but no action, and our patients will continue paying the price.” Filton and Bradley Stoke’s Labour candidate for MP, Claire Hazelgrove, was commended in the House of Commons for raising local stories of dentistry challenges with the Shadow Health Secretary, and for her public survey on the issue of dentistry for local people. Figures revealed that, of the eight dental surgeries who have provided a recent update in the Filton and Bradley Stoke constituency, none are currently accepting any new adult or child patients. Claire Hazelgrove said: “Patients in communities across the Filton and Bradley Stoke constituency are finding it impossible to see a dentist, with some having to resort to DIY dentistry. “I’m out knocking on doors and listening all year round, and I know this is a big issue here in our communities. Like many, I don’t have an NHS dentist myself and I know and share the worry that can cause. “Labour has a plan to rescue NHS dentistry from this crisis and get patients seen on time again.“In contrast to the current Conservative

MP voting against rescuing NHS dentistry, I was grateful to the Shadow Health Secretary, Wes Streeting MP, for speaking on my behalf in the House of Commons in support of doing so, and to share the story of a lady in Filton. “Her and her father’s dentist went private and cancelled their appointments, having recently diagnosed her with dental disease and her elderly father, who has dementia, as needing a tooth removed so that he could eat. This is not what local people should expect.” Metro Mayor Dan Norris said that access to an NHS dentist has “fallen off a cliff” and he is particularly concerned about the long-term impact on children, with tooth decay now the most common reason for hospital admission for young children, some of whom are having to miss school in pain. Some 55% of children in South Glos have missed out on seeing an NHS dentist in the past year. Only 39% of the area’s adults have seen a dentist in the past two years, . Mr Norris said because most high street dentists have now shut their doors to new NHS patients, which has made it “virtually impossible” for thousands in the West to get an appointment. Mr Norris says: “It’s getting harder and harder to see an NHS dentist. Not only is that a disaster for people now, it is storing up serious problems for the future. “Under the Conservative Government, access to NHS dentistry has fallen off a cliff. If that’s what they’ve done to one part of our NHS it feels like the outlook is bleak for other services too under their mismanagement. “The crisis in dental care is a symptom of nearly 14 years of Conservative rule - propped up by the Lib Dems to begin. More and more people are telling me it’s time for a new approach.”

‘Meet Your Councillor’ sessions scaled back BRADLEY Stoke Town Council has reduced the number of sessions in its ‘Meet Your Councillor’ initiative following a lack of uptake from residents to a recently trialled scheme. Constituents are able to attend face-to-face surgeries with their elected councillors to discuss local issues and raise any concerns they may have. The councillors then feed that information back to the

Town Council who either take appropriate action or raise it with the relevant organisation, such as the police or the council. Since the local elections last May, a new scheme was implemented which doubled the frequency of ‘Meet Your Councillor’ sessions to twice a month, and rotated the surgeries around three locations to make them more accessible to

Bradley Stoke residents based in different parts of the town. However, during a review of the new process shortly before Christmas, it was noted that members of the public had made only eight enquiries during the five sessions that had been held between July and November 2023. One two-hour surgery saw no attendees at all. As a result, the’ Meet Your Councillor’ surgeries will return

to being held once a month, on the last Saturday of each month at the Willow Brook Centre, this being the location which is felt to have the highest footfall in the area. The next two surgeries will be on Saturday 24 February and Saturday 23 March, between 10am and 12 noon on both dates. They will be held in the Town Square foyer of the Willow Brook Centre.

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February 2024


Local foodbanks desperately need your support ACROSS Bristol and South Gloucestershire, the local foodbank network (Bristol North West Foodbank, North Bristol & South Glos Foodbank and South & East Bristol Foodbank) have seen the need for their services drastically increase over the past few years as austerity continues to grow. The team don’t think anyone should be in a position to need the foodbank, that’s why they are partnering with the Trussell Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, who have launched a petition as part of the Guarantee our Essentials campaign. This campaign calls on the UK government to implement an Essentials Guarantee into Universal Credit. Universal Credit should offer support to anyone in need of help, but here in Bradley Stoke we’re seeing more and more people pushed to the doors of foodbanks because Universal Credit doesn’t cover the cost of life’s essentials, such as food and bills. This isn’t right and must change. Local foodbanks are seeing the highest level of need since they opened 12 years ago; as one visitor to one of our

foodbanks said: “It has been my lifeline, I don’t know what I would do without all of you.” The team behind the foodbanks need people to take action. We see first-hand how low levels of social security affect people in our community. The team truly believe that taking action will seriously lower the number of people needing to use our foodbanks. Please sign the petition today which calls on UK political party leaders to support the introduction of an Essentials Guarantee into Universal Credit, which would ensure the basic rate covers our core costs and can never be pulled below that level. The petition is here: action.trusselltrust. org/guarantee-our-essentials-petition Our local Trussell Trust foodbank (Patchway outlet) is open weekly at St Chad’s Church (172 Rodway Road, BS34 5ED) to support members of the community who need help. They operate using a referral system. To find out more or to help support their work, visit: nbsg.foodbank. Foodbank team

The foodbank team aim to guarantee your essentials

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February 2024



Combating graffiti in Bradley Stoke

Grow your job skills

BRADLEY Stoke Town Council is committed to eradicating graffiti in the area by offering a free-touse service for residents. The council has done this for several years by using its own equipment, but unfortunately in December the equipment broke and, due to the age of it, the council was unable to get it repaired. The replacement graffiti removal scheme now sees South Gloucestershire Council remove graffiti in Bradley Stoke, although this comes at an annual cost to the town council of £1,000 to ensure the service is available all year long. However, Bradley Stoke Town Council have pointed out that offensive graffiti (ie that which includes swear words, racism, homophobia, derogatory language and other offensive terms) will be removed free if residents report it directly to South Gloucestershire Council.

LOCAL people who need help to access skills, training and career support to help them enter the world of work, upskill, or progress in their careers, will benefit from a new service. Skills Connect advisors are available to anyone over 18 who needs help in becoming more employable, or who are experiencing barriers that may be preventing them from accessing services. The new service is part of the wider Skills Connect service funded by the West of England Combined Authority, which was created with the aim of making it easier for people to find training and career support opportunities. To get more information about what Skills Connect can offer, you can visit or call 01454 864613.

Instances of graffiti should be reported to the Town Council If you need to report graffiti in Bradley Stoke for removal, you can contact the Activity Centres

Manager or the Deputy Town Clerk via the Bradley Stoke Town Council website.



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February 2024

n NEWS TEENAGER Nick Chater’s home is in the Falklands Islands but he is currently living in Patchway awaiting a donor kidney. If a suitable organ is found, Nick will undergo the second kidney transplant of his young life. He received a kidney from his father, Tom, when he was four and it lasted ten years. Tom said: “We actually had to come to the UK for Nick to be born and didn’t get home to live for over five years until he had his first transplant at four and a half years old. “Approximately six months after the transplant, the kidney stopped altogether but amazingly restarted following dialysis. “When his kidney started to deteriorate again to the point that we could not safely live in the Falklands (dialysis is not an option there), we (guided by the University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation team) made the decision to return to the UK again and come and live in Bristol while we wait for a kidney. “On arrival in the UK in May, Nick went straight onto the waiting list for a kidney. The wait sometimes feels never ending. We’ve had to move away from our normal lives and spend a large amount of time with our family not being able to be together. “Nick has peritoneal dialysis which requires him to be connected to a machine for eight hours every night. Nick is unbelievably resilient and accepting of the situation he is in but it is very difficult for him. “A transplant means that Nick will have a lot more energy and be able to live an almost normal life. It will mean that he will be able to return to the Falkland Islands again and to enjoy many things to the same degree that family and friends do without having to constantly think about what he is eating or drinking or how far he is going.” Under the UK kidney sharing scheme, one of Nick’s relatives and a family friend have signed up. Neither is a suitable match for Nick but both have offered to donate to someone else, if their donor (who is not a match for them) is able to give to Nick in return. Nick is also on the waiting list for a deceased donor. “I would like to think that any parent would

Campaign highlights need for child organ donors

Nick Chater has been waiting since May consider live organ donation. We both got tested for suitability and ultimately Nick received one of my kidneys. It was the best thing I have ever done, it not only gave Nick literally his life but as a family gave us all our lives back. “Please, not only get registered but consider donating yourself and make sure you tell your family your wish to donate. The beneficial impact of receiving an organ donation is unmeasurable to the patient and their immediate family and friends.” Currently, there is a significant lack of child organ donors resulting in children and their families waiting for a life-saving donation that tragically sometimes doesn’t come. In 2021/22, just 52% of families who were approached about organ donation gave consent for their child’s organs to be donated. This represented just 40 organ donors under




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the age of 18. However, in cases where a child was already registered on the NHS Organ Donor Register, no family refused donation. The family is backing the new Waiting to Live campaign, which aims to encourage parents and families to consider organ donation and, it is hoped, register themselves and their children as donors. Three sites across Bristol are hosting dolls, each representing a child on the waiting list: UHBW’s Bristol Royal Hospital for Children and NHS Blood and Transplant’s Filton and Stoke Gifford centres. Joanna Woodland, paediatric renal clinical nurse specialist at UHBW said: “The uncertainty of not knowing when a suitable donor will be found is challenging and we are moved by families’ strength, optimism and resilience while on the transplant list.” Angie Scales, lead nurse for paediatric organ donation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said: “For many children on the transplant waiting list, their only hope is the parent of another child saying ‘yes’ to organ donation at a time of immense sadness and personal grief. Yet, families tell us that agreeing to organ donation can also be a source of great comfort and pride. “When organ donation becomes a possibility, it is often in very sudden or unexpected circumstances. When families have already had the opportunity to consider organ donation previously or know already it is something they support, it makes a difficult situation that bit easier. “By encouraging more young people and their families to confirm their support for organ donation on the NHS Organ Donor Register, we hope to be able to save more lives of children, both today and in the future.”



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February 2024

n NEWS SOUTH Gloucestershire Council has extended the deadline for people to have their say on its Local Plan, which could see thousands of new homes built on the Green Belt. The latest phase of consultations on the blueprint for development between 2025 and 2040, is now staying open for comment until February 16. The council says it needs to find sites for 9,260 new homes, at least 7,813 of which will need to be built on greenfield sites. It has to create a Local Plan for the next 15 years, otherwise developers will be seeking to build on sites all across the district. The council’s ‘emerging preferred strategy’, which it says is a compromise between the Green Belt and the need for new housing near existing urban areas. One of the biggest potential developments in the Green Belt is on the Woodlands golf course at Trench Lane, Almondsbury, which could see 800 homes in the next 15 years and a further 950 after that.


More time to have say on Green Belt housing Several other Green Belt sites in Almondsbury and Winterbourne are earmarked for possible development with a total of 365 homes. The council is also suggesting major housing estates along the Avon Ring Road at Henfield, Shortwood and Warmley, which it says have good employment and transport links. Earlier schemes to build in the north of the district appear to be being shelved because these would need major improvements to the M5 junction at Falfield. The council has held a series of drop-in meetings across the district during January to give people more information about what is proposed. The council said: “We know this will be very challenging for those communities affected by this.”

A group set up to oppose the plans to build on Green Belt sites, Save Our Green Spaces South Gloucestershire, has set up a petition on the council’s website, which can be found at A spokesperson for the Save our Green Spaces group said: “We are not NIMBYs opposed to any development. We support organic growth, but not mass development of housing and industry across the Green Belt.” The group has built a following of more than 700 people via a Facebook page where information is shared, including details of upcoming council consultation meetings, and is planning to hold its own open meetings in future. The council cabinet member with responsibility for the Local Plan, Chris Willmore, said it has

7 to “tackle several challenges”, including finding homes for the next generations while preserving the area’s “wonderful environment”, and tackling the lack of facilities on new developments. She said: “The council hasn’t made any decisions yet, but we want to talk with our communities about these ideas and to hear theirs. “When we say it is ‘preferred’, that simply means that we think the approach we’re presenting is a positive way of meeting our collective needs in response to the challenges we are all facing together. “But we are still open to hearing more ideas. “We want to know where people think this draft plan is right and where it can be improved.” Full details of the Local Plan can be found online at www., where people can fill in a consultation survey. Anyone who is not online can call the council on 01454 868009 for help.

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February 2024


Inspirational women Tim awarded BEM for lined up for free event services to beekeeping LITTLE Stoke resident Timothy Hewer was honoured with a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the New Year’s Honours list to acknowledge his many services to Beekeeping. Timothy, a retired electrician, is a member of the Bristol Branch of Avon Beekeepers

Association, and also regularly goes into schools to educate children about how to look after hives. He recently won a £700 grant to buy 20 child-sized bee suits, and runs sessions for school children, Guides and Scouts to familiarise them with working with bees.

Below: Timothy hard at work with his bees and a fellow beekeeper. Photo taken from Timothy’s X (Twitter) page: @HewerTim

The annual IWD event at City Hall is always a well-attended occasion BRISTOL Women’s Voice is once again hosting its free flagship annual event to celebrate International Women’s Day, at City Hall and on College Green on Saturday March 2, from 10am until 5pm. There is something for everyone, with more than 50 activities showcasing women speakers, organisations and accessible activities that cover movement, art, film, debate, sport, employment, wellbeing and more. FirstBus have also donated free bus passes, available from info@ Panel discussions will include

Global Feminisms, Women in the Built Environment, Women and Health, the Caring Economy as well as Breaking the Barriers to Women in Sports. Speakers confirmed so far include Bristol Rovers, Bristol Bears, and West of England Mayor Dan Norris. You can learn to make a podcast with Ujima Radio, get involved with Black Women’s Theatre with Breathing Fire, take part in armchair yoga, get involved in crafting as protest or have your voice heard at the open mic space or the older women and the younger women’s forums. All are welcome to attend.

The drive to get cooking at school St Michael’s Primary School on Ratcliffe Drive, Stoke Gifford, has received a hearty donation of cooking equipment from a local motor supplier, Drive Motor Retail, helping the school to launch a ‘Let’s Get Cooking’ campaign to inspire pupils to enjoy getting creative in the kitchen. The Parents, Friends and Teachers Association (PTFA) at St Michael’s has been instrumental in raising additional funds to support the school’s initiatives. Peter Barnard, St Michael’s Primary School head teacher, said: “We are incredibly grateful

for Drive’s generous donation towards our ‘Let’s Get Cooking’ campaign. “This support will enable us to provide valuable opportunities for our students, fostering their love for cooking and empowering them with lifelong skills. “Contributions like this will not only expand our cooking programme and offer more engaging and educational experiences to our students, but they will also allow us to enhance other aspects of their education and create a dynamic learning environment that fosters creativity and teamwork.”

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February 2024


n NEWS FROM THE MAYOR’S OFFICE We are delighted to write for Bradley Stoke Voice each month about what is, or has been, happening in Bradley Stoke and the work of the Town Council. 2023 has certainly been a busy year with lots more planned for 2024. Below are a few of things that are taking place over the next few weeks.

Christmas lights

Installation of bleed kits

Red Dress project

We were delighted that for the first time ever we were able to display Christmas lights in our town. Cllr Dayley Lawrence said: “As your Mayor, I was delighted to hear your comments. Using your feedback we will work to bring more festive lights next year.”

Following installation of a bleed kit on the Heartsafe Public Access Defibrillator at Brook Way Activity Centre, Bradley Stoke Town Council have made the decision to fund more kits in Bradley Stoke. The one at Brook Way was funded by the Police. Mayor of Bradley Stoke, Dayley Lawrence, and Deputy Mayor, Natalie Field, were present when the bleed kit was installed and were impressed with the clear instructions and design.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are organising, together with Southern Brooks, an innovative textile project (working with local schools and community groups across the area) to produce pieces of embroidery to be sewn onto a red dress which will be displayed around Bradley Stoke throughout the year. An event on 8 March will be the start of the Red Dress project in the area and it is anticipated that work will be carried out on the dress throughout 2024 culminating with a finale event in March 2025. Refreshments will be provided and the event is ticketed but free to attend. Local choirs, singers and inspirational speakers are on the programme. The Red Dress project is based on the model used for the worldwide community development approach to produce ‘The Red Dress’. The creator of the award-winning, 14-year project, Kirstie McCloud, is one of the main

Town councillor drop-in sessions and surgeries

Town Councillor surgeries are held once a month, where you can meet us and other Councillors and discuss any matters affecting the town. The dates of the next ones are: Saturday 24 February 10am -12 noon, Willow Brook Centre Saturday 23 March 10am -12 noon, Willow Brook Centre

Bradley Stoke’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor: Cllrs Natalie Field and Dayley Lawrence speakers at our Bradley Stoke event. International Women’s Day helps to forge a gender equal world. The event is very much about celebrating women’s achievements and increasing visibility. More information is available on the Bradley Stoke Town Council website, and we would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved.

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February 2024


St Mary’s Bradley Stoke Out of School Club THE Out of School Club is linked to St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, St Joseph’s Centre, Webbs Wood Road, Bradley Stoke, and received an overall Ofsted rating of ‘outstanding’. The inspector’s report stated that St Mary’s Bradley Stoke Out of School Club meets requirements Children happily greet staff at their classroom door. They are eager to share what they have done during the day as they walk through the school. Once they have reached their playroom, they settle to play, choosing what to do from a wide range of activities on offer. Staff promote children’s independence as they play and engage them in meaningful conversation. Children have good opportunities to be active. They engage in a variety of physical activities on the school playground. For example, using scooters and playing hide and seek.

Charlton Wood Primary Academy CHARLTON Wood Primary Academy has achieved an overall ‘good’ rating in its first Ofsted inspection. In addition, the school, which opened in 2019, was branded ‘outstanding’ in the areas of ‘behaviour and attitudes’ and ‘early years provision’. The inspector’s report said Charlton Wood is a successful school where pupils thrive. All adults share high aspirations for pupils and pupils work hard to meet these. Parents’ views of the school are overwhelmingly positive. They typically comment on the caring staff and dedicated support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Children demonstrate a secure understanding of how to keep themselves safe. They know that to ride on wheeled vehicles they must wear appropriate safety headgear. Older children are good role models to the youngest children. Children are kind and courteous to each other, remembering to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ as they share resources. They interact happily with one another and behave well. Children speak very highly of the staff and setting. For example, they state that staff are very kind to them. They explain how staff

are attentive to their needs, with one child saying: “They would notice if I was sad and give me ideas on how to feel better.” It was noted that leaders make thorough evaluations of the service the club provides. They effectively use feedback from children, parents, and staff to make changes which benefit children. Consequently, children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. In addition, staff have high expectations for children’s behaviour. The manager and staff are good role models for children. Staff encourage children to find solutions to minor conflicts by considering another’s point of view. They do this through sensitive, effective conversation. Children enjoy being creative as they build complex models out of small bricks. Staff motivate children further to inspire their imaginative play. They set challenges that support children to extend their own learning. For example, staff encourage a child to think about what he needs to do next with his model: “I am creating an aeroplane, the wings have to be equal, otherwise it will crash.”

Pupils’ behaviour was described as exemplary. Children move around the school with a quiet focus. Classrooms, corridors and social times are orderly and calm. From the beginning of the Reception Year onwards, pupils are kind and respectful to one another. They diligently follow the school’s routines. Pupils show highly positive attitudes to learning. They feel safe at school. Pupils enjoy a range of clubs, including dance, cookery and a range of sports. This helps them to develop their talents and interests. In terms of what the school does well, it was noted that the school’s curriculum is broad, rich, ambitious and well planned. It sets out the knowledge pupils are expected to learn in a range of subjects. Reading is a priority in this school. The sharp focus on pupils’ communication and language skills weaves throughout the curriculum.

In terms of what Charlton Wood Academy could do to improve, it was suggested that in some foundation subjects, the school does not set out how pupils’ learning will be assessed. As a result, pupils’ errors and misconceptions are sometimes missed. The school and trust should clarify the use of assessment in these subjects and use the information to check the impact the curriculum has on pupils’ learning.

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February 2024




Play House Childcare BASED at The Hut, Ratcliffe Drive, Stoke Gifford, Play House Childcare has received an Ofsted report stating that it ‘requires improvement’ in every area. The assessor noted that children are happy during their time at the pre-school. Parents drop off and collect their children at the door, where they have time to speak to staff and share information. Parents report that they are happy with the care and education their children receive at the pre-school. The manager has a clear idea of what the curriculum should entail for children, with a focus on developing children’s communication and language skills, their emotional well-being and managing their own personal care needs. However, this is not fully demonstrated in practice among all staff. As a result, staff do not tailor the activities and their support to consistently focus on children’s next steps so that they can make rapid progress. At times, children become bored and frustrated, and their behaviour becomes unacceptable. This impacts on other children’s learning. Children make choices about what they want to play with. They confidently explore the pre-school environment both indoors and out. However, transitional times

between activities and play opportunities are not always organised to ensure that all children have the best learning experience. As a result, some children are left waiting for long periods of time before they can join in, and others are unable to engage fully in learning opportunities. The Ofsted report noted that staff do not consistently deliver a curriculum that meets the individual needs of all children. They do not differentiate planned activities to include the intended learning for children at different developmental stages. For example, a doughmaking activity was aimed at children mixing, measuring and

making their own dough. Some children do not receive the support they need to have a go and achieve, while others do not receive enough challenges to build on what they already know and can do. Children disengage quickly from the activity. Strategies for managing behaviour are not implemented consistently by all staff and some children do not learn to manage their own feelings or understand why their behaviour is unacceptable. On occasion, this means that staff spend a disproportionate amount of time managing children’s behaviour. At these times, staff leave quieter children to play, without supporting them to make progress in their individual learning journeys. To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, Play House Childcare must: design and implement an ambitious curriculum that consolidates and deepens children’s knowledge and takes account of the varying needs of the children who attend; implement targeted professional development for all staff to support them in their teaching and provide children with consistently good learning experiences; and improve staff’s practice to help children to begin to manage their own feelings and emotions in order to guide them to become competent, successful learners.


It’s worth making time to create or update your will The beginning of the year is traditionally a time to reflect on our priorities and plan for the year ahead. Local charity The Brightwell is delighted to announce the continuation of their special partnership with Wards Solicitors in Bradley Stoke, to offer a charity will-writing service to local residents. Once a month throughout 2024, Katherine Roe – an Associate Solicitor in the Wills, Probate and Mental Capacity team – will be visiting The Brightwell to help people who want to make or update a standard Will. She gives her time and expertise for nothing, in return for a donation to the charity. The suggested donation is £80 for a simple single will or £150 for a pair of simple mirror wills. Katherine says: “Our scheme with The Brightwell has been running for 18 months now and is proving very popular. It is hugely rewarding to be able to provide properly drafted Wills whilst at the same time raising money for such a worthwhile and important cause.

“Many of those who have decided to make a Will attend the centre on a regular basis. It is lovely to hear from them in person about how much they benefit from the therapies offered there and the difference it makes to them.”

● You can be clear about what kind of funeral you want.

Why is it important to make and regularly review your Will? ● It puts you in control of the final destination of your estate and brings you peace of mind knowing that your family, friends and the charities of your choice will be provided for as you wish. ● It’s an inexpensive way of avoiding difficulties for your family and friends when you die because it sets out exactly what you want. ● You can appoint people you know and trust as executors so everything is handled how you want for your beneficiaries. ● Regularly updating your Will means you won’t miss out on fast changing tax laws like Inheritance Tax.

How to make a Will with Wards at The Brightwell Katherine usually visits the centre on the first Monday of the month. Please book ahead by contacting The Brightwell on 01454 201 686 or email, including your telephone number so that our team can call you back. The Brightwell in Bradley Stoke provides a range of therapies – oxygen therapy, physiotherapy and specialist clinics – to help anyone suffering from a neurological condition, whether it’s permanent or temporary. By opting to make a Charity Will with The Brightwell, you will directly help to provide these vital services.

Got News? Contact us



February 2024


Ellie draws the top card ST Michael’s Primary School in Stoke Gifford celebrated a big win for one of their pupils whose design was picked by Metro Mayor Dan Norris in his annual Christmas card competition. Bradley Stoke Voice received the news just after our January issue had gone to press, however we thought Ellie’s achievement was so impressive that we wanted to share it with our readers, even though the Christmas period has now passed. Thousands of youngsters got creative in the Mayor’s Christmas contest to create some fantastic festive drawings, with the Mayor revealing the final winner. After judging thousands of entries, eight-yearold Ellie Walters’ design of a festive dog saw off stiff competition to win. The card was sent to people and organisations right across the West of England and the UK, including to King Charles III in Buckingham Palace. Mr Norris said: “Well done to everyone who took part, we really do have some talented youngsters in the West. It was wonderful to see all their brilliant drawings and festive pictures.” Right: Talented artist Ellie poses with her card


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February 2024



324 drink-drive arrests POLICE arrested more than 50 drivers in South Gloucestershire for driving under the influence of drink or drugs during a national festive crackdown. In total, Avon and Somerset Police arrested 324 drivers during the annual Operation Tonic in December, 51 of them in South Glos and 86 in Bristol. Numbers were 10% up on the previous year, with more than two thirds (68%) of arrests for drink-driving and the other 32% for drug-driving. Stops were made through a combination of stop checks at fixed sites, intelligence operations, public reports of suspected drink-driving, and 'proactive patrols' to look for erratic drivers. In total around 2,000 drivers were stopped during the operation, of which approximately 16% were arrested. One driver was arrested and later banned after another

motorist saw him driving erratically on the M5. Police said four out of five drivers arrested were male. Under-25s made up 17% of drivers arrested, with 25 to 34 year olds accounted for 30% and people aged 35-44 making 26%. People aged between 45 and 54 made up 17% of those arrested, with over-55s accounting for the other 10%. Assistant Chief Constable Joanne Hall said: "Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only illegal, but also a reckless and dangerous choice that puts lives at risk. The consequences of such decisions can be catastrophic, causing irreversible harm and heartache to families and loved ones." Police urge people to continue to report information about drink or drug-drivers, either online or via 101 – or 999 if the person involved is behind the wheel at the time.


Brunel’s SS Great Britain: tickets that last a year, memories that last a lifetime VALUE for money is more important than ever this year, especially for families. At Brunel’s SS Great Britain, buy tickets once and visit as many times as you like for a whole year. With two interactive museums and a Victorian steamship to explore, there’s more to experience than you think. There are hundreds of sights, sounds and smells to discover along with new activities for each school holiday, meaning no two days out are the same. This year’s theme of botany explores the vital role of steamships like the SS Great Britain in the global migration of plants in the Victorian era and the lasting impact on our world today. It kicks off in February half term with Victorian paper flower-making and bookmark-making, with many more family activities to come throughout 2024.

Got news? Contact Jane via email:

Sir Keir Starmer at the podium

Sir Keir on poll trail LABOUR leader Sir Keir Starmer kicked off his party's campaigning for the general election year with a speech in Filton & Bradley Stoke. The media event was held at the National Composites Centre at the Bristol & Bath Science Park in Emersons Green on January 4 - just a day before Chris Skidmore, MP for Kingswood, resigned. The Labour leader told an invited audience of journalists, Labour party activists and business figures he was there to deliver "a New Year message of hope", promising to "lift the weight off our shoulders, unite as a country, and get our future back". He was introduced by Claire Hazelgrove, the party's candidate for the Filton & Bradley Stoke constituency that Emersons Green will become part of at the next general election. Also in the audience were Labour MP Darren Jones, Metro Mayor Dan Norris and Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees.

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February 2024


1,500 student beds planned for Brabazon YTL Developments has secured planning permission for 1,514 beds of student accommodation at Brabazon. The company is transforming the 380-acre former Filton Airfield into a sustainable new mixed-use neighbourhood for Bristol. Over the next 20 years, this new city district – known as Brabazon – will grow to include thousands of new homes, creative workspaces and the largest new urban public park in the South West for 50 years. The new neighbourhood will be connected to Bristol and beyond by every form of sustainable transport. The MetroBus will stop at Brabazon and both the University of the West of England (UWE) and University of Bristol. The UWE campus is a 1.5 mile walk or cycle away along dedicated bike paths and pedestrian routes. And a new railway station will serve Bristol Temple Meads – adjacent to the University of Bristol’s new

Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus – in less than 15 minutes. The student accommodation at Brabazon consists of 1,514 bedrooms, located across four buildings on the southern boundary of Brabazon, close to the new railway station. Designed by local architects Stride Treglown, the mansion blocks will have the space students want to socialise and study. Separate bedrooms are arranged in clusters around communal spaces. Inside, there will be dining areas and karaoke rooms, a gaming suite and gym, as well as shared studies and quiet working areas. Outside, the landscaped courtyards and green spaces include exercise areas and even a basketball court as well as southfacing gardens. The project is designed to inspire the next generation of engineers, designers and

inventors and attract the best young talent to Bristol. The city’s world-class universities and diverse student population help give Bristol its unique energy and edge. But at present, a lack of dedicated student accommodation risks resulting in large numbers of HMOs that can upset the balance of some neighbourhoods. When the new student accommodation at Brabazon opens in time for the 2026-7 academic year, it will provide an inclusive place to live that is conducive to learning and be part of a sustainable solution to the challenges posed by the housing shortage elsewhere in the city. Sebastian Loyn, planning and development director at YTL Developments, said: “Brabazon is designed to live up to the pioneering legacy of the former Filton Airfield and inspire the next generation. “New, purpose-built student accommodation is essential to

our vision to create a thriving, diverse new neighbourhood for Bristol. “When the student accommodation completes, approximately 400 private homes will also be occupied, giving a total of almost 2,000 new residents from all generations by 2026-7. This represents a critical mass. “The new residents will facilitate the arrival of a new breed of cafes, shops and restaurants. “They will ensure the new public transport services – both the MetroBus and new train station – become sustainable and reliable options for the whole community. “Alongside the existing worldleading engineering cluster, the new residents at Brabazon will accelerate the transformation of North Bristol, ensuring it remains a place of opportunity and drives local prosperity for the next 100 years.”

To advertise, contact Shaun on 07540 383870 or email


February 2024



Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild meet on the second Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Centre, Savage Wood Road, Bradley Stoke. We are a friendly group of mixed aged women who love to meet for a variety of social activities. We meet in the evening to give women who work or have young children the opportunity to attend. As well as our monthly meeting we also have a monthly Meet and Chat, a Book Club, Ladies Who Lunch Group and a Cinema Group. During 2023 Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild enjoyed: talks from a wide variety of people; craft evenings; walks; visits to places of interest; meals out; theatre visit; The group enjoyed a lovely festive meal together Coronation Party and Christmas party. Our 2024 programme is as follows: 13 February – A talk on Mourning costume by Helen Frisby; 12 March - A talk on Bristol Animal Rescue Centre; 9 April - Taster Craft Night; 14 May- A talk on Butch and Sundance Heroes or Villains; 11 June – Midsummer madness pirate party with special guests The Bristol port Shanty Crew; 9 July – A talk on RNLI; 13 August – A talk on birds of prey by Naomi Johns; 10 September – A talk on Music Therapy; 8 October – Happy Handbags talk by Jeanne Long; 12 November – Christmas Craft Night; 10 December – Christmas Party. Willow Brook Townswomen’s Guild would love to welcome you to any of our meetings. For further information, contact Jannice on 01454 615040 or visit

Stoke Gifford WI President Sue Grimsted welcomed members and guests to the first meeting of 2024. Our speaker Jill gave an interesting talk on her experiences as part of a ‘scambaiting’ community. This involves communicating with scammers as potential victims to waste the time and resources of scammers, and gather information useful to the authorities. Jill also told us about the many ways that scammers contact innocent victims in order to steal money. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 7 February at the Trust Hall, North Road, Stoke Gifford at 7.30pm. Our speaker for the evening will be from the Avon Gorge and Downs Wildlife project. Visitors will always find a warm welcome so please come along and join us.

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Christ The King, Mautravers Close, Bradley Stoke BS32 8EE 4.00pm, 5.30pm & 7.00pm Tel: Kelly 07795 951137

u c Stoke Lane, n Community Hall, Little om ow mit to a Countd Little Stoke BS34 6HR 5.30pm & 7.00pm Tel: Sharron 07947 064711

Monday & Tuesday


Community Hall, Little Stoke Lane, Lockleaze Sports Centre Little Stoke BS34 6HR (Off Bonnington Walk) BS7 9XF 9.30am & 11.00am Monday 6pm & Tuesday 9.30am Tel: Sharron 07947 064711 Tel: Kerry 07738 572188 *Price shown is recommended retail price. See our website for more information.


Bradley Stoke BS32 0BD 8.00am & 9.30am Tel: Frankie 07519 347243


The Brightwell, Wheatfield Dr, Bradley Stoke BS32 9DB 9.00am Tel: Dawn 07905 852413 *Price shown is recommended retail price. See our website for more information.

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February 2024


Helpingplans to getput Bradley Stoke Parkway station atmoving heart ofascommunity we go into 2024

THIS month I have been very busy as a business park and new green ment target set by government, in our area focusing on transport, spaces, which will see Parkway and youth engagement such as law and order andtoour more integrated Mini Police in Patchway, IT was great bearea’s back at my localbecome unfairmuch and unnecessary policy will theresidents, commuters andwhich visitors heritage and in the aerospace thepressure local community. young office in role Bradley Stoke bright and intoput on local businesses, gets across ourpeople area. involved in MP for Filton industry. This will have thehigh resultstreets of at a fighting crime and enablesprovided them early on Tuesday 2 January hard retailers and our In addition to services & Bradley Stoke I had a very interesting meet- withParkway not only being a transon policingI am operations. at work helping constituents time when they are still recoveringto work by Stagecoach, redoubling problems, arranging surgeries, from the Covid pandemic and is an my efforts to bring about ing with representatives from port hub, but also a centre for the I visited Rolls-Royce to meet visitsRail, andSouth events. As always, wider ill-judged and poorly improvements to other bus introduced low emissions zones Greatlocal Western Gloucescommunity and an timed even move with Jim Hardy, head of manshould you and needNetwork my helpRail with more onimportant the part ofasset the Labour/Liberal The of England and accompanying scrappage tershire Council to the area. ufacturing theWest lift works. We anything, my office is open South Gloucestershire discussed Combined Authority has made schemes to compensate those to discuss the exciting Bristol ParkIcoalition also had at a very productive their role in providing Gloucestershire Council, Sam from Monday to Masterplan. Friday between round-table Council. Please consider signing apprenticeships cuts to services as people the 458, with vehicles which do not way Redevelopment meeting with Police tosuch young Bromiley and Liz Brennan. Wemeet dis9am the andimportance 6pm, no appointment petition using the Mark following in our 459area and and 936. II met havewith written the new environmental standards Given of Parkandour Crime Commissioner one to of cussed building more homes and if you would web address: thedegree Minister for Roads and Local for those local cities.bus Lastservices. year, there way, necessary. I believed itHowever, was necessary to Shelford, and localbsgconservatives. councillors Ben their apprentices. improving like an appointment, please com/car-parking-charge-petition Transport requesting for Bristol these bus were many roadworthy get more information about this Randles, Terri Cullen and Liz BrenI also visited Aerospace I also had otherwise a great time at the telephone me on 01454 617783 nan, where In other I recently met services to CEO be reinstated. Our local Stoke vehicles scrapped a large future infrastructure investment wenews, discussed tackling to meet with Sally Cordwell. Gifford Fete onand May 29: it email me at: localwith Stagecoach who told me servicestheir are crucial for parents was number of these vehicles could in ourorarea. anti-social behaviour, Webus discussed STEM learning a fantastic community event, about and changes arerelating making programme to get their children to schools be aput to good use bycelebration our friends It was great to see the public speeding otherthey issues and engagement and great day for the I am working with my to their safely and on and time.schools. I am working with in Ukraine to help and them in of their engagement that had been to our area. service. I am delighted with businesses great weather lots colleagues, Conservative that Stagecoach has made I will with ministers to urge the ongoing campaign conducted and the great response Mark updated us West on the oncontinue to promote theWest community support. to smash and councillors, campaigning against going significant improvements and of England to think again defeat the Russians. Vehicles received from consultation, showdevelopments at Avon and importance ofMayor STEM learning and As always, should you needsuch introduction car parking Somerset expansions their 3X bus about the cuts our bus ashelp 4x4swith and pickup trucks could ing athe high level of localofsupport Police,toincluding their engagement withmade youngtopeople my anything, my office charges byespecially South Gloucestershire route toemphasis include Bristol Temple utilised ambulances, mobile for the project, with significant on action forservices. our crucial aerospace industry, isbe open fromas Monday to Friday Council. Indeed, a petition has against Meads andfraud. Bristol Parkway train and In to buses, I have drone control stations, the masterplan looking to put the cyber theaddition opportunities Aerospace between 9am and 6pm. weapons been brought to scrap stations, in addition increasing Bristol undertaken new project. platforms, officers’ command community at the centre of these the We also discussed thetoexpancan offera to achieve this. Please telephone me on 01454 charges and has been signed by sionthe frequency of service.Police This Many across the country, vehicles as for general run development. of Avon and Somerset I also cities had the opportunity to 617783 oras email more than 1,200 residents. This will make a real difference for including Bristol and Bath, around. This will see more investment force, with 520 additional officers meet the new leadership team of if I can be of assisand jobs come to the area, as well for the year, above the recruitthe Conservative group on South tance, or to book a surgery.

Jack Lopresti

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February 2024




Fresh look at diversions Support line for carers SOUTH Gloucestershire Council is reviewing traffic diversions for drivers facing two more years of delays following the closure of the M4 Badminton Road bridge. National Highways, the agency responsible for the bridge, says the cracked concrete structure carrying the A432 Badminton Road over the M4 between the ring road and Yate must be replaced. A new bridge will not be ready until early 2026 - a timescale the agency says is “much shorter than normal”. The council, which is working with the agency to try and minimise disruption, is looking at its current diversion routes and will hold a “public engagement” programme in the spring before deciding whether to bring in any changes. The closure of the bridge next to the Wick Wick roundabout cuts off the main route from the ring road to Yate, Coalpit Heath and Frampton Cotterell, resulting in 16,000 vehicles a day being diverted through narrow country roads. South Gloucestershire Council leader Claire Young said council road engineers will work with National Highways to review all diversion routes, to help smooth traffic movement around the area. People living and working on diversion routes have complained of speeding drivers, road rage and many minor accidents, with four times as many vehicles as usual were using Henfield Road, between Westerleigh Road and Coalpit Heath, since the diversion had been put in place. Westerleigh Parish Council chair Rob McCullough said many measures, including new traffic lights in Henfield Road, had helped but there have been knock-on effects. He called for the council to consider reopening the right turn at the Hambrook lights on the A4174, painting a new white line along the middle of Henfield Road, and stopping non-local lorries from using it.

CARING for someone can be difficult and lonely, but Carers Support Centre is able to help. Carers Support Centre’s CarersLine is a free, confidential information and support service for unpaid carers. Whether you’ve been caring for years or are new to caring, the friendly voices on CarersLine can give you practical advice or just offer a sympathetic ear to talk to. Last year, they talked to more than 3,000 carers in Bristol and South Gloucestershire, all with different challenges and different caring responsibilities. The CarersLine is open from Monday to Friday 10am-1pm, and Monday to Thursday from 2-4pm. You can call them on 0117 965 2200 or email


The fightback against shoplifting starts now AFTER the expense of Christmas, many of us headed to the sales on the hunt for some January bargains. But a minority of people on the high street weren’t out to spot an amazing deal - they were there to rip us all off. They were the criminals who target shops, looking to steal whatever they can get away with. Shoplifting has reached epidemic proportions in the West. Locally, we’ve seen a whopping 41% increase in just 12 months. One local shopkeeper told me he’s losing £300 worth of goods every week to brazen thieves, and feels powerless. Sadly, I hear similar anecdotes from workers in stores across the region. They say nothing seems to happen even when they go to the police. Shoplifting is fast becoming a ‘free’ crime. But as shopworkers’ union USDAW reminds us, theft from shops isn’t victimless. It’s a major flashpoint for

violence and abuse against shop staff. Hard-working retailers’ livelihoods are threatened by shoplifting. That means more local stores going under and closing. And for those that stay open, we all lose out as they’re forced to raise prices to recoup costs. In short, it’s making the cost of living crisis even worse. Why have ministers given up on trying to deal with this crisis? One idea organisations like the British Independent Retailers Association have come up with is grants for shops nationwide to install security measures. In the autumn, they asked the PM to step in. Their pleas were ignored. As your Metro Mayor, I decided I had to step into the void left by government. That’s why I launched Safer Shops West, supporting independent stores in the West to install much-needed security. Shops in our patch can now apply for £2,000 towards the costs

of things like CCTV, body cams and handheld radios. I’m supporting those smaller, indie shops, without the backup of a ‘head office’, because they make our local high streets really special, and they’re on the frontline of this crisis. I’m pleased to say Safer Shops West has been backed by some big national groups. The British Independent Retailers Association say they want it replicated nationwide, and the Association of Convenience Stores is offering free advice on how best to use the funds. But while I’m doing what I can at a regional level to fix this crisis, the government also needs to get its act together. That’s why I’m calling on them to do four things: First, reverse the 2014 decision to downgrade the offence of shoplifting. Criminals know that nothing happens if they steal less than £200 of goods. It’s made things worse.

Metro Mayor

Dan Norris

writes for The Voice Second, put more neighbourhood police on the beat. We’ve lost 10,000 since 2010. Third, introduce a specific standalone offence for assaulting shop staff. And fourth, fix the cost of living crisis once and for all. It really is time to get tough on shoplifting and tough on the causes of shoplifting.

Got News? Contact us



February 2024


Make 2024 the year you volunteer ARE you looking for a new opportunity and a challenge? Why not make this the year you get involved in supporting community safety? There are many opportunities to volunteer through the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office, including several roles we are currently recruiting for. All are crucial in helping me to effectively hold the police to account and support improvement of the service they deliver to local people. I am looking for people from a range of backgrounds, professions and experience who are passionate about ensuring the police are efficient and effective to become members of our joint audit committee (JAC). The roles are voluntary but do attract an annual payment of £2,000, plus expenses. The JAC is independent, and advises on good governance

and providing assurance on the effectiveness of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. It assesses risks to the organisation, undertakes compliance checks and ensures good financial practices are in place and followed. You can apply for the role online here: I am also currently recruiting for independent custody visitors, who carry out unannounced inspections of police custody centres to ensure people being held in custody are aware of their rights and what they are entitled to for their well-being while detained. Volunteers sign up to do one visit per month to one of three custody centres located in Keynsham, Patchway and Bridgwater. Being arrested and taken into custody will be a moment of stress, and when people are at

their lowest ebb. These roles are part of my legal responsibility to scrutinise the work of the police, and my custody visitor volunteers are members of the public who ensure the police provide the level of care and respect we expect. You can apply directly for this role online here: tinyurl. com/38ky3pex February 6 is Safer Internet Day, a campaign designed to remind and empower people to use the internet safely. As the national lead for Economic and Cyber Crime at the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC), I want to echo these sentiments and encourage to practice Weeveryone offer delicious secure internet usage, taking back control from cybercriminals. If there’s action anyone can perfectone for that special occasion treat yourself! take, or it’ssimply usingtostrong and unique passwords for each online account, a simple step that can

Afternoon Teas

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With police and crime commissioner

Mark Shelford

keep you protected. If you’ve fallen victim to a scam, know that there’s no shame in seeking support. Contact your bank immediately, and then report the scam to Action Fraud at 0300 123 2040 or online through actionfraud.

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Tuesdays - Saturdays 9.30am to 4pm and Sundays from 10am to 4pm. We are closed on Mondays. 07443 894859

To advertise, contact Shaun on 07540 383870 or email

February 2024


Saturday 3 February n TRAINMASTER Over at Christ the King Church, Bradley Stoke, between 10.45am and 11.45am, bring your little ones for an hour of train fun. The hall will be filled with ride-on trains, giant track layouts, dressing up stations and much more. All ages are welcome and a discount for siblings is offered. Visit trainmaster. for more information. Saturday 3 February n MUSIC, MEDITATION & MASTI Based at Bailey Court Activity Centre, Baileys Court Road, Bradley Stoke, the Art of Living provides an evening of soulful music, peaceful meditation and more. This two-hour event starts at 4.30pm. Admission is free. Saturday 3 February n GOOD GOD NO! Good God No! are a five-piece contemporary rock covers band who have been established and gigging throughout the South West since 2002. They play mainly classic and contemporary rock, happily straying into blues and pop when it takes their fancy. Join them at Baileys Court Inn, Stoke Gifford, from 9pm.

bradleystokevoice to meet members of your local police force. This is an opportunity to meet your local officers, to report something or ask for crime prevention advice. Thursday 22 February n STOKE GIFFORD LADIES’ GROUP Jane Duffus is the speaker this month, talking about her books in ‘The Women Who Built Bristol’ series. The group meets at St Michael’s Centre, North Road, Stoke Gifford.


Every Sunday n JUNIOR PARKRUN Every Sunday at 9am, there is a Junior parkrun event at Little Stoke Park which is free to take part in but you are asked to register in advance on the parkrun website. It is open to all younger runners aged between four and 14 years old who would like to take part in a fun and friendly 2k run. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The event always seeks volunteers and encourages anyone interested to get in touch. Every Monday n RHYMETIME Come along to Bradley Stoke Library on Mondays between 10.45-11.15am for a rhyme time session for younger readers. Term time only.

Wednesday 7 February n CHARITY BINGO NIGHT From 7pm, come to The Brightwell, Wheatfield Drive, Bradley Stoke. Tickets £8 per person, including: six prize bingo games, two cash games and silly bingo. Come and enjoy a fun-filled evening of bingo, prizes and laughter. Bring your own drinks and nibbles, or even a whole picnic! Everyone is welcome. Tickets from or from reception.

First two Mondays of every month n VETERANS ADVISORY SUPPORT HUB On the first two Mondays of every month, from 1-4pm, there is a drop-in session at The Jubilee Centre (in the Cedar Room), Bradley Stoke, which seeks to enhance the support that our ex-Armed Servicemen and women living and working in Bristol and South Gloucestershire area receive in the communities. For more info, call 0800 678 5618.

Thursday 15 February n ARTS APPRECIATION GROUP Please join us at 7pm at Bradley Stoke Community School for an illustrated talk by Justine Hopkins on Victorian Stained Glass. Further details from Sally on 07946 508316.

Third Monday of the month n SEW & SO’S This is a patchwork and quilting group. If you are interested in joining the group, whether you are a beginner or experienced, please come along. The group meets at 7pm at the Jubilee Centre on Savages Wood Road.

Sunday 18 February n MEET THE POLICE Between 11am and 12 noon, Bradley Stoke residents can come to the Willow Brook Centre on Savages Wood Road to meet members of your local police force. This is an opportunity to meet your local officers, to report something or ask for crime prevention advice. Wednesday 21 February n MEET THE POLICE Between 10am and 12 noon, Stoke Gifford residents can come to the Community Hall Cafe, Little Stoke,

Second Tuesday of the month n WILLOW BROOK TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD Make new friends, get to know the area and get involved in local events and activities. The Townswomen’s Guild has interesting speakers, demonstrations, outings, arts and crafts and much more. All women are welcome. Fourth Tuesday of the month n CHATTER BOOKS This free monthly event at Bradley Stoke Library is for ages 7-11 years.


This runs from 4-5pm. Just turn up to join in. Every Wednesday n CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU DROPIN SESSION Between 10am and 12 noon at the Jubilee Centre on Savages Wood Road, the Citizens Advice Bureau offer free, confidential, impartial and independent help on dealing with problems with debt, benefits, employment, housing, discrimination and many more issues. No appointment necessary. Second Wednesday of the month n BRADLEY STOKE WI This afternoon-based WI is a friendly, community centred group, who meet on the second Wednesday of every month, at the Jubilee Centre in Bradley Stoke. All women are welcome. Visit their Facebook page or website for more information. Third Wednesday of the month n FULL COUNCIL MEETING Subject matters are brought before Council by means of the Agenda, which is issued a minimum of three clear days before a meeting and is posted on the Bradley Stoke Town Council website.Agendas and supporting paperwork will be found on the website. Meetings start at 7pm and take place at the Jubilee Centre,

Savages Wood Road, Bradley Stoke. Every Thursday n KNIT, STITCH & NATTER Every Thursday, the Knit, Stitch & Natter group meets at Bradley Stoke Library at 10am to work on their own projects in the company of likeminded crafters. There is no need to book in advance. Just bring your own project and join the friendly group in the library. Every Thursday n WINTERBOURNE WINDS This friendly amateur wind band rehearses at Holy Trinity Church, Bradley Stoke, every Thursday from 7.40-9.30pm. New members welcome. For more information, please email Every Friday n STORYTIME Come along to Bradley Stoke Library on Fridays between 11-11.30am for a storytime session for younger readers. Term time only. Fourth Saturday of the month n TOWN COUNCILLOR SURGERY These are held once a month at the Willow Brook Centre between 10am and 12 noon, where you can meet your councillors and discuss any matters affecting the town.

OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Immediate Start £22-24K

8:30-17:30 - Mon-Fri - Office Based 25 Days Annual Leave (+1 day for your Birthday) Based at Aztec West We are looking for an administrator to join us and help support the effective running of our busy office. We are a friendly team and need someone to jump in and support the Office Manager with the day to day running of the office. Requirements:

● Driver with own Car ● Confident with IT

● Previous office experience desired but not essential ● Team Player


● Ensuring office supplies are maintained ● Greeting visitors ● Organising Couriers/post ● Day to day admin support for our team ● Ad hoc administrative tasks ● Organising team lunches

Email your CV to

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February 2024


Tom Davies glasses CHOOSING the perfect pair of frames can be a daunting task. The multitude of colours and styles, coupled with considerations for your unique lifestyle and preferences can make the process overwhelming. Enter TD Tom Davies hand crafted frames - British-made eyewear that’s individual and special to each wearer.

Peter Turner

of Turners Opticians

0117 962 2474

0117 965 4434 The Man Behind The Vision After a trip to Hong Kong back in the late 1990s, Tom soon realised there was a huge need from clients for bespoke glasses that broke the mould of standardised facial features and sizing. Tom honed his vision, worked on his skills and in 2002 launched his own range of glasses, which is now one of the leading contenders in the luxury eyewear market - available here at Turners Opticians in Bristol.

tom davies eyewear hand-crafted stylish

comfortable made in britain

hand produced to ensure flawless quality and the highest level of craftsmanship

Call now 768 Fishponds Road, Bristol, BS16 3UA

57 Henleaze Road, Henleaze, Bristol, BS9 4JT

0117 965 4434

0117 962 2474

A Blockbuster Hit As well as creating fashionable frames for many of our Bristol clients, Davies also works in partnership with movie studios such as Warner Bros, creating bespoke eyewear pieces for many of the blockbuster hits such as Disney’s Cruella, The Matrix Reborn and the glasses worn by Henry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016). Cavill played Superman himself (aka Clark Kent!), and we are all familiar with the iconic scenes of Clark taking off his signature black frames to spring into action as the superhero! To add to the already impressive list of celebrities wearing Tom Davies glasses, Tom’s most recent collaboration with Warner Bros was on the latest Hollywood hit Wonka (2023) – so keep a look out for the bespoke frames worn by the character Fickelgruber, played by Mathew Baynton, and Abacus Crunch, played by Jim Carter when you see the movie! Why Tom Davies frames? This prestigious eyewear brand is built on the principle of form, fit and function, allowing you the wearer to look and feel your best, something we are always striving to achieve at Turners Opticians, and why we are one of the few places that stock this elite brand. Tom Davies glasses take an unparalleled approach to eyewear and are hand produced to ensure flawless quality and the highest level of craftsmanship, so you can rest assured they are made to last. “We, along with many of our clients, just love our TD Tom Davies glasses! Not only because of the design and styles available, but also because of the fact that each frame can be literally made-to-measure, making them extremely comfortable and easy to wear - they really are everyday luxury,” said Peter. At Turners Opticians, we understand the importance of finding glasses that not only look good but also make you feel your best. That's why we offer a VIP styling experience at both our practices to help you choose the perfect pair, taking into consideration your lifestyle, face shape, and personal preferences all to elevate your eyewear experience. Call our Henleaze team on 0117 962 2474 or Fishponds team on 0117 965 4434 to book your VIP-fitting or book via our website at www.

Peter Peter Turner is an Independent Prescribing Senior Optometrist at Turners Opticians in Bristol, who also works as a Senior Medical Optometrist at Bristol Eye Hospital. Peter has a specialist interest in visual development and visual performance.

To advertise, contact Shaun on 07540 383870 or email


February 2024



Each row, column and square (9 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square.


For younger readers

NOTE After feedback from readers, we have made The Fiend SLIGHTLY easier!


6 3 4 2 7 3 4 1 4 3 3 8 9 6 1 1 6 7 8 5 3 4 2 Use the phone keypad to decode the clues. For example: 2 could be A, B or C ... and 5678 could be LOST








R L 7




U 1








N 5



E 3



O 4



We also have limited availability to host sessions in Residential settings


Bristol & South Glos Venues Transport available Hot Healthy Lunch included


Join us for laughter-filled sessions with intergenerational events, chair-based sport, art & painting, craft, day trips and much more!


Living the best life in later life


Day Centre Activity Club



4 3












Down 2 786 (3) 3 26623786 (8) 4 6633 (4) 8 7867 (4) 9 2742 (4) 10 2533 (4)



Across 1 59742 (5) 5 6263 (4) 6 22666 (5) 7 283 (3) 8 72253 (5) 11 8863 (4) 12 74266 (5)

Txtpert N

5 6

Rules the same as the Fiend, but only four numbers in each box, row and column









Easier sudoku Solutions O

Theme: Music




• Using latest micro suction techniques • Treatments carried out by EXPERIENCED PRACTITIONERS • Very competitive prices Clinic based in Brimsham Park, Yate Parking available directly outside the clinic

  07846 452 000 / 01454 314 460 

Got News? Contact us



February 2024



倀漀漀爀 刀攀挀攀瀀琀椀漀渀 倀爀漀戀氀攀洀猀 匀漀氀瘀攀搀

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We carry out all aspects of building work and home modifications. We are local, reliable and affordable. • Loft conversions • Garage conversions • House extensions • House refurbishments • Kitchens and bathrooms installations • Patios, decking and garden landscaping • Structural steel work e: t: 07738 196955 Find us on



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GLOBE HEATING Central heating specialist



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To advertise, contact Shaun on 07540 383870 or email

February 2024 fully licensed and insured


House clearance & waste management services



Visit us: Email us: Call us: 07592 506 003 MAN WITH A VAN

bradleystokevoice PLUMBING & HEATING

MAYO’S HEATING & PLUMBING Boiler fitting, repairs and full system upgrades including radiators! Full bathroom upgrades, including wetrooms. Landlord certificates and general plumbing


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Contact James 0117 904 3172 or 07952 272 851





RUBBISH CLEARED Registered upper tier waste carrier licence no CBDU225074

We load and clear rubbish/junk from houses Flats, Sheds, Attics, Gardens etc etc No job too small - we even clear single items Cheaper than a skip and we load no VAT Contact Stuart or Sue

Mobile 07770944727 anytime including weekends



£30 Email Shaun


Craig Thayer

Majestic Window Cleaning 0773 44 616 71 • Windows • Conservatories • Gutters cleaned & cleared AVAILABLE THROUGHOUT BRADLEY STOKE

• Replacement ‘A’ Rated Windows / Doors / Bi Folds • Garage Conversions • Garden Rooms • Conservatory Upgrades • Kitchen Installs • Carpentry Works • Based In Bradley Stoke e: t: 07508 066854

Got News? Contact us

At Filton, we are making it easier for you to choose the right golf club Join Filton Golf Club before April 2024 and get up to 14 months for price of 12! New members joining anytime before April 2024, paying the 2024 rate, will enjoy membership from the date of joining

We have various member rates to suit all ages and budgets Full 7 day Membership £1195 Intermediate Age rates starting at only £360 Corp rates starting at £2,100 +VAT

plus many more.... Visitor green fees starting at £18

Contact us now on: 0117 969 4169 or use the QR code Function Room available to hire for all occasions Filton Golf Club, Golf Course Lane, Filton, Bristol, BS34 7QS

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