BCP Parenting Courses (Parent edition)

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The Bromley Children Project

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Parenting Courses

Positive Parenting Skills

The Nurturing Programme

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities

New Forest Parenting Programme


Cygnet PSR (Puberty-Sex-Relationships)

Talking Teens

Understanding Anger in the Family Unit

Improving your Family's Self-Esteem

Reducing Parental Conflict (Stop, Think, Change!)

Online Seminars

Parent-Child relationships

Routines, Rewards and Boundaries

Parenting styles


Digital Safety

New at Parenting (NAP)

= Face 2 face


Online seminars (continued)

What is Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)?

ASC: Puberty

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

Useful information and links

Social Media Questions and how to make a booking


Parenting Courses

Positive Parenting Skills

Aimed at parents/ carers of children aged between 2-11 yrs.

Aims to promote positive parenting skills and to reduce challenging and aggressive behaviour in children. the course explores building self-esteem and parent support networks. This course includes the use of praise, rewards, play and setting effective boundaries. Explores communication, role modelling and parenting styles.

Positive Parenting Skills

Duration: 10 weeks (2 hours per week)

Suggested age range: 2-11 years

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Introduction and role of the parent

#2 Communication

#3 Praise

#4 Rewards

#5 Play

#6 Parenting styles

#7 Instructions and family rules

#8 Ignoring and calm down time

#9 Choices, consequences and problem solving

#10 Looking back and moving forward

Parents/ carers will:

Learn new skills/ techniques to support their child's behaviour.

Understand the importance of good communication within the family.

Recognise the impact their parenting style may have on their child's behaviour and longer term mental well-being.

Gain in confidence as a parent/ carer.

The Nurturing Programme ...understanding

feelings to manage behaviours

For parents/ carers of children aged between 2-16 yrs and builds upon existing parenting skills.

Helping adults to look at life from their child's perspective, so that feelings and behaviours can be managed more effectively. Encourages the use of positive discipline strategies to improve relationships.

The Nurturing Programme

Duration: 10 weeks (2 hrs per week)

Suggested age range: 2-16 years

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Introduction, rules, the four constraints, praise

#2 Collaborative charts, discipline, time out to calm down

#3 Family rules, rewards and penalties

#4 Personal power and self-esteem

#5 Feelings and communicating clearly

#6 Nurturing ourselves

#7 Ages and stages in child development, effects of labelling

#8 Issues around sex and helping children to stay safe

#9 Behaviour to ignore, problem solving and negotiating

#10 The family nurturing account, continuing the family journey

Parents/ carers will:

Have a greater insight into how their parenting may affect their child.

Understand how to set boundaries. Recognise the importance of good communication throughout the family.

Learn to look at their child’ s life through their child’ s eyes.

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities

Aims to help parents/ carers of children

4-18 yrs, increase their range of parenting skills and improve relationships within the family and community.

Topics include: self-esteem, boundaries, family values, communication, self-discipline and managing anger.

Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities

Duration: 12 weeks (3 hour sessions)

Suggested age range: 4-18 years

No creche available

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Introduction

#2 Cycle of life, special time; Clear instruction

#3 Characteristics and temperament, praise and cultural identity

#4 Circles of support, circle of interdependence; Consequences and behaviour

#5 True pride/false pride, ignore /praise, 'first...then'

#6 Community speaker and empathy

#7 Spring effect, set up incentives, making community connections

#8 Managing anger, relaxation techniques, implement incentive chart

#9 Solution building and tools, confrontation and logical consequences

#10 Family rule discussions, time out, managing conflict and communication

#11 Guest speaker and role of the community

#12 Reflection, use of discipline and celebrations!

Parents/ carers will:

Learn new skills/ techniques to supportge their child's behaviour. Understand the importance of good communication within the family. Recognise the impact their parenting style may have on their child's behaviour and longer term mental well-being.

Gain in confidence as a parent/ carer.

New Forest Parenting Programme

Aimed at parents/ carers of children aged 5-14 yrs displaying symptoms associated with ADHD or who have a diagnosis of ADHD.

A series of 2 hour sessions will help parent/ carers explore what ADHD is and offer support to parent/ child through pro-active parenting, communication and parent/ child relationships.

New Forest Parenting Programme

Duration: 5 weeks (face to face 2 hrs per week)

Online duration: 4 weeks (1.5 hrs per week)

Suggested age range: 5-14 years

Creche available in some settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Understanding characteristics of ADHD

#2 Praise, Self Esteem and use of boundaries

#3 Scaffolding and Play

#4 Communication, Preparation and Looking after ourselves

#5 Feelings and emotions, sleep

Parents/ carers will:

Understand ADHD and how it is affecting their child.

Recognise some of the causes of their child’ s behaviour.

Understand some of the difficulties experienced by their ADHD child.

Improve their relationship with their child.


For parents and carers of children with autism aged 2-18 yrs. It's 3 hour group sessions helping parents and carers to understand their child's behaviour and how to support this.

Parents and carers will develop knowledge of autism spectrum condition (ASC) and the way their child sees the world. Learning strategies which may support managing behaviour in children.

Duration: 6 weeks

Suggested age range: 2-18 years

No creche available

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 What do we know about Autism ?

#2 Autism and diagnosis, strengths and challenges

#3 Sensory issues, types of sensory issues seen in ASCs

#4 Communication in ASCs, possible strategies and resources

#5 Understanding behaviour/ types and functions of all behaviour

#6 Supporting behaviour/ behaviour frameworks. Other help...

Parents/ carers will:

Gain knowledge and understanding of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and the way their child sees the world.

Learn strategies and techniques which may support behaviour in their children.

Share their parenting journey with others who are experiencing a similar journey.

Become more confident parents.


Cygnet PSR

For parents and carers of children with autism who have completed the core Cygnet programme. It's 3 hr group sessions helping parent/ carer to understand how to navigate puberty, sex and relationships with their young person through an autistic lens.

Parents and carers will develop knowledge of these topics and how to support children with ASC. Learning strategies which may support managing behaviour in children.

Cygnet PSR

Duration: 3 weeks

Suggested age range: 8-14 years

No creche available

Venue: Children and Family Centres

#1 Puberty

Course Content

#2 Sexual Wellbeing

#3 Relationships

Parents/ carers will:

Gain knowledge and understanding of Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) and the way their child sees the world. Learn strategies and techniques which may support their children through adolescence.

Share their parenting journey with others who are experiencing a similar journey and prepare for future developments.

Become more confident parents.

Talking Teens

This is a group to support parents and carers to understand the impact they have on their teenagers aged 11+ yrs and the influence of adolescent brain development and behaviour.

Parents and carers will explore their own feelings as well as their teenagers' and develop approaches to promote positive life skills. Explore conflict, positive boundary setting and problem solving.

Talking Teens

Duration: 4 weeks

Suggested age range: 11+ years

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Teenage behaviour and adolescent development

#2 Understanding the teenager brain and parenting styles

#3 Communicating with your teenager

#4 Managing conflict, handling difficult issues, Rules and Boundaries

Parents and carers will:

Build on their pre-existing parenting skills and discover new ones to match their developing young people. Understanding the impact they have on their teenagers. Understanding the influence of the adolescent brain on behaviour. Learn how to improve their communication with their young person.

Understanding Anger in the Family Unit

Please note this is not an anger management course

For parents and carers of children aged between 3 to adult where anger is a feature of home life.

This course will help you to understand anger, recognise triggers, learn to manage it appropriately to have a calmer home.

Recognise how anger manifests itself, implement rules and techniques for all family members to express anger appropriately.

Duration: 5 weeks (2 hrs per week)

Suggested age range: 3 to adult

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content Understanding Anger in the Family Unit

#1 What happens when we are angry?

#2 Anger defined and recognising anger in our family.

#3 Role of self-esteem and ways we can deal with anger.

#4 Implications of anger, what happens as we calm down.

#5 Strategies and techniques to help cope with anger.

Parents and carers will:

Understand why we can become angry.

Set ‘ anger rules’ within the family.

Recognise the signs of anger in themselves and others.

Understand the destructive nature of anger. Learn some techniques to reduce anger.

Improving Your Family's Self-Esteem

For parents and carers of children aged 0-adult. Designed to help you value yourself more and understand how and why children have may have low opinions of themselves.

Topics include: How self-esteem develops, knowing the impact and having strategies to maintain self-esteem.

Improving Your Family's Self-Esteem

Duration: 5 weeks (2 hrs per week)

Suggested age range: 0 to Adult

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 Introduction and defining self-esteem.

#2 How self-esteem develops.

#3 What impacts on high and low self-esteem.

#4 Strategies to develop a healthy self-esteem.

#5 Strategies to maintain a healthy self-esteem.

Parents/ carers will:

Learn how self-esteem develops. Understand the impact of low self-esteem.

Recognise how they can develop a health self-esteem in themselves and their family.

Reducing Parental Conflict

This course aims to improve family relationships and provide resources that can help an individual cope with stress, engage in healthier behaviours and improve self-esteem.

Reducing Parental Conflict

Duration: 3 weeks

Creche available at most settings

Venue: Children and Family Centres

Course Content

#1 STOP: recognising poor relationships.

#2 THINK: communication.

#3 CHANGE: is change needed?

Parents/ carers will:

Learn that not all conflict is damaging but where it is frequent, intense and poorly resolved, how it can harmful to children. Be better equipped to cope with stress. Be able to engage in healthier behaviours and improve self-esteem.



Parent - Child Relationships

The parent - child relationship acts as the blue print for the child‘ s future relationships. It can be something which, at times, can be difficult to maintain. This seminar aims to look at ways we can strengthen our relationships with children and adapt as they grow. Free to attend, spaces limited to 25 people per session.

Parent - Child Relationships

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: all ages

Delivery: Online via Teams (registration instructions provided to participants)

To improve and strengthen ParentChild relationships within the home. Course Aims

Parents/ carers will:

Understand how to use effective communication within the home.

Understand the power of praise and how to use it. Understand the importance of play in building relationships (at any age).

Routines, Rewards and Boundaries

It’ s not easy to teach your children to test their limits respectfully, without being angry or defiant and for them to know that ultimately, you, the parent, are in charge! We aim to explore how to support our young people to make good choices and how we can all use positive communication to enhance family life. It’ s up to everyone at home to do their bit to improve life – find out how by joining one of our bite-sized online parenting session.

Routines, Rewards and Boundaries

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: all ages

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To improve family relationships by supporting our young people to make better choices and know what is expected of them.

Parents/ carers will: Understand the importance of using clear communication. Recognise different ways to support routines and boundaries in the home.

Know how to use choices, consequences and rewards to help children learn to regulate their behaviour as they grow.

Parenting Styles

‘What kind of parent are you?’ One of our latest seminars looks at what type of parent we are; where it comes from and what are the cultural influences which dictate our parenting style.

It’ s a great seminar to join as parenting styles influence our children both positively and negatively. Come and see whether you would benefit from adapting your parenting style.

Parenting Styles

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: all ages

Delivery: Online via Teams (registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To help parents/ carers develop an understanding of their own parenting style and how it impacts their children.

Parents/ carers will:

Understand how they have developed their parenting style.

Understand the cultural differences in parenting styles.

Know how different parenting styles affect the mental wellbeing of children.


Parenting is full of challenges! We always want our children to do the right thing but might struggle to know how to use discipline in a helpful way. We might also have different views on what discipline tools are most effective. Through this seminar we will use a range of tools and techniques to review what impact they have on children and support parents/ carers to think about which tools might work for them.


Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: 2+ years

Delivery: Online via Teams (registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To raise awareness of positive discipline methods and which ones are proven to be most effective.

Parents/ carers will:

Explore the challenges when disciplining children. Discuss physical chastisement (smacking) and whether alternative methods of discipline are more effective. Understand different strategies for effective discipline.

Digital Safety

The world is changing, and even very young children now have more knowledge than adults about all things online! Our Digital Safety seminar is a new addition to our parenting offer and is a response to the many parents who have asked how they can keep their children safe when online.

Digital Safety

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: 4+ years

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

For parents/ carers to understand some


risks associated to being online and how to support their young people to navigate safely and promote digital safety within families.

Parents/ carers will:

The risks associated with some online behaviours and understand why children may be vulnerable when on line

Feel confident to talk with their children about their online presence and behaviours

Have developed strategies to support their children and young people to act responsibly online but also know how to recover if something does go wrong

Start to change the perception of blame and responsibility if a child or young person has a negative online experience.

New at Parenting (NAP)

Having a baby can be a wonderful time for families but it can also be quite a challenging time for some parents.

This course aims to build and develop confidence in parenting so that parents can be the parent they need to be for their child.

New at Parenting (NAP)

Duration: 45 mins (5 weeks)

Suggested age range: 0-9 months

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To build new parent confidence in dealing with their baby.

Parents/ carers will:

Understand the importance of attachment and how it develops.

Know how important it is to communicate with your baby.

Learn how to play and praise your baby.

Understand how children develop. Know how to keep their baby safe.

Recognise the importance of parents looking after themselves.

Autistic Spectrum Condition: What is ASC?

This seminar has been designed specifically for parents who are at the beginning of their ASC journey or who may feel their child may be on the Autistic Spectrum. It will help you to see the enormous potential of your children and put the condition into perspective.

What is ASC?

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: 2+ years

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To develop parents/ carers understanding of ASC and the importance

of seeing the condition as a difference.

Parents/ carers will:

Understand what ASC is.

Understand diagnosis process, co-morbidity and gender differences.

Recognise the impact ASC can have on communication, relationships and development.

Recognise the impact of sensory overload and meltdown. Know that the London Borough of Bromley is committed to improving services for ASC individuals.

Autistic Spectrum Condition:


Puberty can be a scary stage for most young people and autistic children often need more time to adjust to and understand changes in their lives. It is, however, best to be prepared for when it happens.

Learn how you can prepare your child for change.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested Age Range: 8+ years

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims Puberty

To build parents/ carers confidence prior to having a discussion with their ASC child about puberty and the body changes they will face.

Parents/ carers will:

Know why it is important to talk to their ASC child about puberty.

Learn what challenges are presented in adolescence. Learn tips to have difficult discussions with their child about puberty, sex and relationships. Learn how to support their children as they prepare for adulthood.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

Disorder: What is ADHD?

This seminar is aimed at parents/ carers where children may or do have a diagnosis of ADHD to better understand the condition.

We will explore some of the challenges faced by young people with ADHD and how we can support them in their daily lives.

What is ADHD?

Duration: 1.5 hours

Suggested age range: 5+ years

Delivery: Online via Teams

(registration instructions provided to participants)

Course Aims

To build parents/ carers confidence around ADHD and how to support their children.

Parents/ carers will:

Understand what ADHD is.

Understand diagnosis process, co-mobility and gender differences.

Recognise the impact ADHD can have on processing, relationships and behaviour.

Recognise the impact on mental health and access to support.

Know that the London Borough of Bromley is committed to improving services for ADHD.

Register here to access our Children and Family Centre activities! If you'd like to ask a question, find out about creche availability or would like to join in, then please give us a call on ...feel free to email the team directly! Useful information and links 020 8461 7259 parenting.courses@bromley.gov.uk To access our online parenting course form click on the link: Online Form The Bromley Children Project Webpages...
For any questions call: 020 8461 7259 Want to book?
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