Ten Tips to Help Beginners Get Started with Call of Duty

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Ten Tips to Help Beginners Get Started with Call of Duty

Call of dutyis a household name in today’s world. Everyone you know has played or knows someone who’s played it. However, the game is not the most inviting for players who haven’t played a first-person shooter. Therefore, listed below are ten tips to help you breach that barrier and enjoy the game.

Makeyourself comfortable outside the game

What you do and how you sit can be very important in determining just how good you are. Having direct light on your screen or sitting too close could make it harder to see. Furthermore, being uncomfortable during a playing session can also have a detrimental impact on your ability too.

Learn your Loadout COD has a lot of weapons and many of them have different effective range, fire rate, and several other variables that form its upsides and downsides.A general principle is: shotguns, submachine guns, and pistols are great at short range, assault rifles fill out the mid-range, and for long-range gunfights a light machine gun, a marksman rifle, or a sniper rifle.

Adjust Sensitivity and Aim Assist

The two most important in-game settings to adjust are sensitivity –what speed your camera moves in relation to your mouse – and aim assist.Those who are new should try turning on Aim Assist. As for sensitivity a trial and error of a variety of settings is best.

Try Playing a Private Match vs. Bots Online Multiplayer can be very challenging. Therefore, you should join a call of duty bot lobby. This means you get to build up familiarity with the game by playing against bots who are inferior to human players.

Play the mode Gunfight Gunfight can be a great mode to get used to all the weapons in a short period of time as gunfight gives you a new weapon to use every time you get a kill. If you are ambivalent about your loadout, this mode will help you make an informed decision

Stay on the move

This one should be a no-brainer, but staying in one secure location makes you vulnerable to ambush and a moving target is always harder to hit.

Do not get frustrated If you get too worked up over the game, it can really make it harder to play. Just keep in mind that this is a video game and everybody who is now good at it has died more times than you have played the game.

Be aware of your surroundings With the use of good earphones and awareness, you can actually figure out where enemies are by listening closely to their footsteps without being able to see them

Complete the objectives The objectives in COD yield many great rewards like new and powerful guns. This will help you progress past the beginner stage faster. You can complete objectives quickly by joining a call of duty boost lobby where players get together not to compete but to help each other complete objectives.

Playing with Friends Having a few friends around to ease the early game nerves can help massively.Whether you get some tips and tricks from your friends, or learn how to play Modern Warfare togetherit’s just more fun together

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