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General Theological Seminary ​oh ho ho what did Santa bring today Jesse you've been a good girl yeah oh no peeking at the seams let's see what your mom has gotten us wait the surprise is the younger one with the big head I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes Christmases are and that Christmas load one thing mom got a bit excited we said she was like the Christmas person it's Christmas we decided to do outside because mom and dad's room is a little bit small and it's right by the pool I think this is perfect dad it was a good idea Merry Christmas I'm so excited to open these go say Merry Christmas she's already in and it's like 9 a.m. we just finished unwrapping all that stuff and my steam you have to show it look what mom consti like how cool are these earrings by the way they flash Oh cute I thought I was such a good idea opening by the pool by the way that was so nice that we'd move the tree and everything and now we've taken away all the presents and we're going to put out all the food I think it's his favorite present you got him Merry Christmas Oh No how nice is the pool that you guys have I love it we have to go help dad with their food come on you're santa's little helper now dad I found the sandals it'll help for you to help with the food what are you doing this is how you do Christmas in Australia Christmas in the outback you don't have turkeys here in Australia well suppose you can but it's so too hot to have that you have cold platters we've got a fruit one we've got a salads and some meat looking good there we go how good is chef David's Christmas feasts [Music] [Music] [Music] this is mom and dad's pet wallaby hey buddy oh my gosh Merry Christmas we don't give our reindeer carrots here to give our Wallabies carrots this one's not Christmas unless someone gets some sort of massaging device so dad got a foot massager thoughts Sunday go to thank you I'll be back no she must be watching the vlog she froze them and everything they'd love the mince pies guys I had to show you what just got me for Christmas because it was cute I didn't I didn't have anything I wanted for Christmas so she got some like nice stuff it's got this little wooden block and you did pick your photo he said she picked some like cute photo so far I tried a little selfies of us and they kind of look like Polaroids they're really cool then you put them inside the block you choose which one you want to display from artifact uprising if you guys wanted to get them yourself but I thought they're really cute I love it and the material is really cool as well also good in this GOP a calendar and it's odd you buy them by the way this isn't sponsored I had bought these yeah it's cool so it's where we were locked in 2016 for Chris oh it's a 2017 calendar and each month has a picture of where we were the year before which is this year remember we were in Africa at the beginning of the year and then like the pinnacles of pinnacles and then we went to Cambodia and China then you can remember what we were doing the year before and I think it was cool because it came on this little clipboard and it has a little magnet on the back I actually December that's what we do well I did think that it was gonna be bigger I thought it's gonna be a 4 and it's smaller but I kind of like her if you like the little clipboard thanks for Christmas presents okay I got to close oh yeah you got me closer like is that exciting to show you guys I wasn't sure but he did he got me so nice thing sell me clothes he gave me some gym clothes he got me a book and oh I know cute robe actually I'll get the robe okay you guys that's really cute hang on one second you're are many other mins long clay also bought me this amazing Santa mug and then she brought it home for me and it's smashed and I'm so upset she returned up but I did have a road that goes with it hang on I want to show you cute it has reindeer and that's the key present I think that's probably my favorite president you got me yes i soft thank you fruit mince pies and a terrible christmas movie good way to start the afternoon my hair is not dealing with his humidity guys but it is that Nobunaga when everyone has kind of slowly made their way to bed we and we also had like a Christmas Lowell special on it's like Funniest Home Videos means Christmas really funny quick quick funny good onehand so I'm gonna do a double Bonnie Oh any bad Christmas jokes or even a toy what do guys eat what do you call a man with a spade on his head of a dog good morning guys I hope you all have a lovely Christmas it is currently Boxing Day and you guys might think we're crazy we were decided to come to the Boxing Day sales we have a couple of gift cards we got for Christmas that we want to use and it just took us probably half an hour to find parking it is men all right here we go guys we've got to go inside Jamie - wish me luck all right guys we survived we got some good deals and now I'm never going to the shops ever again so just as parents currently live in a complex and can so we're going for a bit of a tour see what's wrong they said this tennis court tennis courts five four pools lap pool gym gym is happening in January first the gym is happening see about that here's pool number two I think we need to check this one out I like this little middle bit oh here we go we can get in and did you say you got some tennis racquets and full of dad that's cool we definitely should play we saw you have to come and play fun Jess you have the outfit and everything yeah Jake looks so much bigger next to you on this angle

you're - wait this is pool number three which is a lap pool dad I'm impressed with your little plate January 1st days we'll be hitting up the gym all right Steve you're about to lifts a lot go muscle all right show us you guns nice do you know how to dad got this dad do it yo your head has to go into your like into your arm yeah mom set it down we come down to the local beach to end our time here and how they have such a pretty beach palm trees amazing Alicia it looks like we're in Hawaii do anything anyway okay we're gonna end it look here so I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas and I may want to know what about this right down below what do you guys got up to on Christmas and we'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] Hofstra University.

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