British Herald | Mar-Apr 2022

Page 54



VuThéara Kham - Fame through frame


efining a picturesque city of love, through the lens that consummate brilliance with awe, who knew that an artist of Cambodian origins would make Paris look breathtakingly surreal through photography? Even before Instagram received a mind’s eye on parading celebrities and influencers through thousands of pictures, a young man with the verbatim eyes for photography strolled through the streets in Paris, clueless about the stardom he was walking into.

to a charm expressed through snapshots? With a hint of envy, we would choose to say ‘Through VuThéara Kham’s eyes’. Today, this shutterbug stands as Instagram’s most loved Parisian Photographer, crossing a million followers on the popular photosharing platform.

We took immense pleasure in hopping into a fun tête-à-tête with VuThéara Kham, the man who set a new benchmark in still photography. As a moment of glory, Kham graced our team with his debut English interview, also amusing us with a melodious piano piece. So, how

Ever visualised a city that awakens the wanderlust in you to explore the life it gives to the streets, rivers, cafes or even the weather? Who or what could lure your eyes

54 MAR-APR 2022

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