Changpeng Zhao - The Binance Billionaire | British Herald Magazine Jul-Aug 2022

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Rest in Peace Japan’s longestserving former prime minister

Former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe has died after being shot while campaigning on a street in Nara, in the country’s west. Abe was rushed to a hospital, where doctors battled to save him. It was confirmed just before 7 pm on 8th July 2022 that he had died. Who is Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe was the longestserving minister in the country’s history. He was briefly in office from 2006 to 2007 as Prime Minister but was forced to resign due to medical complications from ulcerative colitis. Undeterred, he was once again elected in September 2012 and stayed in office until September 2020.He resigned once again, citing health reasons.

What is Abe’s politics? Abe is a conservative. He is political blue blood who was groomed to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather, former prime minister Nobusuke Kishi. His political rhetoric often focused on making Japan a “normal” and “beautiful” nation with a stronger military and a bigger role in international affairs. His push to normalise Japan’s defensive posture angered some parts of the population. Supporters of Abe said that his legacy was a stronger US-Japan relationship that was meant to bolster Japan’s defence capability. But Abe made enemies too by forcing his defence goals and other contentious issues through parliament, despite strong public opposition.

How old is Shinzo Abe? Shinzo Abe is 67. Does Shinzo Abe have a family? Yes. He is married to Akie Matsuzaki, the daughter of the president of a well-known Japanese chocolate factory. The couple has no children. Abe’s brothers are also well connected in Japan. His elder brother Hironobu Abe became the president of Mitsubishi Shoji Packaging Corporation, and his younger brother Nobuo Kishi is the senior vice-minister for foreign affairs. Why was Abe giving a speech in Nara? Abe was in Nara campaigning ahead of the election for the parliament’s upper house.

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