Rise of the podcast

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The Rise of the Podcast Podcast的崛起

撰文及考題設計 British Council 英協教育中心 Nicholas Gray 中譯 陳怡君 (中央社編譯)

1 Podcasts are a relatively recent phenomenon. In 2000, the first system that enabled people to download and store episodic content such as podcasts, for computers and portable players was created, and in the early 2000s broadband internet and the release of the iPod meant that podcasts started to become popular. The word ‘podcast’ was first used in 2004, and by 2005 Google had over 100 million hits for the word. Also in 2005, The Ricky Gervais Show -- a comedy podcast that introduced the world to the weird and wonderful mind of Karl Pilkington -- was the first podcast to have over a million downloads. Podcast(或稱播客)是股新興現象。讓使用者以 電腦或攜帶裝置下載儲存不連貫、章節形式資訊 ─如Podcast的系統始於2000年,2000年代初期, 隨寬頻網路與iPod相繼問世,Podcast類型的傳播 方式也開始流行。「Podcast」一詞於2004年首次出 現後至2005年,谷歌(Google)的搜尋紀錄超過1 億筆。此外,介紹怪咖卡爾皮金頓奇妙思維的喜劇

2 2000年代初期隨寬頻網路與iPod(後)相繼問世,Podcast也開始流 行。(美聯社)


true crime murder mystery story called Serial.




Hosted by investigative journalist Sarah Koenig,

The popularity of podcasts then decreased

Serial followed the story of the murder of a young

for a while, but in 2014 along came a 12-episode

Korean student in the USA, and the subsequent

全球中央雜誌 2017.06

本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw

conviction and imprisonment of her ex-boyfriend.

Hour is another popular podcast which organises

With an episode released for free each week, much

excerpts of TED talks and interviews by theme.

excitement stemmed from the ‘did he or didn’t

The current number one spot in the comedy list on

he do it?’ mystery and the excellent storytelling,

iTunes is occupied by the Joe Rogan Experience.

interviews and gathering of evidence. The internet

Rogan, a martial artist and comedian, hosts the

was abuzz with discussion, and Serial broke records

3-hour conversational podcast, and has a range of

by being the first ever podcast to reach 5 million

fascinating guests and covers a variety of topics


from comedy to politics to health to bow hunting.

Podcast風光一時卻好似悄然褪色,然而在2014 年,由調查記者莎拉凱尼格主持、以12集長度探

The podcast was generating 30 million downloads per month in 2016, according to Rogan.












準極佳。《TED Radio Hour》節錄美國網站及菁英


會議(TED Talks)的專訪與精彩內容;《Joe Rogan

According to Wikipedia, there are currently


115,000 podcasts available, with topics ranging from


sport to comedy to crime, and some of them have


taken the medium to unforeseen levels of popularity. Radiolab is currently the number one science podcast on iTunes, and appears on ma ny top 10 l ist s. Its hour-long shows combine science, philosophy and human stories with excellent production values and personable ho s t s. T E D R a d io






for intermediate level learners. Another popular


podcast website is Elllo. It has over 1,000 short


episodes, mostly at intermediate level and including

So what makes podcasts so popular? Firstly,

transcripts and vocabular y activities. Longer

the long-for m for mat which allows in-depth

podcasts are available from Luke’s English Podcast.

discussion of topics and creates a sense of intimacy

Luke is a stand-up comedian who covers topics

definitely helps. Also, as content isn’t determined by

from the past continuous, to superheroes, to tea. All

advertisers and corporations, podcasters are free to

podcasts mentioned here are free, so why not give

talk about whatever topics they want, and thereby

one a try?

appeal to people’s various interests. Another element


is that the quality has improved markedly over the


years, as experienced people from the world of radio


have gotten involved. Finally, podcasts are usually

篇《The English We Speak》,介紹英文片語與諺

free, and given that most people have smartphones


with podcast apps, they are easy to access and

文及有用字彙的《6 Minute English》同樣值得一






1,000部短篇節目;《Luke's English Podcast》節目







質大幅提升;加上智慧型手機使用者會利用各種 Podcast App,下載免費節目來聽也很方便。

5 Podcasts for language learners haven’t quite taken off in the same way, but there are several good ones out there, and listening in this way is an excellent method for improving your English. The BBC’s The English we Speak is a short podcast released weekly with each episode looking at an English phrase or idiom. Also from the BBC, not technically a podcast but worthy of mention, is the excellent 6 Minute English. Again, the hosts discuss a topic of interest each week and provide useful vocabulary and transcripts. Both of the BBC podcasts are


全球中央雜誌 2017.06

前綜合格鬥家羅根(左)主持的節目《Joe Rogan Experience》在 iTunes喜劇類排名第一。圖為2015年終極格鬥冠軍賽後,羅根以前 輩身分訪問愛爾蘭拳王康納(右)。(美聯社)

本文由BRITISH COUNCIL–全球最值得信賴的英語 教學機構–提供,網址:www.britishcouncil.org.tw

Key Words podcast 播客 – a digital audio file available to

to break a record 破紀錄 – to perform better than

download from the internet, usually available as

anyone or anything else or to achieve something

a series.

no other person or thing has achieved.

phenomenon 現象 – a fact or event in nature or

unforeseen 非預期的 – not expected.

society, especially one that is surprising or not

personable 儀表討人喜歡的 – having a pleasant

fully understood.

manner or appearance

episodic 章節式的 – consisting of a series of separate parts or events.

excerpt 節錄 – a short piece taken from a book, film, presentation, or piece of music.

conviction 定罪 – the action of finding somebody guilty of a crime in a court of law.

idiom 諺語 – an expression that that has a separate meaning of its own and cannot be

impr isonment 坐牢 – the action of put ting

understood from the meanings of its individual

someone in prison.


evidence 證據 – the facts, signs etc. that make

transcript 抄本 – a written or printed copy of what

you believe something is true.

somebody has said.

雅思考試粉絲團: www.facebook.com/ielts.testcentre

雅思考試模擬試題 IELTS questions

Match the headings (I – vi) to the paragraphs 1 - 5. There is one extra heading. i) A wealth of quality choices ii) Learn by listening iii) Crime story breaks records iv) Comedy podcasts v) Why we like them vi) A brief history

1. Paragraph 1 ______ 2. Paragraph 2 ______ 3. Paragraph 3 ______ 4. Paragraph 4 ______ 5. Paragraph 5 ______

Say whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG) 6. Podcasts have been around for a long time. 7. The Ricky Gervais Show was popular in many countries. 8. Between 2005 and 2014, podcasts became more popular. 9. In the Serial podcast, the victim’s boyfriend was guilty. 10. The Joe Rogan Experience is the top comedy podcast on iTunes. Answers:1. vi CNA NEWSWORLD


2. iii

3. i

4. v

5. ii

6. F

7. NG

8. F

9. NG

10. T

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