August/September 2011

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Issue 17 August/September 2011





on branding, business, and success • BRINK magazine • 1

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ISSUE 17 • August/September 2011 • WWW.BRINKMAGONLINE.COM

brink 10

Welcome to BRINK A staff favorite here at BRINK is Cooking Channels Bitchin’ Kitchen. Host Nadia G packs a comedic and tasty punch with each episode. We had the opportunity to speak with Nadia and get the inside scoop on her beginnings in the biz and where she hopes to take the Bitchen’ Kitchen brand. Turn to page 28 for that interview.



28 Nadia G The Cooking Channel queen of mixing food and comedy into one tasty dish speaks with BRINK on branding, business and finding success.

24 Fashion and beauty

21 Beauty stringer Beauty Editor Michelle Cameau does the work for you and finds the latest must haves for men and women.

22 Street Style Scouring the streets of Orlando to find the hippest looks.

24 Get the Look Get this Look now

10 Shopping Rite Loves Creation is not your typical store. Find out why on page 10. 14 this wild idea An intimate interview with Theron Humphrey on his “wild idea.”

8 Overtime BRINK speaks with actor Al Snow and filmmaker Matt Niehoff on his feature, Overtime.

Every Issue

5 the buzz This month we’ve found some of the coolest inventory that you can’t live without.

12 caroline knows Is something bugging you and you don’t know how to fix it? No worries, “Caroline knows” what to do. Got a question for Caroline? Email her at info@

13 30 seconds or less Album reviews, movie reviews and book reviews in 30 seconds...or less.

38 The Barometer What’s hot, what’s not.

38 The last page Twitter feed, polls and more.

Who wants some fashion talk? Well get ready, because we have pages of new fashions, emerging brands and the best way to “get the look!” Check out pages 20-27 for how you can mix and match. On September 30th, we will be holding our big fashion event for the year, BRINK presents vitaminwater zero uncapped at the downtown Orlando History Center. Four designers will be strutting their collection down the runway at The History Center in downtown Orlando. The event is open to the public, but we have a special VIP section that you can be a part of by heading over to Enjoy, and look for us on Facebook at Kyle M Menard Editor in Chief • BRINK magazine • 3


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the buzz


uckily in today’s world, various Social Media offer dates of impending occasions meaning there is little to no reason to not know a birthday, a job promotion or a celebration of some sort. With so many events to offer at least a little something, you want to ensure you’re prepared. Thankfully many companies that aren’t currently in the central Florida region offer online viewings of their amazing merchandise, all unique and all fabulous. — megan hyde

All items and images this page courtesy of JustJENN Designs • BRINK magazine • 5

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One in particular is Nucleus, based out of Alhanbra, CA. Every art form - contemporary, graphic, narrative- can all be found under one roof or one internet search. You can find one of a kind goods and strong quality pieces to gift to others or keep for you too. — megan hyde


just Jenn

Grab a customized gift and some laughs from Just Jenn Designs. Designer, mom, artist and baker, are just a few things to describe this busy creator. Find designs that offer the perfect mix of cuteness and humor with stationary or buttons; just to name a few. What’s the cherry on top of this already amazing company? Reasonable prices. — megan hyde

m i x o

One company worth gushing over, as well is Mixo. Created by Chairman of Fun Mike Becker, Mixo offers products that intertwine collecting and creating. Imagination is a huge motivating factor behind this fun-loving company. A key concept Mixo wants their consumers to take away: reality more than stampedes virtual reality. In this day and age, who couldn’t appreciate that kind if mentality? — megan hyde • BRINK magazine • 7

Honestly Yours




ovies have rules that the filmmaker wants the audience to believe. We’ve been conditioned to root for the good guy and watch the bad guy go down. What do you get when the rules are twisted and you find yourself rooting for the bad guy? Overtime. BRINK magazine recently had the opportunity to speak with the star of Overtime, Al Snow, and director, writer, producer, editor Matt Niehoff, about his film: Overtime. Find out what the winner of eight Fright Fest Film Festival awards, including “Best of the Fest,” had to say about filmmaking, concepts, and believing in a “local organic movie.” now more responsible, version of his best friend and partner Max (John Wells). Max is as much a part of Raph’s family as Raph’s wife and kids are. Even though Raph is a cold-blooded killer, he has a very strict code of only killing those who have been proven to deserve it. As far as my performance and what inspired it, it would have to be my own life experiences. That’s not to say that I am a vigilante/hit man in real life, ha, but living a very unusual life where I have had to be a certain person professionally in an almost surreal world and then keep my one foot firmly planted in the real world with my family and just be the husband and father. [It’s about] balancing and juggling all of the requirements and responsibilities at the same time and preventing one from bleeding into and overwhelming the other. I think that is what will make Raph relatable to all the guys out there, or at least I hope so; because we all have to be one person at work, more or less, and then go home and be a dad and husband. Granted maybe not to the degree that I have had to live or certainly what is portrayed in the film.

BRINK Magazine: How did you get involved with Overtime? Al Snow: I was made aware of the movie through a friend and professional associate and decided to make contact with Matt Niehoff and arrange an audition. I had chosen the role of Raph simply because he was a family man whose job was being a professional vigilante/hit man, but the family side was what drew me to the role more than anything else. It was a chance to be more than the gorilla in a movie role and express a few more

emotions and create a relatable character with more of a motivation than to just perpetrate violence against another human being. But to be quite honest, I would have been thrilled to have gotten to play any role, including that of the gorilla, ha. BM: Tell us about your character and what inspired your performance? AS: Raph is a devoted husband and father, first and foremost. Then he is a vigilante/hit man who in his mind is doing God’s work to help make the world a little safer for his wife and kids. Raph is also an older,

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BM: What are the differences in doing television with pro-wrestling compared to a movie, and what are the similarities? AS: There are some similarities with prowrestling and film/television acting [in that it’s] simply believing in what you’re doing and saying and the situation you, as the character, are in. But there are certainly a tremendous amount of differences in them as well. In prowrestling, you have to expand your personality and character to fill a huge arena so that it can be communicated all the

All images courtesy of Overtime


Al Snow

way to the cheap seats. In film/ television, you have to keep it big but more subtle as the audience can easily see every nuance in the character without the need for binoculars. Also, a big challenge for me is that as a performer, all of my experience from wrestling has been complete improvisation. I am given direction (a slight outline of what needs to be accomplished and why story wise), then it is up to me to communicate it as effectively and as believably as possible all within anywhere from as little as 10 seconds to two minutes live [and] with only one take with an audience ranging from a couple thousand to millions all over the world. With film/ television acting, you are scripted, and you have multiple takes which are done regardless of whether you nailed it or not, so the editor has options to get the very best one. Now this may sound easier but has certainly been a challenge for me to adapt to, and, believe me, I would never say that I have done that on any accomplished level yet. The other difference would be the

BM: How did the Overtime concept come into place, and what was it like directing, writing, and producing? Matt Niehoff: The concept of Overtime came from the drive of wanting to make a truly original film and the love of watching old 80s action movies with my dad when I was a kid. I’ve always loved hitman movies, and I’ve seen them all! Then I thought to myself, I’ve never seen a hitman movie where the hitman was married, with kids, and his everyday wife was totally cool with him being a hitman. That was part A. In my mind, one of the most iconic movies of the 80s was John Carpenters Big Trouble and Little China because people who watched it loved it! Guys, girls, young and old; they loved the tough dudes, cutes girls, creepy monsters, and most of all, how they beautifully blended together. That was part B: blending. Taking those two elements, I wrote Overtime along with my best friend Brian Cunningham, who was also a producer and director of photography on the movie. Them came directing Overtime. immediate gratification you receive when performing in wrestling, as you always have a live audience. In film/television acting, I have had to try to learn how to judge the effectiveness of my performance in other ways and to discipline myself to be patient for the entire picture puzzle of the story to be assembled. But all the new challenges and requirements to learn new skills is just one of many things that excites me about possibly pursuing a career in the acting field. That, and, after fake fighting other grown men in their underwear for 30 years for money, I really dont know what else I would do for a job, ha.



BM: What was that like? MN: I feel it was much like winning the NCAA national championship, or being picked best designer in a fashion show, or winning a gold metal in the Olympics [would feel like]. It was one of the greatest and proudest experiences in my life. So many people came together to make not only my dreams come true but their own dreams come true as well. Some local ‘folks’ from Kentucky came together to make a movie, and we did it. As Al Snow once said, “It’s not a good low budget movie; it’s just a good movie in general.” A friend once told me, “The good lord would have not given us the ability to dream without also giving us the ability to make those dreams come true,”

and because of the hard work and dedication of over 100 cast and crew, all these dreams came to a reality. BM: Tell us about your experience with casting Overtime. MN: Two words: Al Snow! Many of you may not know who that it is, so let me educate you. In 1997, I tuned into USA network every Monday at 9pm to watch WWF (now WWE) Monday Night RAW. Me, along with 5-6 of my friends, would cheer along watching Al Snow in his extreme wrestling matches go up against many wrestling legends. Today, in 2011, I can say one of my childhood heros is not only a fabulous actor but also one of my closest friends. I always wanted to tell people I had a cool story of how Al got into the movie, but he honestly just showed up to the audition and accepted the part. Through casting, we also discovered local Kentucky actor John Wells. And ladies, if you have ever said “he has Situation abs,” soon you will be saying he has John Wells abs. If you know what I mean? I digress. But, from the actors to the makeup artist, all the talent in the movie is local, and they all do an outstanding job! BM: What advice would you give to other filmmakers? MN: Get Al Snow and John Wells in your movie cause they make it easy! Seriously PREPARE. Don’t start too early. Take the extra time to find the extra props you need or that one location you don’t have nailed down yet. Know every detail about every scene before you shoot it. And check to see if any of the cast and crew are vegetarians, because that one day you don’t have a veggie sandwich on set, TRUST ME, it gets ugly. BM: How has social media/new media come into place for marketing the film vs. traditional media? MN: You can’t compare. Ten years ago, if you wanted someone to come see your band, come see your movie, or come to your club, you made fliers [and/or] you did radio shows. Now you just make a facebook/ twitter post and let the word of mouth spread. And it really does work. We made a low budget movie in Louisville, Kentucky. We premiered at the regional Fright Night Film Festival ( At our premiere, we had 500 people in the seats, 150 people standing in the back, and they turned away 200 more people because they wouldn’t fit in the room. I must dedicate that to us marketing through facebook/ youtube because I sure as hell don’t have 850 friends! BM: What’s next? Any final thoughts or anything else you would like to add? MN: I just want everyone in the world to see Overtime because I really feel it has something to offer everyone! Is it going to change your life? No, but I promise you will have a lot of fun! And if any of you ever watch it, know that two kids (myself and Brian Cunningham) worked their butts off with 90+ cast and crew to make this little Kentucky movie keep up with all the Hollywood guys and gals. People constantly buy local organic products; this is a local organic movie. Whether you come see the movie in a theater, like us on facebook, or like us on imdb, every ‘like’ [and] every comment help a small group of 30-somethings in Louisville, Kentucky show the big Hollywood people that you don’t need 200 million dollars to make a good movie, you don’t need super famous stars, you just need a lot of passion and a lot of heart!

For more on “Overtime,” visit • BRINK magazine • 9

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Loves Creation

shopping rite

ican mall How one store is changing the face of the Amer with its quirky inventory and savvy business sense Photography by Garrett Frandsen


Back in its heyday, malls were a clogged oasis of shoppers and teens with nothing to do. City shopping was quickly closing its doors, and the street traffic slowed down. The unusual finds of brick and mortar stores had gone away, and Urban Outfitters claimed the crown. There are exceptions though, and one big exception is Loves Creation. Located in the Seminole Town Center Mall in Sanford, Florida, Loves Creation is a menagerie of treasures and unusual finds. From chic clothing to kitschy house wares, this store is a treasure trove of wonders. Not to mention the store works in partnership with Harvest Time International to give back to the community. We had the opportunity to speak with Erika Hinn at Loves Creation (and its sister store Love Shack) to find out how the store got its start and how it gives back. BRINK Magazine: How did Love’s Creation get it start? Erika Hinn: Loves Creation began almost three years ago as a small gift shop within the main warehouse at Harvest Time. In November of 2009, we moved into Seminole Town Center in order to reach a bigger audience. We moved into our current space in November 2010. BM: How does Love Creation work with Harvest Time International? EH: The store’s purpose is to raise funds for Harvest Time and to let people know who Harvest Time is, and what we do. Many people only find out about Harvest when they are in need of our services, and the store allows us to share what we do with everyone from all walks of life. Sometimes people come into the store by chance and hear about the work we do and then come volunteer. BM: What kind of items will readers find at Loves Creation to purchase, and how does that profit get back to Harvest Time International?

EH: Loves Creation sells a large variety of unique and special items, including clothing, jewelry, shoes, dishes, aprons, candles, bath products, books, bedding and children’s items. We purchase our merchandise, pay our expenses, and then the profit goes directly to Harvest Time. We are not a separate company, but a division of the ministry. Whenever possible, we like to sell products in our store that have charitable benefits on their own, such as Toms Shoes (which for every pair sold, a pair of shoes is donated to a child around the world). Or Acholi beads, which are made by women in Uganda to help them support their families and provide a better way of life. We like to tell our customers, “Thank you for helping us Share the Love!” BM: Where can readers find more information on Loves Creation and what does the future hold for organization and store? EH: If you go to, you can find out more about what Harvest Time does here in Central Florida and around the world. They are on the verge of opening their new Medical Center, which will help provide much needed basic medical care. They are also working closely with the county on new projects to provide transitional housing and long term solutions to struggling communities. They also just opened a Hope Center in Port Orange. As far as the future of the store, we hope to be here for a long time and keep getting better! For more on Loves Creation, visit • BRINK magazine • 11


caroline knows

BRINK magazine PO BOX 2371 Orlando, FL 32802

Sit back, relax and let Caroline take it from here

PUBLISHER/editor-in-chieF kyle m menard

Dear Freaked Out:

Dear Caroline: My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and have we a really fantastic relationship. He is affectionate, caring and we enjoy each other so much. Recently I was helping him pack up his apartment since he was moving into a new place. While he ran out to get lunch I was left alone with piles of boxes, one of which I noticed contained a bunch of old photographs. Of course I couldn’t resist looking through them. Most were old pictures of him with friends, his old band, the usual…and then there they were: pictures of his ex-girlfriend, the one he was with for three years before me. There she was reclining back on his bed (I recognized the bed frame),

her huge eyes come-hither at the camera. There she was crossing her arms over her chest and smiling coyly over her shoulder. There she was--in all her NAKED glory! I felt shocked and betrayed that he would keep these photographs in his possession (and it sure doesn’t help that the ex is really pretty). Now I find myself thinking, is he still in love with her? Does he take out the pictures and fantasize about her? Does he think about her when he and I are having sex? I have not said anything to him about finding the pictures but I’m just in agony over what they might mean and it is making me second-guess everything—help! -- Freaked Out

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First here are my answers to your last 3 questions: No, maybe, and probably not. You said it yourself in your very first sentence, the one that ended with “…we have a fantastic relationship.” Honey, if he was pining over some ex-girlfriend you would KNOW it…because if that was the truth all of that affection and caring you talk about would probably not exist. Now, I understand you felt shocked and a little hurt upon finding nudie pictures of the sultry ex, but you have to understand how men work: they like looking at nude pictures of women, and a woman they were once with is sometimes not an exception. It’s kind of like a trophy thing: something they once won and were very proud of, so they throw it in a closet and occasionally take it out just for kicks. But it doesn’t really mean anything. Let him have his little trophies. It’s not as though the pictures are being displayed in a secret shrine in his closet-they are just shoved in a box along with a bunch of other old pictures. Forget the naked girl in the fading photos—you are the real flesh and blood girl in his life now and that picture, my love, is worth a thousand words and more. **Caroline Got a question for Caroline? Relationship trouble? Designer disaster? Clothing catastrophe? You get the idea. Email her at Attn: Caroline in the subject.

Photo Editor anastasia garcia BEAUTY EDITOR michelle cameau Copy Editor jacqueline ford Art Director cas gilray Social Media Coordinator megan hyde EXECUTIVE CONSULTANTs katie bassham steven ozer Senior Writers katie bassham caroline st clair Contributors kris gilpin megan hyde brandi murray contributing photographer ckg photography garrett frandsen stephanie gale photography marianna larochelle sarah rogers Find us online LIKE US ON facebook Follow us on twitter WATCH US ON YOUTUBE CALL US TO PLACE AN AD 407.456.4813 General love, questions, Comments Additional words and photos credited where applicable. Disclaimer: The views expressed by our contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of BRINK magazine, or its management or owners. BRINK magazine has not verified the accuracy or completeness of the content of the submission but has relied on the warranty of the creator as to these factors. Please address any comments directly to the creator. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied by any method, electronically or otherwise, without written permission from the publishing company. All information within is deemed to be true and reliable. The Newsstand Orlando LLC., and all those associated with this publication assume no financial liability for any misinformation or typographical errors in advertisements. We may at times recommend various businesses that advertise in the pages, but we make no claims as to their promises or guarantees or products or services. BRINKmag 2009-2010 contents The Newsstand Orlando LLC.


seconds or l e s s 4 Out now Beyonce has come into own without the worry of putting out a hit single or pleasing record execs. Download: “Countdown” “Run the World (Girls)” “I Care”

The Green Album 8/23 A collection of favorite Muppet classics interpreted by favorite artist. Download: “Rainbow Connection” and “I’m Going To Go Back There Someday”

Rabbits On the Run Out Now

I’m With You August 30

Vanessa Carlton sounds more mature than ever on her fourth disc filled with summer sounds to live by.

The Chili Peppers return with their first album in five years.

Download: “Fairweather Friend” “Carousel” and waltzy “Tall Tales for Spring”

Download: “Look Around” and “I’m With You”

Normal Gets You Nowhere by Kelly Cutrone Kelly is a girl after my own heart. I instantly loved the PR pro with the no-holdsbarred attitude when she appeared on “The Hills,” “The City,” and “Kell on Earth.” Her sophomore book is meant to kick our asses in gear and let us know that even the weirdos succeed. Cheers to that! — Katie Bassham

Here I Am Out Now

Duets II 9/20

Kelly Rowland finally shines in her 3rd disc making it worth the wait. Download: “Work It Man,” “Turn It Up,” “Commander” “Motivation”

Mr. Bennett returns with his follow up to successful, “Duets.” Featuring a collaboration with the late Amy Winehouse, this album is sure to reach an even broader audience.

Watch the Throne Out Now

Night of Hunters 9/20

One of the most secretive and equally desired discs for 2011. Promo single “H.A.M.” stalled, but the clever sampling of “Otis” hits the mark.

Amos’ latest samples classical pieces of the last 400 years, bringing more of her iconic sounds to her listeners ears.

Download: ”Otis,” ”Lift Off” and “Made in America”

Download: “Night of Hunters” and “Shattering Sea”

Also available: Lil Wayne Tha Carter IV 8/29, Lenny Kravitz Black White America 8/30, Gavin Degraw Sweeter 9/6, St Vincent Strange Mercy 9/13 | Album release dates subject to change

A Place of Yes:

10 Rules for Getting Everything You Want Out of Life by Bethenny Frankel Our favorite housewife’s new book is in the same vein as Kelly’s (if I could have dinner with these two women...), and I could not put it down. So inspiring - it was like she spoke to me as a friend. Now where did I put that Skinny Girl Margarita? — Katie Bassham

The Unloved I thought the directorial debut from brilliant character-actress Samantha Morton (Morvern Callar, Sweet and Lowdown) would be different, and it is. Based on the writer/director’s memories of growing up in the shoddy Brit foster-home system with physical/sexual abuse and kids in care turning to drugs and prostitution, The Unloved follows Lucy, a sweet, but emotionless 9-year-old who is beaten by her father (Robert Carlyle) and then sent into British care. Morton wanted as many kids to see this as possible, so she released it “for free” on Britain’s Channel 4. This Cassavetes-like drama is a very worthy film and Morton will surely become a successful director. — Kris Gilpin | FREE Kris Movie Crosswords

Passion Play After being shelved for a year or two, Passion Play is now out on DVD. Mickey Rourke is a trumpet player who meets Megan Fox in a peep show. Fox is an angel with CGI wings who is kidnapped by gangster Bill Murray. As far as I’m concerned, Murray could act in a pool of horse manure and still maintain his dignity. And he’s the best thing in the film. Foxy Megan actually proves that, when she downplays it and doesn’t try to act, she can be quite effective. And I have never seen her photographed so gorgeously either. But when the big ending comes, and you think “Oh no they didn’t,” it ruins what little interest has been built up during the fluffy storyline. Then I saw that the director dedicated this well-meaning, but cheesoid flick, to a late relative, which was nice of him, but this goofy movie isn’t worth a watch unless you just want to gawk at Fox. — Kris Gilpin | FREE Kris Movie Crosswords • BRINK magazine • 13

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i put a spell on you A candid conversation with Ria Michelle, the one woman show behind the ‘Filthy Magic’ brand that cast a spell over shoppers everywhere

Interview by Sheli Baez Photography by Garrett Frandsen

Sheli Baez: What inspired Filthy Magic? Ria Michelle: I love online shopping; it’s my first choice when it comes to buying anything. I wanted to create a store with pieces I would love to buy myself and share with my friends and family. It’s a great way to support and introduce people to independent designers, like Dimpiece Designs and Kathryn Amberleigh. SB: How has Filthy Magic changed your outlook on life? RM: I look at stores differently – both physical and online. It’s really a lot of work, and I don’t think consumers realize just how much goes into it. SB: If you could live in one era (based on fashion), what would it be and why? RM: Definitely the 60s. The mini dresses; the boots; all my favorite things. Sixties hair was also so amazing, and I adore Twiggy.

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SB: What is a typical day like for Ria Michelle? RM: First thing before I even get out of bed, I reach for my iPad to check my email and then Twitter. My day moves on based on how those two things go. If there are orders to be shipped out for Filthy Magic, I get that done before my delivery office closes at 4:30pm. I spend the majority of my time in front of my computer adding product and talking and networking with bloggers and PR people. Event days are fun; I get to dress up and attend fashion events with beautiful people and drinks. SB: How do you balance blogging and managing the boutique? RM: They kind of go hand-in-hand really well. I can wear styles from my boutique on my blog, and by promoting my blog, I’m also advertising my boutique to an audience that would want to wear the clothing I sell and shares the same aesthetic. SB: What has been the most memorable moment of your career thus far? RM: Meeting Christian Louboutin during Art Basel. My friend Tara Solomon introduced me to him as Miami’s top fashion blogger. That was kind of crazy. SB: Where do you see yourself in five years? RM: I’d like to be stocking more independent designers on Filthy Magic and having a staff of more than one – plus an occasional intern. [And]

having Filthy Magic on a path to open a physical store. SB: What trends do you love/hate? RM: I’m loving the 70s revival. I saw Robert Rodriguez’s latest collection at a show he did here in Miami, and everything was amazing – so glamorous and sophisticated. [There was] lots of white, which I’m really digging right now, [and] high-waist, wide-leg pants – I’m so over skinny jeans/ pants. I want to see wide pants – the wider, the better. Get an amazing belt, and you’re good to go. SB: What is your go-to outfit? RM: Lately, a cropped top with something high-waisted – whether it’s a high-waist skirt or pants, it doesn’t matter. I’m really into knotting my shirts lately too. SB: Who is your fashion icon? RM: The Internet! I’m inspired by everything around me. I love a model’s personal style of course, like Abbey Lee Kershaw, Anja Rubik. can provide ultimate inspiration. I don’t think I think too much about my outfit before I get dressed. It’s not that serious for me. My only pre-mediated style is when I’m styling someone else for a shoot. I take the themes, and I create a mood board with things I stumble on while online.

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S 2

Sharp | Style

Saks Sense

Short: Diesel $95.00 Tank: Zane $45 Hoodie: Michael Kors $145 Model Lawrence at Emerge talent Denim: J Brand Blue $176 Top: Madison Marcus $235 Model Bettina Tran Photography by CKG Photograpey Garments provided by Saks Fifth Avenue Location College Park Antique Market Orlando, Florida 20 • BRINK magazine •

BRINK Beauty

By: Michelle Cameau - Beauty Editor & Makeup Artist

It's that time again beauties! Fall will be here before we know it; don't be left making face of last seasons makeup looks. Here is your fall go to guide to fall-fabulosity! Radiant reds from True Red, Burnt, Neon, Scarlet, Velvet and Boudreaux are painting the town but keep in mind all reds are not created equal. The key is to match your skin tone or eye color to the undertone of the lipstick. Experiment and have a good time, makeup is fun! This is just a basic guide your lipstick tone may differ depending on your hair color as well.


Fair-skinned dames look their best in blue-based or true reds. If you have light hair and skin the coolness of the blue-based red will tone down any ruddiness in your skin. TRY: Lipstick Queen in Red Sinner $18 Olive-skinned dames should try an orange or golden based reds. The warmth in these golden tones give your skin a glowy look. TRY: Chanel Rouge Allure in Audace $30 Dark-skinned dames try a deep cool red burgundy tone or tomato red with a yellow undertone. The rich hues look brilliant against their tone. TRY: Dolce & Gabbana in Amethyst $30


Spider lashes were crawling on the runways this season. If you dare to try this look whether your going for extreme or subtle; layer on a few coats of volumizing mascara without stopping to dry in-between coats. Then use your tweezer to pinch the lash base together. TRY: L'oreal voluminous mascara $6.50

Make a statement this season with a bolder brow. This look will spice up your look in a different way than expected. Keep the rest of your look very natural and muted so the brows have a platform. Use a shade darker than you normally would to fill your brows and contour the upper line. A brow pencil will give you bolder look, then fill in spots with shadow. TRY: NYX Auto Eyebrow Pencil $4.50 for highlight TRY: Benefit Cosmetics High Brow Defining Pencil - $20

Try not to apply your reds on the go- you may suffer from lipstick on your teeth and smeared edges; not the attention your going for. To get that perfect pout: 1. Exfoliate "Satin Lips lip mask Mary Kay $9.50" 2. Prime lips with your foundation or a lip primer, my favorite is "Too Faced Lip Insurance Lip Primer $19" 2. Use Lipliner 2. Blot between lips with a wedge sponge or with a sanitized finger.

Guys Grooming Today's forward thinking men are taking an active interest in their skin. Men's skin is more dense and proper skincare have benefits that include a more youthful appearance, healthier looking skin, smoother shaves and fewer fine lines. Try a skin care regimen that includes a deep cleanser, exfoliator, toner and moisturizer. It will only take you 5 minutes every morning so come on guys get your skin smooth and soft not only for your significant other but for your own benefit as well. TRY: men's skin care 4Voo Facial balancing cleanser $39 4Voo Deep exfoliation scrub $52 4Voo Balancing skin toner $39 4Voo Maximum renewal moisturizer $69 • BRINK magazine • 21

Street Style

| photographed by Badi Morris

daniel martinez

marcos tomez

ashley roberts

jessica suarez

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ashley mccorkie • BRINK magazine • 23

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Nadia knows best

From webisode to Cooking Channel, NADIA G has transformed her life into a full fledged brand ripe for the picking By Kyle Menard Photography by Marianna Larochelle

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hen I was a kid, my mother would watch Julia Child. We would sit on the couch and watch this culinary visionary share her stories and cuisine with faithful viewers. In recent years, Rachel Ray rose to prominence with her quick meals and equally quick wit. Now we have the best of both worlds; and then some. Cue Nadia G. of Cooking Channel’s breakout hit: Bitchin’ Kitchen. Originally a web series, Bitchin’ Kitchen started to rack up big numbers everywhere. The star, Nadia G., brought a genuine, innovative, and inspiring package to her viewers. With her creative food concoctions, like Rehab Recipes and MakeUp Meals, matched with her fashion sense, humor, and overall branding, it was a match made in foodie heaven. Food Network Canada (Nadia’s homeland) picked the series up, and soon after, the Cooking Channel, here in the United States picked it up as well. With Cooking Channel’s thirst for a savvy and next generation viewers, Nadia’s spunky branding was a perfect fit; just like the heels on her feet! BRINK Magazine had the opportunity to speak with Nadia and learn about her favorite recipes, her branding, and how she makes it all work. Read on to discover how Nadia G. ensures that the “message is in the medium.” • BRINK magazine • 31

Kyle Menard: What past experiences led you to where you are today? Nadia G: Wow, a lot of history there. I grew up in a food-obsessed Italian family, and, the fact of the matter is, it was in the kitchen that all the fun went down. We had our best conversations, biggest blasts, and it came a point where I said to myself, wow, I really love the comedy – I was doing skit comedy online – and I love food, and why not bring those two elements together and create a comedy cooking show? And that’s how I created Bitchin’ Kitchen. What’s interesting is that people look at the show and say ‘wow, this is so wild,’ but in fact, I wonder where people got the idea that the kitchen was such a sterile or polite place. In respect to all the vivacious action that was going on in my family’s kitchen, we launched the series online, and it was a huge success. I guess a lot of people could relate to making fun of your cake and eating it too. The rest is history. We got picked up by Food Network Canada, and that was a huge success. [Then we] got picked up by Cooking Channel – it’s one of their top shows – and still to this day we do a lot of activity online. We have one of the most engaged communities in the lifestyle space, huge amount of fans, and every day we entertain. We still manage to stay true to our web roots despite all the success of traditional media.

to cooking, and it’s just doing phenomenally well. I guess people were ready for something different than the vanilla cooking show, and we provided them with some double dark chocolate. KM: The Spice Agent, Hans, and Panos have to be some of the best coworkers a girl could have on television. How did their integration into Bitchin’ Kitchen develop? NG: Straight from the start we always knew there would be one food correspondent, we did a casting, and we had a certain character in mind. The truth is stranger than fiction. These guys show up, and we were like ‘wow, this is just awesome. These guys are hilarious.’ Panos’ family has been in the fish business for generations. He actually owns a fish shop here in Montreal along with his family. That was just such a natural fit. The Spice Agent is such a crazy guy, so ends up talking more about himself and his adventures than the spices sometimes, but we love him for it. Hans is a fun character because I grew up watching women in bikinis hawking everything from toiletries to beer, and I said to myself, ‘when I get a cooking show, I think we’re going to play a little reverse sexism here.’ He’s a great character. People love him and love looking at him.

KM: I agree. Bitchin Kitchen’s web presence is excellent, especially on Facebook and Twitter. It’s seamless. The contests and all the news that’s coming out from Bithcin’ Kitchen is great. NG: One of the bigger things that we’re doing, and have done lately, is that we had a huge nationwide contest for community recipes to be featured in the cookbook. We’re kind of taking them along for the ride and immortalizing the community’s recipes in our new cookbook, which is kind of unheard of. We have a whole chapter devoted to them and their recipes. We really do love our fans. KM: I personally have done some of your recipes, and they have always come out great. It’s really cool that you give back in that sense and let people come onboard with you. NG: Thank you. I’m happy to hear that the recipes are turning out great. I think one of the things that helps is that I grew up cooking by eye, and I don’t have professional training, if you will, like the Culinary Institute of America, so when I kind of describe a recipe and describe the technique, it’s pretty much in laymen’s terms. I think people can really relate to that and not feel intimidated by making that recipe. KM: You were speaking about the kitchen being a “sterile place,” and one of the many things I love about Bitchin’ Kitchen is the attention to detail. Most episodes have your outfits matching the décor in the kitchen, from your nails and your shoes to the panels in the cabinetry. Is that something you have a big part in or how did that come about? NG: Absolutely. Basically, I created this brand from pixels to prosciutto. I definitely figured why not have some fun with the kitchen space? People spend a lot of their time expressing themselves in other rooms, or in the outside world, with their clothing, but why not bring that fun and selfexpression to the kitchen? And as you’ve mentioned, we definitely do that on Bitchen’ Kitchen. KM: I know that the show is on Food Network Canada and Cooking Channel. Seems like a great fit for Bitchen’ Kitchen. How did you all come together? NG: The show was a huge success in Canada. We pitched it to Cooking Channel, and they loved it. It fit in with their next gen attitude in regards

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KM: The titles of the shows and the dishes are fantastic. How do they come to be? Is that your brainchild? NG: Yes, absolutely. I create the concept and write the scripts, so it’s a bit of alchemy, and sometimes I think about what topic I’d like to talk about and then come up with recipes that work well. For example, if you’re making a ‘break up meal,’ you want to cook up something light, something friendly – something take out. And then there are other cases where I’ll have this really awesome recipe in mind and think ‘what could this recipe be perfect for?’ and then come up with the theme for the show. It’s in between those two. KM: The Bitchin’ Kitchen brand is very strong. How involved are you with day-to-day operations? NG: I’m completely involved with the day-to-day operations. I check in on Facebook and Twitter daily. I have meetings with my community manager and try and figure out what fun we’re going to cook up for the weeks to come. I sit in the edit room and I design merch. I’m involved with pretty much everything.

KM: How has being on television shaped the success of your brand? NG: It’s been phenomenal. Television has such a wide reach, and when we started this project, as I always like to say, ‘it’s not about the medium, it’s about the message,’ so for us, whether its TV, cookbooks, web, mobile, we’re stoked to have Bitchin’ Kitchen available on all these platforms and also creating some cross media – going cross platform. Being cross platform is so awesome; someone watches the show, then they comment on Facebook. It’s been fun bringing everyone together from all the various mediums that we have available to us. KM: Any lessons in business you would like to share? NG: When it comes to social media, the key is to really be involved with your community and what that means is that you don’t just a have a Facebook page up there and spam your community, ‘hey! I have a great new video!’ ‘Hey, I have a great new recipe!’ It’s about engaging them in conversation and asking them about them and by starting a project on the web – and you know, a lot of people these days start businesses on the web, whether it’s a business or a media project – it’s your fans that are going to get you to that traditional media deal. Don’t sign TV deals unless you’re an A-lister [because] you don’t get a TV deal signed

NG: One of my favorite recipes in the new book is gnocci pouatine. I think it’s kind of representative of the fun fusion we do on the show. Pouatine is a hot mess of fries, gravy, and cheese curd that is very popular in Montreal, Quebec, where I’m from, and gnocchi is made out of potatoes, so why not take those delicious potato dumplings, boil it, pan sear it a little bit to get the crispy golden edges, and smother it in homemade cheesy gravy with melted cheese curd. KM: What foods can’t you live without? NG: I’m a sucker for deep-fried foods. I love fried chicken. I love panzaratti. I do try and be careful, but the old Italian saying goes ‘everything in moderation and especially moderation.’ KM: What’s coming up next for Bitchin’ Kitchen? NG: We got a cookbook, [and] we have a new season, complete with a one hour Christmas special, which is really exciting. I’m working on an album right now. I’ve always loved to sing and to write comedy songs. We aired the first music video ever in a cooking show: Rehab Recipes called Never Drinking Like That Again, and so there’s a lot more songs to be expected in the next season, [as well as] some fun comedy rock and roll coming your way. KM: I saw that episode. It was excellent, and I remember when you started singing and everything came together. It was so great; so unexpected. That’s what I love about Bitchin’ Kitchen: you never know what to expect, and it’s not your typical show. It’s really fun.

so easily, so you’ll need a proven concept [and] a tangible fan base. Treating your fans with respect online is what’s going to help get your project to the next level. KM: You have a new cookbook coming out. Tell us about the process that went into this new book. How does it differ from the previous book? NG: It was an interesting process because our first cookbook is so wild. There’s no other cookbook that looks like it out there. It’s a cross between a comic book, a coffee table book, and it really kind of embodies the rock and roll comedy cooking essence of Bitchin’ Kitchen. And, so when we got this next book deal, we were like, ‘wow, how are we going to top this?’ and we did. The concept has become more refined over the years. The food photography is absolutely gorgeous. It’s [all] just been taken to the next level. It’s just gorgeous and funny, a great conversation piece, and I’m totally excited about it. I designed it again myself, which I love to do. I designed the first cookbook as well. It’s just a lot more fun themes and great recipes: dysfunctional family pizza night, girls’ night in, student schcoff-fest, so you get a lot of good stuff in “Cooking for Trouble.” KM: What’s your favorite recipe in the book?

NG: Thank you. I’m happy that you noticed. Every episode has a little something, and I think this comes from my sketch comedy roots. In Rehab Recipes, you have a music video, in Dish on Dating, we’ll rattle off a top ten list of the worst opening dating profile lines ever. It’s just fun to keep people on their toes and not stick to a formula. I think Bitchin’ Kitchen has been pretty groundbreaking for the cooking show genre as a high bred show, and I’m super excited and proud about that. And I think in the future, we’ll see a lot more cooking shows that have a little something extra on top. KM: Your fashion is always topnotch. Do you have a favorite look? How would you describe your best fashion moments? NG: When it comes to fashion, I love juxtapositions. So, I love having the long blond feminism hair and the shaved side. I love pairing cowboy boots with a girly dress. Women are very complex creatures, and I try and express that complexity in the fashion choices that I make. I’m happy that kind of shows through. People definitely can’t wait for the shoe shots – that I know for sure. KM: Any final words? NG: I’m just so honored that everyone is loving the show as much as they do, and the important thing here is to make cooking fun again. I’ve been given an opportunity to get people back in their kitchen and rocking their kitchens. Come say hi on – we’d love to meet you! For more on “Bitchin’ Kitchen,” visit • BRINK magazine • 33

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