Save the Ocean, Feed the World as Published by Brigitte Perr

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Save the Ocean, Feed the World as Published by editor Brigitte Perreault Restoring the Oceans Could Feed 1 Billion People A Health SEAFOOD MEAL EACH DAY

Oceana campaigns in the countries that control 25 percent of the world’s wild fish catch in order to win policy victories that can increase biodiversity in our oceans and deliver more seafood to the future. What animal protein requires no fresh water, produces little carbon dioxide, doesn’t require arable land and provides healthy protein at a cost per pound lower than beef, chicken, lamb or pork, making it accessible to the world’s poor? The answer: wild fish. Unfortunately, studies show that irresponsible fishing has reduced many wild fish populations to historically low levels right at the moment when the world needs its oceans more than ever.

FOR SPANISH VERSION There are already 7 billion people on Earth, and this figure is expected to grow to a staggering 9 billion people by 2050. The planet must produce 70 percent more food to meet the coming hunger needs, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Right now 1 billion people on this planet suffer from hunger, and we don’t have enough arable land and fresh water to feed 2 billion more without incurring severe losses to the natural world. But there is a solution. Studies show that by implementing better and proven management measures we can potentially increase the global fish catch by up to 40 percent from current levels. We can rebuild ocean biodiversity and abundance and be able to feed nearly a billion people a healthy seafood meal each day.

Oceana: How Saving the Oceans Can Feed the World To know click here:

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