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BRIGITTE PERREAULT - STORY Brigitte Perreault and the PERREAULT Magazine On January 31st, 2014, at midnight, I launched my own publication: PERREAULT Magazine, a global and digital publication. We publish inspiring and empowering information, insights, campaigns, and educational articles to advocate social and environmental changes. Our conscious content narratives call attention to global issues that impact our world, while showcasing remarkable entrepreneurs and vanguards on the forefront of social and environmental movements and causes. I have been involved in humanitarian causes for the last 13 years, helping refugees to resettle, and working with survivors of state-sponsored torture. By meeting these extraordinary, resilient, and beautiful people, it has inspired me to build a business with a purpose. I created and launched my publication wanting to a) educate other people about important causes, b) inspire them to become involved as well, and c) bringing global causes together. In 2014, the discovery of the ‘digital’ format for a magazine fascinated me. It offers the tools to get involved directly from the pages of the magazine, as well as the opportunity for the publication to rapidly become global. The digital format offers readers digital tools such as: “donate”, “sign a petition”, “engage in a campaign”, “buy” an eco-product, or “watch” a trailer for a cause-conscious documentary, all directly from the pages of the magazine. The result is instant as the audience can offer public and/or financial support for the showcased causes, by sharing the link via social media, email, phones, tablets, etc. My mission and goal is to provide a global platform about education, advocacy and activism. I want to educate my readers about the different important causes that need attention, and to provide articles about not only remarkable people doing remarkable work around the globe, but also offering readers knowledge and sharing with them the sustainable solutions that are now available globally. When people are educated, only then can they become advocates and educate other people as well. We cover humanitarian causes, environmental causes - with a special focus on our oceans - and we cover wildlife protection. We also cover Global Health and Women Leadership. PERREAULT Magazine aims to serve as an agent for social change and awareness. Our vision is to help change mindsets and redirect the consciousness of our readers towards realizing the importance of their knowledge, support, signatures, and voices. Thus far, we have published very important content and it is crucial that we continue to expand our marketing efforts and reach in order to bring awareness to the important causes that need support. Also, it is important that we continue to grow on a global level, and in order to do so, our plan for the next 2 to 5 years is to increase our advertisers and find sponsors—either individual and/or corporate sponsors. We need to continue to use our platform to promote various causes and facilitate hope and change throughout the world. It is very important to develop a strong presence globally and help empower people of all cultures and demographics.

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