2008 Winter

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BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 


Third Quarter 


Big News!! Grand Opening of Sapling Grove Apartments

See Related Story on Page 3

Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority • 809 Edmond Street, Bristol, Virginia 24201



BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 

From the Executive Director Making a Difference, Part 1 Wall Street bail-out $700 billion…Local price of gas exceeds $4.00 per gallon…Home mortgage defaults on the rise – These are extraordinary times! Sometimes it’s hard for us as individuals to think that we can make a difference in issues that seem so far out of our control. But we are blessed to live in a democratic country where each of us gets to say what we think by periodically going to the polls and voting for the issue or the candidate that best represents our individual YLHZSRLQW $OO RI WKRVH LQGLYLGXDO YRWHV DGG XS WR D WUHPHQGRXV LQÀXHQFH RQ WKH IXWXUH RI RXU FRPPXQLW\ and our country. In fewer than 40 days we have the privilege of letting our voices be heard in an historic Presidential Election. Make a difference for the country. Support your candidate…

Vote !! Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Making a Difference, Part 2 $ EDFN\DUG IRU P\ NLGV WR SOD\ LQ«$ KRPH WR FDOO P\ RZQ«$ FROOHJH GHJUHH RU FHUWL¿FDWH WKDW OHDGV WR D better job – These are challenging times! Sometimes on a more personal level it’s hard to see a way to make a difference directly in our own lives. If you are a current public housing resident, did you know that BRHA has almost $500,000 available to help you Find a Way? You bring the desire for a better life, the willingness to make a serious effort, and the strength to stick to it until you succeed. We will bring the resources you need for tuition, for transportation, for child care, and for other support you might need to succeed. And know that you won’t be alone – there are already 32 of your neighbors who have started down that road. Our resources are grant funds that will only be available for three years; so don’t delay! Make a difference in your own life! Dare to dream and…

Find a Way !! Call Lynn Pannell @ 821-6270 2


BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹

BRHA Unveils ‘Innovative Concept in Affordable Housing’ at Sapling Grove The Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority FHOHEUDWHG WKH RIÂżFLDO RSHQLQJ RI 6DSOLQJ *URYH D QHZ 26-unit apartment complex, with a dedication ceremony, open house and tree planting on Tuesday, June 10. %5+$ GHYHORSHG 6DSOLQJ *URYH $SDUWPHQWV WR EH ULFK ZLWK DPHQLWLHV HQHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQW DQG DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ compatible with the neighborhood. “Sapling Grove raises the bar for affordable housing in our community,â€? says BRHA Executive Director Dave Baldwin. “We wanted to build something different from the typical type of DIIRUGDEOH KRXVLQJ Âą D KRXVLQJ SURGXFW WKDW PHHWV LGHQWLÂżHG QHHGV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ EXW LV DOVR KLJKO\ FRPSHWLWLYH in our local housing market. We designed dwellings that would enhance the neighborhood and enhance the quality of life of residents.â€? The complex consists of 13 garden-style duplex buildings with one- and two-bedroom units, covering approximately a full city block. These 26 apartments are within walking distance of downtown Bristol and also on WKH FLW\ EXV URXWH 7KH ÂżUVW WHQDQWV PRYHG LQ 0DUFK DQG DOO XQLWV DUH FXUUHQWO\ RFFXSLHG “Our mission is to provide safe, attractive, affordable housing and housing assistance and the opportunity for families and others in need to achieve a higher standard of living,â€? says Larry Neese, chairman of the BRHA Board of Commissioners. “I can’t imagine a better representation of that than Sapling Grove Apartments.â€? 6WDQGDUG IHDWXUHV LQ DOO DSDUWPHQWV LQFOXGH DQ RSHQ Ă€RRU SODQ ZLWK D FRPELQHG NLWFKHQ DQG OLYLQJ DUHD large master bedroom, designer colors, carpet, tile, refrigerator, range, dishwasher, garbage disposal, washer, dryer, central heat and air, abundant storage and two covered porches. Accessibility has been a consideration throughout the development. All apartments are wheelchair “visitableâ€?, constructed on an accessible exterior route with wide interior hallways and doors – and no steps. Six units are fully DFFHVVLEOH ZLWK PRGLÂżHG FDELQHWV DGGLWLRQDO EDWKURRP IHDWXUHV DQG PRGLÂżHG VDIHW\ DODUP V\VWHPV Those interested in applying for Sapling Grove Apartments should call Pat Tignor, property manager, at 276821-6257 or visit www.brha.com/saplinggrove.html IRU LQIRUPDWLRQ SKRWRV DQG Ă€RRU SODQV 2QH EHGURRP XQLWV are $355 per month, and two-bedroom units are $420 per month. Eligibility for rental is based on income level, and priority is given to senior citizens aged 55 and above and persons with disabilities.

BRHA would like to welcome all of the new residents of Sapling Grove Apartments! As of the end of August, all twenty-six of the units are occupied.



BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 

SummerFest 2008 Mrs. Carter????

Several of our partnering agencies participated in the annual BRHA SummerFest on Saturday July 26th. Agencies handed out literature and shared information about resources available to help improve the lives of our residents. About 250 of our residents were there to enjoy the food, games, and fellowship offered. Two all time favorites of the day were the “cake walk” and “bingo”. Residents of all ages lined up on the blocks for the cakewalk before it was time to start. The bingo area stayed at full capacity the entire time. We also registered 9 new voters! I think after this year another favorite will be the “dress naked” game, if you missed out on this one, you missed a lot of fun. The weather was good, the food was good, and in our opinion, the 2008 SummerFest was a big success. Thank you to all the vendors, agencies, BRHA staff and residents that volunteered their time . We had a great time. Do you recognize anyone in the following pictures? “Dress “Naked”

Could This Really Be Mr. Baldwin???


Cake Walk



Board Changes:

BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 

Important Reminders: • Window screens are to remain in

Farewell to Mr. Kenneth Kistner Thank you Mr. Kistner for eight years as a Commissioner on the BRHA Board. Sometimes things get tough for our Commissioners and we want you to know that we appreciate your service as a Commissioner. Welcome to Mr. Gary Poulton

the windows at all times. • Do not raise windows once the radiators have been turned on • Toys and bicycles should be taken inside when not being used • Children must be supervised when playing outside and/or on the playgrounds

Mr. Gary Poulton was appointed in June 2008 to serve as a BRHA Commissioner, he began serving in July 2008. Mr. Poulton is a History Professor at Virginia Intermont College and served as past president of the College. We welcome Mr. Poulton and appreciate his willingness to serve as a Commissioner.

BRHA Staff Changes:

Installation of Stovetop Firestop Stove Top Firestop (STFS) Canisters will be installed in all apartments. STFS LV D FRRNWRS ¿UH VXSSUHVVRU ZKLFK PRXQWV under the venthoods over your stoves. ,W LV ÀDPH DFWLYDWHG DQG ZLOO PLQLPL]H damage and potentially save lives in DSDUWPHQWV ZKHUH D VWRYH ¿UH VWDUWV &RRNLQJ ¿UHV DUH WKH QXPEHU RQH OHDGLQJ FDXVH RI ¿UHV LQ UHVLGHQWLDO VWUXFWXUHV

Welcome to Mrs. Betty Miller Mrs. Miller has been employed as the Management Assistant for Portfolio 2. Please welcome her to the Housing Authority Staff. Welcome to Tommy Mabe Maintenance Department Please welcome Tommy to the Maintenance Department as a Mechanic Aide.



BRHA HAS NEW SOLICITATION POLICIES The BRHA Board of Commissioners revised the Non-Resident Trespass-Barment Policy and adopted new Resident Solicitation Policy at the September board meeting. These policies include time, manner, and place restrictions on constitutionally protected speech activities, including door-to-door solicitation of any kind. Both residents and non-residents who wish to solicit door-to-door on BRHA property must ÂżUVW FKHFN LQ DW WKH PDLQ DGPLQLVWUDWLYH RIÂżFH located at 809 Edmond Street.

BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹

Late Rent Policy Be aware that the BRHA Board of Commissioners adopted a new rent collection policy in December 2007. The new “ 4 in 12 Late Policy� provides that tenants who are late in paying their rent 4 times in the past 12 months may have their leases terminated for repeated violation of their lease. So don’t be a repeat offender and risk losing your apartment because you repeatedly pay your rent late

Residents always have the choice of speaking or not speaking with solicitors who come to their door. A copy of these policies are available for UHYLHZ WKH %5+$ PDLQ RIÂżFH Signs will soon be posted directing anyone ZLVKLQJ WR VROLFLW WR ÂżUVW FKHFN LQ DW WKH PDLQ RIÂżFH

BRHA Curb Appeal Plans %XVKHV KDYH EHHQ WULPPHG Ă€RZHUV planted and there is new mulch on the playgrounds. BRHA has been busy with curb appeal improvements over the Summer and intends to continue with other projects such as pressure washing buildings, cleaning off banks and restriping parking lots. Also, as many of you have noticed, Stant Hall and Jones Manor are receiving ÂłIDFH OLIWÂśV´ 1HZ EHQFKHV DQG Ă€RZHUV have been placed at the entrances and inside, there is a smell of fresh paint. Future improvements include decorations for hallways and lounges and new mailboxes at Jones Manor.

HCV NEWS September 2008 BRHA will to accept applications to be placed onto its Section 8 (HCV) waiting list with an estimated waiting period of 12 months+. If you are interested in applying, \RX PD\ SLFN XS DQ DSSOLFDWLRQ DW RXU RIÂżFH or call to request an application be mailed to you. Applications will next be accepted on March 17, 2009. If you are a landlord with rental property within the City of Bristol, Virginia, we invite you to participate in our HCV program. You may add your available to lease property on our vacancy list which is given to anyone looking for housing. If you would like more information on how to participate please contact Rebecca Clark, HCV Coordinator, at 276-821-6262.



BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹

HOW TO CARVE THE PERFECT PUMPKIN How to pick the perfect pumpkin The pumpkin’s shape and size will determine what type of patterns and designs you can use. If you are using pumpkin carving stencils then it is essential to purchase a pumpkin that matches the stencil’s size requirements. If you don’t plan on using a stencil then make sure that your pumpkin is tall and wide enough for the freehand design that you have in mind. Look for a pumpkin that’s not too ripe. It should be the right color orange and not have any soft spots or bruises. Look for a sturdy stem and never, ever lift the pumpkin by the stem. Sturdy or not, it’s a short trip from “nice pumpkinâ€? to splat. Hold the pumpkin and smell it around the stem and top. If it smells very strong and “pumpkinyâ€? then there is a chance that it’s too ripe, pass it up and look for another. Thump the pumpkin and listen for a solid “thunkâ€?. A hollow sound is bad news. Carry your pumpkin carefully and transport it home safely. A bruised pumpkin rots quickly and might not make it through the Halloween season. How to prepare the pumpkin for its coming facelift 1. Cut a circle around the top of the pumpkin without damaging the stem. 2. Remove the top and put aside. 3. Remove and discard the pulp and seeds unless you want to make Vampire Fingernail snacks for your Halloween party. 4. With a putty knife or similar scraper, gently scrape down the inside of the pumpkin to remove any moist Ă€HVK FOLQJLQJ WR WKH VLGHV %H FDUHIXO QRW WR GDPDJH the wall of the pumpkin.

3. Using an ice pick or a pinpoint punch awl, gently poke holes through the stencil and into the pumpkin. Follow the lines of the stencil carefully. It’s a lot like paying connect-the-dots games. Space the dots out however you see ¿W EXW UHPHPEHU WKDW YHU\ FRPSOH[ designs are easier to work with if the holes are close together. 4. Check carefully to make sure that you have transferred the entire pattern and then remove the stencil. Keep the stencil handy to refer to in case you get confused while cutting. Time to put your patient under the knife Although many a pumpkin has fallen under the standard kitchen knife, it’s both the wrong tool and a very dangerous tool for pumpkin carving. For best results get yourself an X-Acto knife with a #5 knife blade and a #15 keyhole saw. See your home store for both items. Using the saw for long cuts and the X-Acto for the close-in and intricate cuts, just follow the pattern carefully and, before you know it, you’ll have the pride of the pumpkin patch right there on your table!

Now it’s time to transfer the stencil 1. Wipe the outside of the pumpkin so that it is free of dust and other foreign material. If you need to wipe it down with a wet rag, allow it to become thoroughly dry before proceeding to the next step. 2. Tape the stencil to the side of the pumpkin that you have chosen to be the face. Tape the top left corner ¿UVW WKHQ WKH WRS ULJKW ERWWRP OHIW DQG WKHQ ERWWRP right. Smooth the stencil out as you are taping it. If \RX KDYH WR FUHDVH WKH VWHQFLO WR PDNH LW OLH ÀDW WKHQ EH sure to pick areas that are not part of the design.



Time for celebrating Traditional Harvest

BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹ Sweet Potato Casserole 2 16-oz. cans sweet potatoes 1/4 cup butter

Thanksgiving Day is a time of festivity, family meals and reunions in America. Carved turkeys, Pumpkin Pie, Corns, Cranberry Sauce are the traditional dishes adorning the dinner tables in almost every house. A time for feasting, Thanksgiving Day epitomizes the holiday mood of people.

Thanksgiving Day Recipes

3/4 cup sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1 tsp. vanilla

Topping: 1 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup butter 2 tsp. cinnamon FXS ÀRXU

Pineapple Cheese Salad Preparation Time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 2 cans tinned pineapple chunks, save the juice 1 - 2 cups small marshmallows (optional) 250 gms cheese (paneer) l egg 2 1/2 tbsp. cornstarch (mixed with 1/4 cup water) l tbsp. sugar

Drain sweet potatoes and mash. Add other ingredients and mix well. Pour into ungreased 9� square. Mix all topping ingredients till crumbly. Spread on yams then bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Tip: You can make this the day before. Just refrigerate till you are ready to bake. This one is perfect for supper the nightbefore Thanksgiving.

Method of Preparation: Put pineapple juice, cornstarch mixture, sugar in a bowl and blend. Add beaten eggs to form a smooth PL[WXUH &RRN RQ VORZ ÀDPH VWLUULQJ FRQWLQXRXVO\ until the mixture thickens. Let the mixture cool, then add pineapple chunks, small marshmallows and cheese. A tasty salad is ready to eat



Upcoming meetings will be announced.

BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹

New Homeownership Opportunity

Maintenance As we are rapidly approaching Fall, the mowing season is winding down. During the remaining weeks of mowing season, we would like to emphasize the importance of safety to our residents. • Please keep personal items picked up and kept out of the areas where the mowers are working. • Remember to keep children and pets away from mowers and trimmers By working together, we can keep the property looking better and offer a saver environment for everyone. Help keep our community clean by picking up trash and litter around buildings, dumpsters, and parking areas. Neighborhood appearance is very important to everyone! If Maintenance has to pick up trash/litter in your yard, you will be charged $25. Anyone who sees someone littering should notify our RI¿FH Please continue to report any maintenance needs to 276 642-2006

We have just completed the construction of a new single-family home at 409 West Mary Street. This two-story, 3-bedroom home is a “shining starâ€? along West Mary Street and it’s “For Saleâ€? to a qualifying very low-income family. This LV WKH ÂżUVW LQ ZKDW ZH KRSH WR EH D VHULHV RI improvement projects that BRHA will complete in this neighborhood. To be eligible a family must not exceed Very Low Income Limits and have a good credit record and be able to qualify for a mortgage loan. Please call Annetta @ 8216251. Family Size 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons

Income Limit $23,250 $25,100 $26,950


Programs Neighborhood Watch:

The communities of Rice Terrace, Mosby Homes, Sapling Grove, Stant Hall and Jones Manor joined together on August 5th to help celebrate National Night Out. About seventy residents enjoyed a cookout with members of WKH 3ROLFH 'HSDUWPHQW 6KHULIIÂśV 2IÂżFH DQG BRHA staff. This was a great way to strengthen partnerships with the police and show support of crime prevention activities in our community.



Find A Way (FAW) Thirty two families are now part of the Find A Way program and are well on their way to meeting their goals and living the life they have dreamed. We have seen real success on the road WR VHOI VXIÂżFLHQF\ VLQFH WKH ÂżUVW RI WKH \HDU

BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter ď™…ď™ƒď™ƒď™‹

Find a Way-Plus The Find a Way-Plus Program was developed to help Residents who are elderly or persons who have a disability to improve their lifestyle. We will connect you to community services and develop activities to maintain independence as long as possible. Some of our programs include:

One participant has graduated from VI College with a Bachelor’s degree. Two others graduated from the Medical Assistant Program sponsored by People, Inc. One of them has been offered a MRE LQ WKDW ¿HOG 6KH LV KDSS\ ZLWK KHU MRE DQG the security that will provide for herself and her GDXJKWHU 6LQFH &KULVWPDV ¿YH SDUWLFLSDQWV KDYH started new jobs. This summer many of the FAW participants have been busy getting ready for a new school year. Two participants started in the new Medical Assistant class in July and, in the Fall, two participants will begin the Adult Studies program at VI College. A couple of the newest participants are applying to an LPN program that will begin soon. They are both on their way to meeting their goals of becoming nurses. One participant is also continuing her goal of becoming a hair stylist. She is enrolled in school and close to seeing her dream come true. It is exciting to see families work together to PDNH WKHLU GUHDPV FRPH WUXH 7KH )$: RI¿FH is open to all Public Housing residents. There is help available in searching for a job or continuing education. There is help available to assist families in identifying exactly what they want to do with their lives and walking with them every step of the way to make those dreams happen. There is also a great savings element available to FAW participants when they are working. If you want WR ¿QG RXW PRUH DERXW KRZ \RX FDQ PHHW \RXU goals and work to make your dreams a reality, call Lynn Pannell, FSS Coordinator at: 276-821-6270. <RX PD\ DOVR VWRS E\ WKH )66 RI¿FH DW 0DU\ St., Bristol, VA 24201.

Blood Pressure/Sugar Monthly Check: American Home Care staff comes to Jones Manor/ Stant Hall Resident Lounge every month. The nurses check blood pressure, blood sugar, oxygen level, and pulse. They provide a written form with this information you can give to your doctor at your next visit. This will help your doctor keep informed of your progress for a healthier life style. This program is available to all BRHA Residents who are elderly or persons who have a disability. Gift-Eat-Learn Program: BRHA has partnered with Virginia Cooperative Extension-Smart Choices Nutrition Education Program to help Residents be more effective consumers. Juli Ontaneda, Program Assistant, comes each month to help Residents be more aware of food choices. We have a wonderful time learning things that will help us have an understanding of choice. For example, did you know two cans of regular soda per day for 1 year that equals 109,500 calories? That’s 31 extra pounds per year! Neighborhood Watch- Russell, West Mary, and Edmond Street Group: The meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Jones Manor/Stant Hall Resident Lounge. The response of Residents and home owners has been wonderful, usually 20 – 30 Residents and home owners at each meeting. The group is actively keeping the police department aware of problems in the neighborhood. For more information on the Find A Way-Plus program, contact Diana Farris, Coordinator, at 276-821-6269.



BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 

Resident Advisory Board (RAB) Mr. Baldwin, The Executive Director of the BRHA appointed a new Resident Advisory Board in June 2008, and monthly meetings are being held. What is a Resident Advisory Board (RAB)? A Resident Advisory Board refers to a board whose membership consists of individuals who adequately UHÀHFW DQG UHSUHVHQW WKH UHVLGHQWV DVVLVWHG E\ WKH +RXVLQJ Authority. Mr. Baldwin explained the following as roles of the RAB: x RAB Members will teach the BRHA staff about the needs and issues of the residents x RAB Members will learn about Housing Authority plans and activities x RAB Members will be representatives of other residents x RAB Members will be leaders back to the residents Mr. Baldwin is optimistic that the RAB will be an asset to both the Housing Authority and residents. The RAB will play an important role with the Housing Authority’s Annual Plan and in considering future improvements to the Housing Authority.

Dates to Remember Monthly Board Meetings--3rd Tuesday RI HDFK PRQWK %5+$ 2I¿FH S P RAB Meetings-4th Monday of each PRQWK %5+$ 2I¿FH S P SH/JM Resident Association Meeting-2nd Monday of each month-rotates between Jones Manor and Stant Hall Bristol Coalition--2nd Tuesday of each PRQWK %5+$ 2I¿FH QRRQ Chief’s Kids-Every Monday at 6:00 p.m. in front of the 140 Bldg on Mary Street Neighborhood Watches to Be Announced

%5+$ 2I¿FHV &ORVHG Monday October 13-Columbus Day

Residents have begun to take an active role in the discussion of the needs of both residents and those of the Housing Authority.

Tuesday November 11-Veternans Day Thursday/Friday November 27 & 28Thanksgiving Wednesday/Thursday December 24&25-Christmas Thursday-January 1st-New Year’s Day



BRHA BEACON • Third Quarter 


Dates to Remember

Main Phone: Fax: E-mail: Web site:

BRHA Board Meetings

(276) 642-2001 (276) 642-2015 contact@brha.com www.brha.com

Property Managers: Patricia Tignor (276) 821-6257 Shiela Wambolt (276) 821-6263 Maintenance:

(276) 642-2006

Mission Statement The BRHA will provide safe, attractive, affordable housing and housing assistance, and the opportunity for families and others in need to achieve a higher standard of living.

• Held the third Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm at the Administrative Office located at 809 Edmond Street, Bristol, VA

Stant Hall / Jones Manor Resident Council Meetings • Second Monday of the month at 6pm

Applications • Public Housing - every Tuesday and Thursday • Housing Choice Vouchers -Please Call 642-2001

Bristol Redevelopment and Housing Authority 809 Edmond Street Bristol, Virginia 24201


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