Brett Parker SAP - 4th Industrial Revolution applications to the sports sector

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Brett Parker SAP - 4th Industrial Revolution applications to the sports sector technology is defined as that set of theories and techniques that allow the practical use of scientific knowledge, as well as the set of instruments and industrial procedures of a particular sector or product. The technological concept should not only be understood as something modern or that has influenced society in recent times. Since the prehistoric era, with a clear example in the Neolithic period, there has been a strong link between technological advances and different cultures and human civilizations, which have clearly influenced the evolution and improvement of production processes. Reviewing the passage of history, various changes have been made in the so-called industrial revolutions. The First Industrial Revolution, produced between 1760 and 1830 with the appearance of the steam engine and the hydraulic machine, boosted mechanization and the transition from the rural economy to the industrialization of urban areas in the areas of Western Europe, the United States and Japan. The Second Industrial Revolution takes place after the middle of the 19th century until the end of the First World War, which includes innovations of new energy sources led by electricity, followed by gas or oil, new means of transport such as aircraft or the car, and media such as radio and telephone. From the mid-twentieth century to 2013, the Third Industrial Revolution is produced because of the technological development of electronics and telecommunications (ICT), extending the concept of information society and globalization.

Since 2013, when Germany establishes the high-tech strategy in its government agenda, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is considered to begin. A technological revolution whose goal is automation, based on digitalization, the internet of things, the cloud and robotics, and which covers all industrial, scientific or social spheres. One of his greatest scholars Klaus Schwab, said at the 2016 World Economic Forum, in Davos, that this new change of era was also called 4.0, will be the transition to new systems that are built on digital infrastructure and that the speed of its progress It is unprecedented in history, and it is interfering in almost every industry in every country.

In the sports industry, the transfer of these concepts and the fourth revolution cited are already being perceived. Globally, it should be noted that more than 80% of the time users spend on mobile is using applications On the other hand, they consider that in the United States, online training and applications to measure physical and diet activity are present in 60% of smartphones, estimating that the number of applications of physical activity and sport will continue to rise. As a result of this data, we can consider the digital transformation as a source that provides numerous benefits and opportunities, highlighting in general:

1. Accessibility to all users through any device (mobile, tablet, television or personal computer). 2. Greater interaction, control and supervision. 3. Possibility of sharing information according to the interests and needs of the user. 4. Optimization of resources being more efficient and sustainable. 5. Greater global social concern with more responsible energy consumption. At the level of the sports sector, we highlight: 1. Increase interaction and communication between clients and staff of the entity. 2. Greater presence on the Internet and social networks generates more visibility. 3. Optimize and improve resources by being more productive, reducing costs and generating more income. 4. Greater efficiency being able to serve our users or customers in less time. 5. It allows to elaborate a personalized follow-up of our clients improving their loyalty. 6. It allows to know the state and operation of our entity in real time with specific indicators. 7. Improved control and physical assessment of users and athletes, as well as the results of the training and the state of their health. 8. Opportunities for new services and products through streaming, applications, downloads or consumption on demand.

As you can see, the benefits of technology and the effects of its application are very broad, being able to improve the management and performance of sports facilities and entities at all levels.

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