Innovation State - Global Innovative Perspective

Page 24

Innovation State - Global Perspective


2 T h e mi s s i o n of Ca lV is io n is to c r e at e a st ro ng co nnec tio n wit h th e p r i vat e s ec to r to develop a c t i o n a b le innovative strategie s 23

fo r

C a li fo r nia’s

Create an extremely secure e-ID program that allows the private and public sector to confirm online identities, thus building the fundamental base for all online government services to be accessed.

edu c atio nal

syst e m, b u s ines s develo p m e nt and

g ov er nm ent

innovation .

A fundamental step in making online


government services available is by


creating online secure identities, or


e-ID; for all residents. Online identities

p ro g ra m s that will co ntinu e to

have been pioneered in Estonia since

s u st a i n

the late 1990’s. Now 90 percent of

H av i n g

C alV is io n

C a li fo r n i a on


d ev e lop ing

wo u ld

lea ding p o lic ies

C alifo r nia’s

r ep utation

a s a n i n n ovative wo r ld lea der.

the population in Estonia holds an e-ID card. The fundamental base for all government services has been it’s ability to create a secure identity card with very little data compromised. This e-ID program gives all residents an e-ID card with one public e-ID signature and secure RFID chip, along with a secondary private signature to

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