3 Tips for Getting Six Pack Abs Fast

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==== ==== For More Tips and Techniques on Getting Abs click here: www.WaysToGeta6Pack.com ==== ====

A recent survey by 'us magazine' ask the question, what part of the body is the most desirable. The top three results are as follows, 3. The Arms 2. The Breasts And the number one result, receiving over 80% of the vote was... 1. The Abs It's no surprise that everybody, whether they're male or female find six pack abs attractive. This often poses the next question, how do I get six pack abs? Well, this is now what we turn our discussion to; there are only 3 tips that you need to know when getting a six pack and they're easier than you think. 1. Mix it up! Doing the same ab routine time and time again will not get you any results. This is because the abdominal muscles, just like all muscles, required to be shocked in order to grow. For instance, if you do the same ab workout every day, you abs will practically think "Hey, this is so easy, I've done this before - heck I reckon I could do 1000 more reps." However, if you shock the abs by mixing up the workout, then your body will go into emergency mode: "oh heck what is this guy putting us through? We have never done this before, we better grow some muscle so this never happens again". Thus you will effective start developing six pack abs. So the number tip, is quite simple, mix up you abdominal workouts - don't just stick the same old boring exercise everyday. 2. Sweat it up! Almost everybody I've spoken to that has been trying to get six pack abs, or just get back into shape has one fundamental problem; they have large amounts of abdominal fat covering the abs. Kind of like a beer belly, they always ask me; "how do I get rid of my belly fat?", well the best answer is to do cardio. There is nothing better than good old fashion running, cycling and swimming. It is important to do at least 20 minutes of cardio at least 4 times a week if you're looking to get six pack abs. 3. Motivate! Your number one enemy when it comes to getting six pack abs is yourself, most people generally lose motivation and give up. There are two ways that I recommend when it comes to keeping yourself motivated, the first is to have a friend. Between yourself and your friend, set goals on what you would like to achieve, this way if you or your friend is getting up, then other can motivate you to continue. It also helps if there is a little friend competition between the pair of you, because nobody likes to lose to a friend. The second way to keep motivated is to take progress photos, similar to before and after photos, but progress photos are taken along the road. Most people I've spoken to that have given up, give up because they are not seeing any results. The truth is they have made substantial results, just they haven't noticed. That's why it's great to take progress photos to see just how your body is changing. It's a great feeling when you can see straight away that what you're doing is actually working.

Hopefully these tips have helped you better to understand how to get six pack abs. I would like for you to visit my website and see just how my wife and I managed to get our six pack abs [http://www.sixpackabsadvice.com/2009/12/need-diet-plan-for-six-pack-abs.html]. I've even put up some before and after photos to show you just how much we were able to change our bodies. Our website proves that anybody can lose weight and get a six pack, just you see... Get Six Pack Abs Quick [http://www.sixpackabsadvice.com/2009/11/get-six-pack-abs-quick.html] To visit the site, click the above link. Owen is a bank manger from Adelaide, Australia that once was considerably overweight and out of shape, so one day, he and his wife Debbie decided to do something about it. Read about their journey on their wordpress blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Owen_Linnen

==== ==== For More Tips and Techniques on Getting Abs click here: www.WaysToGeta6Pack.com ==== ====

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