Notre dame high school canticle 1992web

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Brown Eyed Girl. Florida ... who do you like? .. . I want B just like U. Love Kaf Cheerleading is over! Beware of the funky fish I Good Luck to all new varsity cheerleaders! Have a great year! Kelley·! don't think so. varsity don't play that! Becky-Do you really care what other people say about you? Krls f·lt's bee one hell of a year. Dawn-We are finally outta here! Tara F·you are such a plgl HAl Hal Hal CB..Ciilf·are we going to hear about your accidents today? Your stentch lingers! Dykes-you know! You're the best! David C·have fun riding the bus next year hal hal Love All You Guys! Let's not do this cheer! hal hal I bet you talk about me like that! How could you be nice to her? Stay cool & really I don't talk about you. just freshman Yr Hal Hal Good Luck w1 foley! Love yal· Kelley f Didn't law always smelll? I still do hate you·JK·l never did! Love ya·Tara I'm glad we had something in common .. we love to eat! FOOD! Where is gravity hill? I'm determined to find it! I wish you remem· be red how to get there. Singing in Princeton Market fair parking !ot, singing at dances. the only time I talk to you at lunch Is when AM isn't there. NOT! I'm glad I like you now blc I didn't before. Love • Kristin Jr. Yr. Alg 2 Trig-what a memory. We are just the masters of math. Good Luck. • Mike Llvio Not only am I writing this Jetter to a cheerleader. humanitarian. sports fan, volleyball player. scholar, sportsman. domey park dwell· er. good music lover(at least some of it) Chrysler driver. greek goddess like person of all people, I'm also writing this to a friend who 1could always count on to laugh with me-lt's been a great Sr Yr. - Dave Martinez I'm glad we've become friends. Gravity Hill, PMf parking lot· singingBoyz II Men. Us walking in the hallways. Love Yal • Fanelli Babe, you' re the greatest. Nuf said! • Darren We had some great times in cheerleadingl Thanx for making me see the good in mel What would I do without you? Always remember St. Anthony's-my pocket book, Wildwood & Jr Yr Pasta Party! I love you, am gonna miss you! ·Becky Did you watch those debates last night, french-like we know any! Gravity Hill-we WILL find itl swing those hips baby, doublemlnt twins ·Aiyson Yo Colucc, Remember; the Kudo, me-yelling f·thls. f-thatl Pizza Hut wiAMI BK. MM & me, look, 1 have hives-the hamburger. what a bdayl Women are Superior! Good Luck w1 everything KIT I Just walt til FL&WWI Love· Holly There are two faces to everyone right? Is it a "good Hair Day?" KIT, WHO ATE MY KUDOS BAR!? ·HH Daydreaming in Confoy's class. Love • Kris Gaynor Remember 2/14192-24 hrs of paradise. the dedication, the flow· ers. balloons l!lC candy. Remember Spirit Day(Brown fyed Girl) l!lC how excited I was. Wanna watch some Giants tapes? The cotillion was perfect-thank you l!lC thanks for 11:27 2/29/92-the best thing that ever happened to mel Remember all our songs I've got sun· shine . . . fATE! Love Always l!t forever!· Jerry Remember .. 16th Surprise '91, '92 cot. WW Llfeguards·Skebo. So bigiBoard walk-the mall 100 dates. 2 Richies, shrimp ZOidiak Killer. Summer '91, PO SB·white chick, Conquest, Coke floats, Amigo Strike It up. Jeff & dinner at the Coluccio's, U owe me NIOI Turtle man LBI MO Car, MM. Come on, come on, feel it. feel lt. OA Security Guard Keys in Car. Jogging in WW, OA divers. Seashell, Is Beach. Jingling Baby, Booming System-No Bass, PE #1, DeLoren· zo's, Cruising. J Prom-How fun RP. Jf our new loves. Giants, KE #21 shortstop, Mets, WW Guys R #1. Always Eating. Where the f Is OH. We're so bad! Bf's Always & forever! Love Ya Babe • Ann Marie Tf:D CACHOLA Oh Ted take me. Always remember "Much Girth.'' the old ·fa· shoned roadside virgin (keeping pure), "caress." and everything else. Love always. AL. P5-wannan skor?l Where ae the docks? Brasil Chic, Stay hip and on top or the Industrial and alternative scene, you're a doll, Love, Nlcole·Nix Nix Vernon, flame Itt. How as that back side?, Monte· smoke em. Accounting homework. Oh Lord it's Nicole again, r:.z.t. Where's the party, is there a party this weekend?, Set me up!. Burger King :S hr. wait, Thank you NOT! Later, Randy You are the wanna be Baltlmorian not me. Lets go to a game together? Homeroom was fun. Stop Challenging me with those questions. Love, Katie My Rh. Is. buddy! Writing from Hawaii, Thankx for the leigh, Campo. Robo and now lunch, Shopping at Men. Park never happened, but neither did the calls, U make me smile, Whats your #? I'll never forget U • Thankxl Love, Lisa Wayne! Love trig class. broadway Show ok? Homerooms awe· some. I still hate Dep Mode. U2 tlckets·oh well. I need help. Party! Party! Party! You've been awesome. KIT always • Adrienne Flying filippino. Where;s the party? hook me up with a ride. Your volleyball team is the best, NOT! Keep crusen in the rice burner, we'll race someday. thanks for the memories. good luck In the future! elf JILL CZYZVK Neil· hippy store. U2 tickets save sheldon be careful at those tree farm parties. Can you bring me to school. Maybe someday we'll have the right timing. Christa· We're grounded Learn who to WhaU???! Clueless Bucky Beaver K.K. Go start the carl Pete! U love everyone I threw our the furniture UR too cute love· Does she know what It Is A.D.B. ur mu B.F. Dope! Hoi We cannot be late. Love yal John· U Jove me. Tweezing ur eyebrows. Just punch mel please? Putting ur top downwhen Its 20 out. I warned you! Do your tires smoke much? Plno's suck, OK honey. Don't get me wrong. Base· ball! You're unbelievable I'm really glad we became so closet Thanx for everything Love yal My boob Itches, T.T.·abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. bowling. I'll hold on next waterfall, R.K.-T.T. stories -I wontbother you. Are the Rowers blooming? sesame street, yellow cup, Choc. Chip cookies. LBI trips·SB's house· SZ hook· let the Beat hit r:m. S.R.. we shared D.J., B.C. hooks down the shore. sleeping at NL.'s house· not! keep your shorts on! D.O. and M.S. our loves, french braids INXS concert, interruptions. my chln·a bruise, DBDB· I love that. Keep on laughing and Good luck with everything you dol I love ya • Debbie To my J.R. friends· J.C., N.P.. J.W., K.B., J.C .. A. f .. B.R., S.N., J.f.,

~-_cc/~·:p~·i:s~·~:R:ts.~f;/·g:c~·~:f~-~-,:,~:.M~·~:o~?s~·: Mlstn. boys!! You are all great. Mrs. K.-thanx for the summer of 90 Mrs. Wrobo (Peg)-1 don't know! everytime I play w;my hair I think of U, Thanx for all your help. Love ya. Mrs. R. - LBI thanx for lunch and putting up with me. Acct l!lC Bus. Mang. Your too great. Mr. A.· Guns ·N· Roses, I'm not related to your Hipper. Mr. J. Mr. A., Mr. Oat. Mr. Gus· I'll miss all of your jokes! Jason Maxwell (lembeck) • Don't sleep in any more linen closets! The finger suckee Peils-yuk!l Tree farm koo-kool Cotil night & mor· nlngwrekedu have seen us all naked now! New Years· that's awful. Drinken at Palmer Stadium all summer, ABC ya get the f outta here, Love ya. Chism Mike fanning K.K. candles, fiesstas. D.O. Shl, Accounting. B.M. • Linda loves us. cleavage, Explorer?. Wlndburies. Kristine Kelley. N.Y.f.?. De· nied, P.O. + J.C. + T.S. + D.B. = fun • you have to admit. When· ever I need anyone or a shoulder to cry on, I'll be here for U. Love you always - Tim Action In the cars ·tell the whole bus, DO • Gym shorts howw evil • a whole case· where·s our money p missing the bus= friendship pool ball famous hooks (2 many) thief- this Is a drug free school zone- yeah p on the s & p shakers bus talks· water guns D.M. could've been a good ride home! french ·how can we cheat or cut • Kaplan was the best. "Wrobo hates me" thanx for every thing •

Jessica OAR rules ... me axl hose! The brunch was great! Gym was too fun • let's do push-ups! Good luck • I luv ya • Leigh Jill • Thanks for always listening to me. all the time ... Making me put my top down in the middle of february . . . All of the phone messages I never got ... Do you still love me? Stanley • the power drill . . . Chit the Chat ... Your annoying laugh . . . OH·your cute . . . Tripping out of my car. "Your bringing me" ... Love Always John To the other best scorekeep ND has ever had. Although we're just voices in a dugout, we are still the best. I'm sure you will never forget: your '91 "baseball obsession"; INXS: Rod Stewart: and homeroom! Good luck always! Love ya, Donna Oiz • phenetic spelling. Nice laugh! Back parking lot. K.B.'s ·You re a rebel! Are you grounded again? Millstone parties. Retreat · secrets. Orlando's, N.L.'s party • you hate mel Glad we·re friends. Love ya· T.M. You can borrow my shoes ... Did you get a detention today? ... Tree farm .. . Peer leader buddies ... "Poof. you're a Christian! I Jove your laugh. I'm glad we became friends this year! Thanxl Good Luck! KIT. Love Always. Kerry ADRifNNf: COr: If It wasn't for you I would have never remember to write to all my friends. Good luck, and I hope you get a "flobee"l • Matt Ouamo ' 'I'm lost" "Help me" fellow Thesbian "You look tried" "Club Campo's" Anatomy Remember! Encore! Standing Ovation! ·Theo Thanks for always trying to get me to SMILE. Even though you always failed. Thanks for being a form of inspiration was well. I always admired your strength to keep on going through all the things you do.· George. SCAB- St. lggy'sl Remember C.Q.·what a hoi Age· I'm in love with you! JfKI Thank God I didn't go to your party! No. Mrs. Heenan I don't know where they're at! The stain on your carpet! Good Luck. rm gonna miss you! Love, Becky! I just want to be loved is that so wrong! Yo, Adrienne! I never see you this yr. You are so preppy! NOT! Friends since frosh yr. Why do you wear your hair so high? Remember sleeping over your house and rewinding :S men and baby over and over to see the boy? Love Kris Kelley 8118190 never forget BUSTED "hi Mrs. Heenan" no mom they're soda tabs $500 dumper Ms. Sally get some sleep and food. Stay sweet Love Jessica. Hey "foam·Demes". Grease '91, Oklahoma '92 Awesome! Fun times at Ground Round. Hey, let's go to Princeton! Mr. o·s Italian Sl? +2 fits. It's been a blast the past 2 years. How's the "Scumball from Bristol?" Just Kidding! He's gotta be coollfhe's going out with you. What else Is there to say. Good luck in life. Love ya always. Sammy. Jud, Kaka Matt Haenni Hey! What's up? I know we never were in eachothers classes but we still had fun In the halls. You are so funny I love that voice! You are going to make a great actress. L'll come to see all your shows. good Luckll Love Your friend Always, Colleen S.P.. P.W .. what's up buddy? Pittsburgh. cheesey J.D. Chris. fric. Bill. Todd. Jim, Pat, felix. Eddie In the yellow iroc. Jeff. Mike and Mike. wow we're in high school. hi I'm huge. big hair, ti~ht clothes, Philly, Roosevelt Mall, fizz. Prom Night-the shore. Cotillion. ski trip, Fuzzy Navels, Margaret and Lenney, Wildwood. Senior Week, Karoke Sing along. dream cat. Party wagon. Todd's pants or shorts? r:cono Lodge. Trevin Luv ya Brat Yo Adrlennell We've 9one through so much these last 2 years· I can't believe it! Here's just a few memories: "Grease"· our Intense Just for you know who (especially me). all of my food and cast parties. It was the best. Me finally getting my license then always getting lost (Thank God you have a sense of direction because I don't) Madrigal, Mr. 0., "Stop it. you're embarrassing mel" Our Town- smell my heliotrope, "short and plain· like you." I heartinly sope so. "Oklahoma" I don't believe it ever started! You're an awesome Aunt filer. Wish I could say as much. The killer note that I can't hit. Princeton's cool. The Comedy Club 'Ts Buick Dayll" Do you think that I look like I'm twelve? Laura and I like Jim, reallyll I can't think of all the stuff I should write here. You've been a great friend always and I'm going to miss you Sooo much. What will I do without your 1 Jove this girl. 1 Jove her. Thanks for everything. Age. You're one of the best friends I'll ever havelll Love ya always, Krts JILL COLf:Y· JILL. Notl Has anyone seen my Jilly? Where's Waldo? Ootta find ·em. Scavernger Hupt '91, the cactus Is still in my car. Do you have my shirt? Your a little "awful!", "I saw you put that candy on the desk" OK! Michael Pellegrino Gum. is It Cinnamln? Thanks for tha long lasting taste. What's your dog's name: Moose. Do you like the top or bottom and why? Look out for winding staircases. Did Kelly finally get the gum out of her hair? Remember my house. M.S.'s house. Jenga. Wrestling Is always fun with you. We still have to do it in Jell-<>. We should try the peanut butter and chocolate thing we talked about at my house. The cat is ~ratlching at the door (knob) NOTI Scott z. Library. PBl!CJ. B-Ball game. U.S. History Mrs. McGraw, HI Doll TCBY. D.L. 2 o'clock In the morning. H.f.W. History, Scott's house, religion exam (Rif.THER) L.B. 1.. Circus. KA BOOM, soup kitchen, summer, Mr. Sipos. Bendas QQQQQQQ: Sleepovers every weeekend: Sex on Sunday; in bed on the phone; Wodworth's pictures; "Chee..Chee" and your ugly p~ "from a Distance"; Double Dribble; Thanks for retreat: Love· NOSS Kay 0 Kay: Bull's eye; the Birds are not safe; Beaver: How does It Ring! : Garth: Who's Garth?; Shirley: What's •.,appening; Hey Hey Hey! Glad we are friends. Love Yal Usa Moo - Moo • Remember "Rotation, Rotation, Ro-Ro-Rotat ion" "Coach London" & Go Jilly, Go Jilly, dancen with the B girls In the bathroom Soph yr. Miss ya. K. Kerwlck Blue, Hens on horses. Beaver Danger. A.R. loves us. fnd of the Summer· did you go with him ·liar? 4/4/91. B.W.'s. g·mom. farina. Wrong way at M. C .P. Whipped cream. • Does CO live here? Cleaning the Buick. I want your sex Smoking. Matching socks· Horsewoman in a bikini· pictures In LBI. Jr. yrbk. JM wl Pick it out. Play lt. KIT. Love ye -christina Happy hump day! Do ya think we'll meet If the tide is low? WW 1990 Rossi Posse "Can't Touch Me" Okay? Byel Slap, Slap! Nice! Duff. ya friekll Give me body! Come. Stay! Jf, Jf Rsmbol My Acci· dent. We luv ballet! The sequence! "Pump your body." Spaghetti dinner w1 C & Jl Pretty Woman LBI, AL house! Is Beach! Junior "P" Ramllton Semi fun? Not Dominos. Threatening letters from me and Nossl Bonding at Retreat! Love ya: Heavy "D"I HFW The Jill's Linda J's hou~ Yo! Randi Kyte AL's house U l!lC ff run! Show Place can we please go to the Beach? We love Genie Mett the grump The Air's onl?l Reuben the dancerlslnger KfC dr1ve thrus My Jeans are too tight! Don't be too late! natural cur1s and friss Can u please move your seat back! JR fat Pigll Are u down w1 OFF Why o( course look out for stop signs w; boats hlddlng them Pier 18 cheese fries l!lC choc. chip cookie dough IC UR Great JC· nice Love Ya. Jill C. Ritz. Judy,~ Suer warning to f: r. H's picture, Sandy· 2 outs, set a tab DZZZDZZZ. "Let's try for 12 days. " "Junior boys... "hot. " bad boy, Tishone, "Don't do dati" Put the pen down, " fizz, Scavenger Hunt, Ken l!lC Gail. jacuzzi In Vermont. Comlnlc, "THat ed be so nice. "A.J .. "take the short cut. "Typing." Jeeel. "LB. you're a ~rand­ mother." "bye ·bye 101.7," farmer Bill, "and Johnny said, ·tim· berr. Hoffebbawes, SAT course, ride to school, 890-0828 call this # if you want a date. Love. Tish·Beth Ann Ho CO! Carley Simon Party, VBP, armslength, "Rotation, Rota· tion, Ro, Ro, Rotation, " Johnny, service comer, plugging In and touching bases. spinning you In f.f. .. on my shoulder spike. Cotillion dis. send in the clowns. BS wannabe. Over and out. HI Remember Mr. Anderson's class where's Rick Kekenskl, cheating on religion tests. my seat getting moved to the front. hanging out in



the pit. RK Jill #1. Steve and Jill' #2. you makin' me the middle man. Thanks for the shelter on New Year's Eve. I can't open my locker, please call Susan or the janitorial force. Too bad we're mot together 1 In the yearbook. Mrs. Z's class was awsome. Yo. get your huge bags off my locker. Cool poneyl Why don't you ever drive It? Good luck next year. Dog Jill-we should double date more often, high hair, watching last five mins. of games, Halloween, NYE junior year, I know you were jealous of my sweats. K.I.T. ·Love always: Bek Jill (Tracy a.) Cotillion Soph. yr.. limo, Junior Boys, Senior girls love us, Ba·Bye, Rossi Posse. Who do you think UR·Batman?. S2nd St. posse (J.S.W.D.B.) Lu-Lu at 7·11. L.B.I.=nice weather. who R they on the beach? Ditch and dog. I kissed your bro. G. H., Give me body, can' touch me. Pretty girls, Lep. and Ash. BK not my lover, DoMe, broken stickshift and logflume, Bookbgatprm? nice hairjnalls. S.I.C .. what 1st bed. backdoor. Walter, flatliners·l'm trying to watch the movie! a beermiester anyway? M.S.J.Q.J.O .• bonthed, linthet, nice. bad,- kisses at S.K .. burlars at .3am. Puffy. yeah hot. Dorney running in the = rain, camping, Joch, Jacob, Ben, Mikel Bad Boy Billy. Annie In B·rm, RU Jewish?. Y do U shave your chest?. TAN, Can you use aT yet?. helping U put I in (how funny), We love Les. nice facer. Sally-QKAY. p-ing in woods during ftball game. drip dry, movies at your house, aerobics above our room, Clover, Brady Bunch, my "secret", CC's house, come stay, sh t up already .. dance, hot damn, UR valley girl, Carebears. Kelly's Coupon Cutters, Holy Thursday (TK thinks we're gay). ARC, typing, lipstick, nail polish that writes. Play that Funky Music, Posse up Posse down Posse all around, Poison. Tom Dooley, HFW w1 Prince, We love Duke, IM Tangeneva, Rosemary's Baby and The Shining. Thanks for everything. I luv yal Cood luck. KIT Love, Leea (Lucy, Leo) Okay. Bahll P.S. No more weather channel Glad I got to meet you. You're a nice person-but you are still the worst drfver I've ever met! Remember all of the times at lunch! And most of all remember Phlllyl KIT Hey. work camp was great. Don't get tied up too much in college. Remember paying hot potato, playdo pizza. pizza party. hearing rats. fritzzy, Marc, Cathie. April. Carole being a dope. fritzzy ~ I getting married. You love Joe, Carole loves Marc. KIT YOU STOP MEl Love· Jen Chris-Martin House was so much fun this year: playing concentra· tion. Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune with Riverta(Justine). the sexlessone(Shannon) and Red RoryIEivira(Mel) it was a lot of fun! Love • Bridget Castagl Waz up? Had a blast at your'party'l We'll have to do it more often! We've had so much fun t~ether I don't know think I could forget it all ~ I don't want you to etther. Good Luck at School & KIT. Love Ya Jen P.S. Wait! Where's your cars? "Help I'm a psychopathic god" What are you doing this weekend? "My hitory paper!" "Tell mom and dad I'll be over X-mas morning, so the trucks can unload all my presents then." Never forget all the great times we've had. Retreat. parties, shore, prom. Cotillion! There is so much I could write. but I don't have enough room! Good Luck Ya • Tracey Although we didn't have any classes together this year we have remained great friends. Good Luck In all you do. Always remember English class Junior year and our last retreat. Love · Amy A. Castagl What's a cline? "friend" LBI, Halloween Oineil Washing· ton XIng Park. Is your hair dyed? Gapman fiasco! freddy's Dead. Hot Coco and cheese. New Year's '91 and '92 blue moon. Silly song. champagne! White berettal • Margaret Lumia. 1 So when are we going back to Phlly? I promise I'll stay in the right lane! You're no in such a hurry to get back are you? I guess as long as you're not following me, you've go a 50/50 chance of making it l~ back alive! I'll miss you Castagl Love. Andy Lean back and open up! White baretta. white bikini. LBI. ice fight. seaweed@: What dog? "Let It be". frltzy, April. Marc, Kathy Quak· ers. Tandy,llike Marc? NOT. You're all tied up. Yoga. I did not drop the poon. Sandbox. You l!lC Joe. Little Mermaid. Beauty & Beast. SAY IT . . . A 1..(\ROf ORANOf DRINK!! Hello? UA party. Horns GAP. Hannibal. fruit salad. knives. shh. we're in Allentown. What a fiasco! Best friend? NOI Mike squared. blondy. popcorn. Abomblnacooklel Born before the 1st Olympics?! Joe. casa Lupita·My jaw hit the floor! Oh .. . God! He can't be. fried ice cream. Under the bed ... Boo! Your B-Day. Surprise. Where's your car? Candles. You have a little· in you. Me and flania's crystal. Lost to your house. Good Luck. KIT. Carole I'm so glad we stayed friends all these years. You're a great person and will always be one of my closest friends. Always rem em· ber ... SAS, straight lines, summer NYC. Blue Horizon, Noel, You're got a friend In PA. SPEDS, veggles, LBI .. . Jim from NY, Alias (J name dude) Dave, Saddam Hussein, The Gap- what a fiasco! How would you've survived w1o me? Fresh cotillion. Barnum, NKOTB. Cows. Pizza man, the witch .. . Bizarre talks ·what time Is it? ',1 .3 AM, up south. old Jersey, whales. stud muffins .. . wetweat, Spirituality Day that wasn't ·Tracey's. Ground Round, optional mass?. Jr. Prom, Amy's, Parallel Parking. godguys·DJ . .. Mock Trail , .. . College bOOk . . . Service world. excellent! Homework Buddies undulating Ranger tickets! Love ya. Kate · Hi, we have had some great times. never forget them! Junior Prom. Sophomore Morp, April 19-June 1-\(0ood days. huh?) Twin Peaks. Beverly Hills 90210 Gap, LBI w1 Carole (the worst driver) Margert. Mike Vago. Me l!C you. Ice fight. miniature golf (I am the best ... NOT) Ron Jon wrong way on the one way, beach, white 1 bikini. Got a package In the mall today•... Uh. where's your bikini? freehold Raceway Mall around once and back home again, Noel. Peter Gabriel. Edward sclssorlland, Gap, Chris 0 .. The Ground Round, In your f.yes. Mannequin II Well I hope you and me stay friends forever. don't ever lose touch, good luck in college and in the future, friends forever. Love, Mike To all of NDHS ·It's been a cool4 years! I'm going to miss all yasl Thanx ~good luck to the class of '92i JL & fN· Never forget the SAS days. I'm glad we're still so close. To my underclass friends: Hello Cleveland, We've been through a lot, too much to say here but through it all, we've always been friends & I'll never regret anything. Ditto! El, Always cheering me up. you've been a doll! Njf McDonald's duffing it. car screaming. Immature men. J's line. opposite day. Philly nite. I don't know what I'll do w1o u next yr. visit mel Have a great Sr. yr. K5- Thanx for being a good friend nlf car talks. To my cousin Liz Thanx for always being there, ·member when we were 27 To the MH- It's been a lot of un, keep on going. we do make a difference, I'll miss our Thursdays! Thank you to all my teachers, especially Ms. Liptak, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Wrobo. Jiss Wargo. Ms. Lynch. and Mrs. Gavin! Mom. Dad and Kathleen· I love you! Love CaSta A

t 1



JILL CZVZYK Yo Chism, We really can get a lot accomplished when we put our heads together. Like studying for exams and watching Point Break. Your the best Czyzyk with that laugh and your personality. I'm sure we will see each at MC:S or Unlbersity of Endinberg Rd. Love ya. Michael Pelllgrino I'll never forget you, your family or any of our Marrazzo's memories. Thank you for everything you did for me and Good luck In all your future endeavors. Love. Drew Chizm, That's Insane. "Is this it? It looks like a bike pump!" Youre buggin' out. Take Care of that laugh for me. We'll hang- What a SAD relationship we have but . .. It's (JRfATI Be good whatever you do. I'll CYa. Anne Chisim, all the times were at Lauras w1 Erich and her. The beach. your laugh. you and Pacty what a perfect pair! Well babe it's been fun and there's been much more KIT Let's have a blast at the beach. Love Nicole TOO DOPfl Mrs. McGraw's class! Milstone Parties· tree farrnsn Will you ever drive mem Sophomore year • TT - Love of your life! Thanks for all the fun times! Keep In touch! Jen Nice Christmas glft·How did you find us in Hamilton. My house-get


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